Tagged With "reggatta de blanc"
Re: Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic
Alien Comic was a brand name decades before art marketeers and every aspiring stage denizen wanted to be one.For a long period of time it seemd you could not pick up a local publication with event listings and not find Tom there. That is the mark of a true creative resource, just his ubiquitessness, and it reflected the tremendous output of the fellow, the widespread respect he had built and the eagerness of the audience to want more and more. Also, now, it is like we have to remind...
De Gabriele
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
Yikes! I didn't mean to imply that I PREFERRED Miami to New York, simply that I enjoyed its club scene, and it WAS a lot of fun. There is an element of sleaze and hedonism in the city's nightlife that reminded me of how things used to be here. Even Iggy Pop agrees on that. Of course, I was there during the Winter Music Conference when all the best and brightest DJs and clubgoers from around the world converge on the city, so undoubtedly I experienced the creme de la creme. Under ordinary...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
If you have word on anyone from this list or Ted And Di's list above please post. I am so frantic so far away here in Australia, there really is nothing I can do but watch the news. Please let us all know if you hear of anyone, we all need each other now. Love and Healing, Kylie xoxo People who are alive: *David Martin/neptune glory-> paramedic on the scene *Gecko *Ricky Horne and ALL Staff at Avalon Salon People who are missing at time of writing: Flamm, Xris <= OK B, Allon B, Heather...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Stacey made some interesting observations about crossdressers. Most of the crossdressers I have encountered are men who, by day, rigidly comply with their ""male role." I think that they fetishize their "female' side because to them it is forbidden. I guess, living in my little "bohemian" bubble just places me outside of that. I have no fear of wearing bright colors, giggling, gossiping, or discussing personal issues when I'm not in drag. I don't really acknowledge a "masculine" and a...
Re: The Palladium
Anyone remember the "right to resist" concert at palladium circa 1988?They had groups like de la soul and that poet singer who sang"you wanna suck my pussy,you wanna suck my dick" Whats her name??It was a three day 24/7 concert ,keith harring did the artwork for the poster.I spent two days backstage where there was open bar and buffet food for the whole time.I know it all sounds like a pipe dream but I was really there.....really!I think it's disgusting what they've done with that space.What...
Never got to know this fella but he sounds like my kind of wheeler dealer: (***nytimes pay per view link removed 5/23/03) Colin de Land, a New York art dealer whose ambivalence about commercialism was reflected in an art gallery that sometimes resembled an anti-art gallery, if not a work of Conceptual Art, died on Sunday at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He was 47. The cause was cancer, said Dennis Balk, an artist represented by Mr. de Land's gallery, American Fine Arts. With little...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
Now reading it a SECOND time to try to pinpoint where I start percolating... this uncanny effect it has, you too Bobby? Hoping to see if its illusions will take deeper hold, if its luxurious syntax is truth. Not sleeping and mentally overstimulated...! Is it the sexual frisson? (But for me the eroticism isn't the whoring as much as les images de pimpage.) Thanx for the insight in re the second book Cher M. Madison by Wednesday we should be all boned up, homework done, ready to blather on...
But for a few exceptions, I find the chronciling and passing of lessor knowns way more fascinating then the lives of generic stars of the day. Harold von Braunhut, Seller of Sea Monkeys, Dies at 77 By DOUGLAS MARTIN Published: December 21, 2003 Harold von Braunhut, who used comic book advertisements to sell whimsical mail-order inventions like Amazing Sea Monkeys, tiny shrimp that pop to life when water is added, died on Nov. 28 at his home in Indian Head, Md. He was 77. His wife, Yolanda,...
Re: Puritan Watch
But that is what the new military style of business has brought, along with the new constitution of what now has become of architecture, oddly enough, -a decentralization of the urban environment- actually, a de-matrialization as the computer network replaces urban forms of spatial organization. One result has been a refocussing of social violence which has now been tranformed into a contest between an individual's social rank set against their very own highly provisional economic status.
Re: Puritan Watch
Outlawing porn is a supreme right wing fantasy. Waging a war against it is mainly done for the headline-value. There is sooooo much cash in the porn industry that to eradicate it would cause serious harm to the economy in general. Besides which, with the internet, you would have to have some kind of global police force to chase all the service providers. A lot of news has been made from busting international child-porn rings but that is a different category of infraction since it mostly...
Re: DV by Diana Vreeland
So glad that everyone loves this as much as I do. As for Alure, I got my copy at Barnes and Noble shortly after it came out. I remember frothing at the mouth with randella when we heard it was out. As much as I love Bergie's, I am not aware they do a mark up THAT terrible. I buy almost all of my cosmetics at Bergies as they always have everything I need from YSL, Shu Umura and all the other cuntier lines. I also adore their Jo Malone department. Jo Malone candles make exquisite gifts. Mr.
Re: Swept Away part 2
Esther Schmester All the Kabbalah in world won't save that one. She sold her soul in 1983 and that's that.
Re: Lord D' Drennnan
I agree Arabella, he was a true gentleman. As an ancient vampyre myself I was always so impressed by his social grace and joie de vivre. Centuries beyond his human age.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
LOL. BTW the Soldiers and Sailor's Monument, on 89th & Riverside Park, set in a bit of land that was full of cul-de-sac pathways and bushy outcroppings & hideways for outdoor sex activities, was also called "The Wedding Cake" by the queens. It's a smaller, more frilly version of Grant's Tomb, hence its nickname. And yes, these posts are serving as the backbone for one of the chapters in my book I hope.
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
«Man Ray: n. masc. syn. de joie, jouer, jouir» Marcel Duchamp (in the dictionary of Surrealism I believe.) I like this definition because it's what I remember Jackie being about.
Re: Adorable Marlene
One steamy August afternoon when I was 6 or 7, my older brother took me to a run-down movie theatre just off the Grand Concourse in The Bronx to see a showing of The Blue Angel. Little wonder that I turned out the way I did! I have read the Riva book. I don't think it portrays Marlene in a bad light at all. One thing it makes you realize is that Dietrich was a very smart cookie indeed. There is a bit about her hunting for the perfect veil for a hat that is amazing-- this woman was totally in...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Amber- I had a similar, though not physically violent experience with him 25 years ago when I produced the "Hollywood Babylon" party (my first) and insisted that he be included, and paid. So, its just a coming of age experience for young divae in training, methinks. BTW anyone ever heard the story of he and Maya Deren levitating refrigerators at each other? Wish I could remember the details.. Regardless, I still think "L'eau de Artifice" is the most brilliant short film ever made. And I too...
Re: Air Travel is shite these days.....
When I was a child in the early-mid 70s, my mother took me on planes all the time. Chicago, Boston, Miami, L.A. It seems almost a figment of my imagination now, but I remember the bigger planes (on airlines like Pan Am and Braniff) used to have lounge areas where Mom would go to get a drink and I could romp around. There she would be, in her flared jeans and shag hairdo, cackling away with a bartendress while the clouds flew by. Then we would de-board on the tarmac. I so wish planes had...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Chi, I am so glad to know your brother is safe. I hope Diego got out too. And Otter swimming away with the chihauhaus on her head!! Today's beautiful article in the Times about the New Orleans spirit: August 31, 2005 Where Living at Nature's Mercy Had Always Seemed Worth the Risk By PETER APPLEBOME After Hurricane Andrew huffed and puffed and then somehow veered away in 1992, the way the storms always seemed to do, the manager of a praline shop in the French Quarter mused on the mixture of...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
And now Barbara Bush with her "Aren't they lucky now" crapola. Sneering at the poor folk... don;t you love the "born with a silver foot in her mouth" commentary. As far as how "lucky" they are, here is a link I found concerning what the displaced are going through from a psychologst... whether they have hot meals or not! http://archivesdestan.blogspot.com/2005/09/cri-du-coeur...r-psychologists.html (Archives de Stan!)
Re: Grey Gardens: The Musical?
i saw a staged reading of this musical a couple days ago. it was pretty amazing... the trick is that the nostalgic fucked up noel coward early bouvier-esque first act shows a 40's era doomed engagement party (little edie to joe kennedy)that mom innocently sabotages with her bohemian antics. you can just feel the future spiraling down as the vines spiral up round grey gardens. the delapidated second act is more of a bizarre tone poem... little edie sings a heartbreaking song 'around the...
Re: JT LeRoy
This modern worship of the writer as a person is an illusion and has killed many major talents. Because in the end whoever the hell you are does not matter. What you wrote and left behind does. If you are a writer, you are actually nobody. All the blather about WHOM here is just noise and filler and irrelevant in the hushed halls of the great literary ghosts. Will JT Leroy live as more than an amusing footnote in the fin-de-siecle "transgressive tradition"? If JT is in truth an unglamourous...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
Here's a peek at last months XXX-mas !BadAss! Tomorrow will be a hoot! SATURDAY JANUARY 14th MIDNITE! !BadAss! is having a FULL MOON !BadAss! Party! At the Bowery Poetry Club 308 Bowery @ Bleeker V & F train to 2nd Ave. 6 train to Bleeker 212-614-0505 15 dollhairs Stage Mistress - The World Famous *BOB* Your DJ's - Madame Dollhaus - spinning Vinyl! & Gothichangman - delivering Mac! Your Intoxicant Tapster - Moonshine Stage Manager - Goddess Diana !BadAss! Burlesquers this month are-...
Re: JT LeRoy
OUTED! Kind of a low beginning to the end of the deceptions. If you go to the article in the Times there is a nice picture of all three of the protagonists in the scam, all looking massively neurotic and spooked under the cameraflashes. Kind of sociologically perverted that novels done from the persona of a gay hustler end up in a totally hetero personal conflict. I like how, much more than just making a nom-de-flimflam, they created a media virus that once it infected the literary and...
Re: Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York
The reasons FOR Mardi Gras have been stated so beautifully in this bit from METROBLOGGING NEW ORLEANS that I'll just quote it and urge you to visit the pictures of Krewe de Vieux. Here's one of my favorite floats pictured below. http://neworleans.metblogs.com/ Krewe de Vieux pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonnodotcom/sets/72057594062966941/
Re: Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York
Read this from "The New Yorker" about what France has done for New Orleans -- This is hot too: "The French are offering six-week residencies in France for artists displaced by the flood." NEW ORLEANS POSTCARD CONSULAT D'INFLUENCE by Dan Baum Issue of 2006-03-06 At the corner of Prytania and First Street, in New Orleans, stands a brick mansion with a French tricolor drooping from the gable. Eleven days after the levees failed, last August, heavily armed federal agents were banging on doors...
Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006
The Latest - PLEASE NOTE THIS YEAR'S BILL IS CLOSED! Thank you, we cant take any more performers at this point. And, to answer the next question - please check back with us right after New Year's 2007 for information about applying for next year's edition, or check our webpage at that time.. Thanks! NOTS 16 IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY Greetings from New York City to our beloved Gypsies and fellow Stevie Nicks worshippers, as excitement mounts with this year's NOTS less than a month away. Our...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
One one hand, this country is being inundated by images of queerdom in all its forms on TV, in films and plays and music videos. The other night in the area around Washington Square and SoHo (not particularly the "gay ghetto",) I saw dozens of same sex couples walking arm-in-arm attracting no particular notice. On the other hand politicians and ministers rail against us, we are beaten and harrassed and murdered. Gay youth in schools have as bad a time as ever. Our desire to have our...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
I have no objection to Madge being up on a cross but i do find it somewhat amusing how she picks her 'targets'. To 'mock' christianity is a much softer target than say the jews or islam or even scientolgy! Remember when she made the 'war' video but pulled it fast (cos she was really scared of the backlash). To me it just de-values any 'art' she wants to do with the cross. u know..? Am sure the show is a brilliant.... but i can't help feeling that people are now paying to see a caberet Madge...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
I just got home and must thank www.ConeyIsland.com Deity Agent N Dee Dee Luxe Belle Morte Baudelaire Insectavora Lady Satan Roc Roc It Mish Va De Vil DJ Saint Eve Remy Vicious (the door maiden) Scarlet (our assskicking stage manager) and the entire enthusiasm created by the gorgeous audience Tonight was breathtaking, funny, and wonderfully disturbing! I can't begin to tell you how much energy was made and enjoyed! Thank You All! The Blood was overflowing! xoxox, !BadAss!
Re: BoyBar
Oh..Don't get me started. I did hair and Make up at both venues for both " houses". Mathhew gave me free reign on my work and Antony always had such great ideas. I learned a lot from both places. Boy Bar not only had cute fags but hot queens and the show always entertained. Pyramid/Black Lips productions either worked perfectly or were a beautiful hideous mess. Miss all that so much. Did hair and make up on many a budding star: Sweetie, Faux Pas, Mistress Formika, Sherry Vine, Floyde,...
Re: BoyBar
I can entertain the notion of a BOYBAR- PYRAMID topic, but with all due respect BLACKLIPS did not posess the the same cache' as the two sainted nightspots. I marvelled on some evenings watching a BLACKLIPS show. Antony, Lily, Flloyd, Eve, Johanna all were amazing, and very much added legend to the PYRAMID legacy. I do see it as an offshoot of PYRAMID however, and although worthy of much praise, only a miniscule fraction of the beauty The PYRAMID offerd for so long. As someone who worked at...
Re: BoyBar
That is so true Sweetie. Jackie brought together so many worlds, that's a big reason why she worked. One thing is for sure... There would be no Jackie 60 without Boy Bar, Pyramid or Patricia Field for that matter. It's not a coincidence that the Boy Bar staff, the Jackie 60 staff and the staff at Patricia Field was almost identical. And all the talented people behind the scenes doing wigs, costumes, choreography whatever... was (AND STILL IS) all one Downtown family. Blacklips included.
Re: BoyBar
Good work Bobby. Damn! Who was "A Little Bit Of Nothing" Oh I know... It must be "Peau De Soir"
Re: BoyBar
I KNEW it was "Peau De Soir". And the last "Miss $1.98"... Oh I know that too. It was one of the "new kids" from left field. Was it Brandon Olsen? Or am I getting it mixed up with "Miss All That" @ Cheeze Whiz?
Re: BoyBar
Connie was Exitte long enough to perform at "Whispers" once or twice under that name, though we started calling her Exeunt to be very Shakepearean. That was when we injected a dose of glamour into our campy, deconstructed surroundings and were secretly worshiping Matthew and his "Beauties" from afar. And well we were-- they were incomparable. And really, to this day, few come close! Peau De Soir, on the other hand...
Re: Nico
Which on was in Breathless (a bout de souffle), the the Belmondo in Breathless was hot.
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
To the following !BadAsses!- FLASH Adrian Buckmaster Deity The Bowery Poetry Club Scotty the Blue Bunny 'the vulgar3' - Goddess Diana , The Anti-Dave, , & OZ DJ Saint Eve Bunny Love Bambi Rose Wood Mish Va De Vil Julie Atlas Muz Nasty Canasta Tigger Kit Cat Darlinda Just Darlinda Belle Morte Baudelaire Amber Ray & Muffinhead Miss AstriD Gerry and Scarlet I give U the THANK YOU of a 1000 white hot suns!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for pulling off the craziest !BadAss! thus far!!! The best birthday a...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
And Oprah and Jesus should get a room to do it in, that show is annoying religious. And Ellen Degeneres is so much cooler, she's gay and she can dance (not that lesbians can't dance...)and is dating Portia de Rossi!
Re: SJ's European Tour 2007
I grab a bite to eat and then off to sleep. Well, off to bed really. Sleep in Florence becomes somewhat difficult. I have no idea why but I could not get to sleep all 3 nights I'm in Florence. I try reading, tablets, drinking, drinking and tablets, and nothing seems to work. Really bizarre and kind of freaks me out so I spend the days wandering the city but not really taking in anything. Pity. Also my good weather mileage has clearly run out cause it is cold and wet. By Friday I am happy to...
Re: JT LeRoy
Wow. But how can a nom de plume be considered fraudulent? It seems her 'hoax' could be a function of pathological shyness? How very peculiar. She sounds wrecked... Anyhow she is a still a major artist in my book. June 23 - Jury Finds ˜JT LeRoy' Was Fraud http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/23/nyregion/23writer.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Alan Feuer wrote 5 articles on the case in one week... It is so demoralizing when an innate pathology overwhelms the genius. "Yet even though the company's lawyers...
Re: JT LeRoy
And more! I'm posting all this in case one doesn't have Times Select. from June 22, 2007 In Writer's Trial, a Conflict Over Roles of Art and Money By ALAN FEUER http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/22/nyregion/22writer.html?pagewanted=print Ms. Albert, both in testimony and through her lawyer, Eric Weinstein, has said that JT Leroy was never a profit-making venture, despite the fact she paid a friend to appear in public as "JT" in a blond wig and sunglasses to promote the book. Her contention is...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Dean Johnson passed away this week. Details surrounding Dean's death, along with the death of another young man are still uncertain, and an investigation is, as of this writing, still ongoing. I have included details and links about Dean's life below. Dean is survived by his father is Ellis Johnson and his sister is Beth. For several years, Dean cared for and visited his mother Linda, who succumbed to a battle with cancer in 2006. He was a devoted son, brother and friend to scores of people...