Tagged With "Avante Garde"
Well said Stacy!!! Bowie was HUGE influence on so many people... and in my 'hood he paved the way for everyone to suddenly announce they were bisexual!!!! LOL I was laughing about just this recently with my ole theatre school mates "remember when all the lads in our class wore eye lines and were announcing that they were bisexual like Bowie" we were all into Roxy and Bowie.. the first lad i ever made out with had the full Young Americans look and eye lines (he's a raving queen now of...
Avant-Garde-Arama: New Moon
Avant-Garde-Arama: New Moon April 12 + 13 | 8pm Abrons Arts Center | 466 Grand Street | NYC Tickets $15 | abronsartscenter.org Presented by Abrons Arts Center; On loan from PS122 Curated by Salley May in collaboration with The Full Moon Crew, Avant-Garde-Arama: New Moon is a tribute to the late downtown mentor and luminary performance artist Tom Murrin to celebrate his 27 years of performing in AGA. Featuring video pieces by Larry Fessenden, Love Everyone Movement, and Jo Andres featuring...
The Avant Garde Fetish Play "Slave Auction" Sat. Dec. 13th New York City
Avant Garde' "SLAVE AUCTION NiTE" @Parthenon Studios, Sat. Dec. 13th New York City "BDSM/FETISH play DEVOID Of the MAINSTREAM" Date & Time: Saturday, December 13, 2014 10:00 PM – 5:00 AM Location: PARTHENON STUDiOS BLDG #5 W. 30th STREET. Between 5th Ave & B-way. Ring bell #2. Elevator to 2nd Fl. Cost: $20 per person b4 11p.m, & $30 per person after. Dress code: Fetish, Lingerie, or Sexy BUT Neat ALL Black Attire ... TASTEFUL NUDiTY iS acceptible as a KiNK. Description: This is...
Memento Mori's 2nd Anniversary Party!
Resident DJs Malefic, Ana Vice, Bela, and Stalagmike spinning a variety of outstanding classics, obscurities and new developments! FREE from 10PM until 4AM. 21+ and please bring valid ID. Dress code: Goth, Vampire, Witch, Ghoul, Sinister Dandy, Dark Glam, Edwardian, Victorian, Deathrock, or basic black. NO blue jeans, caps, sneakers, or flip flops allowed. There is air-conditioning, dark and lovely decor, comfortable seating, clean restrooms, and an established dance floor. Bedlam Bar 40...