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Tagged With "barnum room"


Re: Neighborhood Characters

daddy ·
Yeah that Naked Cowboy thing is repulsive. He's like the nightclub S_ _ _ sh. It's full of tourists from out of town thinking that they are seeing New York but it's really a room full of other tourists from out of town looking at each other thinking, "New York isn't so weird. It looks just like home".

Re: BLACK COFFEE joins LIBATION @ Sullivan Room-Thurs. Oct. 11th

Darkstar ·

Re: BLACK COFFEE joins LIBATION @ Sullivan Room-Thurs. Oct. 11th

Darkstar ·

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Poison Eve ·
Who could forget the ill-fated Cuchofritos? I remember going to The Pyramid one Sunday night in the early 90's - just as "Fuck!" was about to end. Being an NYU suck-in-your-cheeks gender-performance snob then (then?), I was anticipating a memorable show. Having read about the legendary likes of Ethyl and the Pyramid ilk, I wanted to be astounded. We were treated to a rather shoddy amatuer strip contest instead. But there was one redeeming factor...Hattie Hathaway and Richard Move MCing the...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

bobby ·
Tabboo on the go go bar, Baby Gregory on the street outside selling handmade"dolls" or painted tiles or little drawings or whatever else he could think of that week to get some more crack money but God how I miss his Janis. My parties there called 101 Varieties, short lived but debuted with Miss Harry reciting her poetry on my birthday night, that big skinny junkie looking man in chaps with a sourpuss face rushing to and from, Greer Lankton and Costa Pappas, DJ's Dany Johnson, Sister...

Re: Blacklips

hatches ·
Once we did a re-working of Shakespeare's most cursed tragedy. It included a freshly written prologue sending up those unlucky aspects, with Flloydd and Marti whistling in the wing of the stage, the set was all green with peacock feathers and the audience entered the room underneath a ladder that we had strung up over the door. Funny, huh? Well, within seconds of the door opening, the ladder had fallen, almost killing the first customer, and Sissy Fit fell onstage during her scene and broke...


hatches ·
Noted character actor, East Village icon, nightlife legend and panhandler extraordinaire, Rockets Redglare AKA Michael Morra died on May 28, at New York's Bellevue Hospital. He had been admitted to the hospital's emergency room two days earlier after complaining of breathing difficulty. Rockets appeared in many theatrical productions, as well as in scores of films, most recently Penny Marshall's "Big" and Julian Schnabel's "Basquiat." He was 52. An informal memorial will be planned later on...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Darla Diamond ·
An officer I was talking to at the airport said that they were briefed of the possibility of a second round. Please be extra careful and vigilant! The Prez is just down the street from me at the Air Force base. I guess that makes me pretty safe? UPDATE: Heard report that van was stopped in NJ loaded with explosives, apparently headed for the GW or other bridge. I reserved my room for another night just in case we remain grounded. [This message was edited by Darla Diamond on 09-12-01 at 01:59...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

dresscode ·
without starting a new topic or being accused of racial profiling this will fit in here. saturday night in south hampton we stopped in at the 7-11. it's lovely really, 8 or 10 indian men rushing around working. i love it so. when out from the back room comes a tall handsom man. he said hello and asked me if i wanted to go in the back room. my friend and i thought he was offering me a job. we laughed and went on with our business. sunday evening gordon stopped back in the 7-11 and he came...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Luxury Lex ·
A few years back I gave up a broom closet share on Seventh Street & First Ave and moved to a huge, two bedroom apartment in Park Slope with a plutonic gay male friend. (I only stayed there a year before deciding I couldn't deal with the commute and fled back to Manhattan). Anyway, my roommate and I agreed to have separate phone lines, and I used a pre-existing one in my bedroom. But my roomie had to have a brand new one installed, so he arranged for a NYNEX guy to come out on a Saturday...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

bobby ·
Once when I was in Rome at the train station, I stopped into the men's room ( again!) and was standing at the open urinals when a young male hustler came in. Walking up to the urinal next to me he quickly flopped out a perfect example of an italian sausage. Long and thick and an endless foreskin, he let it hang there as he rolled his big brown eyes at me and smiled. He put it back in his pants and walked toward the door looking back at me to follow him. We walked to an empty train parked to...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

daddy ·
Oh please Bobby. I use to do him all the time at Boy Bar when Sweetie was on stage. I'd just slip on her and Faux Pas' tape, then I'd run downstairs to the dressing room where old "Moronga Dick" was waiting. I'd be back in the booth by the time Bette Midler was finishing. Just kidding. Abuelo indeed!


goblin73 ·
yeah, it's true... lance has checked into the chelsea in the sky. pinto attended (or will soon) his memorial in l.a. i'll see if i can get him to post here. for those who don't know who lance loud was... he was the oldest sibling in the loud family who were made famous in the 70's on a PBS mini-series. the show - AN AMERICAN FAMILY - was the first reality based tv show ever aired. it followed the family in their so-cal house and lance as he moved to new york. he took a room at the chelsea...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

bobby ·
Suddenly I feel a bit feverish...Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Miami and all oiled up and sashayin' down the beach in that gayish zone around 20th street and two Cuban mamis snatched me up right off the beach. I was 21 at the time and I had just imbibed an organic ciggerette and had washed down a mandrax or two with a shaker full of Martini juice and I'm bare foot and in only a skimpy speedo headed towards the ocean for a dip... Well these two young ( 18?) hot cubano girls who...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

goblin73 ·
i saw a show that sounds eerily similar... if not the same queen. in a neighborhood bar, packed back room with tables (no chairs) and the stage had stairs leading down to it from the back. i remember she held a pink and green plastic toy microphone in her hand for the lip synch. and that thai voice in the stand up section... i can still hear it in my head. incredible!!

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
The pop music here changes quickly, but a few years ago there was a popular trannie pop singer named "Jern Jern". I bought her album. It was nothing amazing but just a cool thing to have. There is also a popular TV host who appears regularly in and out of drag. I haven't seen him on TV (my cheap room doesn't have one) but My friend showed me a book about her. While they are prim about some things (they edit sex scenes out of Western films)they seem much more comfortable with gender varience.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Have you ever noticed how bad travel articles in magazines an newspapers are? They are all formatted around overpriced packages. Even here, if you pick up a free (advertiser funded) tourist guide or map, it is full of listings for things that are absurdly overpriced for what things cost here. This place is so gorgeous that there's not much more the pricey places can offer you. You don't need a pool with a crystal clear ocean in front of you! A simple, lovely, Gilliganesque bungalow is about...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

daddy ·
There is a topic like that in The Versailles Room called bibliofile. How do you post? Internet cafe? I'm always amazed how wired the world really is. We have been in some pretty remote places and they always seem to have some sort of Internet cafe. (always with teen age kids online buying Hip Hop clothes)

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
I was just doing my posts on the boards and kinda browsed thru these last pages of awesome smut. I had a GREAT DAY TODAY!!! Only in New York children, only in New York. I recently moved into a larger room in my apartment. I've totally gotten into this new space because the back door to my patio and backyard is in my room. It also leads to a special entrance to the laundry room downstairs. Today I was laying in bed waiting for my EX- to come by for some delicious EX- SEX. Mind you, I had...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
Well, I finally caught some dirt on Monks. I'm in Chiang Mai, the second largest city, much cleaner than Bangkok, in the North of Thailand. Fifteen minutes one way you're in farm country. Fifteen minutes the other way your in the mountains. I hooked up with this really sweet guy who's been driving me all around on his motorcycle. So he was a temporary monk for much longer than normal because he was orphaned at 9. His uncle was a monk so he went to live with them. I asked if they got nasty in...

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Miss Understood ·
You're lucky. Jewelry is sooo much easier to ship! So we went to this straight club called "Hollywood." It's set up like a NY dance club, a big room w/a stage, lots of lighting, and very loud techno. The difference: the room, even the would-be dance floor, is filled with cocktail tables. You either sit or stand at your table. Maybe 15% of the crowd will dance next to their table. Most people tend to get a bottle and mixers. We do that every night we go out drinking here. It's dirt cheap,...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

Guest ·
Last weekend I went to Seattle for a visit. After seeing the usually family I went to find some late night fun. I ended up initially at a fetish modelling place called X-otic Tan. Unique and kinda pricy for me but worth it. The first night (Friday) I got a private dance and went crazy while kissing the models soft sexy feet. the next night I went back (after raiding the ATM) and had another session. While waiting in the lobby I talked with this middle aged truck driver type. He was talking...

Re: Provincetown

bobby ·
My favorite so far is the dyke/guest who asked friend and owner of gay guest house { a serious leatherman) after calling him to her room , " Could we please have new pillows, these smell like men." On the other hand, The caterpillow coccoons are bursting in the dunes. Random caterpillows headed out and over the hills and valleys of the sand in every direction towards the sea. The birds singing and darting by. Come September they will be butterflies and the humans will be naked in the reeds.

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

April (Guest) ·
Myself I don't care for labels since they suggest a digital (e.g. binary!) world. Humans are so analog (continuous and varying). "I would really like to know if you feel we could FOSTER GENUINE SUPPORT for ANY PERSON has had been made to feel different or ashamed or scared about who they are in terms of gender. " After reading the whipping post in the tea room targeted towards Gloria Wholesome I have my doubts. In fact I have received the most support from Gloria! She has been an advocate of...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
I love it! I love it! I find this all so very fascinating. I loved April's post, especially her views on "gender expression". And on some weird level Bobby's need to assert his manhood in this room was just as valid. I have heard Bobby speak briefly about his time on hormones, and find it mind boggling that he always percieved himself as POSITIVELY male. I guess I can only speak from my experience. And thinking back when I felt my first pangs of womanhood, I certainly would not have...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
" I guess for me, my freedom to live as I please was a higher priority than it is for some. " That may be it in a nutshell, Miss Understood. Sometimes the desire may be growing and latent and its a matter of timing. I remember what a quiet, shy kid I was until in 8th grade, the boy behind me in class would not leave me alone. He was always whispering funny things to me and singing songs to me really low until he finally won me over and in a big way. Suddenly I was transformed, which really...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Stacy Amber ·
I have been reading everyones posts with such enthusiasm and interest. I would like to share a few things with several of you: April: I know something of the feelings that you are going through about family and transitioning. I remember how much angst and fear that caused me. Once I knew there was no turning back for me any longer, I actually remember having thoughts of wishing my family dead so that I would be able to live. As insane as that sounds (and is) that's a good example of the...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Mister X ·
Reading the various category descriptions, I realized that I should have posted the Yohji thing in the Versailles Room area instead! My apologies. Julian

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Sheril Veniger ·
For so many years I was closeted to the point that I was losing my sanity, I was virtually scared to death to go out in drag. The first time I went out it was to Click and Drag at Fun, and I was a mess, I was so scared I couldn't even hold my drink and it spilled on the floor breaking the glass, but by the end of the evening I was having a wonderful time and the barrier I had for so long battled to overcome was over. After that Click and Drag closed. The second time I went out to the...

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

daddy ·
I too had no idea that you were so JC when I saw you at the bar at The Slipper Room. You seemed so comfortable in your skin. I just thought you were very fierce and why don't I know this girl? I guess I am just a big ol' tranny chaser.

Re: The Cockettes

Glamnerd ·
Everyone must see this movie, I've already posted about this in the Versailles room. It is totally major and will show where many groups were born,including The Radical Faeries. Please go!!

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

sweetie ·
The last couple of posts unfortunately totallly veered away and lost this topic. Let's try to make sure our verbal masturbations are relevant to the topic at hand. Anyone care to comment, or pick the ball up where we left off. Hoping for insight and feedback about inner prejudice in the "tg" ie.... transsexual, transvestite, drag, cross dressing, gender variant world. We have had soooo much REAL sharing, it would be a shame to let this little room die. Read from page one and comment. Such...

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

TonyaKnudsen ·
I have enjoyed for some time (as a lurker!) "This week's brit gossip" in the New and News topic in the The Versailles Room Forum ... In fact I keep a PopIt! going for this topic, just to read "This week's brit gossip". To learn you are from Ohio makes this even more interesting ... Do you know Drew Cary or Mimi? ;-) I've just been poking around ... You two are just too creative ... Last night, I printed your topic to read at the bar. This is not as hopeless...


Rose Royalle ·
Hi, everyone, I have at last found a place suitable for a party for us all to get together and honor Michaelian. Here are the details: Monday, August 19 - that's a week from today The Slipper Room 167 Stanton Street at Orchard (lower east side - 1 block south and east of 1st Ave. and Houston) 7:30 til whenever Cash bar We'll start with about an hour of sharing memories, stories - anyone who wants to contribute is welcome to do so. Then we'll turn up the music and just mingle. Please let me...

Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker

jo-jo baby ·
i didn't mean too.i just have all this room in my gallery now that the show is up....i just want to make fil up space. i have been painting jo-jo's closet and sanding the floors....hehe. i want a skeleton...for the closet.


Rose Royalle ·
Tara died suddenly last Monday from complications brought on by an untreated chronic bronchial condition. Versaille Room vets may remember Tara, one of a group of very pretty, quite passable Pan Asian/ Philipine young ladies who were regular customers @Mother. The girls were always followed by droves of chasers who would compete for the privilege of buying their drinks. They remained loyal to "Jackie 60" and even followed the legendary party downtown to Don Hill's. Among her coterie of...

Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori

TonyaKnudsen ·
AND BRING jOjO !!! actually just a funny semi-waking dream I had this morning. --actually caused, most likely, from watching the performance tape from the womb show, which I had not forced myself to sit through yet. After much pulling my hair, groaning, talking very loudly and repetitively to myself and pacing about the living room, I got through it. But what I realized is that YOU TWO twats were the ones to go into shock and hustle with tons of bustle off the floor when my audio came on!


dreambot ·
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...

Re: My own private East Village

daddy ·
I love "Ciao for Now". I sometimes brunch there with Nancy Isla. Rules! And Rodhammer Boy- Keep it clean! There are ladies in this room. Oh wait... it's just Betty, Anna Nicole, Miss Understood & my wife. Nevermind


Rose Royalle ·
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Chi Chi ·
Hi all, this was such devastating news. Got a call from Rose Wood earlier who told us that donations of clothes/supplies for Kelly can also be left at The Chelsea Hotel c/o Room 724. Donations will be collected from there and brought out by cab as they accumulate. Please do not leave cash in that manner (bring it instead to the above club locations) but clothing, costumes, etc. She has absolutely nothing, so almost anything would help. Kelly is on the small side I would think no bigger than...

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Matthew Mohr ·
the Bombshellgirls show on Sun. nite @ The Slipper Room is now a benefit for Miss Kelly Web!!Please come see some of burlesques best and help out in Kelly's time of need.I spoke with Sammy Jo of Star Tarrtarr ( sorry for the mispell) and there might be a connection between the two parties ( discount list for attendees of Bombshell , etc.) to entice a generous audience to two of her fav venues.

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

The Lady Ace ·
hello everyone! I just wanted to add to the love & support for Kelly. She is truly one of the most positive, loving & generous people i know. This is a tragic thing- how quickly things can change in one day. The Bombshell! party is tonight at the Slipper Room...admission is whatever you want to donate to Kelly- the money is going to help her get herself back on her feet...and there will be an amazing show! The theme is "Vanity", so be your most vain self you possibly can be. Let's...

Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ

Chi Chi ·
Just wanted to post the Bombshell TIME for those of you who don't usually crawl out of your nests till midnight. The doors open at 8, shows begin at 9 at The Slipper Room, corner Orchard and Stanton. And welcome to the Motherboards Lady Ace! See you tonight..

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

ViperBoy ·
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...