Tagged With "gimme danger : a tribute to the stooges"
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...
Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)
This is being forwarded around, and it seems rather heartfelt and has some bracing thoughts in it, but it also seems to belong in a category with the "Hang in There" cat poster and "Love is..." cartoons. Also I don't know if any of the statistics in it are true or not. SPAM FOLLOWS: If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following: There would be: 57 Asians 21...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The band Great White's performance rider contains no mention whatsoever of pyrotechnics being used during the rock group's current tour of clubs and small theaters, The Smoking Gun has learned. TSG today (2/21) obtained copies of the band's rider from two separate promoters who booked shows by the group during the past month. A copy of the Great White performance specs can be found below. A third promoter, Domenic Santana, told TSG that the band set off a pyrotechnic display without his...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I love Bloomingdale's, but I have no desire to have one downtown. And you're right, Randella, lower Broadway has become so congested that I don't like walking through there anymore either. Years ago I worked for an interior designer whose office was on East 58th Street & Second Avenue. At that time Bloomingdale's was in danger of closing, and in fact they declared bankruptcy but were later bought by somebody. I'm glad they stayed in business, it's a New York institution. But not...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?
Re: Swept Away part 2
Say what you will about poor ticket sales and deep discounts, but Madoo-doo is doing alright compared to many this summer. From MTV:
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I don't know the real deal at this building, but it seems more than a little disingenuous for this Rosenblatt character to use "the homeless" as a pawn in the thing. Ugh. Famed Punk Bar CBGBs Facing Eviction Mar 17, 4:43 PM (ET) By LARRY McSHANE NEW YORK (AP) - Hours earlier, Hilly Kristal joined rock's royalty inside a Waldorf-Astoria ballroom for the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions. By the morning, though, Kristal sips a cup of coffee and pops an antacid as he considers the...
Yes, I definitely see your point about the media grabbing onto disparaging sensationalism (& maybe accidentally getting some good information out in the process). And I see all the good points above about media erasure of ACT UP and other direct action. But, oh dear, a good (gay) friend of mine (not that young, even, 31) just asked me to "remind" him, "what was ACT UP again?" He asked me if it was a 12-step group. --Compare that to this direct quote from Larry Kramer in his ACT UP oral...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
This to me just reads like a movie its so unreal! BBC NEWS COVERAGE ------ Victims' desperation The New Orleans riverfront has been hit by a series of massive blasts, and fires are raging in the area. Details are sketchy, but the blast is believed to have involved a chemical factory. A large cloud of acrid, black smoke is drifting over New Orleans. The news came as extra troops were sent to quell lawlessness in the city, where thousands are stranded without food or water in Hurricane...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
The below is an update from the head of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau. It is a city government agency, (virtually all US cities have a CVB) in charge of all tourism and business-tourism matters pertaining to the city. As such it coordinates and acts as a central clearing house for information and arrangements in an in-depth network of all hotel, convention, public transportation, restaurant, nightlife, cultural, religious and civic organizations, in both the for profit and...
Re: boy george
the last time Boy George was busted his concord seat to nyc went unused as reported at the time by the ny post. am also curious about this story cause Merlin would like to know why the police were called. the police are our friends they can help in a dangerous situation, was there a danger? there are no standards nor practices in the police community to deal with gay domestic matters, there is no gay family court, nor any way of mediating a non-married couples disagreement. so whether it be...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
Big problem: lack of education. Kids are taught distractions, not lessons, in our schools and at home. Responsible, progressive gay and lesbian leaders are not offered to kids any more today than they were a generation ago. If a kid needs a role model, it takes some special kind of diligence to find one. When Jim McGreevey was forced out of office, I remember watching the stories on the news, and...I refer back to my nephews...because they were genuinely pissed off; we disccussed it, and...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
There were two separate attacks in Astoria that weekend. Found this on astorians.com message board ... anyone knows more about this? March and Rally this Saturday Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods When: Saturday, June 17 Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets) Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
March and Rally this Saturday Raise Our Voices Against Anti-LGTB Hate in Our City and in Our Neighborhoods When: Saturday, June 17 Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM; march at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets) Why: In the last week - as unfortunately happens so often in June - a number of hate incidents have impacted our community in neighborhoods around the city: Saturday, June 10, 12:30 AM - East Village, Manhattan On his way home,...
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
Time to bring back Queer Nation? I've been thinking a lot about this in the past few days. The QUEER Nation Manifesto Queers Read This Don't Tread on Me The QUEER Nation Manifesto is a powerful document. The first section, "Queers Read This," opens with these words. "How can I tell you? "How can I convince you, Brother, Sister, that your life is in danger? "That every day you wake up alive, relatively happy, and a functioning human being, you are committing a rebellious act. "You as an alive...
Re: BoyBar
I can entertain the notion of a BOYBAR- PYRAMID topic, but with all due respect BLACKLIPS did not posess the the same cache' as the two sainted nightspots. I marvelled on some evenings watching a BLACKLIPS show. Antony, Lily, Flloyd, Eve, Johanna all were amazing, and very much added legend to the PYRAMID legacy. I do see it as an offshoot of PYRAMID however, and although worthy of much praise, only a miniscule fraction of the beauty The PYRAMID offerd for so long. As someone who worked at...
Re: Iran executes gay teenagers
I've been reading a lot on the subject of religion lately. Two thinkers, Scientist RIchard Dawkins (who wrote the brilliant book, "The God Delusion") and Sam Harris have been trying to raise consciousnes about the mortal danger presented by faith without evidence. In no other area of public discourse do we accept someone prescribing public policy based on the rantings of desert nomads over 2,000 years ago. Would we trust a public official who said he was inspired by Zeus or Appolo? Of couse...
Re: JT LeRoy
from Times' Select... another point of view... sort of a 'Farewell Charming Old NY' mixed in with JT... The City's New Motto: ˜See You in Court' By CLYDE HABERMAN Manufacturing is all but gone from New York. The information technology industry, while on a roll, does not quite have the Silicon Alley '90s buzz. This city is in danger of falling behind London as a financial capital. Thank goodness, we still have lawsuits. ... We have people of unparalleled dedication, like a lawyer who said he...
Re: GWB and Catch 22
THE FETUS WHO WOULD BE KING The New York Times July 23, 2007 Just What the Founders Feared: An Imperial President Goes to War By ADAM COHEN The nation is heading toward a constitutional showdown over the Iraq war. Congress is moving closer to passing a bill to limit or end the war, but President Bush insists Congress doesn't have the power to do it. "I don't think Congress ought to be running the war," he said at a recent press conference. "I think they ought to be funding the troops." He...
I like these guys. I play the Peter Rauhofer mix of "Give Me Danger". I met them at Mr. Black recently. They're fun.
Re: Provincetown 2
By K.C. MYERS STAFF WRITER November 03, 2007 PROVINCETOWN "” With the town on edge after 10 suspicious fires in recent weeks, an arson occurred again last night, this time with serious consequences. The earliest suspicious fires were found in trash cans, then progressed to unoccupied houses or homes under construction, Provincetown Fire Chief Michael Trovato said. Until last night, the damage had not been extensive. Last night, one or more arsonists pushed leaves and other debris against the...
FEED! with us Tonight!
FEED the Fundraiser! Help us fund the LGBT Feature Film from Lux Killmore Ent. & Keptone Filmz! Tuesday August 25th @ The Slipper Room 167 Orchard at Stanton, NYC 10002, $10 8-10pm Bikini Martini OPEN BAR provided by Sagatiba, Party All Nite! Musical Guests: Bazooka Falcon - 8pm VULGARAS - 11pm and DJ Ness - ALL Nite 9pm: Bunny Love & Glenn Marla Host: (in order of Appearance): Insectavora Bambi the Mermaid Kit Cat Velocity Chyaldd Deity The World Famous *BOB* Bunny Love Glenn Marla Legs...
DJ Linz 4 hr banger on iNfected Radio NYC
DJ Linz live on iNfected Radio NYC 10 | 10 | 10 Nasty 4 hour set from DJ Linz!!! Dubstep to Drum & bass to Hip Hop back to Drum & Bass to Drumstep to House to Breaks and all over the place!!! Whaaaaat! Massive Tracklist of some of the hottest new & old tunes out... Boom. Eleanor Rigby- 4 centers Run & Hide (Vent RMX) - A dominant Species Sleeper (killabits RMX) - Jeuce Boom (triage RMX) - Datsik | Excision Street Fighter (feat Datsik) - Mikey B Ho - Benga & Youngman All In - Dubba Jonny LSD...
Hey kids, Apologies because I also posted this under nightclubs, but thought it was important. ...Check out this movie about ACT UP & many folks who helped make the world a little safer for your fun... (By the way, do any of you get the feeling, lately, that people don't remember the struggle before, or even understand continuing danger...??) Jim Hubbard and Sarah Schulman host a tour through their ACT UP Oral History Project film. To date, they have conducted 63 long-format interviews with...
The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
How much do we LOVE Dean Johnson?He just keeps getting better and better!!!!!!"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space." -- Jayne Howard"I love trash!" -- Oscar The Grouch Dean Johnson and James Coppola presentTRIPLE XXX...
Internet Celebrity and Teenage Suicide
Not sure if anyone has been following the recent stories out of Britain about the rash of teen suicides perhaps motivated by wanting a kick-ass memorial page online. I have been riveted this story, not just for the macabre phenomenon, but also what it...
The Year of the Diamond Dogs - Halloween Night
Michael T & The Vanities perform the David Bowie masterpiece "Diamond Dogs" in its entirety to commemorate its 45th Anniversary on Halloween Night Gimmie Danger : A Tribute the The Stooges 11:30pm Michael T & The Vanities "Diamond Dogs Revue" 10:30pm The Retromantics perform a set of glam-era Roxy Music 9:30pm A Night Without Alice Cooper tribute to Alice Cooper 8:30pm DJ sets by Twig the Wonderkid and Kool Thing $20 General Admission $15 Advance Tickets Halloween Thursday October...
Re: New York Loses her edge? Or Finds It Again?
I get a chuckle out of those kinds of articles. The Danger List has tens of thousands of addresses on its email list, so 'secret' is total B.S. The Baronness' latex parties have been around for over ten years ....secret? Be thankful the real secret parties can't be found by that rag's flacks. But at least they are promoting the recent flood of hedonism.
Re: Earthquake in Haiti - when the story hits home
Here is my brother's story, its an interesting look at what was going on in one little part of P-A-P that is quite different from whats on the news.. David is now safe and back in New Orleans. I have some details of where he was and what he was doing from the time of the quake to the time he left Port-au-Prince on Sunday night. David was still kind of in shock when he told me all this, so there may be some small inconsistencies - he did lose track of time. But this is in general what...
Re: Eliot Spitzer aka Client 9
I wonder what he looks like naked. Doesn't it seem like he wanted to get caught? The danger of it probably excited him. It's like a rich white male power thing. If prostitution were legal, he'd probably be completely dissinterested.
Re: Eliot Spitzer aka Client 9
I completely agree Joe. For long-married couples, I'd bet a good number turn a blind eye to on-the-side dalliances, especially wives, so long as it doesn't impact anything. But when it costs you your crown --- fuck that! The only legal crime I see in this is if Spitz was using taxpayer funds to finance his hooker fetish. But my guess is he wasn't, given how rich he already is. The only moral crime is not using protection. I'm all for legalized prossies and couples having understandings about...
Re: Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School
Dr. Sketchy's Anti- Art School April 26, 3-6pm $10 ($15 for a table) The Lucky Cat 245 Grand St, btw Driggs and Roebling Williamsburg, Brooklyn www.drsketchy.com Dr. Sketchy's is what happens when cabaret meets art school. Artists draw glamorous burlesque girls, compete in contests, and win booze and prizes. Hosted by Molly Crabapple and John Leavitt. This week,burlesque queen and former ballerina Amelia Danger will pose en pointe in a ballet-themed Sketchy's
Re: Kate Bush
This from the Brit Tabloid the Daily Mirror EXCLUSIVE: WOW! BUSH IS BACK After 12 years hidden away from the limelight, Kate Bush is releasing a new album and single .. .. but can such a reclusive icon cope with a return to centre stage? Exclusive By Kevin O'Sullivan A FUGITIVE from fame, one of the world's most reclusive stars is steeling herself for something that fills her with dread - a return to the limelight. The obsessively secretive singer Kate Bush is battling an almost crippling...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York: Part 3
RE: Crane Support Collapse at 110 Third Avenue As all must know from the posts above, construction had beeen going on at the heinous new edifice at 110 Third Avenue, where greed-fueled developers had overnight and without warning raised the venerable old Variety Photoplay building, one of our city's last surviving nickleodeons/vaudeville houses. This afternoon, a support beam from the giant crane attached to the building fell 20 stories into the street, partially crushing a passing taxi...
Re: Prince Harry vs. Prince William (Part 2)
Well get in line, Barbara Jean! (behind me, that is -- but I'm sure there's enough of Harry to go around, assuming he takes after Charles) Meanwhile, Harry is going to Iraq. I think it's admirable, but I have to agree with some who say that he's making himself and everyone who serves with him a target. No one had better harm a red hair on my ginger baby's head!
Re: 2008 Presidential Elections: Who Will Lead America Next?
the more I think about it, the more angry Hillary makes me. Her positioning, her support of the war in Iraq and the death penalty and more and then expecting the base of the party to just blindly support her. She supported a policy that has killed 3,000 young Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi's, for a pack of lies. At least Obama had the courage and forsight to oppos this disaster from the beginning. I'm a little uncomfortable with Obama's "faith" talk as I see religion as a great...
Re: AIDS turns 20
Re: Michael Jackson
First off, well said Lex, he is running away from something where Amanda is creating. But once again, so what? He's had some plastic surgery..so has Cher, George Hamilton, Joan Rivers......................... Now for the "bad" news kids...like it or not, that interview last night was incredibly fair. In fact I don't think it was this guys intention to "get" Michael at all. I think he started out intrigued, just like the rest of us. The only place in the interview were I think he over reacted...
Re: Sylvia Plath
Last night, Harp Girl and I went to the closing Taylor Mac rendition at the Slide (Jade, the Slide is the Marquee!!). Upon HG's dropping me home, I discovered a white bell jar spray painted on the front door of my building. whoever you are for putting it there, I must say, thank you, I was, and am, truly, tickled pink to high hog heaven (even though, I am fully aware of the reputation [danger] I seem to be garnering as, and for, having "a thing," it seems, for stalkers and [sic] fux). Anyway...
Re: Verbal Abuse/The Poetry Corner
The terror that's inside the hollow of your eyes is raining all the time fighting it's way out I hear the bell that rings with the trouble that you sing disguising everything what's it all about? So low down below wicked wind will blow another simple soul tender meat Hobo The Lily on your head the danger in your bed is killing you instead filling you with doubt I feel the pain dilate from the center that you hate where good things go to waste serenity drought So low down below wicked wind...
Re: Postcards from New Orleans
New Orleans is a wildly dangerous place in this regard. It seems that nearly everyone has guns, and there is tremendous poverty. I say this as a great aficianado of the city, but one who has experienced my share of crime there, as have my family members who live there. We usually describe the danger in and around the boho neighborhoods of NOLA as relative to NY's Avenue C or D in the early Eighties. Since most of the crime is done by kids for drugs (sadly, Im sure most dont live past their...
Re: Welcome to ArtMaker
Monthy Club Exhibit/Curation -- ArtMakerNYC-ForumFoundingDiscussions Year 2 From TonyaKnudsen.com I volunteer, as a true labor of love, to lead such a notion into reality and put it into motion, [[alone or with a co-curator, or assisting/accommodating an occasion other guest curators from ArtMakerNYC.com, who might be curious to learn about the process as a great many artists due/dew/do via the virtual-to-live and back again process.]] Time -- I have 2-4 hours one day a week to focus/curate;...