Tagged With "east berlin"
Re: LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival
What a great line up. So sorry I can't be there this year. xo
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
In case there is any confusion right now about evacuating with pets: The usual ban on pets on the subway has been lifted during the evac - remember that all mass transit is shutting down at noon Saturday. If you have a carrier case/kennel for your pet, NYC emergency shelters have a separate area where pets in their carriers will be housed. Owners are responsible for walking and feeding them. So, please make sure you have access to your pet's carrier/kennel. I am looking for more information...
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
Okay, here we go http://www.aspca.org/Blog/08-2...hurricane-irene.aspx and searchable map with complete street addresses for all shelters http://bit.ly/pxHlbb
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
Seems the wind action here on the Westside was minimal; I have seen many pics of broken trees in the EV and Tompkins Square Park. Now the issue of flooding and tidal surges remains for this neighborhood. I look out the window and see joggers. Nothing will stop them, apparently. I can also see about 3 feet of water on (the now closed?) Don Hill's roof. Not good. Somebody should have cleaned out those drains! In this area the sea wall by the river is new and sturdy. Down at BPC and over in the...
Re: Hurricane Irene on the Motherboards NYC
Thanks for the report hatches - LOTS of tree damage in Union Square but all I saw so far were various sizes of branches - park is closed (and should be) so I couldn't get a good idea. This picture has been circulating on Twitter, it is West Broadway and Grand in Soho earlier this afternoon..
Re: GHOSTLIGHT 2 - Halloween Spectacular 10/31
Wednesday 10/24 is the last day for reduced ($10) tickets. Its the 1992 Jackie 60 Halloween price! On 10/25 it goes up to full price, $15. BOX OFFICE
Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose
Thrilled about this! I'm one of the fools who didn't purchase Stevie ticket early enough & missed it. So this has just put a smile on my lips & some pep in my step
Re: The Jackie 60 BROWN PARTY returns 7/1 at The Black Rose
Such a choice idea. I think there needs to be a manifestation on the corner of Washington and W. 14th too !
Jonty Skrufff
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
The thought of being a NYC expatriate has crossed my mind many times as of late. I too was at the Winter Music Conference in March in sunny Miami, and I had some of the best club experiences I have EVER had in my life. Powerhouse DJs and clubgoers from the around the world brought back many fond memories for me of the NYC club scene in the late 80s when I first moved here. In particular at Miami's Club Space and Crow Bar, I was surrounded by a glamorous, friendly, diverse, international...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
A bit of explanation... Mark Twain is said to have once wrote: "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always 20 years behind the times." This still holds true. We were asked to host a night at a local gay club here in Cincinnati about a year after Zazoo was "born." we agreed, but only on our terms... What did this mean? Well... 1. Good music. 2. No crappy Drag Queens badly lipsyching to 3 year-old songs. 3. "Freaks" got in free They reluctantly agreed to...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
from TonyaKnudsen: I have moved this "episode" of "How Dreambot came to ArtMaker" from David W. to that one. [This message was edited by TonyaKnudsen on 09-21-02 at 06:45 PM.]
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
It was impressive to meet you as well Tonya, and your listing of DW's film work is very impressive. I wonder what ever became of the film we made together entitled, I think, "Brian Berlin". I was the main character and I OD'd in an alley at the end. David literally painted my face blue for the scene. But he really didn't have to. It was shot one freezing day in January on Charles Lane in the West Village. BTW that is my friend Chris Sharp and his boyfriend dancing in one of the Phil Zwickler...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
You guys are even cooler on the phone! Have a great night out! Hugs and Kisses and soon hope to see Jojo's first posted pic! And you bet we'd love to have all three of you here for the event. In fact it won't be right unless you are here!! make sure to post interested cards! And final proposals are due Jan3! Now for some dancing myself! Hve a good night at Berlin!
Re: Adam Ant
the best thing about a horrid family trip to berlin in the early 80s was the return to the states with my adam and the ants album among other things (skinny leather ties, dyed denim vest, fingerless gloves, etc)...i loved all these men who pranced about painted & dressed to kill, and he was definitely one who inspired me (boy being the other) that expressing yourself sartorially was possible outside of the oppressing suburban drearniness of DC... it seems life events happen to everyone,...
Re: Adam Ant
randella, you're entirely right: it just becomes so sad when the 'drama' of the famous person is misunderstood & mocked. numerous friends & family called me when the news of adam's stuff was reported (like they used to when he was going to be on tv), but with this gleeful kind of "your hero's not so perfect after all" your description of the goodies from berlin awoke that fetishy new record thing in me: the joy of getting the albums (ants & otherwise), of examining liner notes...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also Transgender-net.com ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Hey Tanya, unfortunately, the review is about the film Cabaret and the Brian in question is the Michael York character. Translated it might be something like this: "And thus Brian leaves Berlin which is already in the firm hand of the Nazis." Due to the "wacky" nature of this passage in German, Brian and Berlin just happen to fall side-by-side! There are a million free translation apps out there, like Alta Vista, if you get stuck.
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
It's looking like Greg will have our site complete around Mid-March, and we're discussing possibly hosting a relaunch party @ Berlin. Not sure if this will be a Friday or Saturday night event, but when things do firm up, we'll be sure to post it in Elsewhere. XXXOOO Satori
Re: Nina Simone
Daddy, I ran Baba's business with him for about nine years in the 90's. It really transformed my life in many many ways. I have endless stories about that adventure. He 'went over to the great majority' -as they say- April 6. The cause was terminal stages of diabetes. Drums of Passion was recorded in 1958/9. Everyone from Dylan to Santanna had their musical heads whacked by it. Closer to home, Nina, Coltrane, Abbey Lincoln, Max Roach, Joan Baez, Mickey Hart, Jerry Garcia, -all fell under the...
Re: berlin ist kunst
Thanks glamnerd, we did have so much fun in Berlin, but I am on to my next stop (after a stop in Budapest for a birthday party)- which is a total Patism (see hbo.com for the Pat videos and that may be a quote for her book with Chi Chi)! Eve should be back from Paris now, and I hope he did hook up with Michael O'Brien there. I am in Greece now, but we met a couple from Berlin here, and it just re-enforces one's thoughts about living there... but I highly recommend Berlin as a place to visit.
Re: berlin ist kunst
you breaking hearts or drink glasses in greece? tell me more when you get back...... luv berlin too.
Re: berlin ist kunst
Ich habe mir nie gedacht das hier Leute gibt die Deutsch sprechen können...hoffe ihr habt ne geile Zeit in Berlin ..war auch schon einige male dort...naja hab ja nur ein paar stunden fahrt... See Ya summer
Re: Swept Away part 2
Either they will settle, or they will win, because I saw the pics Madonna Accused of Picture Piracy and they are almost EXACT replicas of his work... Interesting, because when I saw the video in Berlin for the first time, and snarkily remarked to Sherry & Eve while we watched that this didn't seem new and just seemed a redux (of something but none of us could pinpoint it exactly). Well, her "inspiration" is clear now...
The Hasidic show was one of the strangest, image-wise. It is truly wonderful that the movie will document the Jackie energy. I only wish the filming would have taken place over more than the one year period because as whack as that 1999 was so much of the initial years' energy really was busting with total liberation zone antics. Even the stills that are posted from the last year though have that amazing Berlin Dada meets the collective Id vibe that even by 1999 still showed something way...
Re: berlin ist kunst
greetings from Berlin, here with Big Art Group happy to report that "The House of No More" opening night was sold out and the show was fabulous. Rabbit is a STAR! We send our love to all. xx
Re: Adorable Marlene
Yes. I love her, and I've also been collecting her pictures online. I have recently found a lot of her with the invasion forces into the heart of Nazi Germany in World War Two. She actually entertained the Troops ON THE LINE!!!! She was really something. She hated Hitler, the Nazis, and what they did to her homeland. She was also very intent on finding her mother in Berlin as soon as possible. Unfortunately I can't post any photos here. But I'll be back to post some links to good Marlene...
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
I remember all of you...well, most of you. And if Brian is Hatches then I have you to thank once again for letting me still come in after my father called you. I spent loads of time in the DJ booth...how come noone has yet to mention Ivan? ....and I spent time propped on the beer boxes next to the ice machine in the wait station, where Stephan named me "Queen of the May." I screamed when songs I liked came on. I mean high piercing screamed- like the girl in that "dont need this pressure"...
Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al
I can see now why I've never heard people rave about Athens the way they do about Rome, Paris, Berlin, London or New York. When you take away the ancient ruins and a few old neighborhoods near the Acropolis, you are left with largely an ugly city composed of plain and ugly box-like buildings. Lots and lots of them. I couldn't even date them with a specific era, there were just so many dingy white, beige and off-white buildings with no character whatsoever that I couldn't keep track. I've...
Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera
Unfortunately, there will be no cast album. Roundabout is non-profit and does not do soundtracks (Pajama Game was personally produced by Harry Connick Jr. his-self). The Weill Foundation seems to be focusing on the upcoming spectacular Klaus Maria Brandauer version at the Admiralspalast in Berlin this August, and surely doesn't want to glut the market. In addition to Cyndi's own label commitments, Nellie's contract problems with SONY only add to the confusion. So this Threepenny will go the...
Re: berlin ist kunst
Im here working on the new Big Art Group show "Dead Set". I really love this city. Summer here is amazing. The more time i spend here the more i realize how much its like NYC was. The other great thing about Berlin is what a bike friendly city it is. I love riding to the theater every day...the air is so sweet now, full of florals. And the boys!!!.....dont get me started!!!! im in love.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
For once on the boards I am at a loss for words. I just fled from my office after this news as i just couldn't deal with any stupid shit today. Jeez am just gutted and in shock. Some of ya might know how much a luved that bloke... what a unique, fascinating character. Adorable, bright, intelligent, whimsical. Luvs ya loads and loads Adam....x
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Dear dear Adam...we shall all miss you. I will always cherish all the silly, completely insane conversations we've had together. XXX Julian
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
What we know so far about the circumstances around his death. He was at Burning Man, which he looks forward to all year. He fell and hit his head, thought he was okay, then a few hours later went into a seizure and died. This is being looked into by the Reno police. I was just talking with Paula, the Swedish Housewife, about the logistics of that, a dead body at Burning Man. We agreed that Adam would want to go in The Burn at the climax.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
now am hearing that he had a heart attack /seizure on the way TO the festival... does anyone at all know what happened?
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Anna I just heard that he fell in the shower in his motel room, but felt okay so he did not have the seizure till three hours later. So I guess that means he could have been on his way to the festival. But I did hear that he died AT the festival, I'll update here when I know more.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
I know this is bonkers but i just want to know that he was THERE when he died as I know how much he was lookin forward to being there. And to think he was freakin stressing about stupid shit like his apt ceiling during these past few months. U just never know in life... I think we need to have one HUGE party for him.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
I feel the same way. According to this article, he was at the festival San Diego News story from signonsandiego.com
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
What a great guy and a terrible shock. I just saw him at Motherfucker recently and he was as warm as ever though I hadnt seen him in years. I remember his party at Jackie 60 for a gay clone parody record he did - it was very funny and so was his show. One night we had a Jack Daniels drinking contest and for 2 little guys we really put it away. Condolences to his extended family here and to his blood family wherever they may be.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Other than through his glorious talents and that those who care for this gem of a man are certainly a reflection of his beauty, it is through these Boards and a few nights out over the years that I know him. Thus we have a premature darkening of a wondrous light in this city. My heart goes out to all of Adam's family and friends, may he rest in peace.
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
Stinger, Thank you for remembering that! The night was called "Up All Night, Can't Make The Gym" (named after one of Adam's records). It was Adam's reaction to the shirtless gay drug addicted clones from Chelsea. The stage set was the David Barton Gym locker room. There even was (if I say so myself) a genius method go go performance by David Barton and I. Adam performed "Up All Night". It was such a fun night. Luckily it was captured for the Jackie 60 Movie. I saw some rough cuts of it, it...
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
it's so unfair an important person in the dance community gone forever, it wasn't his time his work was not done here we miss you so much adam goodbye our friend - a I first met Adam in 1989 at Love Machine.. we both used to hang out in the dj booth, I was taking pictures & he was learning. I probably met him before then and didn't notice him and then I would see him more often at all the good parties and we knew the same people. over the years I saw him develop into this very stylish...