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Tagged With "NYC Deep House"



Chi Chi ·
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...

Re: [May 18 NYC] * Alladin Project * MAD MAXX*

OneFusionMedia ·
see u on the dance floor

Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose

Muffy Domination ·
Thrilled about this! I'm one of the fools who didn't purchase Stevie ticket early enough & missed it. So this has just put a smile on my lips & some pep in my step

Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose

seven ·
Such a choice idea. I think there needs to be a manifestation on the corner of Washington and W. 14th too !







In Too Deep

In Too Deep

Re: Dimitri from Paris & Francois K ~ Deep Space @ Cielo 12/17

cgmusicnyc ·
Next up at Deep Space! Monday 12/24 François K. all night! Free admission and complimentary vodka cocktails before 11pm with eflyer $12 (with eflyer); $15 without

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hatches ·
To set the record straight, I didn't even own a pair of chaps until the late '90's! But Dee Finley is indeed a happy Pyramid memory. She must've walked through those golden doors when she was 12. She was the first of all of us to have major tooth troubles. Now, thanks to Elizabeth Taylor, her smile is more perfect than it was that first day we laid eyes on her in 1982! And to think I owe my very presence at Jackie 60 to Dee (but that's another topic...) Joey Horatio, the Pyramid's amazing...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Sheril Veniger ·
I�m not a writer so please pardon the grammatical errors. I had an adventure last nite I wanted to share. Last night at Kitch Inn I noticed a girl sitting alone with a sad look on her face and went over to cheer her up. Her name was Simone, it turned out she had a fight with her husband. Anyway we danced and drank the night away and she was so loaded I had to drive her home. All night she had been touching me and we were kissing each other lightly, she was so pretty. When we got to her...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
The food here is amazing. There are many levels, but even the cheapest stuff you get on a streetcorner amazing. See, everything's cheap for what it is. If you eat in a cute cozy place that has an atmosphere, you can get a great meal, and I mean with seafood and all, from $3-$5. If you want to go for luxury, which I really don't do, You can pay up to like $20, I guess maybe even more, and eat in some palatial gourmet restaurant that would cost $100 back home. But on a streetcorner, well,...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
your travelogues are incredible, missy. they remind me of my trip to thailand and point out to me all the great things i missed. keep on rockin' in the "kinda" free world. when you head up into chang mai, you'll be wooed into hill treks to see these tribal people in their native environs. they're really just human zoos. i was grossly (and i do mean GROSS) disappointed... the akha women were hostile to us when we didn't wanna spend money on their crappy trinkets. they would yank their kids...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Miss Understood ·
You would LIVE for the Indian market area in Bangkok. It's so mysterious! There's a huge block of gorgeous shops that you can walk around, but it's the gritty market maze within the block that's so fascinating. You walk around, getting lost, weaving be tween the indoor and outdoor, accepting the uncomfortable heat, stumbling upon all sorts of hidden treasures. And, as always, everything's crazy cheap! I guess it's the closest we can get to India for the time being. I feel terrible about...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:

Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates

Chi Chi ·
I've been getting alot of inquiries about our Christmas show this year, and thought I would share the plans here for others who might be curious. After spending the last six Christmases in a row deep in a run, I have decided to just do a big one-night Very Jackie Christmas this year in a more theatrical venue. I adore doing the kind of intricate structured theatricals that this show has evolved into, and love spending so much of this crazy season with my backstage family. But the lesson of...

Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER shows and updates

Chi Chi ·
Sorry to disappoint you, Pretty and hope we can see you at the Mboards bash!

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

TonyaKnudsen ·
I hope this was not the fire down the block Wednesday night as that one looked very bad. Doug and I are in Greenpoint and Miss Webb has told me she is a neighbor. We too are willing to help in whatever way we can, land phone is 718.609.0040. Should Miss Webb need our help as far as lodging or anything else being in close proximity lends itself too, please call. We shall see you all Sunday with deep pockets.


Rose Royalle ·
In Loving Tribute To Lt. Cmdr. Teresa Ellison 1971-2002 of the U.S.S. Northstar, N.C.C.- 10462 Whenever something happens to one of our own, we feel sympathy. Rarely do we realize until they are no longer with us, just how much of an impact, a single being can have on our ives....... Lieutenant Commander Teresa Ellison was a very special individual. She had a beautiful heart. A very humble and proud New Yorker with lots of attitude. She was truly a Diva with a conscience. Teresa was an...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Gigi Deluxe ·
I had a friend who was Vietnamese(sp?)who, before kissing me on the check "hello" she would gently grab my face rub her cheek against mine then take a deep breath to sniff me - literally like one would a flower, I thought it was very flattering and charming (and something of a turn-on but, with "westerners" what is'nt? ha, ha.. ). In her culture this is how you greeted someone you loved, a beloved friend, family ect. Very sweet indeed. I miss her..... Gi-Gi p.s. I know you're the Queen of...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I'm in Saigon, oficially know as "Ho Chi Mihn City." So far it's nuts. I love it. There's this crazy energy at night. Almost everyone in the street is on a motorbike. They outnumber cars 50-1. It's noisy, but exciting. There's a lot of eye contact. I've heard it's a good way to cruise. I have a friend named Thang(prounounced "Tang" )who's a local. He's the boyfriend of my American friend Benjamin (an old friend of *BOB*s) who's in the U.S. at the moment. Thang is very flamboyant for someone...


Anna Nicole ·
Nina Simone, whose deep, raspy, forceful voice made her a unique figure in jazz and later helped chronicle the civil rights movement, died Monday at her home in France, according to her personal manager. She was 70. - I don't know if you ever caught her live, but she defo invented the term DIVA... when i saw her she walked off the stage till the audience went wild with applause then she finally returned... this was after only one number!! Bless 'er! Amazing distinctive voice, a true legend

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.

Re: House Music

hatches ·
Although they tend to focus on what you call "progressive," as well as other electronica, Naughty Booth, a sort of "sister" board, often has the 411 on deep house/vocal scene in NYC. Useful when you are planning your next visit... Naughty Booth

Re: House Music

Dubois! ·
thanks, Hatches, hon. not a bad site. yeah, they do have alot of progressive on there, but they also have the deep stuff as well. ...& look at the bitch NOW! Rupaul "Wigstock:The Movie"


daddy ·
Johnny Cash, one of country music's most iconic figures, has died at the age of 71. Cash died at Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, "due to complications from diabetes, which resulted in respiratory failure", said Lou Robin, his manager. The announcement shocked fans, who had been relieved to hear that Cash had been released from hospital on Tuesday after three weeks of treatment for an inflammation of the pancreas. Although Cash had been hospitalised frequently over the past several...

Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER in London Sept. 20

seven ·
The room was too hot, Daddy was having a great time, the Empress was in fine form, Jessica, Dirty Martini and Lavinia trooped hard, the crowd went bats for Debravation, but why did at least ten people ask me if I knew where to get some "pills"? London doesn`t seem to get the new burlesque, as fixated as the crowd was on the stage they forgot how to applaud. At least the drinks weren`t too overpriced and they did pour deep ones.

Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
Yeah, Bobby, we can take it baby...! I think JT shouldn't retire from prostitution, but go into hiding, open her own ho-house, and continue turning it out both ways. Kind of like someone else I know! I've travelled on to the complete plays of Tennessee Williams, lines of which I love reciting aloud in the south'ren accent. JT works that way too, same loping cadences. "What on earth can you do on this earth but catch at whatever comes near you, with both your hands, until your fingers are...

Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
I'm looking forward to reading that interview... and Glammy I really enjoyed our conversation pro & con JT the other night. I wish there were more negative opinions here, I really don't want to sound fatuous... But I haven't run across ANY negative reviews in re the prose yet. Just people hating the hype -- well who doesn't. Bobby, I finished "Running With Scissors" which you recommended as per a memoir of perverse childhood... I was pretty well-entertained by how stunningly stupid the...


Stacy Amber ·
I was just reading the posts in this category, and noticed the vast majority speak only of Davids more recent work and ignore his stuff from the early 1970's, which I consider his most inspired work (Space Oddity; The Man Who Sold the World; Hunky Dory; The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Aladin Sane). David Bowie has been a major influence on my life. Like many artists, it is difficult for those who weren't around when the artist first began influencing music to...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

seven ·
I remember seeing Phillips years ago on one of the last Tonight Shows with Johnny Carson. She was in the deep end with it and her facial expressions and motor skills were so distorted the camera couldn't keep up with her! Not to mention if the camera is supposed to put 10 lbs on you I don't want to think of what she actually looked like to the human eyeball. Let's hope Harry does more than read! And I've always thought those London rags needed page 2 BOYS, not girls.

Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City

Anna Nicole ·
Lets face it... for anyone who remembers the days after 9-11 here in NYC.. they sealed off ALL bridges and tunnels and we were all just 'sitting targets' here in Manhattan. I think - like EVERYTHING - in this country ... the media like to whip everyone up into a frenzy and its SO easy to get caught up in this particular issue .. while we as Manhattanites laughed off the Janet Jackson tit media madness, or the Sniper killer shooter fears of the south... this particular frenzy triggers our...

Re: Puritan Watch

S'tan ·
It Was the Porn That Made Them Do It "...Some of our self-appointed moral leaders are defending the morally indefensible by annexing Abu Ghraib as another front in America's election-year culture war. Charles Colson, the Watergate felon turned celebrity preacher, told a group of pastors convened by the Family Research Council that the prison guards had been corrupted by 'a steady diet of MTV and...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Michael Madison ·
Say what you will about poor ticket sales and deep discounts, but Madoo-doo is doing alright compared to many this summer. From MTV:

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

david ratt ·
here's a chuckle for you all, i was a total white trash country boy 2 months off the bus from Pennsylvania when i picked up this pretty blonde artist at dean savards civillian warfare gallery (1983ish)...i was so taken with her i invited her to this dinner party on central park west...the guest list was stellar....lydia lunch,henry rollins,sonic youth,swans etc...the hostess commented on my dates "lovely deep voice" later at her place i said something suave like "what a pretty little girl...

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

S'tan ·
Hatches I went into too, to try to read that stuff and couldn't locate it. Can you tell me where to go, hons? Love your comments... Anne's "Dickensian" principles in truth put her on the side of the bad guys in those novels - the rich folk, who run industries that trample the little guys! Lexx your edit works 'cause you made it all one sentence; concision is her #1 problem. Putting 'slander' at the end of the sentence is better too, as I agree her use of "urinal" is a dangling...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

Michael Madison ·
Boo! How sad, S'tan. If it's any consolation, we can say Farewell Insipid New New York, too! Last week New York Magazine proclaimed the "end" of the Meatpacking District in a poorly researched chapter of its year-end "It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004." In addition to citing Pastis as the beginning of the end of the neighborhood, among the gems given us by reporter Jay McInerney: He is, like, so on the pulse! Oh, and watch out for those ghosts of trannie prostitutes. Ugh. The...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

S'tan ·
This thread is not about the EV Art scene. It was trying to reflect on those aspects of New York we have seen depart: Farewell Charming Old New York. Sanctimonious attitude from those -- including myself -- who are not painters, deciding that some passionate artists are really only sell-outs, or even deciding they were perfect, whatever... what is the point? Do we really know eveything about who they were, and what they intended? Because Kostabi and Warhol were cynical money-lovers doesn't...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

seven ·
Mr. T was kind of the last link to Neil Cassady, who the Beats tried soooo hard to make their adopted cartheif/Adonis. Thompson's 'first person journalism' was, as someone said here above, the result of his pissed-offedness. There was always an underlying sarcasm to his fumes, and I am sure he understood the deep veins of sarcasm's power. It seems obvious he wanted out, and anger can be a very powerful portal to getting back out in to the Universe. As with Cassady, Thompson's voice was an...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

S'tan ·
Above the Trendy, the Down and Out By ALAN FEUER NY Times April 7, 2005 Knock at Room 18 on the fourth floor of 559 West 22nd Street and an old man in a watch cap stumbles to the door. "What am I doing here?" he asks, answering the question with a question. "I'm dying here," he says. His name is George Ullrich and, according to his own account, he has been dying here for almost 30 years. He lives in a small room, 10 feet deep by 10 feet wide, and in rooms all down the hallway, a piece of the...

Re: SEX in Jackie 60

S'tan ·
hatches, I knew you never had a tryst with Gnome but Chi and I liked to imagine Gnome would one day get lucky. You made such an cute couple. Particularly when you were in Victorian and he wore his bloody meat market apron. Not for most, but for me this was totally sexy: One night Genesis and I were at Click for a Jayne County show (standing at the edge of the stage, looking straight up her dress the whole time.) We left and were wandering about the neighborhood, then so great! deserted and...

Re: Kenneth Anger

Amber Ray ·
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...

Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza

daddy ·
OK, I'll try. "Grey Gardens" was basically Hattie Hathaway (Hatches) and my thing. Hattie thought of the name (Hattie also named "Mother" BTW, it came to her in a wet dream about Jimi Hendrix but that's another story) It was every Saturday night at Irving Plaza, after the rock shows ended. The Irving Plaza staff (who were incredible) cleared out the drunk college kids faster than one of Messy Bonnie's farts. And in about 20 minutes we (about 15 people) transformed the theater into this eery,...

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

Michael Madison ·
I haven't read Anne Rice since Servant of the Bones, but this sounds like it could be quite good. The Gospel According to Anne The queen of the occult has been gone awhile. What's Anne Rice been up to? Getting healthy, finding God"”and writing her most daring book yet. By David Gates Newsweek Oct. 31, 2005 issue - Sometimes Anne Rice won't leave her bedroom for days on end"”and neither would you. Glass doors open onto a terrace that looks over the red-tiled roofs of La Jolla, Calif., to the...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

goblin73 ·
i just went back to read some open letters from a friend of mine who has gone to help in the re-creation of new orleans. he's an amazing activist... passionate, energetic, true. just wanted to share his experiences with this community. they're very real. ************************************** hello all- I feel a pressing need to communicate something of the experience I am having here, even as I know I can only capture a glimpse of what it is to be here. I want to say something you have not...

Re: Beams to New Orleans

goblin73 ·
letter #2, dec. 14 ************************* hello all- I feel a pressing need to communicate something of the experience I am having here, even as I know I can only capture a glimpse of what it is to be here. I want to say something you have not heard, to offer some deep insight into the complexity of the situation here, but I don't even know where to begin. I am in a surreal and deeply inspiring hell- New Orleans is a post apocalyptic wonderland where utter devastation is everywhere and...

Re: Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York

S'tan ·
Read this from "The New Yorker" about what France has done for New Orleans -- This is hot too: "The French are offering six-week residencies in France for artists displaced by the flood." NEW ORLEANS POSTCARD CONSULAT D'INFLUENCE by Dan Baum Issue of 2006-03-06 At the corner of Prytania and First Street, in New Orleans, stands a brick mansion with a French tricolor drooping from the gable. Eleven days after the levees failed, last August, heavily armed federal agents were banging on doors...


seven ·
Very efficient and usable, keys to a very practical site for people wanting a fast infusion of who you are and what you do/have done. It doesn't appear that the software has given you too much trouble. One typ-o, on the bio first paragraph "unprecidented" should be unprecedented. A tiny glitch but one that can let all the air out of the otherwise super opening copy. If I was looking to retain your services or just get an eyeful of your work the site is fast and deep as it is now! Really...

Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.

daddy ·
Reggae (the deep dub stuff) was VERY influential back then. It was the first thing that brought the worlds of "Disco/Club" and "Punk/Rock" together. For example... I came out of the whole Downtown, CBGB, Punk, No Wave, Art Rock thing. But I used to go to Discos like The Paradise Garage etc. and these were always two totally different worlds. UNTIL Dub Reggae. I was DJing at Danceteria by then and for the first time the 2 worlds came together musically. The sound was deep, dark, druggy &...