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Tagged With "The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black"


Re: Todd Tomarrow

bobby Miller ·
The gorgeous Lulu ( Todd Tomorrow) Photo Bobby Miller / " Wigstock in Black & white"

Re: BLACK COFFEE joins LIBATION @ Sullivan Room-Thurs. Oct. 11th

Darkstar ·

Re: BLACK COFFEE joins LIBATION @ Sullivan Room-Thurs. Oct. 11th

Darkstar ·

Re: Blacklips

Poison Eve ·
Dearest Hattie : You were lucky recieving the salamamis as a doorprize - other "lucky guests" got an assortment of antique crackpipes, Depeche Mode records studded with nails and some kind of mobile made out of canned peas, a dry-cleaning hanger and dental floss. Not to mention the $1 pink & black 14th Street undies that one unsuspecting patron got! PS to Bobby - I'd love the pic of you as Joey. I'll contact you via e-mail! Thanks, hon.

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Billy Beyond ·
Just another Saturday night really.... Our theme for the month of Saturdays was Pyramid flight 101. Basically we're talking about six men in drag as stewardesses hosting an evening of dancing and stewardess type entertainment in the grand tradition. let's see, there were nuts being served on the dancefloor...I remember Sister packaging pairs of almonds in dime bag sized mini-ziplocs. There was some sort of boarding pass balderdash at the door and annoying the guests with five or ten minutes...


goblin73 ·
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...


Minerva ·
Well, it has taken weeks of thought on the issue to reach this decision, and it was tough, tough, tough...but after all the plans and arrangements, I've come to decide that I've simply got to attend Wigstock over Burning Man for the single and obvious reason: Burning Man will continue, Wigstock will not, and I've never been to Wigstock. I want/need that experience, end of story. However, Michael Alig at his height couldn't produce an event that could rival the boundless energy and creativity...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

hatches ·
I agree. Having haunted Miami when Collins Ave was filled with blue haired ladies, and there were stores everywhere selling the most gorge lawn ornaments (especially what seemed to be a thousand varieties of the black jockey holding the lamp), I say, "Another city ruined!" The Delano INDEED!

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Daddy held for not having ID - appalling! I'm slightly surprised that this occurred in Miami, which apart from Key West is the only section of the state I've ever given a second thought to. The rest of Florida I've always dismissed as a frightening swamp of racist rednecks, Bible Belters, Disney theme parks and Republicans. And now the whole state is damned in my mind for the next 3 1/2 years for handing the presidency to George W. Bush. But Miami, with its heavy hispanic, black and gay...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Empress Domination ·
oh honey, didn't mean to jump down your throat - you are certainly welcome to your opinion and certainly don't need to apologize for it. I guess I was just surprised, that's all. I guess another thing I really hate about Fla. is the overt racism. In South Beach every time Johnny went down to DJ he would be wined and dined and put up somewhere like the Delano (or in happier times, The Raleigh) - the star treatment, right? But then at least once on every visit he'd be stopped and asked for...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

bobby ·
You mean Daddy isn't a black woman? I'm cornfused.

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Luxury Lex ·
Absolutely LOVED Klingon Women ... so bizarre and inspired! And Foreskin Fiesta - - the name alone sums it up. Of course, I'm slightly partial to a largely-overlooked theme called Black Like Jackie, circa 1992 when my ex and I, at the time performing in our band Louis Quatorze, mounted the stage in blackface and sang one of our original songs, "tiger! tiger!" which was all about the adventure of Little Black Sambo whipping a tiger into pancakes. Complete with spatulas and doo-rags.

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

daddy ·
That was you??? I remember that show, it was genius! "Black like Jackie" was good as was "Fidler In The Hood" but I think we really perfected Blackness in '99 with "Uncle Charlie's Cabin". Truly one of my faves. It was so over the top! It's really hard to shock people today, especially at one of our events but... black total top masters and their white pussy boy slaves in cages and all set in the pre-civil war South had people's jaws on the floor! I remember black stud Joseph all dressed...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Luxury Lex ·
I missed that! You know I am practically on the floor laughing as I read your description of it! Those plantation scenarios! You know I have a gay male Jewish friend who's totally NOT involved in the club world and he LIVES for black and latino studs, she even bought a brownstone in HARLEM. I try to explain sometimes to him all the Jackie themes and gatherings and why I love it so much, but he's kind of uncreative and doesn't really get it. But WAIT until I tell him all you've just told me!


Minerva ·
Dressy: I've got a huge book, two vids and scads of pictures on the subject if you're interested. Seems like a great excuse to spend time with your lovely acerbic self again anyway... Yeah, RV's are expensive, the Goblin's right about that, but they're so very worth it. Domes are dead essential too. My crew always has three or four of each and lots of supporting smaller structures. BTW - Gob, we used to be the notorious Fleshlab, but this it's the "Black Rock City Tours" camp, check them out...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

dresscode ·
i had balwinder singh today! gorgeous, it was a quickie and i ran him back to my apartment. he was another married man, very thick with the most beautiful shinny black hair 5'11" and tall too! i like the drivers during the day shift so much better but they are much harder to work. and of course i was two and a half hours late for my appointment. i got it all finished and now i'm relaxed. time to reflect....

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Ted & Di ·
Katy from P-cult is fine Melanie from Justine's is also ok Tim Mullen is ok has anyone heard from: Russ Burns? <= OK John Steelo <=OK Big Bruce <=OK Chris Flam <=OK Baroness & Mark <= OK Randella Todd <=OK Syren <=OK Ashley Anna ken feet <= OK David B. Luna <= OK Goddess Diana Karen Kelly Garo <=OK Tommy and Michael Rachelene Scott Kat [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 09-13-01 at 01:51 PM.]

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Luxury Lex ·
Ted & Di ... I know Garo Sparo is okay. he called me Tuesday to check on me. I called Karen Macadoo last night and left word. Kylie: Michael McGraw is fine, he went out of town yesterday to stay with his parents at the Jersey Shore until Sunday (via rented car) I'm only worried about Randella, I know she lives on Broadway & White Street (below Canal) I'm sure she's fine, I just want to know if she needs anything since I assume she can't go home.

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Luxury Lex ·
A few years back I gave up a broom closet share on Seventh Street & First Ave and moved to a huge, two bedroom apartment in Park Slope with a plutonic gay male friend. (I only stayed there a year before deciding I couldn't deal with the commute and fled back to Manhattan). Anyway, my roommate and I agreed to have separate phone lines, and I used a pre-existing one in my bedroom. But my roomie had to have a brand new one installed, so he arranged for a NYNEX guy to come out on a Saturday...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Guest ·
my first m2m experience happened last year. My former landlord (a divorced tall 40 y/o german stud) accidently found a stack of fetish mags that I had left out one day. He was in the rental to fix the sink and I forgot. That weekend he came by and asked me not to leave my personal stuff lying around. I was so embarrrassed. He was cool though and we struck up a discussion about desires and fetishes. What I didn't realize was that he was bisexual and into kink. I was into heel worship, B/D and...


Chi Chi ·
Gobs just letting you know that we met up with the faeries in front of Stonewall, and met your fellow Texxxan Huckleberry Fairy. They made the most beautiful hearts with Sylvia's picture and feathers, beads, fluff, glitter etc. and handed them out to the marchers. Daddy is going to scan one of the hearts for the website so you can see it. It was an incredibly touching evening - the procession walking through the Village with the band playing and the coach with white horse and black plumes.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Shema Nails ·
Visit Black & White bar and meet the Crew Or Go to Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza!!!!

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Nancy Isla ·
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
One of the many other memorable moments was the night we all witnessed the sacrifice of Justin's original Kiki dress. It was a cinematographer's wet dream. It was a dark and rainy night; we (Pickles, Granite, Garrett, Denise and Francis, Goneaway, Scooter) went all the way out to memorial ridge for the beginning of the ritual. All of us crouched down in a circle with black umbrellas, granite created a ceremonial circle of rocks and candles. We all tried to keep the candles lit as Granite...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Jackie Bigalow ·
Around 3pm this afternoon, our cab whoosed by a hot young skinhead wearing a full-length black rubber jacket with all these pilgrim-esque metal buckles shining in the sun. Now THAT'S London, Sweetie. Thanks for the love and well-wishes, Mommy and Daddy. We wish you were here! ps-- Jersey Tomato looked GORGEOUS last night on the Graham Norton show in her spiked patent-leather boots and skirt. Look for Glammy and I in the audience. And don't even ask us about the (multiple) Jayne County...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
well, we are on our way back today. it will take us 24 hours to get home but boy do we have some stories for you. Hong Kong was totally insane. We have been so busy that I had no time to post. but we have met some of the most amazing charecters on the planet....I have finally had the "Blade Runner" fantasy I have dreamed about for years. The first night I walked off the plane was like something I wished for as a teen. All the streets were wet reflecting the TONS of neon signs,I walked around...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Urban Femme ·
As a genetic New York Jewish girl, I want to say that I love this community. I've only recently discovered it--thank heaven you all exist!!! I've been to Cheez Whiz a couple of times and think it is the coolest, most welcoming spot in NYC. Thank you Sweetie! I met my girlfriend on 'altmatch' and she is the most beautiful, sweetiest tgirl in the world (I could go on and on, but it gets very mushy). The bad thing is that she lives in Chicago and I live here, but hopefully we can live together...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
When the umbrella term "transgender" started to encompass everyone on the Benjamin scale, from 1 to 6, I welcomed it. I remember how the NYC Drag Queens fought to not be included under that term at Stonewall 25, in order to have a separate marching contingent from Transgender. I was saddened by that at the time, but now have more understanding. There is really very little that an active transsexual (I make that distinction as I have encountered so many on the net that call themselves...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Mister X ·
Legendary British photographer Nick Knight's website has a downloadable shirt pattern courtesy of art-house designer Yohji Yamamoto. The shirt itself is pictured in the "images" section of the site (handy for those less experienced with clothes making, me included, because it gives you clues as to how to constuct it) added incentive, once done making the shirt you can send them a picture of yourself with your own creation! Who says you need to deplete your bank...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

hatches ·
Well, Jade, you could've just stayed at the Pyramid like I did and been oblivious to most of their early lunchpail-isms. Though Sister and I did let Michael throw a party once in the basement lounge, I vowed never to do it again when I saw what a bunch of clown-faced, free-drink-grubbing fools on bad drugs they were. Speaking of clowns, does anyone remember Clowny? He was very underage and a total drug whore. He had a huge member, I remember, and lived at the Hotel 17 (where else?) with a...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Opening night of Provincetown Film Festival.Lots of stars in town this weekend. Saw " Elvira's Haunted Hills"..Superb, funny,very early Mel Brooks meets DQ humour. Kevin bacon and wife, Matt Damon and Megan who plays Karen on Will & Grace seen all over town Rainy and cold.High tide.Too many people in town. The town's gone gaga over movie stars and the A&P is closed this time of night Think I'll stay in and post on the Motherboards all night long.

Re: The Cockettes

Night Nurse ·
It is a chronicle of those who fancy-danced in heels, glitter, and feathers before us. Furthermore, it is a fascinating to see such a different era- hippie communes, free love, lots of potent LSD (and certainly not the kind of stuff I had in high school a decade later), and a brief time when gender wasn't really an issue (or so it seemed in the movie). At the same time, the scenes from the opening night of their performance in NYC show how some things never change- air kisses, snatchy...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I must agree that trans-discrimination has been phenomenally irrational and intense, but I have seen wonderful changes for the better. I have experienced just about evey kind of abuse over the years. It's important to keep ones center and not take any o f that harshness inside of oneself, but to recognize it for what it is and let it go. Yes, it has often seemed that too many people believe that a Transperson is nothing but something to point at, laugh and gawk. Many young men and some not...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Hiya hons..Miss you too. Dreamed about Mothership party as if I were there and then woke up, read the boards and it was just as I had dreamt. hitting NYC tomorrow (weds/June 26 - July 1 and then back to Problemstown) Standing in front of Puzzell store blowing bubbles when thre beautiful grandmother-type trannies arrive from three different directions at once and begin to chat.One person in man haircut w/lips/earring/baseball hat/shades and a polka dot dress Second person in pink pastelsummer...

Re: Greer Lankton

Miss Horse ·
In the late 80's I used to live about a block away from Einsteins and I must say the store was incredible. You could see some of the best Greer dolls in the Einsteins window: Candy Darling, Divine, Peggy Moffitt, Diana Vreeland. Not only was the boutique full of vintage Chanel and Pucci, but Greer's husband, Paul Monroe, designed beautiful surreal jewelry. Bracelets made of pills, necklaces reflecting with hundreds of mirrors, tiny buckets of champagne on ice swinging from earrings. The...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

B ·
History Wrestles Commerce in Meatpacking District By DENNY LEE (NYT, 8/11/02) The three-year drive to confer landmark status on the meatpacking district is taking on a new urgency. What began as a low-key investigation of warehouses and blood-soaked Belgian blocks has quickened this summer into a race that pits preservationists against developers. "We're hitting a critical juncture," said Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. "Several...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Zazoo and Satori ·
We met Walt on our second day of the shoot. He did this AMAZING pitch black "indian chief" look. He had a beautiful feather headdress that went halfway down his back. He painted up head to toe with black make-up (including his teeth) and had white and red warpaint bars. I'm positive that Ms. Manson would be doing something similar in her next video had he been there to witness it Hmmm... Manson does play into the whole bisexual/pansexual thing quite a bit... always alludes to getting high as...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

dreambot ·
club kids being youngsters ala nouveau, seemed to be as much of an of exploration in gender identity/preference, as social transmutations, and as I saw it, an alternative to traditional drag. I'm not all that convinced sexual preferences, although predominantly gay (98@100?), was always so absolute. Gay, straight or whatever, one inevitably discovers strong subliminal attractions for persons outside their sphere of gender preference that otherwise may never have been known or acted upon were...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Miss Understood ·
I first discovered Pyramid in late '87. My very first night happened to be a big benefit show, I think for Dee's teeth. Yeah, I know she didn't quite get them for a while, but that's another story. It was one of those super shows with a zillion acts! I was dazzled! In '87 the pyramid was all painted in crazy black and white trippy swirls, the shows were wild, and I was sold! It broke my heart when they painted it black. I became a regular at Hapi's party. It's what inspired me to do drag. I...


Luxury Lex ·
Was this the same Tara that was pretty big and would wear black rubber dresses? Often she wore a black Betty Page wig and I used to tell her she could totally win in a plus-size Betty competition. I used to see her at Mother and also Kitsch-Inn and I even have a picture of her somewhere. (without her wigs she had a shaved head) If it's the one I'm thinking of I had no idea she was even a tranny! I thought she was genetic girl all this time! Just goes to show you never know. Very, very sad.


Rose Royalle ·
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Messy Bonnie Raitt ·
I got a real nice black sequin dress you can have... Oh wait a minute, I'm wearing it. nevermind. But I got the keys to Johnny & Chi Chi's apt. I bet they got some good stuff. They'll never know.

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Shema Nails ·
Hi Ms Webb. I am so sorry to hear of the fire. It is really something very difficult to deal with during these times. The mother board family is great. Prayers are answered. I will make a copy of the video I shot at CBGB's aof you dancing with thosde sexy Exotic Long Fingernails and those Toenails. I was siting right at the stage dressed in Black see me at my web site: I will make you a copy for you to keep. What ever made you wear long toenails, I...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

S'tan ·
No Colleen, Bobby learned to dance in DC in the 1960s at black SOUL dance parties. Temptations, Four Tops, Supremes... that stuff. Break dancing was in the 80s. She's already tramplin' all over them bitches by then. Terence Terence aka S'tan

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

colleentv ·
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate" Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy. A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh...