Tagged With "eat to the beat"
Re: I lost a tiny baggie in the bathroom about three years ago...
Oh Billy...I'm so sorry. I went into that bathroom right after you emerged and I found that little tiny baggie of white powder. Being the brilliant make up artist that you are I was sure it was some divine matte powder for the face from Paris so I stashed it in my make up case and used it when I beat my daughter Ginger's face for The First Time In Pumps Contest later that year. Needless to say it worked so well that Ginger won first place in the contest. Her animated and high energy...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Just another Saturday night really.... Our theme for the month of Saturdays was Pyramid flight 101. Basically we're talking about six men in drag as stewardesses hosting an evening of dancing and stewardess type entertainment in the grand tradition. let's see, there were nuts being served on the dancefloor...I remember Sister packaging pairs of almonds in dime bag sized mini-ziplocs. There was some sort of boarding pass balderdash at the door and annoying the guests with five or ten minutes...
in my opinion... the man is an effigy into which we project all of the attachments we have to the things we arrived there with - our art, our posessions, our egos - and then watch go up in flames. all the time, energy, money, and strife that goes into the event just burns so spectacularly. it's really powerful. (if you choose for it to be.) RVs are nice but expensive. domes are better and much, much hipper. but the US BUS is the swankienda to beat all. wishing you were cumming with me. i...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Once when I was in Rome at the train station, I stopped into the men's room ( again!) and was standing at the open urinals when a young male hustler came in. Walking up to the urinal next to me he quickly flopped out a perfect example of an italian sausage. Long and thick and an endless foreskin, he let it hang there as he rolled his big brown eyes at me and smiled. He put it back in his pants and walked toward the door looking back at me to follow him. We walked to an empty train parked to...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
When I said Americans are unsophisticated about food, I meant myself included. I'm still afraid of the Durian. For those who don't know, it's that big spikey fruit you may sometimes see in Chinatowm. It's supposedly delicious, but it smells like a sewer. I'll try to taste it this time. Like I said, you try things and you get over the queasiness. It's like anal sex. I give an exemption to vegetarians. I just find it interesting that those of us who eat meat (I don't eat much of it, but I do...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I took a one day Thai cooking course. They actually cover a hell of a lot in one day! I'll soon be the green curry queen of NYC! So this guy I'm dating here in Chiang Mai, Wat, the one who had the circle jerks with the monks, he's really great to hang out with. I feel like a biker chick on the back of his motorcycle! He's entering graduate school to become a teacher. He's a bartender in a very odd location. At this three level flea market type place there is a weird long hallway on the side...
Re: Provincetown
Hiya hons..Miss you too. Dreamed about Mothership party as if I were there and then woke up, read the boards and it was just as I had dreamt. hitting NYC tomorrow (weds/June 26 - July 1 and then back to Problemstown) Standing in front of Puzzell store blowing bubbles when thre beautiful grandmother-type trannies arrive from three different directions at once and begin to chat.One person in man haircut w/lips/earring/baseball hat/shades and a polka dot dress Second person in pink pastelsummer...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
In such a short span David W. did more for breakthrough art and Aids politics than most of us could hope for in a lifetime. One of the few art shows I've ever attended and gone away intoxicated with the creativity of the work. There's not much more astounding then seeing work you may have dreamt of or intended to create and then brought to reality by a fanatic obsessed. My initial reaction was, damn he beat me to it and then realized, oh great, now I don't have to do it because much of it...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
oh my goddess gracious. what a bunch of j.c. witchy-poo wannabes. passed around sacramental tea and then sat by the fire singing tired ol' rainbow gathering pagan chants and cryin' over and talking about all the queens who had "passed over" in the past year or couldn't be with us for whatever reason. i was like... you freaks spend so much goddamn time tryin' to talk to people who ain't here you miss out on havin' a good time with the ones who is. one hardcore sister and i stayed up well past...
Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)
That was the best Club 57! I did one of my very first "performance art pieces" there. I was in art school (School of Visual Arts) at the time. I hooked up two big BORROWED tv sets to all of this electronic equipment that Laurie Anderson loaned me (God bless her). It was all choreographed to a disco drum beat with this drummer guy that I met in the park. He now has gone on to drum with hundreds of DJs in hundreds of clubs but believe me, that was the first time. He really didn't understand my...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The milk crate ticket is not such a new tactic in the 'quality of life' repertoir of uncivil behavior as defined by the previous ultra-fascist mayor ( and how did he become a reconstituted national hero - the guy who was once roundly boo'ed upon taking his seat at the Met opera house? ). I myself am the very proud earner of two wonderfully Khafka meets Joseph Heller summonses. One, for 'non-compliance with bicycle regulations' -translation: I got a ticket for riding my bike in the park. Now...
Re: boy george
Boy George was one of my biggest heroes as a teen. As a child I had already seen Elton John, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, KISS and so on, but Boy George was My Generation and hit the scene as a huge star when I was in high school. I was so captivated, it was like he had beat all the odds and was being celebrated for being a freak. Of course his whole androgyny slant was a huge inspiration to me as an artist. But he was not just an image. He had real talent, and the band had serious musical...
Re: boy george
OK, I too owned a rat wrap and wore eye make-up. Here is one of my '80's record covers. (It's a little beat up) Designed by the way by the brilliant Nick Egan. He did Culture Club, Bow Wow Wow, Malcolm McClaren, Hazy Fantazy to name a few. Nick is actually how I met George. (He's Nick & Ellen in the Book) Anyway, here it is. Have your way with me. If you guys can put up embarassing pics I guess I can too. That wig was pink by the way. I wish I still had it. It was genius.
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
You better read ha' before you trash her... Don't hate ha' before you knows ha'.... Well I was harrassed by Mlle. Madison last Wednesday, whether I had done my HOMEWORK... egads I love the rigor! Beat me with red pencil! And no I hadn't, no - I had NOT yet read "SARAH" the second time. So honey I STARTED... 90 pages last night, and so far - she holds up beautifully! It is orgasmic, luscious, well for me all the material is SO real. For the white-bread Vanillas - I see why they are creaming!
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
6 train, uptown this a.m.: I'd literally just finished reading the last word of the heart/deceitful chapter, "foolishness is bound in the heart of a child," when I stood up to exit the train and a man beside me shoved past by putting his New York Post in my face. The headline: "PASTOR: I GAVE BOYS 'HOLY SPANKINGS'" I'd forgotten how upsetting this particular section of the book is. So fucking fucked. And then to see this... Here's the clip. Spooky. It's right out of JTL. web page November 3,...
Re: Sally's Hideaway
I have the portrait of Sylvia in my room. Her beauty is breath taking. So CUNT!!! I will never forget my first meeting with Dorian Corey at Sally's. It was truly a magic night. Giselle is such a great woman. I always respected her because she is a trans woman raising a son (Daniel) and always kept her nose clean and herself a respectable woman. The nights I revelled in Sally's are full of vivid memories of all out decadence and good old nasty fun!! I purchased the book CITY OF NIGHT today...
Course they are lookin for big box office... but even Mike Myers could have pulled that off beat quirky mode better than Farrell.. Carrey would have been great too...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
here is something merlin wrote to the chritians recently: the topic -- are homosexuals an abomination? the solutions put up by pagean roman christians gainst homosexauls are racist solutions. the same solutions white christians used on african americans is now being used against christian homosexuals. where are homosexauls allowed to sit? where are homosexauls allowed to eat? where are homosexauls allowed to live? all this will be solved with a constitutional amendement? dont' think so.
Re: boy george
Got the new Twin single "Human Racing" EXCELLENT. And you can't beat the back cover art:
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
January 8th, 2005 (and every Second Saturday of the month) The Club Creatures present: " Clusterf#¢k! " Zazoo and Satori spin the very best in Electro and current Alternative with clusters of: New Beat/Acid House, Industrial, (early to mid) House, Hip-House, Glam Rock, New Wave, Disco, Techno, 80's Electrofunk, Progressive, Breakbeat, 60's Psychadelic, Bubblegum and whatever else will get your ass on the floor. The infamous Empira State's one "woman" show at 10pm. The dancefloor opens...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
The Post had a bit today about how Hunter was ranting and raving about what kind of funeral he wanted, and then walked right into the kitchen and shot himself without missing a beat. And why. Why? Possibly boredom. I have noticed as I get older how situations and certain realities repeat themselves, despite all effort to the contrary. You feel metaphysically bored. That even if something seems to be new or different, it's not. This is the dish you are dealt... nothing will ever change. I...
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
ah yes, then there was the night merlin went downstairs to get his coat, leaving his 'ride home' upstairs to fend for himself. he was a hunky ex-marine type, with tats everywhere and the muscles to prove it. sweet and agreeable he was. and easy on the eyes. the first time merlin saw him that night, there was a coffin in the Versaille Room with two girls in it kissing and hugging and giggling, and this ex-mmmarine (suddering thinking about him) turns to merlin and askes if he can do push ups...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza
Well, you beat me to the punch, as usual Daddy! However, I cannot really take credit for the name. When Daddy and I were discussing the club's concept, having just visited Irving and seen what it was-- a crumbling, dusty former burlesque house (this was before renovations)-- the conversation went something like this: Hatches: I see it as a cross between an Edward Hopper painting... you know the ones he did of his wife stripping onstage in the ruined theatre... and a huge crumbling Southern...
Re: JT LeRoy
Oh darn you guys beat me to the posting!! Seven you have Times Select? Cunt! I personally love hoaxes. To have pretended to be a young and brilliant hustler, 'reformed,' with a literary genius (and I do think "JT" is a major talent, whoever they turn out to be) was a beautiful idea. I mean the biography was utterly compelling. Bobby, as per why, just imagine: a 25-year-old girl (if she is indeed the 'real' JT) presenting a story about a sex-abused boy-child with a prostitute Mom, raping...
Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera
Thanks for all your well wishes! I truly don't know if the show is completely sold out. I know the previews are. The "limited run" is through June with maybe an option for July. But who can say? We will just have to wait to see how the critics receive it on April 20th. You know, I think it's very good. It's very hard to have a view of the entire play when you are in it. But I have (finally) come to the realization that the show is major in a whole lot of ways. And I am not just speaking...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
Damn Daddy keep posin like that, u look hot!! U should have a photo/poetry book I'm sure you'll have her beat in the poetry department on your first written word. New album does rock in a dancing to discoclash way.
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
A new article about Kevin today: The New York Times June 12, 2006 Fourth Man Is Arrested After Attack on a Dance Recording Artist in the East Village By KAREEM FAHIM and SARAH GARLAND A fourth man was arrested yesterday in connection with the beating of a Manhattan singer who the police said was attacked by a gang of young men who kicked him, screamed anti-gay slurs at him and broke his jaw as the singer walked through the East Village early Saturday. The man arrested by the police yesterday...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
Oh Ilsa, you are killing me. I was just thinking about that theme tonight! It is definitely one of my very favorites. The Herstory: In the early 1980's I was marginally involved in the early Hip Hop scene. It was so great in those early daze. Hip Hop was new and VERY up beat. But by the late 80's / early 90's it was just starting to get dark and "thuggy". Rap Groups like "The Funky Four Plus One More" were being replaced with groups like "N.W.A." aka "Niggers With Attitude" (I do love that...
Re: Nina Simone
There is a new mash-up out (it's new to me anyway). "Ain't Got No, I Got Life" by Groovefinder vs Nina Simone. It's pretty good. It's so happy and up-beat, I'm sure Nina is throwing up in her coffin.
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
New piece...I'll be reading it at Fresh Fruit Festival July 13th at Collective Unconscious at part of their Two Spirit Program. Inspired by this past week. WHAT DID YOU SEE? Dance ˜round Brothers and Sisters Focus on the Tree Give voices to songs our prayers of good Focus on the Me A rattle, perhaps, a bone whistle or feather Awakens what's within Fall into myself, collapse and let go Through the night I am carried By two spirit brother To the Light I feel Light Face down upon Mother A...
Re: DJ Sveta from Down Under
Checking out the compeTITion. OK you caught me! Here I am at Sammy Jo's Tiger Beat Party checking out DJ Sveta's DJ credentials. They are spectacular!
Re: DJ Sveta from Down Under
Oh I'm so glad he likes it here! Hopefully he'll come back to treat us to his set (and I don't mean his tits, either)! He's hot and all but he can't beat Sveta in that department unfortunately! I'm sure a friend of mine would think he's totally do-able, actually... If there's any way I can get in touch with him, I'd love to tell him how much I enjoyed his stuff. I really wanted to get a track listing from the gig at Luna Park (where we saw him), I want to buy the stuff he played. SAMMY, COME...
Re: Iran executes gay teenagers
Well, just be glad we're in America, here we merely discriminate and beat gay people up outside nightclubs. In Iran you get killed. There's a big difference there.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Fly Life in Today VILLAGE VOICE Eulogies for Fabulousness Two club legends, Willi Ninja and Adam Goldstone, pass in the same week by Tricia Romano September 12th, 2006 1:19 PM Adam Goldstone, way ahead of the curve photo: Tricia Romano See also: R.I.P., Willi Ninja The legendary vogueing star of 'Paris is Burning,' age 45, passed away on September 2, 2006 Fly Life Gallery: by Tricia Romano When voguing legend Willi Ninja and house music DJ-producer Adam Goldstone, both longtime fixtures in...
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
BEAT: Coffee and opera and the beats and Bono and Depeche Mode money may be gone and both love for life and love for country are dwindling Kerouac was a Roman Catholic Republican mama's boy jerk-off I prefer Ginsberg or maybe Burroughs but I would not fuck underage youths or shoot my wife or shoot up junk. Andrea Biscotti
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
SCREAMING INSIDE: I'm going mad, I'm insane I'm going down I hear the sound of the drum the empty silence drenched with the sound of loneliness and despair I enjoy the silence I suffer in silence and inside, I'm sighing crying, and dying and I need a drink or something to eat I wander around aimlessly and I see no one I miss my cash less and less and yet I need it more and more and "all the weights that keeps me down seem heavier than before" I want to dance and move my feet to the beat but...
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
OVERCOME, SURVIVE, CHANGE THE MUSIC OR FUCK OFF: Quick! Change the music to something happy something loud and proud and funky! NOW! No more dirges of fascistic sorrow No moretales of war and conservative woe No more lies told to us by family friends, politicians and strangers NO MORE!! I'd like...a thumpin' good beat some soulful diva some kick-ass DJ some noise to drown out the volume of sound comin' outta the TV set some robot noise some industrial strength beats some old school Donna...
Re: BoyBar
I will never forget the first night Matthew turned me out in full glamour. I was wearing a wig that had belonged to Chrysis. Matthew did a huge waterfall comb out. Bobby beat my face within an inch of my life, LuLu took a hideous green taffeta bridesmaids dress and turned into a gorheous show dress. I believe it was Cody who took me in the back into the bathroom with the washer and dryer and taught me how to make tits. The feeling of walking in front of that mirror and seeing myself for the...
Re: New and News, Part 6
Sisters are doing it for themselves! I love this story, and good for these ladies for sticking it to this fuck face. [from today's Post, of course.] ATTACK OF THE KILLER LESBIANS MAN 'FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE' By LAURA ITALIANO GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed him. GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed...
Re: SJ's European Tour 2007
Ok, so with my head full of Cure and severely lacking H2O I arrive in.... MILAN: where I am greeted by Mauro the promoter of Billy (the club night I am playing at) who's a dead ringer for Bobby Miller I kid you not, and my new agent (backstory: my previous agent got knocked up by her husband and had the baby after which she decided to say screw being an agent I wanna be a mom only, hey why not), Riccardo who lives in London but is from Milan so he came for the weekend. Both are lovely and...
Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4
You cannot beat the Larchmont for location! I lived there for a month when it was first converted from an SRO to a hotel (1996). Then it was $40. a night. They upgrade every year, and finally have a good elevator. (I think there's one or two old guys still living there!) They also have full kitchens to share. The bathrooms are shared, but I have never seen them dirty. Maids are in there all the time. But don't take a room on the first floor in the winter. The heating was terrible and the...