Tagged With "Address with Ticket Purchase Address"
Re: 718 Sessions Boat Party 2012! W/ Danny Krivit 06/24
All advance tickets to the 718 Sessions boat party are sold out! Every year there are a few tickets for sale at the dock, but it is first come first serve. If you still need a ticket PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY!!! As soon as we board all the ticket holders, we will then be able to sell tickets. Thank you in advance for your patience as we usually are able to get everyone on the boat that wishes to purchase tickets... it will be well worth the wait! Ticket price at the gate is $40 cash
Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose
Thrilled about this! I'm one of the fools who didn't purchase Stevie ticket early enough & missed it. So this has just put a smile on my lips & some pep in my step
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
So last night, I went to have my hair done for Wigstock. It turned out that my friend Creighton who does my hair was having a film documentary done about doing the wigs for this final festival (he also does Bunny's, Linda's, etc). So unlike our ususal hair sessions, this one was fueled by champagne. Somehow my glass kept getting filled, and well, I had had quite a bit while my wig was being fluffed, teased, etc. More to the point, I became lushy loose lips, and dished myself as well as...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
Keep in mind, if the person you are seeking lives below 14th Street, and doesn't have valid ID with that address on it, they haven't been able to get back to their homes and computers. They may be staying with friends or at a shelter. Some residences to the East of what was the WTC were evacuated, and the residents have not been permitted to return. In addition, a great many homes downtown are without power and/or phone service which means no computers or dial-up modems... All of these may...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
Yes, to make friendships with the big cocks, and to make sex with them...do you have your ticket to Dubai?
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
And will be glad to do a lite "greeking" as you put it for the sake of the tribe. Feel free to email me (use profile address) if you feel anything else incriminating is in there and not editable by you. Sounds like a wicked good time anyway.
Re: Provincetown
Memorial Day weekend: More dykes than you can shake a rubber dick at, Isla would wear out her rug-munching tongue. More pre-summer bleached blondes than you can shake a can of bleach at, with their also bleached mates in matching Sergio Valenti and earthshoes. Why do dykes have the most amazing hairstyles on the planet? The sequined ( head to toe) street psychic who claims that he can tell you your last name, phone number and address after he asks for some ID , but they say that he's the...
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
Since posting the DH and the FS gallery I've received tons of e-mails but this one killed me. Someone swiped one of my sleeves from the stage in London and we had the hardest time getting one made in Hong Kong. Now by the power of the Motherboards I have found the thieves.Check this out....... -------------------------------------------- I'm hoping this is Rob Roth's email address?! Well, assuming it IS.... I just wanted to say Hi and tell you how much I LOVED Deborah Harry and the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
A portion of the ticket sales from this Tuesday's Qwe're Musicfest shows, "Genderation XYZ" at Joe's Pub, will go directly to benefit Miss Webb in her hour of need. Two shows take place - 7pm and 9pm. $20 per show, or $30 for both. Early show features Dee Finley as host with Skot Hess as Ida Parker, Chris Tanner, Dred, and Vulgaras. Later show with Sweetie hosting features Raven O, Reuben, Sir Real, Slanty Eyed Mama, and Chloe.
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
SHOWTIMES Brigitte the shows will start early by 11 PM with the first House of Domination performers, then heat up after the midnight countdown. I did suggest on TV that the shows usually become their raunchiest by 2 AM - didn't mean that they are STARTING then. GUEST LIST Our regular guest list applies for this night. If you are a PERMANENT guest of The Factory you will be comped as always, usually plus a guest. Larger entourages are at the discretion of Kitty at the door. At $15 cover, we...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I was wishing through every lost coat check ticket and overflowing toilet that I was with you on NYE. Special hugs to all my family!
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Bobby, As nice as it is for you to come and read these posts it's even nicer when we get to see and read your posts. I think Merlin will make a fine producer and I would like to book my ticket early as I'm sure your spring show will sell out quickly. Best, Colleen
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Wow! Send me his email address. I don't want to go all the way over and not find him. I'm on a tight schedule with these stupid drinks. The people who own the internet/bungalow/travel agency are cooking in the other room. I can smell the jasmine rice. This is day 5. I'm almost there. I actully feel okay... but I do want to eat!
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
My machine SAYS I'm out of town and that you should email me. You DO have my address. Anna, I came into Lamai to get my hair dyed and I left your friend a note. WOW, his bungalow is teeny tiny, but what a location! You open the door and there's the ocean! Just a few yards. And, it's cheaper than a sandwich!
Re: Las Vegas
April 21 - 27, 2003 Week-long t*-girl party in LV Details at www.geekbabe.com/dlv Some girls find this group too tame, but it's a no-cost week-long rolling party structure. Get on the party bus (it's a metaphor, girl) for those events you want to go to and skip the ones you think are boring. There's no fee to register. There's no organization to join, there's no conference to attend (this ain't Southern Comfort, it's a vacation). We plan this every year because we like hanging out together...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
So... i was watching the crappy Fox news last night and both on Fox and WB11 there was in interesting local story.... On 14th St, the newsagents next to the KFC on 2nd Av., (the very same news store that Amadu Diallo used to sell CDs out side of) has been fined over $2,000, so has the next door internet caff - reason being .... the store signs outside have too many words on them! Yup.. there is an ancient law that states you can only state the name of the store, the phone # and address. What...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Watch Where You Sit It appears the city budget crunch has reduced the NYPD to writing some rather absurd tickets. A Bronx man claims he was given a summons for sitting on a milk crate outside the hair salon where he works on the Grand Councourse. The ticket says "unauthorized use of a milk crate." Is this all getting more an more Pythoneque... wonder if i will get a ticket for sitting on the WBC World Champ.... hummmmm ?
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The milk crate ticket is not such a new tactic in the 'quality of life' repertoir of uncivil behavior as defined by the previous ultra-fascist mayor ( and how did he become a reconstituted national hero - the guy who was once roundly boo'ed upon taking his seat at the Met opera house? ). I myself am the very proud earner of two wonderfully Khafka meets Joseph Heller summonses. One, for 'non-compliance with bicycle regulations' -translation: I got a ticket for riding my bike in the park. Now...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I too have been unable to relate to that stretch of Broadway now for over three or four years. I find myself walking faster on those blocks just to get past it in a hurry. It feels very foreign to downtown. It is a kind of malady that people want to come from smaller locales outside NYC and hunt down a Starbucks in Manhattan. It is part of the 'civilizing' function of corporations. I wonder what is going to happen when the New Museum moves from that stretch to a property on the Bowery near...
Re: boy george
ATTENTION TABOO FANS IN NEW YORK CITY BECOME PART OF THE TABOO STREET TEAM EARN FREE STUFF INCLUDING TICKETS TO TABOO! Help us paint NYC with TABOO. Going to a club this weekend? Give away some stickers. Going to the theatre - hand some key chains out to the TKTS line. Hand stuff out wherever you go. Make the city Everything Taboo! To be a part of this, drop a line to the webmaster at webmaster@doyoutaboo.com with your name and e-mail address and we'll be in touch with the details.
Re: boy george
So I was sitting in an Internet cafe in Prague wen I see Zazoo and Satori's post about a live Internet chat w/Boy and Rosie. Unfortunately the computer had no sound, so I couldn't watch it. I did send in a question. I just found out that my question got in! You can see the chat here: You have to give an email address to watch it. You all need to have that Hotmail or Yahoo account for these things.
Re: WICKED- Amazing Book and a Mesmerizing Musical
dearest Lex, Support the theatre doll. It will make you a better person!! READ Sarah!! Its not even 150 pages. Be done with her. A worthy, wonderful read on all levels!!! FINISH THE BOOK!! Then sink your teeth into WICKED. Get that done in 2 weeks of leisurely reading and then BUY a ticket for the show. You will feel like a child again. A well read, theatre supporting child!!!! Hell buy a ticket for Taboo as well. I hear they will be giving them away as peel away prizes from the bottoms of...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
we are watching history in the making. the best predictor of the future is the past. last century we saw women fight for suffrage and then later for the right to choose, the civil rights movement bring equality for african americans, and now look how far the gay rights movement has come in 30+ years- from out, loud & proud to now wanting equality in the institution of marriage. of course Bush is "troubled" (that one is ripe fodder for comedians all around) about 1000s of couples getting...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Here's the letter from LCCR opposing Bush's proposal to amend the U.S. constitution to preserve homophobia as a way of life: Dear Member of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), the nation's oldest, largest, and most diverse civil and human rights coalition, urge you to oppose the "Federal Marriage Amendment" (H.J. Res. 56, S.J. Res. 26), a radical proposal that would permanently write discrimination into the United States...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
The extreme right is employing a number of faulty arguments in their fight against common sense civil rights. There are those who argue that San Francisco's mayor, Gavin Newsom, has ignored the rule of law, setting the stage for rogue public officials across the country to plunge America into a state of anarchy. (California's governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, used the word "anarchy" when describing the state of affairs in San Francisco.) What is next, these hysterical thinkers ask? Will the...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
And the battle comes at last to our soil. I've always liked politicians like Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and Barney Frank, but they've been in office for years and we've seen little action. Now they look like tired old buffalos next to the handful of mavericks like Mayor Newsome, Mayor Daley and New Paltz, New York's mayor, Jason West, who boldly go where no one has gone before. Rock on!
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
wish mother had a summer lodge in the pocanos. there will be twelve arraignment courts operating according to newsday (normally there are four?). arrest are projected to reach 1000 a day. because of the budget there are fewer prosecuters which may slow things down..... am sure there will be mass arrests of street people and the more obvious boys and girls of the night just before the show starts as well. there will be roads and streets blocked off so make sure you have PROPER ID that shows...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
Just wrote my ticket to Beltaine @ Short Mountain in Tennessee. This is a first for me, but from what I've read so far from the boards I'll find my "place" (and maybe my faerie name). Anyhoo, now I'm shopping for those things to protect me at night from the many earthquakes, cats-eyeball hail storms, tornados, tsunamis, and sudden strikes of lightning. But seriously, my own personal energy for this gathering has begun to flow and I am truly going with an open mind and hope to fill it up with...
Re: My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review
Then why did the ticket say it started at 9pm? I can't stand around forever. And I'm from NY. I was born there and I go there all the time. This NOTS thing was just so stupid. No wonder Lindsey said he would never go to NOTS, I can see why.
Re: My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review
Oh, good LORD. If you're so savvy, then you should know that for just about anything you buy advance tickets for, the time on the ticket is only when the doors open. I'm sorry you had a bad time, but that's only because you got there so early and left before anything really got going - it's certainly not the fault of the people who worked so hard to put this whole shindig together. The NOTS webpage says very clearly that the peak hours are between 11:30 and 1:30; I read it ahead of time -...
Re: Swept Away part 2
Say what you will about poor ticket sales and deep discounts, but Madoo-doo is doing alright compared to many this summer. From MTV:
Re: Swept Away part 2
Daddy, it was DeNiro playing the role of Lew Cipher. Messy Bonnie Raitt would have caught on to that right away. La Madison, the concert industry has faltered because of marketing that is no longer targeted enough. Simply putting tickets up on line at Ticketron etc. won't work any longer in a market that has become super-saturated with touring shows. The shows themselves have run up against a ceiling of extravagant overhead costs. And mostly it is the mid-level productions that can't make it...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Who is staying in town for this hell? I have my ticket to San Francisco. Goodbye. They're putting up traffic blockades from 30th to 36th Street, and from 6th avenue to 9th Avenue. You will not be able to drive on the block without lots of ID, and they will video-screen underneath every vehicle passing into that area. I'm just below that (West 26th) but by mid-August 21 I feel sure this "no fly" zone will be extended. I just hope the cat-sitters will not need ID to get on the block.
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
No, Christopher, voter disenfranchisement in this country only applies to convicted felons, and it differs from state to state. Some states even allow prisoners doing time for felonies to vote from jail. Like Maine. "In New York State, you may not vote while you are incarcerated and your right to vote is immediately restored upon the expiration of the maximum sentance or when your parole ends, whichever occurs first." None of the non-violent protesters will be charged with a felony, many may...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
Agreed S'tan... I have to admit I am fascinated by this whole thing. So fascinated, in fact, that I, too, actually looked up her response on Amazon.com. In it she likens her writing to a "virtuoso performance." That is simply hogwash from an over-stroked ego. Very few artists have the strength of a Picasso to edit themselves. Another part of the problem of course is that she has dug her own grave by creating the Vampire Chronicles in the first place-- thereby doubly inviting those "it's not...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
A friend who started following the Amazon blather when it started about 2 weeks ago said that the Anne Rice post is allegedly a hoax, and that that wasn't even her real address. Anyone hear? That would mean someone at the NY Times didn't do their facts-checking. What a shocker. It would be one thing if she recognized herself as good trash, Lexx, but she does think she is the Mozart of la litterature. And style? That rambling-on, 'free-form,' melodramatic, stream-of-unconsciousness,...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
my mate Kersh just sent me this.. his report from the John Peel funeral which I thougth I would share with you... On our pew alone sat Joe Boyd, Mark Ellen, Our Elizabeth, Billy Bragg,Robert Plant and half of the Undertones. John Peel's funeral at the cathedral in Bury St Edmunds was, it has to be said,fabulous. And the turnout gave ample indication of the affection with which the great democrat of the airwaves was regarded by much of the nation. Fittingly, it was a public service - and one...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I'll sell you a ticket. The price; two grams of uncut blow, *Tibaron* brand preffered, plus one of your tough hair stylings, which on me means some pretty unearthly work Bobby.
Re: Pets in the City
Here is a list of all the dog runs within city parks in Manhattan. Manhattan Dog Runs Dog Run Address Carl Schurz Park (2 runs) East End Ave. To East River from Gracie Square (East 84th St.) To 89th St. DeWitt Clinton Park (2 runs) West 52nd St. & West 54th St., between 10th & 11th Aves. Fish Bridge Park Dover St., between Pearl & Water St. Fort Tryon Park Margaret Corbin Drive, Washington Heights Inwood Hill Park Dyckman St and Payson Ave. J. Hood Wright Fort Washington &...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I never went to Le Jardin. (some things actually were before my time) but Chi Chi and I worked with John Addison (the owner of Le Jardin and Xenon) later on. What a character! The music was so happy back then. I was listening to Larry Levan recorded at The Paradise Garage the other day and I was really surprised by how hopeful the music was. Everything was so new that anything seemed possible. (of course being 17 doesn't hurt either) When I go hear "Big Room" DJs now the music seems so dark.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Above the Trendy, the Down and Out By ALAN FEUER NY Times April 7, 2005 Knock at Room 18 on the fourth floor of 559 West 22nd Street and an old man in a watch cap stumbles to the door. "What am I doing here?" he asks, answering the question with a question. "I'm dying here," he says. His name is George Ullrich and, according to his own account, he has been dying here for almost 30 years. He lives in a small room, 10 feet deep by 10 feet wide, and in rooms all down the hallway, a piece of the...
Re: Puritan Watch
The Xians are just exactly like the fucking Taliban. I found out my building was bought by "devout Muslims," as the super put it. After eleven years of peace with my liberal landlord... I had to close the Whipshack. They come in and enforce the loose laws of NY, I am fucked. So today I am sitting here in a pile of archival detritus, getting ready to take it all to NYU Library. I'm a writer, fucks, a writer, an artist, not a whore anymore, thanks! Jesus thanks you, Allah thanks you, I'm...
Re: Air Travel is shite these days.....
Here is my story... Flew Continental NYC to Albuquerque it seemed without a hassle... Stood waiting for the bags with a gang of tourists... About 6 bags come up. Then they announce that the bin in which the luggage flies was broken - "cracked" as they put it - and they did not have the right instruments to open the bin or fix it -- so our luggage had to be flown BACK to Houston. The tourists were of course hoppin' mad. I just decided some ORIGINAL MSS. that they forced me to check were LOST...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Additional Aid For NOLA Residents With Stranded Pets... Spread The Word: --- Friday, 9:50 p.m. The Louisiana SPCA, New Orleans' animal control agency, has begun rescuing pets from owners houses. Louisiana SPCA director Laura Maloney said shelter workers follow other agencies and crews through neighborhoods and rescue pets, some that are locked in houses. At the owners' request, "we break in," she said. Owners have to call or email the operation and give their name and address and information...
Re: Grey Gardens
This from playbill.com ( http://www.playbill.com/news/article/93278.html ) Playwrights Horizons Will Stage Musical Grey Gardens, With Two Broadway Divas Among the Ruins By Kenneth Jones 02 Jun 2005 Tony winner Christine Ebersole will star in Grey Gardens photo by Aubrey Reuben Grey Gardens: A New Musical, by librettist Doug Wright, composer Scott Frankel and lyricist Michael Korie, will be one of four world premieres in the 2005-06 season of Playwrights Horizons, the Off-Broadway company...