Tagged With "Avant Garde Fetish Play"
Re: Bobby Miller/ new Book
" Fetish" book coming spring 2011. Photo by Bobby Miller copyright 2011
Mistress Candy
Sabretooth / Long Black Veil
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
Makes sense to pay homage to my favorite jackie here on her transmogrified self , since the night I refer to is Interjackie, when the glamnerd debuted the early fetish interfaces right around the birth of the web. The cybersluts were especially delicious as I recall. I also seem to remember a digital pirate subtext, but maybe that's because my friend was dressed that way. It was a great big synergy night, something that only a few places can ever pull off - here torture garden comes to mind.
Re: Mondo Internet
hells bells, am I supposed to be ashamed of expressing my feeling about the drag? Im hurt by the notion that I'd deny the girl her skank fetish. Who's the victim here? I happen to think a girl should look pretty from head to toe, but that's just me. I hate the drag, but respect the queen. I must say I didn't think she was real. Isn't there a 'skirtman' a few postings earlier? Also I reject the notion that the package 'belongs out in front or whatever she/he said. But I retract the personal...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I am really shocked that the two of you NEVER REALLY had Edwin. True he is a notorious chubby chaser, but he also has a fierce fetish for old men. I was his youngest lover ever. All either of you would have had to do is flash a little liver spot and that huge dominican snake could have been yours. See botox, male girdles, and sheep placenta are good for the over fifty crowd in one respect, but not everyone goes for that super moisterized, clinique bronzed, dye job "mature" man effect.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
my first m2m experience happened last year. My former landlord (a divorced tall 40 y/o german stud) accidently found a stack of fetish mags that I had left out one day. He was in the rental to fix the sink and I forgot. That weekend he came by and asked me not to leave my personal stuff lying around. I was so embarrrassed. He was cool though and we struck up a discussion about desires and fetishes. What I didn't realize was that he was bisexual and into kink. I was into heel worship, B/D and...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
What a tender and erotic story about a fetish that drives so many of us totally wild. Keep up the stories and welcome to the boards.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I've been here less than 3 years and I am just starting to explore fetish and kink. I admit I am str8 sexually. But I do get off on m2m fetish and bondage. I also fantasize about Being Dommed by a Masc Queen in sexy heels... I'm also really interested in trying out stocking and heels myself. I have muscular "frog legs" and thick curvy calves, soft, high arching size 11 feet and (I'm told anyway) hot even "square" toes. I like wearing flip flops and walking on my tip toes. I guess high heels...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
When I said Americans are unsophisticated about food, I meant myself included. I'm still afraid of the Durian. For those who don't know, it's that big spikey fruit you may sometimes see in Chinatowm. It's supposedly delicious, but it smells like a sewer. I'll try to taste it this time. Like I said, you try things and you get over the queasiness. It's like anal sex. I give an exemption to vegetarians. I just find it interesting that those of us who eat meat (I don't eat much of it, but I do...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Last weekend I went to Seattle for a visit. After seeing the usually family I went to find some late night fun. I ended up initially at a fetish modelling place called X-otic Tan. Unique and kinda pricy for me but worth it. The first night (Friday) I got a private dance and went crazy while kissing the models soft sexy feet. the next night I went back (after raiding the ATM) and had another session. While waiting in the lobby I talked with this middle aged truck driver type. He was talking...
Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)
I think around '81 Club 57 started hosting parties at Irving Plaza. A Ukrainian sponsor/host (Stanley?) would dare the punks to throw beer cans and bottles at him on stage. (They obliged.) I remember the Invaders and Regina and the Red Hots. Whatever happened to Regina Richards? Did Chris Spedding and the B-52s also play here, or was that later in the life of Irving Plaza? Wow--just zoned on Nervus Rex--what about Lauren Agnelli? Where are all the NY Rock babes of yore? cheers to my NYC...
Re: The Cockettes
Finally got to see that wonderful doc depicting SF and the youth culture of that time, my time. Seeing the first few pics of George Harris sans beard and Hibiscus drag made me gasp out loud and later brought a tear to this old queen's eyes. That was the George I knew, looking a bit (and acting a lot) like Dennis the Menace. To actually see what he told me about--the costumes and performances- rounded out my knowledge of this beautiful soul. I'm so in agreement with his belief in free art and...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Hi Ms Webb. I am so sorry to hear of the fire. It is really something very difficult to deal with during these times. The mother board family is great. Prayers are answered. I will make a copy of the video I shot at CBGB's aof you dancing with thosde sexy Exotic Long Fingernails and those Toenails. I was siting right at the stage dressed in Black see me at my web site: http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/shemanails I will make you a copy for you to keep. What ever made you wear long toenails, I...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Man, I just have to share this really fun experience I had last weekend. I went to Tigard to help a friend with an errand. She stayed there and I decided (before hand) to "meet up" with a couple from there. We had met in a Feet Chat room and they had kept in touch a few times via e-mail. They are an older D/s couple with the the wife as DOMME and the hubby, bill, as sub. They liked our cyber(s) and had sent me pics as well. We agreed to meeting and talking. They are members of Janus(?) and...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
The nails are gorgeous. I brought home a box of them to give as gifts one year. I need new ones for Kelly Webb. Hers got lost in the fire. If she wants a date with a certain nail obsessed crossdresser she needs some new ones! I'm actually doing a lot of boy clothes in tailor shops. It's cheaper than off the rack at home! Shh, don't tell everyone about my secret fetish. I like to wear mens clothing. Actually, I have on men's jocky shorts RIGHT NOW!
Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)
Bill Landis (Sleazoid Express) befriended Ondine and somehow convinced him to star in an original play called Ondine is Burr - the Life of a Muffin Queen. It was all about Raymond Burr's shit eating fetish. The script was unbelievably awful,but Ondine made the most of it and hammed it up to the hilt. All of the action took place on the Ironsides set, so Ondine sat in a wheelchair barking out lines like, "Marcus! Manservant, come and attend me! I require your services immediately for I am a...
Well said Stacy!!! Bowie was HUGE influence on so many people... and in my 'hood he paved the way for everyone to suddenly announce they were bisexual!!!! LOL I was laughing about just this recently with my ole theatre school mates "remember when all the lads in our class wore eye lines and were announcing that they were bisexual like Bowie" we were all into Roxy and Bowie.. the first lad i ever made out with had the full Young Americans look and eye lines (he's a raving queen now of...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I'm wondering if any young people are moving here at all. I attended a so called 'fetish party' the other night. Totally populated by middle-agers mostly fronting in their expensive off the rack fashions. I counted only one pair of partiers in their twenties in the whole place. It was quite tame. Nothing rough around the edges or actually edgy at all about it. I think we all need to move to Kiev.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
surprised to hear all this seven, as it would appear in print photo magazines that 'fetish' is the 'new' sex. like foam and underwear parties used to be. you can play all day (whatever that means) and not get......... tintilized to death? we were all spoiled by the mix that happened at Click+Drag and nothing has replaced it. so those pretending-to-be-serious is all that is left? and please don't be surprised that the rich ones dress the best, it's like the ugliest ones are always the most...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
That is a poem Merlin. "cause everything is barrowed for two seconds and discarded as used while never being explored." I guess fetish parties in NYC are the new Disco. S'tan, I'm not sure, but I think I meant Kiev, Ukrain. Which oddly still doesn't quite get across that I mean, like, former Soviet Union, because that troika of diners has such monumental presence still. I guess when those stalwart high carb depots get replaced by McSchnitzels and BlintzKing it will truely be time for us to...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Merly, we were totally spoiled by that sophisticated mix at Click+Drag... Even then though the blatant fetish exhibitions were a little boring to me! Not to mention getting 'mugged' by insistent (& broke) subs. I loved getting dressed up all gorgey with F-Major, and standing in line along the wall in the Versailles Room. We used to call it "being at court." After years there was a certain 'pecking order' which added to the ideal of "The Court" as well. The new parties are just brawls,...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
lol, funny to hear what you were thinking standing there all these years later stan. always thought you were dreaming of poetry. Click+Drag was a photographers wet dream. actually haven't looked through any photos from Click+Drag in years. you and seven know more about fetish than merlin. so the understated exotic implications of those nights was as important as anything that happened. it was all just a little too straight for merlin at times. yes, fetish seems to be moving into mud...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Don't read too much into that Lisa. Hattie just happens to have a Grace Slick fetish. Believe me, The Pryamid Icons are FREAKS! Hattie "Hatches" Hathaway
Wow! great party! SEx Fetish, sexy people!! I had to crawl back to the room with as many people as would follow me.... (messy) T
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
What a great post! Come and post more often. That I find hard to believe. Unless... You went on a Saturday (Click & Drag) and were not dressed for the strict fetish dress code. (They never let me in either and I OWNED the place!) Or if you went on a Friday (The Clit Club) and didn't have a pussy. That was a girls night. Other than that, you just had to have a brain (which you obviously have) and possibly $5 to pay for the shows.