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Tagged With "Black Rock City"


Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011

ccoran ·
Looking forward to performing this year for my 5th time!! I love the new forum site! Rock ON!! xoxo

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hapi ·
Hello, I'm gender illusionist and Emcee Hapi Phace, you all remember me from the hit Whisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssspers but you may also remember me from some other lesser known Hatie & Hapi tortured nightclub sagas such as Cuchifritos Hapi & Hattie Rock! Thursdays! and my brief stint at FUCK and many many more! Hattie when are you going to start a thread on THE BANK! Hapster


goblin73 ·
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...


Minerva ·
Well, it has taken weeks of thought on the issue to reach this decision, and it was tough, tough, tough...but after all the plans and arrangements, I've come to decide that I've simply got to attend Wigstock over Burning Man for the single and obvious reason: Burning Man will continue, Wigstock will not, and I've never been to Wigstock. I want/need that experience, end of story. However, Michael Alig at his height couldn't produce an event that could rival the boundless energy and creativity...


dresscode ·
in 2002 we will rock BURNING MAN i have a much greater understanding of the concept now, thank you Gobs. so get back to NYC for DADDY, fall will be very special this year.


Minerva ·
Dressy: I've got a huge book, two vids and scads of pictures on the subject if you're interested. Seems like a great excuse to spend time with your lovely acerbic self again anyway... Yeah, RV's are expensive, the Goblin's right about that, but they're so very worth it. Domes are dead essential too. My crew always has three or four of each and lots of supporting smaller structures. BTW - Gob, we used to be the notorious Fleshlab, but this it's the "Black Rock City Tours" camp, check them out...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

Night Nurse ·
So last night, I went to have my hair done for Wigstock. It turned out that my friend Creighton who does my hair was having a film documentary done about doing the wigs for this final festival (he also does Bunny's, Linda's, etc). So unlike our ususal hair sessions, this one was fueled by champagne. Somehow my glass kept getting filled, and well, I had had quite a bit while my wig was being fluffed, teased, etc. More to the point, I became lushy loose lips, and dished myself as well as...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Sheril Veniger ·
I�m not a writer so please pardon the grammatical errors. I had an adventure last nite I wanted to share. Last night at Kitch Inn I noticed a girl sitting alone with a sad look on her face and went over to cheer her up. Her name was Simone, it turned out she had a fight with her husband. Anyway we danced and drank the night away and she was so loaded I had to drive her home. All night she had been touching me and we were kissing each other lightly, she was so pretty. When we got to her...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
You can get boots done, boobs done, anything ya'need!~ I'm taking a break from all the shopping. I'm in a beach town called Krabi. I'm staying in a Bungalow on a nearby quieter beach. This area is known for dramatic rock formations, huge spooky limestone cliffs surrounding the beaches, and caves. Yesterday I took a boat ride that took us to 4 islands. It was an all day trip that included lunch and snorkeling (less than the price of a movie). The fish here are so colorful. I really relate to...

Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)

kil0watt ·
I think around '81 Club 57 started hosting parties at Irving Plaza. A Ukrainian sponsor/host (Stanley?) would dare the punks to throw beer cans and bottles at him on stage. (They obliged.) I remember the Invaders and Regina and the Red Hots. Whatever happened to Regina Richards? Did Chris Spedding and the B-52s also play here, or was that later in the life of Irving Plaza? Wow--just zoned on Nervus Rex--what about Lauren Agnelli? Where are all the NY Rock babes of yore? cheers to my NYC...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Chi Chi ·
Would love to hear any and all details, especially about the A*** Test! Faeries rock. [This message was edited by ulysses wept on 05-18-02 at 09:21 PM.]

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Glamnerd ·
Last night was amazing, packed house,sold out show(2,000 people), crazed fans. Deb sounded amazing. Total rock show, down to the stalker who jumped on stage in the middle of "Hanging on the Telephone" while Garrett and I were slam dancing around her.Security knocked him to the ground and we just kept slam dancing around them.They said in all 10 years of doing this night no one has ever done that(jumped on stage)...the power of Debravation. I stayed out with the 2 cuties we met on the Graham...

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

TonyaKnudsen ·
I have enjoyed for some time (as a lurker!) "This week's brit gossip" in the New and News topic in the The Versailles Room Forum ... In fact I keep a PopIt! going for this topic, just to read "This week's brit gossip". To learn you are from Ohio makes this even more interesting ... Do you know Drew Cary or Mimi? ;-) I've just been poking around ... You two are just too creative ... Last night, I printed your topic to read at the bar. This is not as hopeless...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Nicky LaLa ·
How I LOVE this topic - let me get sum! I love being a boy. I am a gay boy. I love gettin' awl up in drags and I looove performing - although my thing has never been 24/7...although I've been wearing makeup and dressing in "boy glam" since the 8th grade. Do I feel like part of the transgendered communuity? I love my trannies - i reallly do. While I am not transgendered or trans-identified - I guess I consider us all family on one spectrum because we are all lumped together...and it...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
Damn, I haven't been here for a while. You M.F. Bitches rock! A couple of things... Lady Sierra, Please don't be a stranger. We need MORE intelligent voices. (It's hard for Nancy Isla, Messy Bonnie and I to hold that end up by ourselves). I'm so glad you came out of the lurker's closet. And Sweetie, As far as lurkers... Believe me, there are MANY people reading this topic. Eventually some will post but you are reaching thousands. That's a good thing. And Mother Rose Royale, As Lady Sierra...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Lady Sierra (Guest) ·
Daddy, I appreciate your kind words and the community you have built here. I enter it with respect and awe at the resources and the people that are working to communicate in a complex culture. I am quiet because I have a lot to learn. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and the weather. I agree, "the bitches rock". Sierra

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Thx daddy and hatches. Saw Messy Bonnie Raitt's skinny sister, Bony Raitt at Spiritus tonite. And the real Pamela Anderson and Kidd Rock in Broad daylight walking Commercial until the fans got outta control and then they were swept away into a van. Yes hatches saw Tennesee sitting on the porch of The A House , he looked very pleased. Daddy..the Dick dock has been shut all summer. But the dunes are cooking bigtime and the love canal as well. I'm full now. *burp*


Glamnerd ·
I'm still spinning from the 10,000 miles I must have traveled in the last 24 hours. So I thought I would try to express some of the strange visions in my head. After driving a van for 10 hours straight, through the desert, buzzing on double shots of espresso and listening to bad radio so as not to drive off the road and into the abyss of darkness, I finally arrived in LA at 3 am. Took a plane at 3 pm and now I'm back in NYC. I'm sure Goblin will have many posts soon, but I thought I would...

Re: Adam Ant

Miss Understood ·
You "opened up" Wham? I thought those girls were already spread WIDE open! Maybe Billy just experimented in his youth. That novel/movie is supposed to be autobiographical. From the Web: (b. 1954) Half-Pakistani British novelist, screenwriter, and essayist and a paragon of the modern multicultural intellectual. Kureishi made his mark with the pair of screenplays he wrote for director Stephen Frears: My Beautiful Launderette (1985) and Sammy and Rosie Get Laid (1987). Before Launderette,...

Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker

TonyaKnudsen ·
But if I'm not mistaken isn't the doll sucking on Zazoo's nipple. It's so hard to tell sometimes. Yu tu genderart dolls rock so hard!

Re: Adam Ant

bettysgrrl ·
i just saw that adam's recent descent into mental illness is all the attention adam got & feel this must be remedied. (oh right, he's obnoxious & cute too. like i said.) adam took my 11-year-old, boring, suntan-parlors-&-gift-shops suburban world (yes i was raised on LI) & turned it upside down with one viewing of "stand & deliver!" a pretty boy in makeup with pistols & tall leather boots?! GIVE ME MORE!! my teenage self yelled: antmusic for sexpeople, indeed. he's...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...

Re: The Viper Room

Miss Understood ·
I wanna rock YOU!

Re: The Viper Room

ViperBoy ·
Miss Understood: Let's rock baby. haha I rememeber seeing you in the Wigstock movie and saying to my roomate, "ahhhhh check her out i love her!" LOL As for LA, i do agree with you to a large point. I lived there for a year and a half before moving to Maui and had residence on the corner of Hollywood Blvd/Formosa, right down by Manns. At first i loved LA because i was nothing more than a small town boy and it hit me as a culture shock so i dived right into it. Then i kind of got to see how...

Re: Adam Ant

ViperBoy ·
ahhhh no Toyah!! LOL As for Girlschool, i actually know them personally quite well..they just released a brand new CD called "21st Anniversary: Not That Innocent" with the four original band members (though two songs are with the new guitarist Jackie Chambers). They are still going strong believe it or not! I run their Official Website (though it's down right now until i get some more time to work on it).. The new album KICK ASS though! They still know how to rock, even into their 40s.


Luxury Lex ·
I'm sad ....


Anna Nicole ·
I have GREAT admiration for Joe Stummer (and Mick Jones) they truly made their mark on music and society today.... at a time when music was less 'controlled', less contrived, less manufactured, BS - meaning Before Sylists! These blokes were the original take no prisoners intelligent, driven cos of the love of the music not the Benjamins... it wasn't about Ice or Lexus it was about the music and people ... back in the days when people cared more about their fellow man with socialist and rock...

Re: The Viper Room

Zazoo and Satori ·
Club Cherry was fun when we went back in 2000. When we went back in 2001, it was really tame. Apparently we missed a rockin queer punk rock night at The Gauntlet. We didn't even try The Viper Room because of it's current rep. XXXOOO Satori

Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve

Glamnerd ·
What a great New Year's Eve! I'm still recovering! So glad I got to spend a brief but fab moment with the Empress and Daddy! Congrats on such a successful blowout! Highlights from my evening included..... Ringing in 2003 with a kiss from Lil' Kim. Fishstick #2 squashed in the back of Debravations 2 seater Mercedes with full spiked mohawk. (I wouldn't give up the front!) The flaming caldron in Donatella Versace's courtyard (so sick!) Flowrider and Betty Domination (her pearls were major!) The...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

daddy ·
"Roxanne" & "Hey Jude" rock!

Re: The Palladium

Agent Blue ·
OK the Palladium, before it became a glitz pallace it did have some great rock shows. Like Nick Lowe or The Plasmatics One night Wendy O blasted the hood off a White Caddy and almost took out the people in the first five rows when it landed in "way" the wrong place. It being punk times they loved it and screamed for more. Needless to say Wendy never quite topped that moment. Wendy did come back and do the buzz saw act in the Mike Todd room but it was just not the same. She did shock some of...

Re: Nightclub Disasters

kelly ·
It will be interesting to see what happens because of these two tragic events. I hope the outcome is not more security in the clubs, I don't think that will help. Also, I don't think they should have rock theatrics in such a small place, leave that for the arena and stadium tours.

Re: Nightclub Disasters

Darla Diamond ·
The band Great White's performance rider contains no mention whatsoever of pyrotechnics being used during the rock group's current tour of clubs and small theaters, The Smoking Gun has learned. TSG today (2/21) obtained copies of the band's rider from two separate promoters who booked shows by the group during the past month. A copy of the Great White performance specs can be found below. A third promoter, Domenic Santana, told TSG that the band set off a pyrotechnic display without his...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
A message to all the New Yorkers working hard to resurrect live perfromance, Vaudeville, and Burlesque: it is alive and thriving here in the Viet Nam! I went to a club the other night. It was like some of the ones in Bangkok, it looks like a disco but people sit at cocktail tables and watch a show. We entered as a sexy girl pop singer was finishing her set. The next act was a slapstick comedy team that looked like they just stepped out of 1935. One guy was like a hobo W.C. Field. Every time...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

Anna Nicole ·
DH --- article in UK telegraph newspaper heralding Ms Harry as the Queen of all CARS (!?) Her legend goes on... while Madonnas slides turd like..further down the on.... Car culture: A feast fit for the man from Mars (Filed: 05/04/2003) The Subaru Forester might be an ugly beast that breaks all the rules, but it is also among the best cars in the world, says Stephen Bayley Blondie's great album, Autoamerican, was recorded at Hollywood's United Western Studios in 1980. One...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

B. Domination ·
I'm not one for vanity searches, but I did look up "Eurasian". We all know there are a bajillion things to do on the net, but there really ARE! I found Eurasian Nation, and found out that being halvsies is a "thing"! There's forums and everything. What I do not understand is the multitude of "support" sites for coping with being EA. What's the problem? Although, I found a ridiculous article one lady wrote to explain the necessity of therapy for being too attractive and didn't know how to...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Wasn't sure where to post this as it doesn't exactly qualify under the "nightclub crackdown" forum. This little club sounds intriquing ....

Re: Zette, The Topic

Chi Chi ·
Synchronistically, the day after I finally started this topic, the following arrived via email, regarding Zette/Bernard's performances at Pat Field events at Area. Zette/Bernard emailed it to Scott Ewalt as research for the Pat Field book, but reveals so much about Zette and what was her and his genius, I thought Id share it here..

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
I'm back Y'all Beltaine goes down as one of the most beautiful on record. Hush agrees, it was one of the most stunning. More sun then you could ask for, almost too much at times. I love that day. This year there was no DJ set up , it was decided to just use drums and no electronics. I must say that it made everything clearer somehow. Every year I am amazed at the spectacle that is created.The magic that can be evoked. After all the ribbons had been twisted around the pole and the drums were...

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

Vulgaras ·
This night is gonna rock Tonya! Looking foward to the closing party too! Well behaved women rarely make history.

Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery

MaKi+ ·
Nobody would've never been to such a gorgeous opening nite of an art exhibition... Here is a peek of that nite*** Jade "RoCk" Barbee-->


goblin73 ·
what is this thing?? why do i do it?? and why do i seem to recall asking myself these same questions at this time every year??? i write to you, my dears, from the public library in wendover, nevada. just across the state line from wendover, utah. (think kansas city only not.) there's just a few casinos, , pawn shops, fast food restaurants, and (thank goddess!) an auto mechanic here. as soon as one of the employees finishes attending a funeral in salt lake city, she'll pick up the water pump...


Glamnerd ·
I needed a few days back before I could post. It was a little crazy journey back but it was an amazing journey over all. This year I learned about faith and the way the universe works for you when your on the correct path. Not a small lesson to learn. As for the Veuve story..... As I was sitting on the top of the bus in my best desert punk realness...... I was amazed with the burn even more that last year. Maybe because we were so close that my eyebrows were singed, but it was so beautiful.

Re: Liquid Sky

daddy ·
OK, you got me. It's me. Rock-A-Billy hair do and all. I'm so embarassed. I hope you're happy. I loved that jacket. It was this gorgeous soft leather cowboy jacket. White, gold, black and a little red. Elvis would have KILLED for that coat. I wish I still had it. (It's also the same one I'm wearing in my famous Robert Mapplethorpe portrait for all you '80's wankers!) OK here are the pics. Have your way with me.

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

xnowhereboyx ·
I saw it today. I don't know what to think. It definitely wasn't bad, but I can't say it was good either. I thought MacAuley Culkin was irritating, if it was just Seth Green it would've been a much better movie. For those who know the story (or lived it), the only reason to see the movie was for the recreations of the club scene "back in the day", but as Z&S pointed out above those scenes are pretty much quick camera pans across a dark room with an indistinguishable glimpse at a few...


daddy ·
Johnny Cash, one of country music's most iconic figures, has died at the age of 71. Cash died at Baptist Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, "due to complications from diabetes, which resulted in respiratory failure", said Lou Robin, his manager. The announcement shocked fans, who had been relieved to hear that Cash had been released from hospital on Tuesday after three weeks of treatment for an inflammation of the pancreas. Although Cash had been hospitalised frequently over the past several...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Luxury Lex ·
My, my! Quite a mouthful. However when I'm in my 40s and 50s I'll still be kissing plenty of 22-year-olds! Hopefully ......