Tagged With "doctor mister"
Re: Greer Lankton
This topic has moved me no end, and since Greer was first and foremost an ArtMaker, I have moved her topic here from NYC Girls. She could have gone so many places - Hopelessly Devoted for one - but it is her work that lives on, and her descendants, many of whom are here! I was mentioning this phenomenon to several people lately - that "Greer's Kids" (Z&S, JoJo Baby, Gigi etc.) should be here. One was the Mboards own mister e, who is a master archivist and historian. He dug up these...
Re: Greer Lankton
chi chi and mister e thank you for those photos the "Larissa" one i have a copy of and it has inspired me forever the valentine's tableau is so incredidibly gorgeous...she was and is such a genius incredible my blood is racing looking at that photo
Re: boy george
Randella, I just bought a first edition UK print of "Take it like a Man" on the street two days ago for 5 bucks, began reading it on the LIRR this afternoon, and now I've come across this new topic of yours! O.M.G.! I'll keep you posted as I read it. But can we just note right away how amazing a song "Bow Down Mister" is? I just skipped down the beach to it blasting from my ipod. Boy could inspire the whole world to dance.
Re: boy george
LOVE 'em! As it turns out we didn't have to find the 45 thingy... They have 33 holes You're right Daddy, "Here come the girls." is the best, although the other two are great too. We do prefer the B side (Replicant) mix of "Sanitised" to the A side... Anybody know what he's done to his voice? Is he mechanically/electronically altering it, or just singing in a Boweryesque character voice? That IS a great album Lex. Nothing like "Bow Down Mister" to make you feel like dropping in on your local...
Re: Page
Oh, all these memories from the past. Mister X you sound like me when I used to hear what Page would do. I helped on a short film with Michael Burke starring Page called, "Statuesque" She loses her dog in Battery Park and searches all through Manhattan for it. At the end she finds her dog in her hair! That was my introduction to her, I was always remembered that first sight of her. Even though she was well known in the late 80's and early 90's she seems pretty much forgotten now. Most people...
Re: Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York
Wow, beautiful poem, S'tan. Thanks. The line "tossing a sequin into the pit" could have been coined for the brave souls who paraded in the incredibly destroyed St. Bernard parish yesterday. This hardy group, Krewe of Nemesis, rolled in their first parade ever and the only one for St. Bernard. Here's what it looked like, and below, some of their court. The incredible bravery and huge heart of these people continues to inspire me, and make me so glad we are going...fully bedazzled, of course.
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
I don't remember the theme, but my favorite theme was when Daddy showed up in a dress...and to think I had such a crush on him till that point! It was a blue silk number and Daddy wore it "properly"...meaning no pants/stirrups/leggings underneath. That image is forever burned on my circuits. Fortunately, I was able to overlook that little incident and revived my love afffair with daddy...at least in my mind. XX Mister X
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
Oh Mister X, You are just saying that because you know I have a GREAT BIG... closet full of Vivian Westwood.
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
I really don't know. I would guess either Charlie Atlas or Tina Paul would be the only ones. BTW We just saw Gennaro in the Provincetown bone yard. He sends his best. Did you know him Julien (I mean Mister X)? He would have slit your throat for 45 seconds in that closet of yours. I know that he is very happy that someone like you (meaning someone who knows how to wear Westwood correctly) is wearing his Westwwod.
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
Mister X I think of you often and miss the inspiring outfits you would wear with such great aplomb. But at least we had Mother n'cest pas?
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
This is the piece I read from Dean's blog earlier tonight at Rapture. Goddess, it's so him : 26 Jul 2007 "Dear Mary Jane..." Current mood: anxious Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes "I didn't work to become a whore. I was born a whore." - Mister Slave, "South Park" I haven't smoked pot for three days and I'm an emotional wreck. Jesus Christ. I hear myself saying those words ("Jesus Christ") five or ten times a day with the exact same affectation as "Mister Slave" on South Park. I'm so gay.
STIMULATE 10/16: "TokyoGorePolice"/"RoboGeisha" w/TOKYO DOLORES from Japan +more!
Oct 16th (and every 3rd saturday) Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] Get your Monthly Fix! our STIMULATE Halloween special is a - - = Sexy Asian Gory Cyber Kamikaze Bloody Fetish Mutant Samurai Fest! = - - + ++ + "Robo Geisha / Tokyo Gore Police / Machine Girl" + ++ + PLEASE RSVP: ==== SIGHT ==== featuring from Japan TOYKO DOLORES (featuring Cay Izumi, Alk & Aloe) joined by Stormy Leather Video Stimulation by VJ Curse and...
'Reading For Filth' Returns to NYC on Tax Day, April 15th, 2010!
Thursday April 15th 2010, 8PM-10 PM ONLY Reading For Filth Returns: Teabag This! at PussyFaggot at The Delancey 168 Delancey, at Clinton Street, Downstairs $5 admission Readings By: Chadwick Moore, Max Steele, Mr. Joe, Glenn Marla, Dominick & Shelly Mars Hosted By Hattie Hathaway Music by Baby K The line up at the latest 'Reading For Filth': A journalist-turned-pornographer, a silver-tongued literary sexworker, a glamorous Trans-Mister, a porno 'zine publisher/performance artist, and one of...
PLAYBOY Mansion Halloween Los Angeles
NYC goes to California..... Friday, October 26, 2007 Starting at 8PM Party at the #1 Location for Halloween Parties. The Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles California will be turned into The Playboy Haunted House. It has been voted the scariest in the nation for the past 10 years. THIS YEAR WILL BE THE SCARIEST EVER!! The Most Over the Top Halloween Party Imaginable!! No Other Halloween party will rock this hard, be this sexy and scare you the most all in one evening!! No Other...
12/14/14 718 Sessions Holiday Classics Party w/Danny Krivit & Mister Saturday Night@Santos Party House
SUN DEC 14TH 2014 718 SESSIONS HOLIDAY CLASSICS PARTY @ SANTOS PARTY HOUSE Sun. Dec. 14th... Our Annual Holiday Classics Party! I already started digging for serious gems of Garage, Disco, House, Soul, Pre Garage, & more, for a mostly vinyl evening, & some hi end cartridges... the sound & the vibe promises to be very special... "I Wanna See All My Friends At Once" When Benny Soto Presents... Music by DANNY KRIVIT + Downstairs Special Guests JUSTIN CARTER & EAMON HARKIN MISTER...
Michael T and Twig the Wonderkid present a career-spanning retrospective of David Bowie ranging from Space Oddity to Blackstar Live performances at 11:30pm featuring Brett Campbell , Emma Craig , Jessica Elizabeth Cole , Libby Tatum , Richard Dev Greene , Shannon Conley , Thomas Von Voigt DJ sets by James David [ Fiends 4evr ], Brian Blackout + Doctor Mister [ Feeling Gloomy ] All Bowie Music Hour 12-1am Glam Makeovers by Brynna Ashley $8 General Admission $5 Advance Tickets Thursday March...
Re: Politically Incorrect VI
I wasn't sure where to put this but I really wanted to share. My friend Angel (some of you know him) told me this story last night. He said that he was in Jackson Heights yesterday and saw these two guys meeting on the street. This was their conversation: "Yo nigga wass up"? "Yo man, you can't be sayin' that word no more". "Why not? What word do I say now"? "Mister president". He said he almost died laughing. "Mister president"!!! Brilliant.
Re: Jonah Falcon
Wore an Xbox t-shirt and loose black jeans. I don't give it away.... (er, til Sat.) Mister X turned me on. Wish he flirted with me.
Re: Siouxsie Sioux
Mister Damage! Thanks, you just made my Xmas! And you're right - this collection is amazingly, gorgeously complete. I've never had a real decent turntable, so what magic it will be to hear "the woods and the town, covered in snow, all transformed to a fairytale..." in all its original and Thorn beauty. Siouxsie and the Banshees were always SO generous to us fans with all these B-sides, put so much creativity into every last one. It's a tremendous body of work, finally free from the evil...
Re: Basil Twist's DOGUGAESHI tours Japan
If Mister Basil is looking....I sure would like to find EDDIE KRUMINS if you know where he is. I know you were friends. I used to put fliers all over NYC...(yes,..i am the only one, ever)...and I remember telling Eddie about how I read in the POST about this BASIL guy getting busted for such, and he KNEW you. Aint it sick what you recall...that was a million years ago...but I recall the Basil Twist flier bust.
Re: Dances of Vice - Monthly
Some great Dances of Vice events happening this month! ~Satori -------------- October 17th: "The Importance of Being Wilde" @ 303 Bond Street If beauty is your religion, you are hereby summoned to join your fellow dandies, fops, narcissists and coquettes at "Dances of Vice: The Importance of Being Wilde" for an evening of peacockery and temptations to celebrate the birthday of DOV patron saint and godfather of glam Oscar Wilde - featuring glitter rock ballads from glam phenomenon MICHAEL T...
Re: NOTS 17: Edge of Seventeen is May 11, 2007
Sweetie! My drag sister from another mister. ((HUGS)) and Daddy! ((HUGS)) Y'all are just too sweet. I just want to bring some flash, drama and fun into the world, like any other queer worth their glitter.