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Tagged With "Halloween East Village"


Re: NOLA Endless Night Vampire Ball 10/27

daddy ·
Gorgeous invite!!

Re: GHOSTLIGHT 2 - Halloween Spectacular 10/31

Chi Chi ·
Wednesday 10/24 is the last day for reduced ($10) tickets. Its the 1992 Jackie 60 Halloween price! On 10/25 it goes up to full price, $15. BOX OFFICE

Re: GHOSTLIGHT 2 - Halloween Spectacular 10/31

teague c ·
Can't wait for this evening! <3

Re: GHOSTLIGHT 2 - Halloween Spectacular 10/31

Darla Diamond ·
Looks stellar. Love the DBs.


Chi Chi ·
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

kitty ·
i have so many favorie themes-i guess after 10 years we must of had over 500 themes-some i don't remember -and often i didn't see all the shows as i was at the door. sid lives was one of my favories with amanda lepores astounding performance-and johny tingle and jenny genocide as sid and nancy.the witches of the east village with clark,art and eve as the spice girls was a memorable moment.marties shoe dance always made me come off the door to watch the show!!! others i remember fondly bowie...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

romy and pilar ·
Yes, we do think about leaving, although the idea of leaving absolutely is scary too. There is some lovely decay still left, but not much. Where are the pawn shops? I remember when dogs were allowed everywhere, for instance, which is important for Pilar, to be allowed. There was a great dog from East 7th Street, who used to be all over the place on his own. His name was Hank. Does anyone remember him? He was coolness itself. Where are the cities which have both grime and grace?


hatches ·
Noted character actor, East Village icon, nightlife legend and panhandler extraordinaire, Rockets Redglare AKA Michael Morra died on May 28, at New York's Bellevue Hospital. He had been admitted to the hospital's emergency room two days earlier after complaining of breathing difficulty. Rockets appeared in many theatrical productions, as well as in scores of films, most recently Penny Marshall's "Big" and Julian Schnabel's "Basquiat." He was 52. An informal memorial will be planned later on...

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Daddy held for not having ID - appalling! I'm slightly surprised that this occurred in Miami, which apart from Key West is the only section of the state I've ever given a second thought to. The rest of Florida I've always dismissed as a frightening swamp of racist rednecks, Bible Belters, Disney theme parks and Republicans. And now the whole state is damned in my mind for the next 3 1/2 years for handing the presidency to George W. Bush. But Miami, with its heavy hispanic, black and gay...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

hatches ·
Keep in mind, if the person you are seeking lives below 14th Street, and doesn't have valid ID with that address on it, they haven't been able to get back to their homes and computers. They may be staying with friends or at a shelter. Some residences to the East of what was the WTC were evacuated, and the residents have not been permitted to return. In addition, a great many homes downtown are without power and/or phone service which means no computers or dial-up modems... All of these may...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

michael ford ·
as i stood outside of some east village dump waiting for a man in a smallish (cheep) car to circle, i was offered a ride and took it. when we turned the corner we almost ran over nancy ilsa. good to see you girl. so as i was greeting her the man in said cheep car passed again. do i go out for a walk?

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
No..The building that burned was two ddors east from the Town Hall. A free standing building with some store in front. To the ground. Also..A new cheif of police this year who wants to crack down on Drugs/circuit parties AND the dick dock. We'll see.

Re: Greer Lankton

daddy ·
Anyone remember her store in the East Village? The windows were always spectacular. Such a talent.

Re: Greer Lankton

Miss Horse ·
In the late 80's I used to live about a block away from Einsteins and I must say the store was incredible. You could see some of the best Greer dolls in the Einsteins window: Candy Darling, Divine, Peggy Moffitt, Diana Vreeland. Not only was the boutique full of vintage Chanel and Pucci, but Greer's husband, Paul Monroe, designed beautiful surreal jewelry. Bracelets made of pills, necklaces reflecting with hundreds of mirrors, tiny buckets of champagne on ice swinging from earrings. The...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Chi Chi ·
looks fairly East of here. Anyone know what it is?

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

TonyaKnudsen ·
I have enjoyed for some time (as a lurker!) "This week's brit gossip" in the New and News topic in the The Versailles Room Forum ... In fact I keep a PopIt! going for this topic, just to read "This week's brit gossip". To learn you are from Ohio makes this even more interesting ... Do you know Drew Cary or Mimi? ;-) I've just been poking around ... You two are just too creative ... Last night, I printed your topic to read at the bar. This is not as hopeless...


Rose Royalle ·
Hi, everyone, I have at last found a place suitable for a party for us all to get together and honor Michaelian. Here are the details: Monday, August 19 - that's a week from today The Slipper Room 167 Stanton Street at Orchard (lower east side - 1 block south and east of 1st Ave. and Houston) 7:30 til whenever Cash bar We'll start with about an hour of sharing memories, stories - anyone who wants to contribute is welcome to do so. Then we'll turn up the music and just mingle. Please let me...

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

Zazoo and Satori ·
A bit of explanation... Mark Twain is said to have once wrote: "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times." This still holds true. We were asked to host a night at a local gay club here in Cincinnati about a year after Zazoo was "born." we agreed, but only on our terms... What did this mean? Well... 1. Good music. 2. No crappy Drag Queens badly lipsyching to 3 year-old songs. 3. "Freaks" got in free They reluctantly agreed to...


Glamnerd ·
I'm still spinning from the 10,000 miles I must have traveled in the last 24 hours. So I thought I would try to express some of the strange visions in my head. After driving a van for 10 hours straight, through the desert, buzzing on double shots of espresso and listening to bad radio so as not to drive off the road and into the abyss of darkness, I finally arrived in LA at 3 am. Took a plane at 3 pm and now I'm back in NYC. I'm sure Goblin will have many posts soon, but I thought I would...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

daddy ·
What a great artical. That was my youth! I remember at the time older people telling us to "enjoy this time, it's not always like this". Now I see what they meant. Can you imagine opening a storefront gallery in the East Village for $500 today? That scene is where Chi Chi and I were hatched. Her writing, my records (our first gig was at The Time Square Show) everything we've done from JACKIE 60 and MOTHER to these MOTHERBOARDS all come from that kindergarden. It's ironic and fabulous to read...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...

Re: My own private East Village

briandamage ·
I agree that M2M (or as Flloyd and I like to call it, F2M) is a step in the right direction for the NYU-infested 3rd ave. I'm a big fan of the Unagi which they have for very cheap. But overall I'm still partial to good old SUNRISE MART (it's on Stuyvesant Street just east of 3rd - take the elevator). Viva la japonaise! One thing I'd like to bring up here is the recent closing of many of our neighborhood markets and stores. BOTTOM LINE (10th & 1st) closed its doors this spring and I used...

Re: My own private East Village

daddy ·
How many happiness? Wercome to the East Virrage! [This message was edited by daddy on 10-24-02 at 05:09 PM.]


dreambot ·
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Darla Diamond ·
I have two free one month membership certificates for the Dolphin Fitness Club at 94 E4th St in the East Village. Email me if you would like one. It's a nice new space.

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Bridgette, I can totally understand why you'd be interested in the 80's/90's NY club scene. There was a lot of excitement, color, and creativity. What I find unfortunate is how much credit for this is being given to Michael Alig. The whole "Club Kid" thing was really an extension of what was first being done in small East Village Venues such as the Pyramid. Flloyd, Sister Dimension, Lahoma, Olympia, and many other freaks were doing their thing way before Disco 2000. When the small venues...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Anna Nicole ·
East Village News.... They are closing down the last remaining butchers/fishmongers in the hood (13th/First Av) ... boo-hoo.. last of the mom and pop shops around.. how sad ... i bet they open a Starbucks there or something equally as daft... Gee i remember when i lived in an East Village neighbourhood .. now I think I live in the New Jersey Mall...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Minerva ·
Okay, technically this isn't in 'town' as such, but we'll overlook that for our purposes... the best local radio station is in New Jersey. In fact, outside of a classical station I like once in a while, NYC has total bullshit for radio. I don't understand it. Nobody understands this. It simply doesn't make sense. Regardless, the station is 91.1 WFMU, broadcasting from Jersey City. a lot of folks on the east side and into Brooklyn and Queens can't receive it from the interferance of buildings...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I see all colors everywhere... without acid. Just Pink and green are just especially prominent. In the U.S. the trend for color in product design is FINALLY returning thanks to the late 90's IMAC. All of a sudden there are colorful boom boxes and telephones. I wish they didn't all have to look like a tranclucent jelly, but it's better than the black and beige of the last two decades. How I long for an avacado refrigerator! The reason I'm not going on and on about how there are trannies...

Re: The Palladium

Agent Blue ·
OK the Palladium, before it became a glitz pallace it did have some great rock shows. Like Nick Lowe or The Plasmatics One night Wendy O blasted the hood off a White Caddy and almost took out the people in the first five rows when it landed in "way" the wrong place. It being punk times they loved it and screamed for more. Needless to say Wendy never quite topped that moment. Wendy did come back and do the buzz saw act in the Mike Todd room but it was just not the same. She did shock some of...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

mr.joe ·
Greetings! I hope you're feeling better - today was spectacular in the city - despite the news reports, I believe the masses of people who poured out from all over the place, clogging midtown east, numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Scott (who you haven't met - not many have, as I'm keeping him hidden) and I weren't able to make it further east than Third Ave., because of the crowds. Despite the cold, it felt really warm out there, among all that humanity. Terrific energy. I thought...


dreambot ·
Never got to know this fella but he sounds like my kind of wheeler dealer: (***nytimes pay per view link removed 5/23/03) Colin de Land, a New York art dealer whose ambivalence about commercialism was reflected in an art gallery that sometimes resembled an anti-art gallery, if not a work of Conceptual Art, died on Sunday at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He was 47. The cause was cancer, said Dennis Balk, an artist represented by Mr. de Land's gallery, American Fine Arts. With little...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Luxury Lex ·
Recently I started reading a book called "Clubland: the Fabulous Rise & Murderous Fall of Club Culture" by Frank Owen, a freelance writer. The book goes into a lot about the Michael Alig/Angel murder case and the events leading up to it, but also gives extensive profiles of Peter Gatien himself as well as two other club impresarios, "Lord" Michael Caruso and South Beach club king Chris Paciello. Caruso and Paciello were both street thugs/gangsters who basically rose to the top as drug...

Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)

Pops Steiner ·
Bill Landis (Sleazoid Express) befriended Ondine and somehow convinced him to star in an original play called Ondine is Burr - the Life of a Muffin Queen. It was all about Raymond Burr's shit eating fetish. The script was unbelievably awful,but Ondine made the most of it and hammed it up to the hilt. All of the action took place on the Ironsides set, so Ondine sat in a wheelchair barking out lines like, "Marcus! Manservant, come and attend me! I require your services immediately for I am a...

Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)

daddy ·
Thanks Pops. I was being moody I think. Your comments were funnier than Mystery Science Theater as I remember but then again I've always been your biggest fan. (Well, next to my wife of course who REALLY is your biggest fan). You were always the Shecky Green of the East Vllage. Well, actually more like a cross between Charles Nelson Reilly and Dorothy Parker.

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hatches ·
I don't remember who actually came up with the name. It might even have been Jesse Hultberg, but... Dug and Maggie had drawn up a list of about 5 or 6 possible names for the new bar, which included King Tut's and Dug read them to me. The bar was still under construction and they hadn't yet decided on a name. Later in the day, Haoui Montaug called me up and was writing an article about clubs and bars in the East Village for some major press like the Times. "What's the name of that new bar...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
I love Bloomingdale's, but I have no desire to have one downtown. And you're right, Randella, lower Broadway has become so congested that I don't like walking through there anymore either. Years ago I worked for an interior designer whose office was on East 58th Street & Second Avenue. At that time Bloomingdale's was in danger of closing, and in fact they declared bankruptcy but were later bought by somebody. I'm glad they stayed in business, it's a New York institution. But not...


dreambot ·
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

xnowhereboyx ·
I saw it today. I don't know what to think. It definitely wasn't bad, but I can't say it was good either. I thought MacAuley Culkin was irritating, if it was just Seth Green it would've been a much better movie. For those who know the story (or lived it), the only reason to see the movie was for the recreations of the club scene "back in the day", but as Z&S pointed out above those scenes are pretty much quick camera pans across a dark room with an indistinguishable glimpse at a few...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?

Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER in London Sept. 20

seven ·
Thieves, no doubt since it is essentially the East End and they are all trying to live up to the reputation of the Cray brothers.


sweetie ·
Bunny is a shoe in for the role. Her ass is so rotten, no prosthesis would be necessary. I hear QueerDonna had a kai kai lover, who loved to be a rim piggy. Some East Village queen who does a fierce "JAZZ BABY" and a rousing rendition of "BOOBS". I wonder if anyone knows those songs well enough to get the role?? Hmmmmmm.

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Darla Diamond ·
I'll just stay right here in the lil' ol East Village, thank you very much!

Re: My own private East Village

Darla Diamond ·
Yikes! This is on my street!!!! January 18, 2004 -- The East Village woman killed in a freak electrical accident while walking her dogs was clasping one of her pets in her arms when she realized her fate and uttered her final words, a witness said yesterday. "I get what this is now," said Jodie Lane, 30, before she collapsed on East 11th Street and hit her head on a metal curb at 6:20 p.m. Friday, witness Bonnie Slifkin told The Post


PrinceHank ·
When discussing David Bowie, we must include the movie Labrynth. Tights, Tights and more TIGHTS. Everyone loves David Bowie in those tights. I remember being 13 or so and watching the movie for the first time. Mr. Bowie has a big chorus number with a shitload of singing muppets. I could not keep my eyes off of his bulge. I don't know if it was a good dance belt or good genes. If you have not seen the movie rush out and rent it. I purchased a shirt in the East Village in July that has a...

Re: Cookie Mueller

bobby ·
Picture this Cautious Lips, Cookie is on her way to see an art show so she can review it for her weekly review in The East Village Eye ( local arts newspaper of the east village) I run into her on 57th street uptown and she invites me to join her. The opening is in a gallery on the 9th floor of a building on W.57th St. We arrive early before anyone so she can see all the work clearly without anybody in the way. We take the elevator to the 9th floor and the door opens right into the gallery.

Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!

marc-bcn ·
...I will vote for Bush!, after all, did not do it so bad.....only did not -sign the kyoto treaty, originally promoted by clinton. -illegal wars (irak, afganistan) -the spy plane in china, -the selling or equipment to taiwan, while they were not far from the reunification, -perforation of alaska, -support to israel no matter what they do (never the situation is been worse in the middle east), -confrontation with (what this administration calls the new europe, it seems now that france and...