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Tagged With "howl happening"


Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

bobby Miller ·
What a great line up. So sorry I can't be there this year. xo

Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

Chi Chi ·
Thanks darling - you will be missed!

Re: Come in, and bring some virtual flowers..

Vampyre_Lounge ·
I happen to have some video footage from Mothers that I would like to share here. One particular video shows a dear departed friend that I am sure everyone remembers. How does one go about doing this?


Chi Chi ·
Here are the drop-off locations for RAGS ARE RICHES Please bring your donations to the following drop-off locations ONLY DURING THE DATES AND TIMES LISTED DOUBLE DOWN SALOON Wednesdays April 3, 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Accepting donations from noon-8 PM 14 AVENUE A (1-2nd Street) Leave with bartender ABBY or write "ATTENTION: ABBY" on the bag(s) HOWL ARTS OFFICE Thursdays April 11 and 25 Accepting donations from 3-6 PM 636 BROADWAY (at Bleecker St.) Suite 512 (Fifth Floor) Please call (212)...









Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

daddy ·
I'm kind of with Lux on this one. I love South Beach. I really do. I happen to love a white thong, half glimpsed under see-through white pants on a J-Lo bimbo butt with a Donatella head. And I love the Guido Meat Heads in baseball caps that follow them like sea gulls around a dead fish. It's hot! Yes, I was harassed by the police twice for not carrying an ID. (And yes, one time was at the beach at Five PM, rediculious! I had on a bathing suit!) The cops are pigs, so are the girls! So are the...

Re: Mondo Internet

Tota Leigh ·
hells bells, am I supposed to be ashamed of expressing my feeling about the drag? Im hurt by the notion that I'd deny the girl her skank fetish. Who's the victim here? I happen to think a girl should look pretty from head to toe, but that's just me. I hate the drag, but respect the queen. I must say I didn't think she was real. Isn't there a 'skirtman' a few postings earlier? Also I reject the notion that the package 'belongs out in front or whatever she/he said. But I retract the personal...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...

Re: Love Machine

katrina ·
It is quite different from Love Machine but you did hear right in a way - Larry Tee ex DJ of Love Machine does a party in Brooklyn on Saturday nights at a punk club called Luxx. Its in Williamsburg and last time I went Dee Finley (J60 butch legend) was working there at the door. Recently known for his "Electroclash" music (which should be familiar to ex-Click regulars its a similar soundtrack to Load Rezenhands) Larry is definitely back on the scene. I noticed from another post of yours that...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

goblin73 ·
or, a day late and several dollars short. okay, if any more time goes by without me throwing in some stories here i'll have forgotten. so here goes... i arrived over two weeks early. i REALLY loved being there with fewer people, plugging in to the bigger pre-gathering projects - cleaning out the goat boutique, building pavillion benches - and the other stuff that just seems impossible during the frenzy of the fete. i even endured a seven day fast drinking nothing but water and a lemon juice,...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Miss Understood ·
You would LIVE for the Indian market area in Bangkok. It's so mysterious! There's a huge block of gorgeous shops that you can walk around, but it's the gritty market maze within the block that's so fascinating. You walk around, getting lost, weaving be tween the indoor and outdoor, accepting the uncomfortable heat, stumbling upon all sorts of hidden treasures. And, as always, everything's crazy cheap! I guess it's the closest we can get to India for the time being. I feel terrible about...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Rose Royalle ·
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...

Re: Greer Lankton

jo-jo baby ·
i would give greer's wedding dress and some of my things if they would be taken care of...even thou when i show my greer doll i made... she wears the dress.i always worry about what will happen to my thing if i was too cross brothers wouldnt want is very beautiful her wedding dress she made it herself...thou she took part of it when she did the opening at the mattress factory...and cut one of the panels to make a shall...i need to get it repaired...but still lovely

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

Zazoo and Satori ·
A bit of explanation... Mark Twain is said to have once wrote: "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times." This still holds true. We were asked to host a night at a local gay club here in Cincinnati about a year after Zazoo was "born." we agreed, but only on our terms... What did this mean? Well... 1. Good music. 2. No crappy Drag Queens badly lipsyching to 3 year-old songs. 3. "Freaks" got in free They reluctantly agreed to...

Re: Adam Ant

Night Nurse ·
the best thing about a horrid family trip to berlin in the early 80s was the return to the states with my adam and the ants album among other things (skinny leather ties, dyed denim vest, fingerless gloves, etc)...i loved all these men who pranced about painted & dressed to kill, and he was definitely one who inspired me (boy being the other) that expressing yourself sartorially was possible outside of the oppressing suburban drearniness of DC... it seems life events happen to everyone,...

Re: The overture is about to start...

ulysses wept ·
I came across this post quite by accident and thought Id bounce it up for history's sake and add a few grey eminence-like thoughts of my own. is the Empress' inaugural post right before the boards opened. A small group of us, maybe 25, were invited in beforehand to seed, and from that group came most of the early and original moderators. It is a great misconception about communities like this that they just happen - this post reminds us that our Empress had a good deal of it in mind when it...

Re: GG barnum room

aurore ·
one would enter through the long skinny bar all lined up with the beautiful girls and their long legs checking out the new action coming in the door. So exciting! Never were the ladies at a t-bar so alluring. Then to the disco back room and then turn the corner to the main trapeze disco. it was the site of the original, and new wave remake of the Peppermint Lounge. There was always something ready willing and able to happen.

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

Merlinator ·
am heading to Ptown for New Years Eve! just made reservations! have spoken to Bobby almost everyday while out in Santa fe, sending him some rays. Hoping he got a sun tan from it, LOL. while thinking on Mr. Miller, it's not just Bobby that is seen, all our smiling faces surround him as one big loving heart. in the worst of times -- the best possible things do happen. love loving you Bobby.

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

pleasuredome ·
Thanks for a great vibe and a fun crowd. Daddy Dynell on of my friends reported actual Public Sex. Unfortunately we missed that. But we were happy to meet the fabulous Rose and the sexy Amber, and to say hi to the gang. Chi Chi, thanks for sharing your anecdote about being on stage at midnight for fifteen years straight (except 2001)- an inspiration to us younguns over at 432 W. 14th Street on a Tuesday trying to make something happen. All the best, Richard & Dominique

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

hatches ·
Hey Tanya, unfortunately, the review is about the film Cabaret and the Brian in question is the Michael York character. Translated it might be something like this: "And thus Brian leaves Berlin which is already in the firm hand of the Nazis." Due to the "wacky" nature of this passage in German, Brian and Berlin just happen to fall side-by-side! There are a million free translation apps out there, like Alta Vista, if you get stuck.


Eddy ·
If you happen to be up around 2am Monday morning, you can listen to French and Saunders on BBC7 radio. Should be a good show! It only last for like 30 minutes I think. Here's the link.

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Not to disappoint anyone, but I'm not really a chicken hawk. Lately I've actually been into daddy types. BUT I met this 21 year old from Viet Nam (that's how they write it in Asia) online. Now, not only am I going to his town (Saigon) at the end of my trip, but he's also visiting Thailand while I'm here. We're basically traveling in circles will only meet for 2 days. He's going to Pattaya where those big drag shows happen. I made plans to go with him to the shows. Now, should I plan on 1...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

Johnny Gato ·
This is being forwarded around, and it seems rather heartfelt and has some bracing thoughts in it, but it also seems to belong in a category with the "Hang in There" cat poster and "Love is..." cartoons. Also I don't know if any of the statistics in it are true or not. SPAM FOLLOWS: If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following: There would be: 57 Asians 21...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.

Re: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(c'mon! you knew i would eventually make this thread)

Dubois! ·
for those intrested, there's a book that came out late last year(around november/december) called "Pure Imagination" by Mel Stuart. it's the only recorded publication of the making of "Willy Wonka..". ...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!! ..& a bit of a tidbit: i just found out that Tim Burton will be directing the remake of "Willy Wonka..", so, it IS going to happen, unfortunately. ..i wonder if Marilyn Manson will still be on to play Willy? i'd figure if Burton's helming the project, then he...

Re: Pepper LeBeija

Dubois! ·
WAITAMINUTE!!!!.... mean Pepper passed away?!?!?! when did THIS happen? someone PLEASE give me the 411 on this. i know Anji Xtravaganza & Dorian Corey both passed away, but i knew nothing about Pepper leaving us. R.I.P. to a great queen. ...& look at the bitch NOW! Rupaul "Wigstock:The Movie"

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

Chi Chi ·
What a visual/aural/sensory overload was ARCADIA! opening night - there was so much to take in I think it will take a while to process. First, congrats in order to TonyaKnudsen for dreaming up the whole thing and working so many months to make it happen. Secondly, to my three co-producers Jade Barbee, Derrick and Mia I have nothing but admiration for the heaps of time and energy that you put into the process. My critical-eyed Emperor said that it is the best-hung show he's ever seen at CB's,...

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

TonyaKnudsen ·
On the top of my thank-you list are the names Jade, Mia and Derrick "” who put up with me week after week, let me be bossy on occassion, but always kept the momentum going, especially during those few dark hours when I found myself pulling my hair out! Chi Chi, thank-you so much for putting your confidence in me, when we started, you probably thought I could do anything, and (while I'm not saying that's not true) I know I may have shocked you with just what minor setbacks proved to show what...

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

Chi Chi ·
On Andy's Chest

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

seven ·
I too have been unable to relate to that stretch of Broadway now for over three or four years. I find myself walking faster on those blocks just to get past it in a hurry. It feels very foreign to downtown. It is a kind of malady that people want to come from smaller locales outside NYC and hunt down a Starbucks in Manhattan. It is part of the 'civilizing' function of corporations. I wonder what is going to happen when the New Museum moves from that stretch to a property on the Bowery near...

Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
... is the title of his/her second book which has already been panned. I see in "Paper" that Asia Argento, Dario Argento's daughter, has been picked to do the screenplay/produce the film of same name... She is quoted as saying "The casting has been a nightmare", so get going Sweetie and make it happen.

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

mr.joe ·
Gay men are marrying gay men and lesbians are marrying lesbians in San Francisco. Gay couples in Massachusetts will have the right to marry in a few short months. The mayor of Chicago has spoken out loudly in favor of same-sex marriage. WHERE IS THE MAYOR OF THE CITY WITH THE LARGEST GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY IN THE COUNTRY ON THIS ISSUE? While the mayors of San Francisco and Chicago have courageously stood up for our community's freedom to marry, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has steadfastly...

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

seven ·
Maybe this is too naked-assed obvious, especially to say on these boards, but, this social turmoil is not because of a fear about what will happen to the institution of marriage, it is a fear about gays and lesbians. And that point, as plain as it may be to most here, needs to be yelled out very loudly. You do not hear this said plainly at all by any of the voices of the official media. If and when the whole 'gay marriage' turmoil is resolved socially and legally (but really it is almost...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Show Producer ·
Just got to see this, and never was able to connect it with the Shockumentary. I never was the Club type, but I have to say this looked interesting. I will refrain from commenting on Alig because I think others have done a pretty good job of this for me. The "Shockumentary" by far, is a very valuble documentary to have in any collection. Not because of Alig, the Limelight or the crazy outlaw parties, but because of someone who left us too soon. Nelson Sullivan, he had the greatest footage in...

Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City

S'tan ·
hatches, me too, I want to know where that trestle is. Though what do I want to save my pansy-ass little whitebread over-civilised skin for -- at this point? Ya, we KNOW they shut down all the bridges and tunnels -- don't remind me. The only way out is to take the river, or walk north. I guess a rowboat and two strong oars is a good investment. And seven you have the trusty bicycle. But neither of those things are any good in a panicked city if you don't have a fire-arm! So I shoot a fellow...

Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City

Raven ·
On the one hand, I think these alerts we've living under since 9/11 are kind of bogus. I mean every one of them have the same lines. That being " we think there is going to be an attack based on the amount of chatter. We don't know where, when, or any other specific details but we think there is a chance of an attack based on the intelegence." Well of course there could be an attack. It'obvious to me that they are just covering their ass. They always issue these warning around the time of...

Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!

hatches ·
No, Christopher, voter disenfranchisement in this country only applies to convicted felons, and it differs from state to state. Some states even allow prisoners doing time for felonies to vote from jail. Like Maine. "In New York State, you may not vote while you are incarcerated and your right to vote is immediately restored upon the expiration of the maximum sentance or when your parole ends, whichever occurs first." None of the non-violent protesters will be charged with a felony, many may...

Re: Swept Away part 2

daddy ·
Madonna... I mean Esther is in The Holy Land. Wouldn't it be horrible if they beheaded her? I mean like if the terrorists got her and beheaded her. Wouldn't it be awful if The Terrorists were lurking on The Motherboards and read this post and got the idea to behead her? I hope that doesn't happen.

Re: Swept Away part 2

daddy ·
I really hope this doesn't happen... soon.

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

S'tan ·
Didn't NY Mag declare the Meat Market the hottest thing ever less than five years ago? And that was just a real estate scam, we know that. JM saying it's "dead" is just palaver. Bottom line about his loathesomeness: he is both too old/not wealthy enough to attract the women that now go cruising in the bars down there. That's no doubt why he'd like it to be dead. If he could go down there and get laid he would be all for it. My landlord has 7 buildings in Chelsea and just sold all of them to...

Re: Farewell Charming Old New York

hatches ·
The "Only Money vs. Only No Money" thread here made me think of this... Odd that about 28 years ago I was having a very similar discussion one day in a loft on Mercer Street owned by a cocaine dealer friend of my brother's who had laundered his money by buying up a great deal of that neighborhood. Tom Wolfe's The Painted Word had come out the previous year and someone was playing a then-unreleased demo of a song by Joni Mitchell, composed as a response to Wolfe (The Boho Dance.) Naturally...

Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic

Merlinator ·
this is racism. treating trans gender/sexual people like they are less than human is the point. how did european christian americans convince america to go along with slavery? how did euro christian america get americans to go along with segregating out from society all african/asian/& american indians too? how did americans get america to go long with owning people legally ever in america? (they worked hard at it!) how do christian americans keep gay/lesbian/transgender/transexual...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

Anna Nicole ·
I LOVE that this section has dogs and celebs .. but nobody has mentioned The Pope! LOL I have to just say...that i am totally loving the macabre way they are trapsing the Pop around all dead on a board... just think its brilliant... i bloody well hope that when I pop me clogs that you lot will do the same for me too! Take me round to all the ex-boyfriends houses.. piss everyone off.. I have never seen a corpse so much as ole John Paul! would never happen in Bloombergs NY!

Re: SEX in Jackie 60

sweetie ·
Thank goodness the sex didn't happen AT Jackie, but one of my ALL TIME hottest experiences was with an arab I met at Jackie who was some sort of secret service to an arab princess and he took me to The Waldorf where the entourage had I believe an entire floor. The poor princess had cancer or something and they were all in town trying to get her medical care. GORGEOUS Arab secret service man was giving me some of the BEST secret service I have EVER had while 2 of his cronies sat quietly at a...


Karen M. ·
Hmm... Sadly, I see your point, Seven. Definitely it is silly of me to think there could be a lecture or pamphlet or whatever saying, "if you're going to do this drug, you should know..." without the sponsor being accused of promoting drug use. (It's funny, too. Even my most distant acquaintances know I'm about as likely to promote drug use as your most conservative great great grandmother.) Sadly, though, I think maybe you're right that even if I'd worded it more intelligently, like "these...


Merlinator ·
the ingrediant missing when actup was 'somebody' in the public conciousness, was the lack of organized resistance to actup and the ideas promoted by actup. now we see how organized the conservative minority really is. for they are the ones in power that are outlawing the very conversation we are having and their information IS intentionally faulty. yes safe sex information could be available to everyone and it isn't. yet the concept of mentoring and apprentiship is not strong in america.

Re: Lady Hennessy Brown

VIP|f a k e ·
Oh just the thought of traveling around with her makes me smile, daddy. So wait.... how many kids did she have? From the video I saw of her, she looked like she had an amazing body. Her back and chest looked ripped. And couldn't she of just used a breast pump to keep up her milk? You wouldn't happen to have any pictures of her do you? I want to screen her onto some clothing. And miss understood.... I don't know what is up with those vh1 shows...who picked this group of people to comment on...