Tagged With "the hound dogs"
Abby Stract
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
Yes, we do think about leaving, although the idea of leaving absolutely is scary too. There is some lovely decay still left, but not much. Where are the pawn shops? I remember when dogs were allowed everywhere, for instance, which is important for Pilar, to be allowed. There was a great dog from East 7th Street, who used to be all over the place on his own. His name was Hank. Does anyone remember him? He was coolness itself. Where are the cities which have both grime and grace?
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
get this... my sister told me about the other boyz! she still runs with some of his old friends. AND she told me that there's an article about him in the current issue of TALK magazine - the one with herr rudy on the cover. (i'll post the page number as soon as i see it for myself.) just look for the picture of him carrying the "first dog." then ask yourself - which one in this picture is really BUSH'S BITCH??!!
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
I'm not sure if we've ever formally met or not... I'm sure we've probably bumped into eachother somewhere though... Anyway, reading your story reminds me of how much I love my doggie, Barney (Retriever/Shepherd mix) and how I don't think I could breathe with out him. Your loss must be hard for some people to truly understand unless they've owned a pet themselves, especially a cat or dog. On top of it all, you've lost almost all of your personal belongings. Sitting here with my thoughts,...
Re: tori amos
tori clearly arouses passions - but J-Lo comparisons? Think about what you're saying Anna! Dost thou speakest without thinkingest?? Never have I heard Tori say "bling, bling" or "look at my rocks" or whatever or capitalize on her public image to such a gross degree or objectify herself in common, belchy ways like la Lopez. She sings observational, personal songs about her life and her experiences, writes her own music (and arrangments!), tours like mad dog (playing in really cool, personal...
You looked great on screen sweetie!! You lucky dog you!!! I would piss my pants if I could get that close to Jennifer!!!
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Help us all ....Miss Understood, the drag community of New Yark Sitie could greatly ben-e-fit from ya findin of this ole great thai secret for da fab outfits you be pull ova there in kathy lee gifford land.... could ya please pack one of the elderly people up in ya bag- slip him or her a roofie and pack'em up- im sure customs won't mind, and we could all let them live underneath grand central, or some slum with cheap rent, and have the the person soup up sum nice little frocks so us po gals...
Re: Provincetown
It leaves from Maria's Bakery on Lafayette! I love that place. It's one of those Chinese bakeries with those insanely cheap pastries. I like the lunchy ones that come with tuna inside or a hot dog baked into it. My very favorite are the coconut cream buns that look like a big pussy. Maria's is really big and it looks like the sort of old fashioned place you'd expect to see in Brooklyn or Queens. I wonder if it used to be Italian and they just kept the name. Everything in there is between 50¢...
Re: Provincetown
Polly Grip may go with me BUT... She's now one of those carry-my-tiny-dog-everywhere people. Do you think those guesthouses allow little dogs? Any suggestions? Also, which queens are doing shows this year?
Re: Provincetown
1) Matt B. took the Chinatown bus and yes, it's a real bus. And yes, it's really $10.00 to Boston. And yes, it lets you out really close to the Ferry. BUT IT WAS 3 HOURS LATE!!!!!!!! He missed the ferry and took another "real" bus to Hyannis where he missed his connection to P-Town and had to take a cab. Not a real money saver after all. He said the bus was great except they are in no hurry what so ever. He would take it again but leave LOTS of time. 2) P-Town is very dog friendly. We took...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?
John Ritter is dead at 55. As with the recent death of Gregory Hines, I was shocked to hear about this one. A versatile and funny talent.
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
From my dog community newsletter: This Sunday, 10/5, will be the 2003 Cathedral of St. John the Divine Blessing of the Animals and St. Francis Day Fair, attended every year by huge crowds of New Yorkers and their pets, along with a procession of both exotic and domestic animals from around the world. line up by 9am for tickets to the 11am service (dogs welcome, of course) and indoor procession of the animals. afterward, the fair begins at 1pm in the gardens next to the Cathedral. admission...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Perhaps it's his way of saying he is not just her victim, but also an obnoxious brat who deserves to be ditched, what mother wouldn't drive away and leave a stinkin' little bastard by the side of the road. I do love all those images of being ditched, though... in Baby Doll, when he leaves the trailer for the dog house, but then turns around to check that it was still up on blocks, and hadn't suddenly sprouted wheels. Everybody leaves.
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
Just got to see this, and never was able to connect it with the Shockumentary. I never was the Club type, but I have to say this looked interesting. I will refrain from commenting on Alig because I think others have done a pretty good job of this for me. The "Shockumentary" by far, is a very valuble documentary to have in any collection. Not because of Alig, the Limelight or the crazy outlaw parties, but because of someone who left us too soon. Nelson Sullivan, he had the greatest footage in...
Re: Puritan Watch
***PURITAN ALERT*** Risqué may be too risky for ads By Bruce Horovitz, USA TODAY The aftershock to Janet Jackson's breast-baring Super Bowl stunt has finally hit the nation's cultural core: Madison Avenue. Some major marketers "” under pressure "” are abstaining from sex as a sales tool. Anheuser-Busch said Thursday that it plans to drop risqué ads. The beer giant joins a growing list of edgy marketers "” including Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch "” that have recently taken...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Sweet sweet Whitney. May she find her way to the dog kingdom of happiness forever. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I hope it was peaceful. I know my little Smitty is there to greet her. I send Mommy and Daddy lots of love at this time.
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
O.D.B. made Snoop Dog look like a born again Christian. Kalief said it in the Times today, unlike Rockers, living off the edge and getting into trouble with the law for Rappers is not a sign of having a great time. I'm not a WU T fan, but it seems to me the vast majority of rappers are total poseurs, and O.D.B. was not one of THEM. So maybe if nothing else he deserves some props for being real. I always have sympathy for those who are too much of a misfit for even the misfits to put up with.
Now really, I think they are only going about a third of the way with this concept of reviving a classic 60's comedy. They should do it as one of those 'road episodes' where the regular weekly cast goes to, like, Miami Beach, or Disneyland. Except this movie should be done like a freakin convention. It should be Bewitched, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, All in the Family, Adam 12, Leave it to Beaver, I Dream of Jeannie, Beverly Hillbillies, The Munsters, and My Favorite Martian All Go to,...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
But Fluff, there is no dog run on these boards. Not even a cigar lounge either. I guess we'll have to keep pretending we don't know who you really are.
Re: Pets in the City
This is going to sound so very trite, but I think that having a dog makes me a better person. I certainly learned a thing or two about having to think about something (or someone) else's welfare. And, I met some really great people working at our run in Morningside Park; ours is also completely community driven.
Re: Pets in the City
I live in Hells Kitchen and the dog run closest to my home is in a park on 11th ave and 52nd street. My little boy (Jasper) was unfortunately attacked by a 7 year old pit bull towards the end of last summer and has never bounced back from the incident, and is absolutely terrified of other dogs. I would love to socialize him more with other puppies. The trauma he experienced however leaves him still trembling after nearly 8 months each time I take him to the park. He sufferd punctures in his...
Re: Pets in the City
Maybe he could play with my little fella, Butch. I know they could be very good friends, that is if you don't "86" him too you bitch!!!! An' Betty, I know what you mean. Bein' a dog owner has made me a much more better person too. Just having to take him out every week or two has made me have to think of someone besides me. Butch
Re: Pets in the City
Oh dear. Someone call Animal Cops. I love the dog run too. It's an amazingly strong community. (In other words... these people are nuts!!!)
Re: Pets in the City
Sweetie, firstly I am so sorry that your beautiful boy had to go through that, and was curious - what was the owner's reaction and is that dog still allowed in the run? Im not a genius at dog behavior, but would suggest the following. Dogs are very place-conscious, and perhaps if you took him to another nearby run for short visits he might not have the same reaction. I would of course suggest weekdays as weekends are stressful due to overcrowding. To avoid interaction with another vicious...
Re: Pets in the City
Here is a list of all the dog runs within city parks in Manhattan. Manhattan Dog Runs Dog Run Address Carl Schurz Park (2 runs) East End Ave. To East River from Gracie Square (East 84th St.) To 89th St. DeWitt Clinton Park (2 runs) West 52nd St. & West 54th St., between 10th & 11th Aves. Fish Bridge Park Dover St., between Pearl & Water St. Fort Tryon Park Margaret Corbin Drive, Washington Heights Inwood Hill Park Dyckman St and Payson Ave. J. Hood Wright Fort Washington &...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
I loved that dog. I'll never forget Monday nights setting up for Jackie 60 when all of a sudden the door would open and this tornado of love would jump on top of me and visciously attack me with frantic kisses. She was an angel. I'm so glad she got to spend her retirement at her country estate in Maine. She loved it there. RIP VIP
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Oh my darling sweet Katy..I remember the first time I met her at Pat fields store and she was covered in red lipstick kisses from Connie and Gina and Codie and all the queens who loved her. She had her own water bowl at my house when her mother would come to have her rootage bleached. 18 years is a long time. May she be running on the lawn of the dog heavens she so deserves.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
It is definitely true the sex possibilities were more varied, seven. Everything, that was "forbidden" in the first place, was lumped together into a very heady mixture that was certainly very libertine. Therefore, in Riverdale, where I grew up there was a park-- Van Cortlandt Park, one of the largest and wildest (terrain-wise) in the City. Along the western side ran Broadway, which at that point was more like a six lane highway than the commercial street we are familiar with downtown. This...
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
Click and Drag. Standing in line at the downstairs toilet. They guy that comes out has a big grin on. I enter. There on the sink sits a pro domme with Victorian dress hiked, she's wiping herself off. I'd just needed the room to set up a couple of boosts. So I figure to share with her. She wants more sex though. Just as we reach an agreement on the configuration of the act wouldn't you know, the light bulb in the ceiling blows out. On the edge of the sink my boosts are lost to sight so I...
Re: Puritan Watch
ME TOO. That library is lucky to get any archival anything you deign to provide to them. I think, about the time it comes to pass that your building is demolished, I will pass by very late one night to salt the fallow property with a fair amount of pork. Or just nail some to whatever construction site fence they errect. It will in part be an homage to the 12 year old girl whose name means 'Full of Beauty' who, when developers demolshed the performance space known as the Gas Station on B and...
Re: Page
Oh, all these memories from the past. Mister X you sound like me when I used to hear what Page would do. I helped on a short film with Michael Burke starring Page called, "Statuesque" She loses her dog in Battery Park and searches all through Manhattan for it. At the end she finds her dog in her hair! That was my introduction to her, I was always remembered that first sight of her. Even though she was well known in the late 80's and early 90's she seems pretty much forgotten now. Most people...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Had to post this! This first hand report from New Orleans last week was received today from a friend; it is so powerful and honest I think the members of this listserv will want to know this. Phil Olson Sept 5, 2005 Fwd by Phil Gasper: Two friends of mine--paramedics attending a conference--were trapped in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. This is their eyewitness report. PG Hurricane Katrina-Our Experiences by Larry Bradshaw, Lorrie Beth Slonsky Two days after Hurricane Katrina struck New...
Re: boy george
Karen M., I agree. Alot of us old pharts here know drugses is bad, but it can't be denied they make you feel so fine. Some people can do them in moderation all their lives. Bobby you are such a darling but truly, we can't know what others are going through. BG may have called the cops on himself, for certain. An old ex of mine did that once... he was actually DEALING, and called the cops because he thought someone kept looking in the window from his fire escape. He was just plain lucky they...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
Hail Madge, Hail Lexxy, Lexxy if you had a staff of 40 + people you would probably write a book a year too. Barbara Cartland wrote 500 before she kicked off. http://www.goodbyemag.com/may00/cartland.html "She invariably wore huge pink dresses (pink 'helps our brain' she said), did her eyelashes with boot polish (which would not run, despite tears), sported thick coats of makeup, and carried a lap dog while riding in a white Rolls. "She grew old in a unique style that she thought graceful,"...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
a HUGE Thank You goes out to the following nightlife superstarz for making a killing at our Samhain affair, that I will remember for a long time to come - Editrix Abby Ehmann For hosting the show with madcap panache & verve. World Famous *BOB* that black toothed 2001 opener that hit the ground running! Julie Atlas Muz the vicious vamp that stole the show! Amber Ray the most dashing fireball we've ever seen! Rose Wood what can I say but ... damn! you sure know how to work that Jack...
Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2
The mad thing about Probe records is that around that same time Budgie from the Banshees was also workng there....next door was the hairsalon Extreems where A flock of Seagulls all worked... and down two more shops was the Vintage Clothes store Aunt Twackys where Paul Rutherford from Frankie Goes to Hollywood worked. Which was of course accross the street from OMD's studio. This was also the time that Courtney Love used to hang out 'stalking' Julian Cope. Pete 'stole' allot of that early...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Jojo, I can't wait to see your mom and grandmom. You should also make a dog/some dogs for your mom. The rest is too much to talk about. Love, S
Re: My own private East Village
On a lighter note ..... I've really come to love taking my Napoleon to the dog run at Tompkins Square Park. It relaxes me and my "fag child" lives for it. Once in a while I take him to other runs like Union Square, Washington Square and Stuyvesant Square, but Tompkins is our favorite, the closest thing to having a back yard. Being a dog daddy has brought me into contact with so many people right here in the EV hood that I'd never have met otherwise, and it gives me such pleasure to watch my...
Re: My own private East Village
Woof woof! The city is so full of categories of misfits it doesn't really occur to anyone that owning a dog in Manhattan qualifies you as being a social outcast! Yes, having a sensitive connection with an animal is so un-megalopoloid of you. Luckily, the T2 dogrun is the canine equivalent to, like, the Eulenspiegel Society. Funny, isn't it, the special categories of life form that are provided sanctuary in T2 are dogs, and young children !
Re: My own private East Village
So Napolean goes to the small dog run? That's better. The big dog run is too dangerous for Casanova. He lOVES to play with the big boys as well but the pitbulls turn very quickly from playing to killing. It's way too ghetto. I was talking to the head of the dog run association one night and he told me that there is at least one MAJOR pitbull incident a month there and he doesn't mean regular dog fights. He means killings and maulings. One night Casanova started running around the run like a...
Re: My own private East Village
An informative post Daddy (thanks Seven!). I rarely let Napoleon over to the big side for that very reason ... as much as my little tyke likes it, the crowd over there is just too rough and tumble and it scares me to think that in a fraction of a second his neck could get broken and there would be nothing I could do to stop it. The little dog side is where he really belongs and I know it. When the little side is busy enough, Napoleon doesn't notice anyway and parties away. Some people are...
Re: My own private East Village
Of course there are very sweet pits. Jonny Tingle's dog Elvis was a beauty. But I will NEVER trust a pit bull. This guy that I know on 14th St. had this pit from a little puppy. It was about 2 years old and one night when this guy was playing with him, he went crazy and took his hand off. The dog had him trapped in his bathroom but luckily he had his cell phone and called the police. They came and shot the dog. Now he walks aroundd wiith a mangled right hand. You may have seen him in the...