Tagged With "Sessions at Knockdown Center"
Re: Occupy Wall Street
Tomorrow's Schedule: October 15th International Day of Action Occupy Wall Street's October 15th - Day of Actions have actions targeting banks throughout the day around specific themes: jobs, education, housing, environment, and war. It will culminate with a mass convergence at Times Square, 5pm. Thousands will be participating throughout the day. Don't miss Occupy Wall Street's biggest day! Complete Schedule for NYC 11AM - March on the Banks ... From Liberty Square to Chase We will then...
ex-teen demi-god
Alligator Boy
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
From Baby Dee: Baby Dee asked me to delete the name of her friend because of her concern for her privacy. (She left her World Trade job by the way and is fine). [This message was edited by daddy on 10-04-01 at 01:12 PM.]
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
Did these people that you are concerned about work in the World Trade Center or do they just live in New York? Please, we don't need tragedy queens! Look, alot of people are missing but not everyone who lives in New York was up at 8:45 AM and at work in the World Trade Center. I know if you are watching all this on TV from far away it must be hard but don't over react. There are millions and millions of people in New York. Most are fine. If you know someone that worked there and you are...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
I finally got to go home last night- through 2 checkpoints, and to my apartment, which has power and water, but no phone service (thus no internet, either). Two blocks below me on Broadway has been evacuated and has no power, water, gas, or phones. And the stench... but I am grateful for so many things, and I am sure many feel the same way. Since I am essential personnel, we were on the ready for the 1000s of wounded that never arrived. Our Urgent Care Center was set up like a MASH unit, and...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I don't know... Is that like say after you do your wife's roots and take the leftover bleach and paint a stripe down the center of your head, accentuating your faux-hawk? [This message was edited by daddy on 12-30-01 at 12:01 PM.]
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I'm writing to you from the fancy bathhouse. It's one of those places you could never leave. But I will. I'm not THAT pervy. I am being a little more pervy this year though. At home I would be wayyy too self concious to walk around in a towel. I hope Chelsea culture stays away from here forever! They do have some reverse body image issues here. They'll have perfect flat abs and then think they're too skinny! You know here, the country not just the bathhouse, they would never think of making...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
...so they slice open this lizard, squeeze out the oil, and rub it on "make dick grow big". You can also buy the stuff from an herbal medicine guy. I wonder if they have that in Chinatown? Well, I guess if any of the girls go off the 'mones and they want to restore their trade, they can try lizard oil. Chiang Mai is full of Euro-hippie types. Lot's of health food, yoga classes, etc. It's like the Thai San Francisco. There are these stoes full of beads, beautiful fabrics, silver, pottery,...
Re: Provincetown
Are you guys refering to the fire a couple of years ago that burnt down that artist mall in the center of town. (Which was rebuilt last time I was there. Pretty nice to.) Or was there another more recent fire?
Re: Greer Lankton
I saw her big titted sculpture at a Whitney Annual which included more G&L artists than ever before, curated by an exceptional gay artworld celeb, Klaus Kertess, and was delightfully surprised that a trans-artist was included in the show, especially in an art climate that was and still is, although administered by art fags and women, in many ways predominantly macho,(compare prices of male artist's work with that of females-- even after women's lib!) I was anxious to see more of her work...
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
Hey all, we made it to London, 3 hour layover and then...home. Jade- we perform to DAT tracks. no live band.But a lot of the songs are remixes for nightclub dates. Wait till you hear about the Hong Kong show! Bill Clinton and this water sweetie. We brought Jaiko and Viva to Hong Kong to perform with us because the venue was so huge. It was an enormous convention center built in the harbor,huge stage, 2 huge projection screens,lights....yadda yadda. The whole thing was so sick. We performed...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
I never said activists never get anything done. Even if I thought that, why would I say that to you? What I said was I had been reading your NYAGRA pages and, because of all the drama and shakeups, was surprised anything got done at all. What pissed you off I think was that I said a lot of those girls in some of those meetings need to get a life - unfortunately we were standing on the dance floor at Don Hills - so I could not elaborate. I was speaking about my own experiences with others at...
Widely publicized and with a NYMag article to come out Holly died last week. She had been my art dealer from 1974-1980. Everything the many NYTimes obits said about her and Grace Gluck's full biography is true. She treated artists like friends, supported many many talents, and went with her gut feelings no matter what the odds. My personal memory which I'll never forget was the crazy summer we drove up to Lake Placid with a stationwagon trunk full of white wine and returned with a...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
I must agree that trans-discrimination has been phenomenally irrational and intense, but I have seen wonderful changes for the better. I have experienced just about evey kind of abuse over the years. It's important to keep ones center and not take any o f that harshness inside of oneself, but to recognize it for what it is and let it go. Yes, it has often seemed that too many people believe that a Transperson is nothing but something to point at, laugh and gawk. Many young men and some not...
Re: Page
When I first arrived in the Blade Runner 'esuqe city that New York was in 1990, I remember seeing this tall "Woman" with a bleach blonde flatop, horned rimmed sunglassed, in the dark of night, and glitter red lipstick, while dressed in a retro new wave look about 10 years before anyone thought it was cool to bring that back. She waltzed up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Page...who are you ?" My eyes opened a little wider and what was possible in this life became a little broader and I saw the...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:
is this multiple name thing confusing anyone else?? texxx, goblin, rapist, hanson, rock'n'roll... i'm now taking suggestions in the simplification department. glammie sweetie, you described it oh so well. the only epic moment i think you left out was friday night's show at the el circo dome. sweeties... this dome is at least 60 feet across with a six-pointed star shaped stage that has fire going all around it. hel-LO! and if that isn't kabbalistic/alchemical enough for you... their final...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
Re: Adam Ant
Lately I've started doing Adam Ant makeup, you know with the big, bold stripe across the center of the face. That's all.
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Miss Webb, You have my deepest sympathy. I know how much you loved your kitty. I'll bring some 'drag by yoga center. If you need stuff for school let us know(call Jack) or even if just want me to carry your books. Most of all, please know how much we love you! curtsy
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Balducci's Closes Landmark Store Jan 8, 2003 7:18 am US/Eastern (1010 WINS) NEW YORK Balducci's, the gourmet market known for its rare and exotic food products, has closed its flagship store in Greenwich Village, its owner said. The landmark store, which had occupied the same storefront since the 1970s, was shuttered at closing time on Tuesday, and plans were being made to reopen in a different location. Clifford Smith, the CEO of the Maryland-based Sutton Place Gourmet chain, which bought...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I'm in Pattaya, the flashy trashy beach town with the giant drag shows I spoke of, ALcazar and Tiffany. I just went to both. Wow. Wow. Wow. These shows are multiple orgasms for costume lovers. They are overdone beyond belief! It's Vegas in Asia on a sugar rush! Yes, lots of pink and green. There are girls rising from the floor, flying through the air; name a stage effect, they do it. I want to drag all my friends here just to see these extravaganzas! I could see you all squealing wit...
Re: Diamanda Galas
The first time I saw Diamanda was at Lincoln Center performing Insekta. I was totally freaked out, (in a good way) and when she actually started coming out of the cage......My first thought was "Ahhhh, run! She's loose!" Then another time I saw her at Joe's Pub and at one point in the show, her face morphed into someone else for about 2 seconds, I swear she conjures up demons or ghosts. She was totally possessed. Absolute Goddess! love her to death.
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I know it's time to end this blabbering, but I just need to tell you about yesterday. Yesterday I really realized how wealthy we are in the US. See, I love slumming it in the street markets etc. and getting everything that's authenitc and cheap. But there's a real luxury circuit here that I'm pretty out of touch with. Like if you want to spend the $15-$20 for a meal that you might spend in NY at Yaffa Cafe, you can eat in some real swanky place equivilent to a $100 meal at home. I just don't...
Re: Diamanda Galas
Her black mass tribute to the Aids departed at Saint John's Cathedral was one of the most extraordinary live performances I've ever witnessed even surpassing Led Zepplin at NY Pavilion Flushing Meadows World's Fair. The acoustics and spatial setting amplified the experience ten fold sending you right to the upper stratospheres of sensory extremes. Still regretting misssing the Lincoln Center "Insecta" rb//nyc//bronx//bohemia
Re: Pepper LeBeija
That Times piece is major. My mother (Angie Xtravaganza) would GAG to see her name in The Times like that. I hope she sees it. I also saw on the CNN clicker at the bottom of the tv screen... "Harlem Ball House legend Pepper LeBeija dead at 53 of heart attack". unbelievable. There are only a couple of the old girls left. They will be at Pepper's memorial I'm sure. I guess Candi LeBeija is the reigning queen now. I think that Miss Pepper's memorial is going to be June 12 at the Gay &...
Re: boy george
Jackie, you will not be able to put it down, especially when he gets to the drug madness, as it was just pure insanity and he does a good job of sucking you in to how crazy his life was at that point. Miss U, that pic is priceless! I have some similar ones from my college days too. Though I don't have a scanner, the most memorable one was from the night my friends and I went to see Culture Club at the Capital Center (now the Continental, American Airlines, or possibly Starbucks Center) in...
Re: boy george
the finest thrift store chic that was, and my best attempt at copying the cover of the album...the rat you all refer to is a police cap with brooch applied dead center for glam effect, and the hideously colorful hanky was my attempt to tsjuz up the outfit!
I loved Bewitched as a child as well. My first time seeing the show was going down the street to Maria Falvey's house and watching it at noon with her mother on the tv in the kitchen, so that must have when I was 5 or 6. She too would make us soup and sandwiches and we would watch. Alas, my flamboyant nature even at that age eventually fried Mrs Falvey's Catholic nerves and I wasn't allowed to play with her anymore (though not understanding this at all at the time, I just thought she was a...
Re: International Chrysis
While still living in DC in the early 90s, Split: Portrait of a Drag Queen played at the American Film Institute at the Kennedy Center, and I went to see the film, but not knowing much about it other than it was about a drag queen, I dragged my friends to come with me. Well, we all loved the movie, and I was fascinated with her oh-so-glamorous life (or so it appeared on celluloid), yet throughout the story the theme was her rising up and above any perceived pain or misery. Being a showgirl,...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?
John Ritter is dead at 55. As with the recent death of Gregory Hines, I was shocked to hear about this one. A versatile and funny talent.
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
6 train, uptown this a.m.: I'd literally just finished reading the last word of the heart/deceitful chapter, "foolishness is bound in the heart of a child," when I stood up to exit the train and a man beside me shoved past by putting his New York Post in my face. The headline: "PASTOR: I GAVE BOYS 'HOLY SPANKINGS'" I'd forgotten how upsetting this particular section of the book is. So fucking fucked. And then to see this... Here's the clip. Spooky. It's right out of JTL. web page November 3,...
The timing of this is very strange - just saw that Helmut Newton died today. He was a huge influence on my late-Seventies and early Eighties look, and I have always adored his women. Shocking... I guess Heaven will be very well lit from now on...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Schwarzenegger urged to arrest S.F. mayor Group says Newsom should face prison for false marriage licenses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: February 17, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com A Christian legal group wants California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to arrest the mayor of San Francisco for issuing nearly 2,000 marriage licenses to homosexual couples in defiance of state law. The American Family Association Center for...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
Gay men are marrying gay men and lesbians are marrying lesbians in San Francisco. Gay couples in Massachusetts will have the right to marry in a few short months. The mayor of Chicago has spoken out loudly in favor of same-sex marriage. WHERE IS THE MAYOR OF THE CITY WITH THE LARGEST GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY IN THE COUNTRY ON THIS ISSUE? While the mayors of San Francisco and Chicago have courageously stood up for our community's freedom to marry, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has steadfastly...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
A despicable election year trick, intended to drive a wedge between the queer community and our hetero neighbors. While depressing, this article is highly informative and I love the quoted reactions from DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, the ACLU and others. And though the Democratic presidential candidates are not THAT much better, at least they are against a constitutional amendment and Kerry can boast that he voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
I rarely, if ever agree with him, but I think Andrew Sullivans comments on his website reflect the feelings of most of the Gay Community.
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
...here in NYC there will be a demo tomorrow at City Hall. I received this via email today: ----- The time is now! President Bush has endorsed a Constitutional Amendment that would make discrimination against LGBT people the law of the land. The time is now! Thousands of same-sex couples are already getting married across the country. What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Join the MASSIVE DEMONSTRATION Tomorrow, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 8:00 AM at CITY HALL Corner of Centre and...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
hatches, to 'Leave it to one man's artistic license to forever change the public's perception of actual events'..... is a threatening nack our president seems to enjoy. being able to promise one thing and deliver one's hidden agenda at the same time just gets me gullet in tangle. the history channel did a special on the burning of rome and came to the conclusion that the christians started it to fulfill their professies regarding the end of the world and the collapse of rome as the center of...
Re: The Cincinnati Connection
Friday, March 19, 6 to 9 p.m. CAC members or purchase of a Fringe Festival Pass admission free; all others $8. The Contemporary Arts Center kicks off the Cincinnati Fringe Festival two months early with a live dj, the Late Circuit Spinning hours of suspense-filled grooves, Downtempo/Trip-Hop/Hip-Hop/BrokenBeat, providing the music and improvisational movers providing the visuals. Be the first on your block to purchase a pass to the Festival, the exciting, non-stop festival of theater and...