Tagged With "the cars"
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
Ted & Di ... I know Garo Sparo is okay. he called me Tuesday to check on me. I called Karen Macadoo last night and left word. Kylie: Michael McGraw is fine, he went out of town yesterday to stay with his parents at the Jersey Shore until Sunday (via rented car) I'm only worried about Randella, I know she lives on Broadway & White Street (below Canal) I'm sure she's fine, I just want to know if she needs anything since I assume she can't go home.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Once when I was in Rome at the train station, I stopped into the men's room ( again!) and was standing at the open urinals when a young male hustler came in. Walking up to the urinal next to me he quickly flopped out a perfect example of an italian sausage. Long and thick and an endless foreskin, he let it hang there as he rolled his big brown eyes at me and smiled. He put it back in his pants and walked toward the door looking back at me to follow him. We walked to an empty train parked to...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
as i stood outside of some east village dump waiting for a man in a smallish (cheep) car to circle, i was offered a ride and took it. when we turned the corner we almost ran over nancy ilsa. good to see you girl. so as i was greeting her the man in said cheep car passed again. do i go out for a walk?
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
hattie i think the car was either red or grey? ask nancy she saw him too. eve, i lived on sullivan street between bleeker and west third. i grabbed a few while they were changing their... daddy you are right, mr. mohammed has gone missing, perhaps all their cell service has ben cut off. did i ever mention the eastern indian gentleman telling me they don't cut the skin off the penis for extra sex! i wish i could find him today.
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews of those Hill trecks. Supposedly the system has been reformed to space those groups from eachother, but there are so many of them I don't know if that's possible. I've been to Chiang Mai twice but I've never done the treck. I did, by car, visit 2 of those human zoo/villages. One was that pushy trinket situation. Then, at the longneck lady place, they just ask a fee before you go in. I think it's a bit more honest and less stressful. Look, they know you want to...
Re: Provincetown
I only went there once. It was off season and pleasantly quiet. I'm thinking of going up this year. I'd probably go during the week. Any suggestions for afforable accomodations? Also, if we dont' have a car, is there a direct bus? Last time I did Greyhound and the changing was torture..
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
When I was around the age of 25 I had two things that I wanted to do with my life. To be on Broadway are Drive race cars. I had done alot of theater at this point and the racing that I had done was pretty good and most poeple thought that I could go along way in racing. I decided to stay in NY and continue acting. The point to this little story is that in the time that I was thinking about racing fulltime I allways had this little dream in my head about how I could go aroung the country...
Re: Provincetown
Dear Motherboard Readers, Here is my most recent report from PPtown. The tourists have all gone home and it is cool, breezy and sunny. The streets are inhabited mostly by locals and townies and a small smattering of day trippers. this is the time of year to be here. No crowds, no screaming babies and families with strollers in your way at every turn. No circute party fags filling your ear with their constant drivel.Even the divine drag queens have pulled up their wig stands and headed home.
Re: Adam Ant
Adam Ant Sentenced for Pistol Threat By The Associated Press LONDON (AP) -- A judge said '80s pop idol Adam Ant suffered a "temporary episode" of mental illness when he threatened pub customers with a fake pistol, and sentenced him Wednesday to a year's community service and rehabilitation treatment. Justice Jeremy Roberts also ordered Ant to pay $780 in compensation to a man who needed three stitches after being hit in the head by a car alternator that Ant flung through the window of the...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Asia loves color. Pink and green are everywhere, and I don't just mean on the Hello Kitty products. Chinese, Japanese, and Thai graphic, package, and industrial design is full of that candy apple green color that I live for! At home I'm the last person to ever notice a car or a bus, but here I snap photos of them. The regular busses are apple green. There's some sort of long distance busses that are orange with a big "Mod Era" looking stripe. There are pink and purple cars. I took a picture...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It was a brilliant night last Wednesday at Chez, as I knew it would be. Beforehand I was so exhausted, right up until the last second before the car service pulled up downstairs I almost didn't make it out of my bed. But the instant I walked into Chez *boom!* it all hit me, a heavy dose of glamour and genius in one fell swoop. I'm so glad I dragged my tired skinny ass out of bed. Bobby, you were GREAT and your new work is some of the best I've ever heard from you. I WILL NOT CRY! your fan, LEX
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
DH --- article in UK telegraph newspaper heralding Ms Harry as the Queen of all CARS (!?) Her legend goes on... while Madonnas slides turd like..further down the pan...........read on.... Car culture: A feast fit for the man from Mars (Filed: 05/04/2003) The Subaru Forester might be an ugly beast that breaks all the rules, but it is also among the best cars in the world, says Stephen Bayley Blondie's great album, Autoamerican, was recorded at Hollywood's United Western Studios in 1980. One...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.
Re: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(c'mon! you knew i would eventually make this thread)
Willy Wonka is one of my favorite films too. The songs are not great, but otherwise it's flawless. Such a great, wonderful adventure and the casting of all the 5 kids was spot on. The wrong child actor as Charlie could easily have come across as irritating or dull given the sheer over-the-top charisma of the other kids playing the spoiled brats, but Charlie came across so understated and down to Earth, you almost want to cry at the end when he finally triumphs. Gene Wilder was genius. Re:...
Re: Internet Radio
Anna, We have Sirius for our car, and LOVE it. You can also get it for your home/office. It is not quite the same, because it isn't as diverse, but it does offer a very good alternative, and you don't have to be online. XXXOOO Satori
Re: Internet Radio
Anna, We have Sirius for our car, and LOVE it. You can also get it for your home/office. It is not quite the same, because it isn't as diverse, but it does offer a very good alternative, and you don't have to be online. XXXOOO Satori
And those big open car door ears!!!! YUMMMMMMMM That spells a big ol' car horn if you know what I mean.....HONK HONK
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
or... Here are the next celebrity names. Chi Chi, Glammy, Kitty Boots & Carson (from Queer-Eye) and I went to The Marc Jacobs show & after party last night. The show was fun as always. Rob and I looking at the celebrities. (Rob telling me who everyone was) For some reason we ALWAYS sit directly across from Sally Jessie Rafael. I swear every show! She has had some VERY funky surge and her mouth is all funny now. Rob says she looks like she's constantly looking for a mint. After the...
The timing of this is very strange - just saw that Helmut Newton died today. He was a huge influence on my late-Seventies and early Eighties look, and I have always adored his women. Shocking... I guess Heaven will be very well lit from now on...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
A despicable election year trick, intended to drive a wedge between the queer community and our hetero neighbors. While depressing, this article is highly informative and I love the quoted reactions from DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, the ACLU and others. And though the Democratic presidential candidates are not THAT much better, at least they are against a constitutional amendment and Kerry can boast that he voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City
hatches, me too, I want to know where that trestle is. Though what do I want to save my pansy-ass little whitebread over-civilised skin for -- at this point? Ya, we KNOW they shut down all the bridges and tunnels -- don't remind me. The only way out is to take the river, or walk north. I guess a rowboat and two strong oars is a good investment. And seven you have the trusty bicycle. But neither of those things are any good in a panicked city if you don't have a fire-arm! So I shoot a fellow...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
I went up to the Shut-up-a-thon earlier, and the subway was positively eerie at 3:30 PM-- I was the only person in my subway car-- the D train from West 4th-- that in itself was pretty amazing! Crowd of about a thousand people at the demo chanting, "Fox, SHUT UP!" both within the police "pen" and on the street corners. You could hear the "shut up"s echoing down inside the 47-50th Street subway station. Gorgeous! I left as it was starting to get a little tense with a million cops and went...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
my mate Kersh just sent me this.. his report from the John Peel funeral which I thougth I would share with you... On our pew alone sat Joe Boyd, Mark Ellen, Our Elizabeth, Billy Bragg,Robert Plant and half of the Undertones. John Peel's funeral at the cathedral in Bury St Edmunds was, it has to be said,fabulous. And the turnout gave ample indication of the affection with which the great democrat of the airwaves was regarded by much of the nation. Fittingly, it was a public service - and one...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Hi Bobby darling, Happy New World Disorder 2005! Apropos of fighting against the machine, I just saw the East Village Art Show at the Chelsea Museum -- so major! It could have been ten times bigger... Paintings that are so fervent and wild. David Wojnarowicz's "Death of American Spirituality" is one of the most terrifying paintings seen in a long time. Overarching the experience is the apocalyptic drone of Sonic Youth from the video room. Sue Coe's "Car Hookers" is incredible as is David...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Farewell charming old lines outside of nightclubs! Finally, no more waiting around to get into all my favorites: Cielo, Spirit, et al. It's PartyBuddys! Yesterday's NYT had a fascinating story about a couple of alleged former Limelight habitues, who are putting their club-smarts to good use: PartyBuddys helps Joe and Jane Schmos bypass lines and gain instant access to VIP lounges at all of the city's top clubs -- for a fee. I am so down with the hire-a-paparazzo, too. A steal at $250/night.
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Re: Hunter Thompson As often happens, Cintra Wilson put it beautifully in today's Salon
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Mr. T was kind of the last link to Neil Cassady, who the Beats tried soooo hard to make their adopted cartheif/Adonis. Thompson's 'first person journalism' was, as someone said here above, the result of his pissed-offedness. There was always an underlying sarcasm to his fumes, and I am sure he understood the deep veins of sarcasm's power. It seems obvious he wanted out, and anger can be a very powerful portal to getting back out in to the Universe. As with Cassady, Thompson's voice was an...
Re: Conspiracy Theory....
This from todays Popbitch... The Queen has sent Camilla Parker Bowles a nice present to say sorry for not attending her wedding. A trip to Paris with a car and chauffeur...
Re: Conspiracy Theory....
what a healing jesture. this is an amazing sign of public affection and recognition for the queen to give them her car. am surprised and feel forgiving of the past so they may find some-sort of happiness together. can you imagine what being royal means to one whose greatgrandmama was an Empress with only a consort king.
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Aww, Daddy, the Gilded Grape! You just slammed me with a bunch of memories of a gay New York that no longer exists... bars and floors and stages that harkened back to a mysterious verboten subculture that truly was the twilight world of the homosexual (always one of my fave phrases, of course.) I can remember waking up each day, hungry to experience a different aspect of it... would it be the outdoor cruising at The Soldiers & Sailor's monument, the miniscule dancefloor at The Barefoot...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
It is definitely true the sex possibilities were more varied, seven. Everything, that was "forbidden" in the first place, was lumped together into a very heady mixture that was certainly very libertine. Therefore, in Riverdale, where I grew up there was a park-- Van Cortlandt Park, one of the largest and wildest (terrain-wise) in the City. Along the western side ran Broadway, which at that point was more like a six lane highway than the commercial street we are familiar with downtown. This...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: Iran executes gay teenagers
That is so sickening! My former Egyptian car driver told me that in Egypt, young boys frequently "played" with each other. Being with a woman that was unmarried made you "unclean" and she was considered the town slut. Ah... those days when the young Middle Easterners used to "play" with each other in their bedrooms giving me a private show for my living room window....
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Had to post this! This first hand report from New Orleans last week was received today from a friend; it is so powerful and honest I think the members of this listserv will want to know this. Phil Olson Sept 5, 2005 Fwd by Phil Gasper: Two friends of mine--paramedics attending a conference--were trapped in New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. This is their eyewitness report. PG Hurricane Katrina-Our Experiences by Larry Bradshaw, Lorrie Beth Slonsky Two days after Hurricane Katrina struck New...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
So who's going to answer the question? About why the emphasis on a person's sexual orientation as a primary qualifier? They want to have sex with them? -I think that was Merlin quoting Bobby, if I remember the posts from above. Is that a learned behavior, wanting to know someone else's 'sexual orientation', is it another category of conformity? People in Europe aren't preoccupied with it(like how people as Hatches says used to just ask if the club was fun)because they all fuck everybody all...
Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al
NAPOLEON AT "SUMMER CAMP" WITH THE HOUSE OF DOMINATION. Our friend Lauren Pine is babysitting our fag child at her white trash country shack in Woodstock. As fate would have it she was a one-time Method go-go cast member at Jackie ... not sure what her House of Domination club moniker was. Parting with him was sweet sorrow. I handed off Napoleon's toys, treats and food to Lauren as he got in the car with her on Second Avenue and quickly had to flee before I started full-out balling. I'm such...
Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al
The last island we visited on the cruise was Santorini. In a way it's great that this destination was saved for last on the itinerary because the views are so spectacular and panoramic. The town is built into the side of a cliff of volcanic rock. The Perla was too big to pull up right into the bay, so we had to disembark by boat slip, just like in Patmos. I love that ... it feels like such an adventure. Once at the shore we took these speeding cable cars up to the top which was kind of...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
Kevin Aviance was hospitalized after being the victim of a gay bashing early Saturday morning outside The Phoenix. He had to have surgery to repair a badly broken jaw. He was beaten by 4 men. Will it take one of us being beaten to death to get this fucking community to wake up? For those of you who DO NOT walk the streets in garish make-up and heels, I can tell you the climate IS HOSTILE. That doesn't mean gay men dressed "normally" cannot be the victims of these animals. Standing outside my...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
Not too long ago the news reported the beating of a black youth with a baseball bat in Queens. His "attacker" was a white man in his early twenties who had come up on the black youth trying to break into his car. When confronted, the black youth became physical with the owner of the car, and the man addmittedly called the black youth a "nigger". That man is facing 25 years to LIFE in prison for being convicted of a hate crime. Lets see what these "misguided" young souls get for beating down...
Re: Puritan Watch
Anna that seems to have been for money-laundering restrictions... even for $100. People will send $100. 100 times, etc. Today's horror: Replica of Statue of Liberty adorned with Bible and crucifix... http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/05/us/05liberty.html?th&emc=th On Independence Day, Lady Liberty was born again. At a megachurch in Memphis, the Statue of Liberation Through Christ was consecrated Tuesday. The statue, says the church's pastor, is a way of "letting people know that God is the...
Re: GWB and Catch 22
One thing the new vets are famous for is speed-demoning. There have been dozens of cases of their coming home, getting a motorcycle or into a high-powered car and drunk or sober, going the limit and crashing themselves silly or dead. Psychiatrists have not quite figured out "why" their post-traumatic stress manifests this way... Here's another figure -- 70% of all officers are getting or are now divorced... so much for family values and the war,
Re: The Motherboards Remembers 9/11/2001
I loved that S'tan... thanks for sharing I think one of the most upsetting sight were the hours after 9/11 - First the panic that there was more to come, then the sheer chaos of the people rushing around to hospitals, posting flying looking for loved ones they truly believed had made it to hospitals. Tragic. The way Union Sq was transformed with endless candles, posters, flyers and friends and family searching for loved ones. Then there was that acrid smell and dust- I remember walking...
Re: Nico
That's right he was Delon... and yes he was hot! And speaking of French New Wave cinema hotties, I once witnessed Jean-Paul Belmondo Senior and Jean-Paul Junior (who was about 21 and as hot as his Daddy) having a fist fight on a sidestreet in Paris-- it was a dispute about a car and a woman, words were exchanged and fists flew. I was in awe. Daddy won, BTW. Here's Mr. Delon...
Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!
I just saw Jonny at Rob Roth & Theo's "Screen Test" show @ P.S.122 (Fab BTW). He said that you walked in one minute after I left Hatch. It was pretty crowded when I was there. (Of course it takes a lot less of them to fill a room). Jonny was doing these things called "Car Bombs" with this big handsome hairy giant from San Francisco. (He must have been the bear-stud of the party because everyone was after him). "Car Bombs" are a mug of Guinness with a shot glass of Jagermeister &...
Re: Craigslist !!!
Had to get my little dose of CL tonight... Bald Headed Transvestite Humper Wanted! I'm looking for a wig-wearing guy from Bellport Village who likes non-passable transvestites and tells people he is married when he is actually very gay. He lives somewhere on South Country Road in the Village of Bellport, and drives a silver car. He's Italian and is around 60 years old and not very attractive. * Location: Bellport Village * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial ...