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Tagged With "Bespoke Musik Residents Wild Dark"


Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011

Chi Chi ·

Stacy Amber

Stacy Amber



DJ LisSsa

DJ LisSsa







Myss Carrige

Myss Carrige







Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Daddy held for not having ID - appalling! I'm slightly surprised that this occurred in Miami, which apart from Key West is the only section of the state I've ever given a second thought to. The rest of Florida I've always dismissed as a frightening swamp of racist rednecks, Bible Belters, Disney theme parks and Republicans. And now the whole state is damned in my mind for the next 3 1/2 years for handing the presidency to George W. Bush. But Miami, with its heavy hispanic, black and gay...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Minerva ·
Gobs, that is so unbelievably wild and wonderful. You've gotta get some inside poop for us. I bet Dubya wears panties under his suit, I just know it. Find out! MS

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

bobby ·
What a tender and erotic story about a fetish that drives so many of us totally wild. Keep up the stories and welcome to the boards.

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

daddy ·
I think we are drifting here. Let's get back to STH stories! Sweetie, Hows about another tale from the "dark" side?

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

joetaco8 ·
Midddle-Eastern men drive me wild. I love those Pakistani men, with there small uncut soldiers. The smell, size, and hot sex talk turn me on almost as much as the ladies.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood · they slice open this lizard, squeeze out the oil, and rub it on "make dick grow big". You can also buy the stuff from an herbal medicine guy. I wonder if they have that in Chinatown? Well, I guess if any of the girls go off the 'mones and they want to restore their trade, they can try lizard oil. Chiang Mai is full of Euro-hippie types. Lot's of health food, yoga classes, etc. It's like the Thai San Francisco. There are these stoes full of beads, beautiful fabrics, silver, pottery,...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
One of the many other memorable moments was the night we all witnessed the sacrifice of Justin's original Kiki dress. It was a cinematographer's wet dream. It was a dark and rainy night; we (Pickles, Granite, Garrett, Denise and Francis, Goneaway, Scooter) went all the way out to memorial ridge for the beginning of the ritual. All of us crouched down in a circle with black umbrellas, granite created a ceremonial circle of rocks and candles. We all tried to keep the candles lit as Granite...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
Im here in the middle of a render wander at work and I was thinking of a funny thing that reminded me of Empress, (one of the several times i thought of her on the mountain) . Pinky, who is one of the most MAJOR and elder faeries (who I had the honor to hold hands with during the lifting of the May pole). was in the kitchen very late one night, I was about to take the long haul back to my tent but thought I would stop in the kitchen and get a snack for the way. When i arrived to my surprise...

Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic

Luxury Lex ·
First of all let me just say the Vampire Chronicles are GORGEOUS. So sensual, and when reading the passages in Queen of the Damned involving Armand and Daniel (the human interviewer of Interview) I still get so hot that I have to throw down the book at some point and jack off. I confess I've only read the first three: Interview, The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. Of these three, Queen of the Damned is my favorite, because its like those special issue comic books where all the...

Re: Greer Lankton

Miss Horse ·
In the late 80's I used to live about a block away from Einsteins and I must say the store was incredible. You could see some of the best Greer dolls in the Einsteins window: Candy Darling, Divine, Peggy Moffitt, Diana Vreeland. Not only was the boutique full of vintage Chanel and Pucci, but Greer's husband, Paul Monroe, designed beautiful surreal jewelry. Bracelets made of pills, necklaces reflecting with hundreds of mirrors, tiny buckets of champagne on ice swinging from earrings. The...

Re: Page

Lily of the Valley ·
When I first arrived in the Blade Runner 'esuqe city that New York was in 1990, I remember seeing this tall "Woman" with a bleach blonde flatop, horned rimmed sunglassed, in the dark of night, and glitter red lipstick, while dressed in a retro new wave look about 10 years before anyone thought it was cool to bring that back. She waltzed up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Page...who are you ?" My eyes opened a little wider and what was possible in this life became a little broader and I saw the...

Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker

TonyaKnudsen ·
Which is pretty fitting, considering that Jojo's lively demeanor, colorful appearance and eye-catching art make him one of Chicago's most visual – and visible – personalities. Little known fact: as a child, Jojo wanted to be a priest. A stint at Quigley North Prepatorial Seminary deemed him "too theatrical" for the papacy. That's an understatement (although he did hone his hair sculpting skills for the stage – for artists Cinderella, Judas Priest, UB40, Guns and Roses and others). Jojo's...

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Agent Blue ·
There were so many amazing evenings but Jackie's baby was spot on. The sick nannies Go Go followed by the Perfect Basil Twist's Jackie's baby puppet Singing your "Goin str8 to Hell" And do not for get the Johnny Dynell set that looked like a haunted mansion. I will never forget when Chi Chi said at the end of Basil's performance " We have been having sex here for 9 years and we finally had a baby" Also late night was quite wild that night. I also have to mention Connie in "Steal this Invite"...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Miss Understood ·
I first discovered Pyramid in late '87. My very first night happened to be a big benefit show, I think for Dee's teeth. Yeah, I know she didn't quite get them for a while, but that's another story. It was one of those super shows with a zillion acts! I was dazzled! In '87 the pyramid was all painted in crazy black and white trippy swirls, the shows were wild, and I was sold! It broke my heart when they painted it black. I became a regular at Hapi's party. It's what inspired me to do drag. I...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

TonyaKnudsen ·
D3.12.1-3. flesh We were locked in an underground cavern. There was some sort of starlet leading our decent. She had long brown hair. Straight, silky, thick, red highlights and parted in the middle, it was very seventies -- it was very seductive. She would stop sometimes and turn to see if we were still following her. Then she'd giggle. I'd have been scared I think if I'd been alone. But, although I could see no one else, I felt the presence of others. It was like that 'watching' you feeling...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Glamnerd ·
Taking a break from a render, I was laughing again about our little excursion to Jackie Bigalows Bungalow last Saturday night at Short Mountain , Tenn. All 7 of us (me, Justin, Pickels, Goneaway, Jackie, Pinto, Cum Dumpster) were taking the "20" minute "walk" to Jackies house in the woods. In the pitch dark walking,or shall I say , sliding up and down the muddy , rocky , hills. Finally ending up 35? minutes the house , it was really fun hanging out in the middle of nowhere...

Re: Flloyd the Ripper

Mister X ·
Absolutely LOVED it! As much as I liked the Blacklips stage production, the film version took it to a new profound level. Congratulations Flloyd and thanks to Marti and all the Blacklips crew for coming up with this repulsively beautiful dark gem. XXX Mr.X

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Jackie Bigalow ·
I'm proud to announce that Jackie Bigalow has just become the newest member of the Woodbury, TN Public Library, and was told in no uncertain terms by the librarian that she was absolutely not allowed to look at porn while using this computer. With her 1987 German Skinhead hair and sleeveless Glamour Goblins shirt, bright green pants and yellow shoes, I just don't know why they would even think they had to tell her that. So things down here are pretty magical-- I get to bathe at least once a...


daddy ·
I just walked by Pat Field's 8th Street store and was almost in tears. It's all empty, dark & closed up with the windows soaped. It's so sad. There is just a little sign on the door that says "SALE". So many memories in that store. Decades of memories! Punk, New Wave, Paradise Garage, Ball House, Club Kid, Rave. And who hasn't worked there at least once? I knew it was coming but to actually see her closed is a shock. I know it's not a tragedy or anything, Pat is ruling the earth now with...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

daddy ·
Gobbs, I'd know Pinto in the dark. Let's get him in here.

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

goblin73 ·
yeah, daddy... you know pinto in the dark. that's why he still thinks that's really you in your avatar. thanks, kitty.

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Miss Understood ·
Bridgette, I can totally understand why you'd be interested in the 80's/90's NY club scene. There was a lot of excitement, color, and creativity. What I find unfortunate is how much credit for this is being given to Michael Alig. The whole "Club Kid" thing was really an extension of what was first being done in small East Village Venues such as the Pyramid. Flloyd, Sister Dimension, Lahoma, Olympia, and many other freaks were doing their thing way before Disco 2000. When the small venues...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Anna Nicole ·
You know its nice to think that you can be that open and honest with us all here on the boards... but really how sick and twisted can ya get with yer big bad self - eeeeooow! Mens clothes and undies.... now i know that that hot weather is getting to ya! Sequins dahlin Sequins! Don't let us loose you to the dark side of the "BVDs"

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Koh Samui ('koh" means island) is a large somewhat developed island. Certain areas have flashy hotels, but where I'm staying it's still somewhat lazy and cozy. I'm not actually sleeping at the place where I'm doing my cleansing fast, they were full. I'm right across the road. In the past when staying at Thai beaches I'd rented a cute little bungalow, like the one in the picture I posted. This time, I have a really big one, about 3-4 times the size. This one even has hot water and a...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Ryan ·
I called and called and called u for like two weeks then i saw this topic. havent been on here in ages until yesterday so i havent seen your posts. Nice to know ur back where u like it most- well other then my ass. Bring me back something good and u know im not into Asians so make it food-type stuff. Peanut Sauce is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come back soon so we can go to Boiler Room again and u can bring the cute boy who likes to play that centipede game. and i can put some peanut sauce...

Re: The Palladium

kelly ·
I remember the Palladium having alot of great art. I can't remember when but they had this big Keith Haring backdrop and some other art on the back wall. One time this guy in silver body paint was sitting against this painting and when he left there were silver hand prints all over it. I also remember the Love Machine tuesday night party, I think this was after the union square place closed. They had a room downstairs right next to the men's bathroom that I remember being in one night, small...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Last night went to Freeman, my favorite gay club here. They have an ever changing show 7 nights a week and every number is a group number. There's always a crowd. There's nothing like it at home. ******FREEMAN WEBSITE****** They do a lot of black girl numbers. Last night there was a "Shirley Bassey) and a "Diana Ross". They also do some numbers is severe fashion looks. One girl wcame out in black lipstick and and a sexy/gothy exaggerated black ruffly collar and did an Amanda Lear song. The...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I'm in Saigon, oficially know as "Ho Chi Mihn City." So far it's nuts. I love it. There's this crazy energy at night. Almost everyone in the street is on a motorbike. They outnumber cars 50-1. It's noisy, but exciting. There's a lot of eye contact. I've heard it's a good way to cruise. I have a friend named Thang(prounounced "Tang" )who's a local. He's the boyfriend of my American friend Benjamin (an old friend of *BOB*s) who's in the U.S. at the moment. Thang is very flamboyant for someone...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I just got my 10th massage in 6 weeks. I think all 10 add up to the price of 1 in NY! Thai massages are rough, but they make my back feel alright again. I got one in Vietnam that was a bit different. She did a lot with her feet, walking on my back and the back of my legs. I guess fat people don't give massages. Well, the 6 fat people in Vietnam will manage to find other occupations. Maybe it IS the diet in Asia, but I'm skeptical. Thang is over 30 and packs away beer like a German truck...

Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2

seven ·
I have been feeling the swell of energy (well, you know Ms. Miller, I'm partial to those kinds of metaphors) emanating from the day of 3/12 for over a month now, so recieving the bless of your appearance at Magique may have me -most suitably- incoherent. Being alive is not anyone's choice in the beginning, so it is, to say the least, sometimes hard to hold on to the universe out of which we all have come while on this planet. Wild fortune has me in Tokyo today (a long story, which like all...


Anna Nicole ·
Nina Simone, whose deep, raspy, forceful voice made her a unique figure in jazz and later helped chronicle the civil rights movement, died Monday at her home in France, according to her personal manager. She was 70. - I don't know if you ever caught her live, but she defo invented the term DIVA... when i saw her she walked off the stage till the audience went wild with applause then she finally returned... this was after only one number!! Bless 'er! Amazing distinctive voice, a true legend