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Tagged With "Gays Against Guns"


Re: Occupy Wall Street

Chi Chi ·
Tomorrow's Schedule: October 15th International Day of Action Occupy Wall Street's October 15th - Day of Actions have actions targeting banks throughout the day around specific themes: jobs, education, housing, environment, and war. It will culminate with a mass convergence at Times Square, 5pm. Thousands will be participating throughout the day. Don't miss Occupy Wall Street's biggest day! Complete Schedule for NYC 11AM - March on the Banks ... From Liberty Square to Chase We will then...

Re: Occupy Wall Street

MaKi+ ·
Thank you for the video... I hope all of those psychopath cops eat "BK Ultimate Breakfast Platter" every morning and become sick very soon then they might get a clue of how corrupted our society is. Somehow, it is legal to sell a breakfast platter that contains 2,490mg of sodium though it is exceeding gov. suggested daily value of sodium. By selling such poisonous product at their over 7,000 stores in the U.S., BK's CEO has been receiving the total compensation of over $15 million. Darla,...

Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern

seven ·
Open me up and find the perfect place to get lost. I offer you vicious beauty of my voice before the humans wanted it to make sense. Your voice, lit cigarette against pyramid on the dollar bill of my coronary muscle. My spirit runs along the ridges above the Gila River threading lightening strikes, laughing like cum you sweetly frightened. I blessblame that Miller girl for introducing us the way scar is seduced back beneath skin. A blame made of the scent of leather and pale pink roots of...






Chi Chi ·
what a fabulous idea hatches! like the scene in Planet of the Apes.. Yes, lets do 2002, FURTHER I don't know why but it's reminding me of the T.S. Eliot poem- "Shall we go then, you and I When the evening is spread out against the sky"

Re: Mondo Internet

Miss Understood ·
Oh, I think he's definitely nuts... but I still appreciate the fact that he is out there shaking things up. I am so against enforced gender rules. Hey, if we photoshop glasses on that above photo he'll look like Janet Reno!

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Guest ·
my first m2m experience happened last year. My former landlord (a divorced tall 40 y/o german stud) accidently found a stack of fetish mags that I had left out one day. He was in the rental to fix the sink and I forgot. That weekend he came by and asked me not to leave my personal stuff lying around. I was so embarrrassed. He was cool though and we struck up a discussion about desires and fetishes. What I didn't realize was that he was bisexual and into kink. I was into heel worship, B/D and...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
Memorial Day weekend: More dykes than you can shake a rubber dick at, Isla would wear out her rug-munching tongue. More pre-summer bleached blondes than you can shake a can of bleach at, with their also bleached mates in matching Sergio Valenti and earthshoes. Why do dykes have the most amazing hairstyles on the planet? The sequined ( head to toe) street psychic who claims that he can tell you your last name, phone number and address after he asks for some ID , but they say that he's the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
When the umbrella term "transgender" started to encompass everyone on the Benjamin scale, from 1 to 6, I welcomed it. I remember how the NYC Drag Queens fought to not be included under that term at Stonewall 25, in order to have a separate marching contingent from Transgender. I was saddened by that at the time, but now have more understanding. There is really very little that an active transsexual (I make that distinction as I have encountered so many on the net that call themselves...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Rose Royalle ·
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
Great post Ms Royale!!! So many great points so well tended to. I really must say however...... I really do not see myself as a "Leader". I am a damn good entertainer, a big mouth, a passionate soul, a lot of things, but I do not pretend to be a leader, I am simply finding my way with the rest of the flock. Mine and Glorya's bad blood stems back as far as I can recall to stupidly enough a club pass promoting QUEEN BEE. It then involved me supposedly trying to lure a dj of hers away (a friend...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
Against some of my better judgement, I'm going to throw this out about part of my experience(s) with Glorya, though I restrained myself from getting involved in the mudslinging in another forum (despite wanting very much to join in). The first time I worked for Glorya was at one of her Pyramid Club Parties back in 1995. I danced on the bar in heels, panties and bustier all night long. At the end of the night, she said that the party didn't make enough money and none of the dancers would get...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Sheril Veniger ·
For so many years I was closeted to the point that I was losing my sanity, I was virtually scared to death to go out in drag. The first time I went out it was to Click and Drag at Fun, and I was a mess, I was so scared I couldn't even hold my drink and it spilled on the floor breaking the glass, but by the end of the evening I was having a wonderful time and the barrier I had for so long battled to overcome was over. After that Click and Drag closed. The second time I went out to the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I must agree that trans-discrimination has been phenomenally irrational and intense, but I have seen wonderful changes for the better. I have experienced just about evey kind of abuse over the years. It's important to keep ones center and not take any o f that harshness inside of oneself, but to recognize it for what it is and let it go. Yes, it has often seemed that too many people believe that a Transperson is nothing but something to point at, laugh and gawk. Many young men and some not...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

B ·
History Wrestles Commerce in Meatpacking District By DENNY LEE (NYT, 8/11/02) The three-year drive to confer landmark status on the meatpacking district is taking on a new urgency. What began as a low-key investigation of warehouses and blood-soaked Belgian blocks has quickened this summer into a race that pits preservationists against developers. "We're hitting a critical juncture," said Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation. "Several...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

dreambot ·
club kids being youngsters ala nouveau, seemed to be as much of an of exploration in gender identity/preference, as social transmutations, and as I saw it, an alternative to traditional drag. I'm not all that convinced sexual preferences, although predominantly gay (98@100?), was always so absolute. Gay, straight or whatever, one inevitably discovers strong subliminal attractions for persons outside their sphere of gender preference that otherwise may never have been known or acted upon were...

Re: SEX in Jackie 60

daddy ·
"sticks my platformed booted foot up on the cracked sink in front of me" "the calves of my legs are wedges against the side of the dirty toilet bowl." "and glare at the tarnished wall mirror" I'll have you know I worked my fingers to the bone to make that club nice and that's the thanks I get! cracked sink... dirty toilet bowl... tarnished wall mirror... The Nerve Anna Nicole! See if I ever introduce you to any more Dominican vampires! [This message was edited by daddy on 08-31-02 at 11:47 AM.]

Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?

Agent Blue ·
There were so many amazing evenings but Jackie's baby was spot on. The sick nannies Go Go followed by the Perfect Basil Twist's Jackie's baby puppet Singing your "Goin str8 to Hell" And do not for get the Johnny Dynell set that looked like a haunted mansion. I will never forget when Chi Chi said at the end of Basil's performance " We have been having sex here for 9 years and we finally had a baby" Also late night was quite wild that night. I also have to mention Connie in "Steal this Invite"...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...

Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist

TonyaKnudsen ·
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

TonyaKnudsen ·
D3.12.1-3. flesh We were locked in an underground cavern. There was some sort of starlet leading our decent. She had long brown hair. Straight, silky, thick, red highlights and parted in the middle, it was very seventies -- it was very seductive. She would stop sometimes and turn to see if we were still following her. Then she'd giggle. I'd have been scared I think if I'd been alone. But, although I could see no one else, I felt the presence of others. It was like that 'watching' you feeling...


Rose Royalle ·
From: Subject: [queerleft] Fwd: Harry Hay obituary - New York Times Is there going to be a NYC (or in other cities) memorial for Harry Hay, and more than mourning, as doing what Harry Hay had often done, which way forward for the queer movement? In May 2003 there will be a gathering of queer lefties in NYC at the Brecht Forum, to put the issue of queer liberation back in the heart of the socialist/anarchist/left movments and reconnect the queer community to the...


Rose Royalle ·
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...

Re: Adam Ant

Night Nurse ·
Betty, I love that you still play your records...I do too, and have all the vinyl of my youth still (and a generous donation from Daddy that I am still sorting through). Somewhere in the mid 90s, I took this 19 yr old boy home from the Now bar (it was a long time ago if that is where I met him as I have not been there in years)...and he said to me once in my apartment "wow, you're old, you have records," like my apartment was some museum. Well, if the album fits in the sleeve...and I chose...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...

Re: The Viper Room

Anna Nicole ·
Viper room would have been FAB if it would have been anywhere other than LA.... Sorry, but i would go on a march against LA... and its not cos (as people always say) 'oh you just didn't go to the right places' - you're talking to a girl who was 'in residence' at the Belushi death bungalow for LA still sucked... but Johnny Depp... now theres another tale.(namedrop namedrop)..can i tell you about the time his fist was in my mouth... oh it for a 'private topic'! (a very old...


Anna Nicole ·
I have GREAT admiration for Joe Stummer (and Mick Jones) they truly made their mark on music and society today.... at a time when music was less 'controlled', less contrived, less manufactured, BS - meaning Before Sylists! These blokes were the original take no prisoners intelligent, driven cos of the love of the music not the Benjamins... it wasn't about Ice or Lexus it was about the music and people ... back in the days when people cared more about their fellow man with socialist and rock...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
I haven't ever encountered a dangerous situation. I'm sure that, just like in NY, if you're careless in crowd ou can get pickpocketed or something. But as for violence, I never see it. Confontation is frowned upon in Thai culture. In five long trips here I think I only saw a loud argument once. In the US, the scariest thing is packs of 16-25 year olds. Young people can be evil when they're in a group. I never ever get that vibe off people here. People are very friendly and easygoing. As for...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Gigi Deluxe ·
I had a friend who was Vietnamese(sp?)who, before kissing me on the check "hello" she would gently grab my face rub her cheek against mine then take a deep breath to sniff me - literally like one would a flower, I thought it was very flattering and charming (and something of a turn-on but, with "westerners" what is'nt? ha, ha.. ). In her culture this is how you greeted someone you loved, a beloved friend, family ect. Very sweet indeed. I miss her..... Gi-Gi p.s. I know you're the Queen of...

Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)

daddy ·
I think it's Help Against Drugs or something like that. Perfect for Messy You Know Who.

Re: The Palladium

kelly ·
I remember the Palladium having alot of great art. I can't remember when but they had this big Keith Haring backdrop and some other art on the back wall. One time this guy in silver body paint was sitting against this painting and when he left there were silver hand prints all over it. I also remember the Love Machine tuesday night party, I think this was after the union square place closed. They had a room downstairs right next to the men's bathroom that I remember being in one night, small...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Well, no one's been accusational towards me personally, but the whole world seems to really be hating Bush right now. They also see American News networks on cable, and they're horrified by the biased coverage. If Bush DOES start WWIII, I don't think we'll end up with many allies. They'll all be blaming us and they'll probably group up against us. Maybe we'll be lucky and they'll do what America allegedly does: take over and put in a democratic government. That might not be so bad. Well, if...

Re: Nightclub Disasters

Darla Diamond ·
The band Great White's performance rider contains no mention whatsoever of pyrotechnics being used during the rock group's current tour of clubs and small theaters, The Smoking Gun has learned. TSG today (2/21) obtained copies of the band's rider from two separate promoters who booked shows by the group during the past month. A copy of the Great White performance specs can be found below. A third promoter, Domenic Santana, told TSG that the band set off a pyrotechnic display without his...

Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!

Miss Understood ·
Well, my friend may start a furniture importing business, which could mean piggybacking on his quantity (cheaper) shipping, so there's always hope. While on this trip I read Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men". To all of you out there with any concern about what's happening in America, it's very important to go get this book. It's full of humor and easy to read and it REALLY fills you in on the creepiness of the Bush family and exactly why this is all about oil and money. It's getting too...

Re: Michael Moore

Merlinator ·
Watch the crowd as they decide how to react in the kodak theatre. watch the crowd as they decide how to ridicule MM, acting startled at first. Watch the crowd as they gain momentum against the speaker. there is a similar fear in the eyes to those famous and rich people, that one sees in th eyes of those around sadam, like they must behave and say and do the right thing or else. that natural thought and gut reactions are not possible. such honesty would only reveal the lack of power any of...

Re: Michael Moore

Johnny Gato · It's here. His last line went essential unheard & it's his most cutting: "And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up." The Dixie Chicks part isn't cutting but "your time is up" would have been very exciting if everyone had heard it.

Re: Michael Moore

Bucky Wunderlick (Guest) ·
I initially felt that Moore's film would strike a blow against documentaries as an art form, but it's possible that it is only an example of opinionated, selective documentary filmmaking gone a few steps too far. I argued with my friend that there's a difference between selective presentation of true facts and outright lies, but he wasn't having it. He gets kind of obstinate whenever people disagree with him. He said I can't comment until I see the film. I say that's bullshit, since I only...

Re: Michael Moore

daddy ·
What are the lies? Walking into a bank and coming out with a new rifle & scope 20 minutes later. I mean that is uniquely American. So are the statistics for gun-related deaths here. You think he made up those numbers? What are the lies?


Poison Eve ·
I am so wrecked about Nina's death. I caught her twice and kept hoping she may return despite her saying "This is the last time I'll come to New York...Africa is my home, baby" (even though she lived in France!). J'adore her - from shooting kids with a bb gun for trespassing, to reading Michael Jackson for turning "white", she defined "diva". Who else have you seen stop a show in middle of a song to have her assitant come out and fix her headwrap? Long live the high priestess of soul.s


dreambot ·
Sandman Sims, 86, Tap Dancer and Fixture at the Apollo, Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (text from The NYtimes accuracy under scrutiny) Sandman Sims, the celebrated tap dancer and Apollo Theater legend, died on May 20 in the Bronx. He was 86, although he long maintained that his age was "a matter of opinion." For decades he was "executioner" at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, chasing unpopular acts off the stage on amateur nights, sometimes with a toy gun. He told disconsolate losers about how he...

Re: boy george

Jade ·
wow - that pic really takes me back. it isnt the makeup that fascinates me - the hair! the whole thing screams "do you really want to hurt me?". answer - no, we love you! (ps - is that a japanese "Miss me blind' scarf??) I found an old paperback a few years a ago called "like punk never happened" indicting culture club and other new wave cohorts with crimes against music and culture. a definate subway read! I loved Boy George in my youth - he pushed everybodys buttons. He had the balls to be...


dreambot ·
>thought this needed to be added to the sector<<BR> from the archival crypts @nytimes: Edith Bouvier Beale, 84, 'Little Edie,' Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (2002) Edith Bouvier Beale, once a successful model and aspiring actress who later lived a gothic life in Grey Gardens, a dilapidated 28-room house in East Hampton, N.Y., with her mother and dozens of cats, raccoons and opossums, was found dead in her small apartment in Bal Harbour, Fla., on Jan. 14. She was 84. Her nephew, Bouvier...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Stacy Amber ·
His voice is like the Earth itself singing (or the male aspect of it anyway). Totally real! He had many of the then cutting edge counter culture singers on his television show in the 1960s like Bob Dylan (several times). I must admit it was AFTER Dylans motorcycle accident when he no longer had that edginess with an abandon that he had prior to it, but he was still way out there as far as Mr. and Mrs. Average American was concerned. Johnny Cash Came out strongly against the Vietnam war at a...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Michael Madison ·
I so worship Stevie, though I always feel a tinge of unease when the older generation criticizes the young upstarts: This is the same kind of criticism that was leveled against Madonna, and so many others who were equally unpopular among parents... who couldn't understand what they meant to their kids. To me, Stevie comes across as a bit fuddy-duddy here. I thought the MTV kiss thing was terribly tacky, and though I'm not a huge fan of everything that Britney and Christina do, they represent...


dreambot ·
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...

Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)

S'tan ·
Thanks for the dialogue! Roman a clef always has been with us. 'Liaisons Dangereuses' is a great example. That book was a total scandal and banned when it appeared. The author was forced to write a book on the Joys of Marriage or some such drivel to clear his name. (That book was NOT a best seller...) In any event, what happened with Truman is he wrote in a 'fiction' (Answered Prayers) the details of a murder of a high society gent, by his wife, one of the grandes dames... The lady had...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Anna Nicole ·
SEPTEMBER 30--Madonna's new "Hollywood" video is a blatant visual rip-off of the work of a late French fashion photographer, according to a federal copyright lawsuit just filed against the pop superstar. The son of photographer Guy Bourdin alleges that Madonna's video is filled almost entirely with reenactments of his father's distinctively racy images (Bourdin died in 1991 at age 62). "It's one thing to draw inspiration; it's quite another to simply plagiarize the heart and soul of my...

Re: Swept Away part 2

Michael Madison ·
At least she's got a little wave of Britney press to ride before this case crashes in... from Bitch & Famous: Madonna continues her burgeoning collaboration with Britney... Now the queen of pop is going to be starring in the princess of pop's lastest video ˜Me Against the Music' – as a nightclub dominatrix, clad in skin-tight black leather, with a bevy of gorgeous women on leashes who lure innocent Britney into their clutches... Sounds promising! But, since Madge's hubby Guy Ritchie will...