Tagged With "elton john"
Re: Occupy Wall Street
I believe that, Seven. I used to date a guy whose all of his relatives were R. He warned me about it but, anyway I attended his American-Catholic Family Xmas Eve gathering for the first time expecting to see things I watched in the movies. Then what I saw in their nice traditional house were the scenes from John Waters movies. The most insane one was the comment his sister in law made during the after dinner family chat time in front of a fire place. She said we (U.S.) should drop an atomic...
John Cater
Abby Stract
JAM Works
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
We're dying to relive it, except that Betty Badum is no longer reliving anything. I loved her carefully counting the tiny specks of glitter with a pair of oversized joke tweezers from Gordon Novelties (still the best store in showbusiness.) It seemed to carry on for at least five minutes. Fascinating theater! And why the neck brace? Will we ever know? The "Prozac Finale" was all her idea. I remember John telling us cast members just minutes before the curtain...Truley inspired. We never...
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
Katy from P-cult is fine Melanie from Justine's is also ok Tim Mullen is ok has anyone heard from: Russ Burns? <= OK John Steelo <=OK Big Bruce <=OK Chris Flam <=OK Baroness & Mark <= OK Randella Todd <=OK Syren <=OK Ashley Anna ken feet <= OK David B. Luna <= OK Goddess Diana Karen Kelly Garo <=OK Tommy and Michael Rachelene Scott Kat [This message was edited by Ted & Di on 09-13-01 at 01:51 PM.]
Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here
If you have word on anyone from this list or Ted And Di's list above please post. I am so frantic so far away here in Australia, there really is nothing I can do but watch the news. Please let us all know if you hear of anyone, we all need each other now. Love and Healing, Kylie xoxo People who are alive: *David Martin/neptune glory-> paramedic on the scene *Gecko *Ricky Horne and ALL Staff at Avalon Salon People who are missing at time of writing: Flamm, Xris <= OK B, Allon B, Heather...
Re: Mondo Internet
Can you believe that there is not one Carol Channing fan page out there!! There is, though, this great article in " Blair ," a fabulous online mag, written by jazz baby John Sanchez. Blair Magazine
Re: Provincetown
Hey Bobby. Sounds like fun up in Ptown. You know what that chief of police really wants?! His own private "dick dock". Missed you at the pageant and look forwad to your arrival back in town for MotherShip. Best to John.
Re: Provincetown
I found out the hard way Daddy. " I am not an animal! I am a man!" John Merrick. Now I am itching and covered in poisen ivy. But they are sooo cute those little furry worms. They will all soon be gypsy moths and fly away and I will still be itching! Headed back to NYC from June 6th - june 12th..anyone want a ride to Ptown on june 12th? Kisses xxx
Widely publicized and with a NYMag article to come out Holly died last week. She had been my art dealer from 1974-1980. Everything the many NYTimes obits said about her and Grace Gluck's full biography is true. She treated artists like friends, supported many many talents, and went with her gut feelings no matter what the odds. My personal memory which I'll never forget was the crazy summer we drove up to Lake Placid with a stationwagon trunk full of white wine and returned with a...
Re: Provincetown
merlin had a wonderful time visiting bobby and riding a rented convertable with luggage rack and bottle holder (bicycle) all over ptown for eight days. can not thank bobby or john enough for the great time. one morning at 4am , after having spent part of the evening looking for the moon along the west end of ptown, merlin stopped by the general store near the 'old' dickdock and asked the baker to open up cause merlin needed a cup of hot coffee, tho the air was chilled there was no need for a...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Hatches -- It was impressive to meet you, such a stately figure of consequence with a wise, yet subdued kindness. I hope you like the Jackie 60 Fashion Forward shwag, I apologize for the interruption in your stage performance last night (that was not my doing, ahem, Daddy - I much prefer being on the dance floor!) ------------- As I continue to delve into NYC in the 80s, I find more and more information about DWs work and the artists he collaborated with. Just when I thought I had a...
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
From: uravampire@mindspring.com Subject: [queerleft] Fwd: Harry Hay obituary - New York Times Is there going to be a NYC (or in other cities) memorial for Harry Hay, and more than mourning, as doing what Harry Hay had often done, which way forward for the queer movement? In May 2003 there will be a gathering of queer lefties in NYC at the Brecht Forum, to put the issue of queer liberation back in the heart of the socialist/anarchist/left movments and reconnect the queer community to the...
Gay Activist Harry Hay Dies http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20021025_9.html From: SrBananaNut@aol.com Subject: radical faerie founder died in San Francisco Our beloved faerie sissy brother Harry Hay left this earth plane at 2 a.m., PDT, this morning, October 24, 2002. The Duchess died peacefully in his sleep at home while attended by his beloved companion John Burnside and a circle of loving friends. Let us join hands in a circle to remember Harry and how he has graced our lives, as he joins...
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
showing some of my dolls at john fluvogs for x-mas...they heard i was making a miss lady kier doll and they gave me a pair of the pilgrim shoes she would wear for free for her.i chose miss lady kier because she always filled me with JOY. so i know she maybe going threw a hard spell so i'm sending her love trew the doll...she is going to be a knock out. and i am working on mayln monroe...i always loved tragic figures.next getting ready for new york....i want to love you too. thank you...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
tim and ken are here with me for new year's. we talk and think of you so often. wishing you much love, lot o' health and prosperity in the new year. 2003 will be glee!! for you especially cuz you deserve it. i sent my elves randy and sean in to see john and say hello in p'town. can't wait to see your loverly face again in new york-or maybe we'll just have to go up to p'town in the new year!! what a girl will do to lose some weight--i mean, really!!
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
At 10pm, Bobby turned to John and said, 'It's 10 O'Clock, isn't it?' He knew it from the waves of love and energy that came over him. It was so strong last nigh none of us could sleep. We spent hours talking, sharing, laughing while trying to wear Mr. Miller out so he could sleep. Yes, he is talking again. LOL. Bobby Miller Time is a powerful thing, family. We also sat around the kitchen table yesterday making plans for the future! It's a long road ahead, with many new possibilies, and we...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also Transgender-net.com ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I don't think Miss minds people talking about her...it's when they STOP talking that you've got to worry. And I don't think she's there yet--she's still on the plane! Speaking of who he looks like, he told me that in high school he was often told he looked like John "Ducky" Crier. I got the same thing--but me & Miss do not look at all alike. I guess it was a polite 80s way of saying: "You are gay."
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It's 8am, Monday Morning, no one that would read this will be up for hours...... Arrived in Ptown, Saturday Evening, to the smells of Mr. Miller's cooking. Yep, he is watching the Food Channel and cooking up a storm-- the diner was delicious, Risoto and marinated chicken! Kinda weird to be here when John is not around, miss him. Please take care of him while he is in nyc. He has a big unconditionally loving heart. Daddy, Bobby is still gonna need help with that wig. HONEY! Hoping, this...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Hey Bobby, Merlin and John Sorry I missed that great dinner last night, but momma I'm sure you will be preparing a feast with all the trimmings for my arrival later this month. If you do I just might do a number for ya hon! But this girl hasn't been in drag for at least 8 months, so break out the makeup. Don't worry, my performance skills are still razor sharp, HA !! Oh by the way, you should beware of your new producer the "Merlinator", he took me under his wing and all I got was a 3am gig...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
bobby--i'm so sorry i haven't been writing. getting my life together--what else? tim told me that he had a good long talk with you and that you sounded wonderful. i'm so glad. i knew you would come back--it's not your time yet. g-d's just giving you some down time so you can reflect and learn. and of course she had to get your attention first! everything here is--well, it's new york! there's a beautiful snowstorm today so the city's prettier and quietier than it's been for a while. johanna's...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
You were. But it was worth it. Zette came into his own at Area really. At Pyramid he mostly sang as a boy. Very Bowie-esque. Wasn't Kathleen a friend of Bunny's? And I had entirely forgotten about poor Dana. Slain by a john, I believe.
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Dear Dana's apartment went up in flames,I went there after to see it, it was verry scary.Then at her memorial service there were many rumors flying about her john and other trannys,scandal. Were you there? do you remember the sensibly dressed crossdressed epileptic fit in the front of the church? with size 13 flats a flyin? literally. It was one of the most memorable mourning moments ever! after 5 minutes or so, Madamme stood up and said"someone call an ambulance" and sat back down.
Re: Diamanda Galas
Saturday night 2/15. I've got my tix. Anyone here going? From the knitting factory site: Hell's favorite angel will rip your heart out as she wails songs of shattered love, blinding obsession and howling melancholy. With the power of a mac truck and delicacy of a broken martini glass, the ever-loving Diamanda Galas will shred classic Valentine's fare with her own Baby's Insane, Tony and Your'e Mine, Hank Williams' I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry, Tracy Nelson's Down So Low, Ornette Coleman's...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Spent some time in Provincetown with Bobby and John last week. Mid winter snows, cold morning walks, long friendly conversations, great meals and major Judge Judy sessions daily. There was a lovely ordinariness about this visit, as well as a sense of momentum for a future filled with promise and the love of friends. There is a soul re-blossoming in Ptown, whose physical stenght needs building everyday. Patience and love are winning the day. The Merlinator
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The Granddaddy of all horrible club fires occurred in Boston at the Coconut Grove in 1942, killing 492 people. The fire was started by someone simply lighting a match in order to screw in a lightbulb. Most of the victims died from smoke inhalation, though locked exits were a factor. If such a tragedy can be caused by a match, how could anyone even dream of pyrotechnics? I have always been opposed to them, and still am to this day. Though fire-eating can be safer and more easily contained, it...
Never got to know this fella but he sounds like my kind of wheeler dealer: (***nytimes pay per view link removed 5/23/03) Colin de Land, a New York art dealer whose ambivalence about commercialism was reflected in an art gallery that sometimes resembled an anti-art gallery, if not a work of Conceptual Art, died on Sunday at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He was 47. The cause was cancer, said Dennis Balk, an artist represented by Mr. de Land's gallery, American Fine Arts. With little...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
From John Galliano's ready-to-wear in Paris. It's Joan Crawford meets Mother Flawless Sabrina. Amen. [This message was edited by Michael Madison on 03-13-03 at 11:24 AM.]
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It was great to see you tonight. You looked great and I'm glad things are going well. There is nothing like cheese and crackers at Merlins to get your spirits up! Have a safe trip back with John and I'm looking forward to seeing your NY NY show in Provincetown. All the best Luv CTV
Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)
Wanna 'talk' to John Lennon? http://triumphpc.com/johnlennon/chat.shtml This is spooky but it works ... sort of odd as you end up typing as if it were him... (oh do I have too much time on me hands or what!)
Re: Provincetown
For any Provincetown or Boston-based Motherlovers, or any fellow vacationers don't miss this rare bit of New York.. THE NY SHOW Sunday, June 8 at 11 PM Bubbala's Commercial Street, Ptown. Readings and performances by John Kelly, Bobby Miller, Chi Chi Valenti, Andy Horowitz, Matthew Benedict and Kim Rogers. Suggested donation $5. And Jackie Legend Billy Rene is bartending. Whoo-whoo! Should be lots of fun. Hope to see you there..
Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)
I saw John Cale at Club 57 and he had just broken his leg but performed playing guitar and singing from a chair on stage with his band. He did some old Velvet songs including "Sweet Jane." The thing that I loved the most about that club was how cool the whole scene was. The restrooms were full of both genders and marijuana was freely passed. I really felt at home, even though I was a punky kid from Jersey.
I got the inside scoop that they have just finished the last of the new AbFab episoides, and Sir Elton John gets to slap Patsy....thats all I can say....for now.