Tagged With "Extended Set"
The tents and screen houses offer the convenience of having your tent set up in approximately 1 minute. Watch this video and see the 1 minute setup of the 4 person tents .
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
To set the record straight, I didn't even own a pair of chaps until the late '90's! But Dee Finley is indeed a happy Pyramid memory. She must've walked through those golden doors when she was 12. She was the first of all of us to have major tooth troubles. Now, thanks to Elizabeth Taylor, her smile is more perfect than it was that first day we laid eyes on her in 1982! And to think I owe my very presence at Jackie 60 to Dee (but that's another topic...) Joey Horatio, the Pyramid's amazing...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Who could forget the ill-fated Cuchofritos? I remember going to The Pyramid one Sunday night in the early 90's - just as "Fuck!" was about to end. Being an NYU suck-in-your-cheeks gender-performance snob then (then?), I was anticipating a memorable show. Having read about the legendary likes of Ethyl and the Pyramid ilk, I wanted to be astounded. We were treated to a rather shoddy amatuer strip contest instead. But there was one redeeming factor...Hattie Hathaway and Richard Move MCing the...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Just another Saturday night really.... Our theme for the month of Saturdays was Pyramid flight 101. Basically we're talking about six men in drag as stewardesses hosting an evening of dancing and stewardess type entertainment in the grand tradition. let's see, there were nuts being served on the dancefloor...I remember Sister packaging pairs of almonds in dime bag sized mini-ziplocs. There was some sort of boarding pass balderdash at the door and annoying the guests with five or ten minutes...
Re: Blacklips
Once we did a re-working of Shakespeare's most cursed tragedy. It included a freshly written prologue sending up those unlucky aspects, with Flloydd and Marti whistling in the wing of the stage, the set was all green with peacock feathers and the audience entered the room underneath a ladder that we had strung up over the door. Funny, huh? Well, within seconds of the door opening, the ladder had fallen, almost killing the first customer, and Sissy Fit fell onstage during her scene and broke...
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
The thought of being a NYC expatriate has crossed my mind many times as of late. I too was at the Winter Music Conference in March in sunny Miami, and I had some of the best club experiences I have EVER had in my life. Powerhouse DJs and clubgoers from the around the world brought back many fond memories for me of the NYC club scene in the late 80s when I first moved here. In particular at Miami's Club Space and Crow Bar, I was surrounded by a glamorous, friendly, diverse, international...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
That was you??? I remember that show, it was genius! "Black like Jackie" was good as was "Fidler In The Hood" but I think we really perfected Blackness in '99 with "Uncle Charlie's Cabin". Truly one of my faves. It was so over the top! It's really hard to shock people today, especially at one of our events but... black total top masters and their white pussy boy slaves in cages and all set in the pre-civil war South had people's jaws on the floor! I remember black stud Joseph all dressed...
Almost forgot to mention it in the excitement of recent days, but I spoke to Showy Arias on the way out to Coney and he is completely down for the Burning Man Jackie in 2002. He is completely on doing a Klingon segment in some version of the Brian Damage cardboard armour amidst the buried buildings. I promised to learn Kling before then (at least enough to do some spoken word to accompany him.) Of course the idea of Joey set loose on a whole spectacle like BM is soooo enticing. The...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
Natalia Lincon from Unto Ashes a web site has been set up by david kirkpatrick to list people who are ok http://www.slack.net/~critical/ kylie xoxox
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
I finally got to go home last night- through 2 checkpoints, and to my apartment, which has power and water, but no phone service (thus no internet, either). Two blocks below me on Broadway has been evacuated and has no power, water, gas, or phones. And the stench... but I am grateful for so many things, and I am sure many feel the same way. Since I am essential personnel, we were on the ready for the 1000s of wounded that never arrived. Our Urgent Care Center was set up like a MASH unit, and...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I am really shocked that the two of you NEVER REALLY had Edwin. True he is a notorious chubby chaser, but he also has a fierce fetish for old men. I was his youngest lover ever. All either of you would have had to do is flash a little liver spot and that huge dominican snake could have been yours. See botox, male girdles, and sheep placenta are good for the over fifty crowd in one respect, but not everyone goes for that super moisterized, clinique bronzed, dye job "mature" man effect.
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews of those Hill trecks. Supposedly the system has been reformed to space those groups from eachother, but there are so many of them I don't know if that's possible. I've been to Chiang Mai twice but I've never done the treck. I did, by car, visit 2 of those human zoo/villages. One was that pushy trinket situation. Then, at the longneck lady place, they just ask a fee before you go in. I think it's a bit more honest and less stressful. Look, they know you want to...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
You're lucky. Jewelry is sooo much easier to ship! So we went to this straight club called "Hollywood." It's set up like a NY dance club, a big room w/a stage, lots of lighting, and very loud techno. The difference: the room, even the would-be dance floor, is filled with cocktail tables. You either sit or stand at your table. Maybe 15% of the crowd will dance next to their table. Most people tend to get a bottle and mixers. We do that every night we go out drinking here. It's dirt cheap,...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Lemme start over as it were.. I am a man. I have lived as a "woman". I have been on hormones and have had breasts. I always had a dick ( my own I mean) I have had moments when I felt like a "woman" but I knew I was not. People have a right to believe anything they like about themselves as far as I'm concerned and anyone who doesn't like it can kiss the proverbial ass ( Jim Fouratt). However I think that many people are confused about their gender even if they are born with one particular set...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
When you really begin to delve into the Mayfair Witches books, you may also become obsessed by the Talamasca, the secret society of vampire/witch protectors and researchers that permates the books, and eventually spills over into the later Vamp Chronicles as well. Their motto: Investigators of the Paranormal We watch And are always here. There are certain similarities between the Talamasca and our extended tribes- From a Talamasca site I have heard that Anne plans to do a whole book on the...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
I remember slurping on backwash it was after last call My dress was a couture pattern of stains from a variety of spilled alcohols.. I clinched me cellphone but hadn't received a single number to call. Then I woke up on the sidewalk, missing one of my brand new 8th street heels Searched for it in my thriftstore purse as I stepped in, what felt like "oatmeal?" THAT was just the beginning of the "Kinky Pakistani Cabdriver Ordeal". The night time city street was swirly as hundreds of "off-duty"...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
"Party Monster" seems to hold promise as an interesting film. As someone who witnessed the rise and fall of the club kid movement, I'm very curious to see how they treat the subject matter - how realistic or how white washed? Also given that it's from the same company that brought us Poison, Hedwig & the Angry Inch and Velvet Goldmine, I'm sure it will be dazzling on some level. It's worth seeing for me just because Wilson Cruz (Ricky Vasquez on My So-Called Life - - one of my favorite...
Re: Page
When I first arrived in the Blade Runner 'esuqe city that New York was in 1990, I remember seeing this tall "Woman" with a bleach blonde flatop, horned rimmed sunglassed, in the dark of night, and glitter red lipstick, while dressed in a retro new wave look about 10 years before anyone thought it was cool to bring that back. She waltzed up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Page...who are you ?" My eyes opened a little wider and what was possible in this life became a little broader and I saw the...
Re: Page
Hi Johnny and Chi Chi, Page's memorial has been set for Saturday, September 7th from 2 to 4pm at the Film Anthology at Second Avenue and Second Street. Please start spreading the word... Linda
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
History Wrestles Commerce in Meatpacking District By DENNY LEE (NYT, 8/11/02) The three-year drive to confer landmark status on the meatpacking district is taking on a new urgency. What began as a low-key investigation of warehouses and blood-soaked Belgian blocks has quickened this summer into a race that pits preservationists against developers. "We're hitting a critical juncture," said Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. "Several...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Yes, Tonya, I will share with you a tale or two... thousand, if you like... 3 Teens Kill 4 No Motive was a New York Post headline (naturally), found by artist Ken Tisa, who had drawn up a list of about 100 names for a band we wanted to start in 1979. David and I had lived through the era of both Fillmores so we knew that we wanted our performances to include words, music and visuals. I was also remembering recently that our manager at the time, Iolo Carew, had gotten us all set to be booked...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Actually the film "The Night Porter" is just a zesty retelling of Romeo and Juliet. Just two star-crossed lovers held apart by the divisiveness' of others. The conflict could not be resolved in their relationship because as in Romeo and Juliet the social abyss was set too wide. Mind you their love was genuine and true, it just could not conquered their extreme circumstances. A very important film in my opinion because no one gets off easily. Just like life. The Night Porter was at the...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
There were so many amazing evenings but Jackie's baby was spot on. The sick nannies Go Go followed by the Perfect Basil Twist's Jackie's baby puppet Singing your "Goin str8 to Hell" And do not for get the Johnny Dynell set that looked like a haunted mansion. I will never forget when Chi Chi said at the end of Basil's performance " We have been having sex here for 9 years and we finally had a baby" Also late night was quite wild that night. I also have to mention Connie in "Steal this Invite"...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Indeed, I have been thinking about this topic all week, as I too would like to see more in it (and, more of it's ilk). What I have managed to obtain from D. is a copy of the program from David's show a few years back at the above-mentioned museum in SoHo. It is about 10-pages, so I need to get text-scanning software installed). D. also has the above graphic art book mentioned, but I need to look into reprinting rights. Generally, it's pretty easy to get permission to reprint an artist's work...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
D3.12.1-3. flesh We were locked in an underground cavern. There was some sort of starlet leading our decent. She had long brown hair. Straight, silky, thick, red highlights and parted in the middle, it was very seventies -- it was very seductive. She would stop sometimes and turn to see if we were still following her. Then she'd giggle. I'd have been scared I think if I'd been alone. But, although I could see no one else, I felt the presence of others. It was like that 'watching' you feeling...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Jojo, My dad's giving me a sewing machine tonight, and teaching me how to use it. He say's it's a strong one ( strong enought to go through 4 layers of their sail canvas.) So it should be just fine on monster fur, pleather and vinyl. So... I won't be sewing crap by hand anymore. Once I get the hang of it, I'll bring it up and we'll set up workshop XXXOOO Satori
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Flow and I have a futon, a twin bed set, shelves, a place to crash, among other little things to give. Who do we contact, or you can contact us at 917.783.1228, or our respective emails under our profiles. We also have some clothing if it fits and she wants it. Damion is pretty small. Oh, and I have extra make-up and perfumes (a selection), a FACE make-up case (it's a professional-sized one) if she needs and other girly stuff. And a couple of suitcases. I'm gonna look around. [This message...
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
The outrageous Edina and Patsy are back for a one off special on BBC ONE later this year. Joining them are the long suffering Saffy, Mother and Bubble. The show also features special guest stars Whoopi Goldberg (as social counsellor Goldie), with Debbie Harry and Graham Norton playing themselves alongside some very familiar faces from the cat walk scene. Patsy (Joanna Lumley) has now left her job on a glossy magazine to become a very important Creative Director and Buyer for Jeremy's, a new...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Hi Ms Webb. I am so sorry to hear of the fire. It is really something very difficult to deal with during these times. The mother board family is great. Prayers are answered. I will make a copy of the video I shot at CBGB's aof you dancing with thosde sexy Exotic Long Fingernails and those Toenails. I was siting right at the stage dressed in Black see me at my web site: http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/shemanails I will make you a copy for you to keep. What ever made you wear long toenails, I...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Another spectacular evening and show! The House of Dominantion always rocks and never fails to "titilate" Having the Amster. Red Light district theme added the perfect touch of sleaze to the festivities. Thanks again Chi Chi and Daddy. A New Years Eve Hookers Ball also happens to be a wonderful setting for an artist rendering of a peep show. Tanya did an amzing job, especially considering the amount of time she had to set it up in! And Tanya, where did you get a copy of a 1969 Playboy? Huh...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
hey bobby. veronica is spending some time bonding with her stuffed animals, so i thought i'd drop you a line. it's a sunny morning on jane street, though quite cold! i think i'll swing by to your neighbors' -- the crazy christmas ornament place -- to see if they have a funky canister set. mine is from college yet and in desperate need of an upgrade. that place fills me with a lot of joy, not least of all because it's right near your house. james and i are thinking of you often. i find myself...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
At the beginning of a stunning Incoherent Reading/wailing/chanting/masturbating set at Cabaret Magique last night, the INCOMPARABLE Paul Skiff paused and said "I'm thinking of Bobby Miller right now. Are you?" Huge affirmative applause. Missing you!
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I'm staying in the Euro/Aussie slacker tourist area. It's cheap and fun, but pretty far from the gay strip. I finally found out where there's a gay club near here and I went last night. They actually gave me a little look up and down at the door,grilled me about ID, etc. I realized why when they decided I was okay and let me in. I was the only non Asian in the packed club! That's very unusual here...at least from what i've seen so far. There are some very mixed bars full of guys who want...
Re: The Palladium
OK the Palladium, before it became a glitz pallace it did have some great rock shows. Like Nick Lowe or The Plasmatics One night Wendy O blasted the hood off a White Caddy and almost took out the people in the first five rows when it landed in "way" the wrong place. It being punk times they loved it and screamed for more. Needless to say Wendy never quite topped that moment. Wendy did come back and do the buzz saw act in the Mike Todd room but it was just not the same. She did shock some of...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The Granddaddy of all horrible club fires occurred in Boston at the Coconut Grove in 1942, killing 492 people. The fire was started by someone simply lighting a match in order to screw in a lightbulb. Most of the victims died from smoke inhalation, though locked exits were a factor. If such a tragedy can be caused by a match, how could anyone even dream of pyrotechnics? I have always been opposed to them, and still am to this day. Though fire-eating can be safer and more easily contained, it...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The band Great White's performance rider contains no mention whatsoever of pyrotechnics being used during the rock group's current tour of clubs and small theaters, The Smoking Gun has learned. TSG today (2/21) obtained copies of the band's rider from two separate promoters who booked shows by the group during the past month. A copy of the Great White performance specs can be found below. A third promoter, Domenic Santana, told TSG that the band set off a pyrotechnic display without his...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
A message to all the New Yorkers working hard to resurrect live perfromance, Vaudeville, and Burlesque: it is alive and thriving here in the Viet Nam! I went to a club the other night. It was like some of the ones in Bangkok, it looks like a disco but people sit at cocktail tables and watch a show. We entered as a sexy girl pop singer was finishing her set. The next act was a slapstick comedy team that looked like they just stepped out of 1935. One guy was like a hobo W.C. Field. Every time...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
I Thank you immensely for posting and taking this stance and it's one of the many reasons you're held in such high esteem by most everyone. I stopped following some of my most favorite performers and band acts for the same reckless disregard they employed with flammable theatrics on small stages. Not only would they fail to bring along a simple kitchen CO-2 extinguisher or set aside a bucket of sand or water, they invariably didn't even know where the house extinguishers. When I found myself...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Crackers? Merlinator don't serve crackers, honey! lol. Gonna have to get some new party receipe books, seems we served the same thing more than once to the same crowd. need a new chef around here;-) In light of the goodness Mr. Miller, is now feeling, and the love that so sweetly surrounds him and helps in the healing process; Mr Miller looked around while sitting at the Cafe, and asked with a quizical face what's all the fuss about? 'Maybe I am wrong,' he said, 'but, it just doesn't seem...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm back Y'all Beltaine goes down as one of the most beautiful on record. Hush agrees, it was one of the most stunning. More sun then you could ask for, almost too much at times. I love that day. This year there was no DJ set up , it was decided to just use drums and no electronics. I must say that it made everything clearer somehow. Every year I am amazed at the spectacle that is created.The magic that can be evoked. After all the ribbons had been twisted around the pole and the drums were...