Tagged With "dean johnson"
Beth Johnson
anonymous party
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Tabboo on the go go bar, Baby Gregory on the street outside selling handmade"dolls" or painted tiles or little drawings or whatever else he could think of that week to get some more crack money but God how I miss his Janis. My parties there called 101 Varieties, short lived but debuted with Miss Harry reciting her poetry on my birthday night, that big skinny junkie looking man in chaps with a sourpuss face rushing to and from, Greer Lankton and Costa Pappas, DJ's Dany Johnson, Sister...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Thank you for the link Shema. I found the site to be informative as well as insightful. My dresses look GORGEOUS! Dany Johnson (legendary DJ) and Andy Whyland (Legendary nightlife photographer/"that dyke at the door") are arriving in Bangkok tonight. They're spending a few days here on their way to Japan. Perfidia is ever the trend setter. She brought me, then Jojo came, then Dany and Ande... Next year the Bridge and Tunnel crowd will all be here!
Re: Mondo Internet
Dean Johnson- Porn star... who knew? I guess I'd better watch out. My past could come back to haunt ME!
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
from TonyaKnudsen: I have moved this "episode" of "How Dreambot came to ArtMaker" from David W. to that one. [This message was edited by TonyaKnudsen on 09-21-02 at 06:45 PM.]
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also Transgender-net.com ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Holly woodlawn is in a coma... at Cedar sinai after collapsing in her LA home... they say its due to alcoholism... beams to Holly... -I digress- Holly Johnson from Frankie Goes to Hollywood stole his name as homage to the above ms Woodlawn fyi... sure y'all realized that.. (his real name is Billy Johnson or ...Billy Hollygay) Get well Legend Holly Woodlawn!
Re: Jonah Falcon
if your into swapping jonah i will give you my pandex betsy johnson dress with matching snood i wore to barbara stresands birthday that james brolin threw up on in return for those shorts deal? messy_carly@yahoo.com
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Hattie if you don't write that G.D. book I'm going to kill you! (Oh wait, that's no good is it?) I forgot about you at The Empire Diner. And Monica Lynch... I had no idea. When I moved to New York (to go to Art School) I was working at FOOD restaurant on Prince & Wooster Streets. (One of the three restaurants in the newly named SOHO district. There was The Broome Street Bar, The Spring Street Bar and Food on Price Street). We also used to feed artists. It was cool. Unlike you though...
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
Yesterday The NEW YORK OBSERVER published a feature encouraging gay men to seek out new places for public sex!! Here's an excerpt:
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
OK, you asked for it! And here it is again. Dean Johnson and James Coppola present The original TRIPLE XXX "The filithiest party in nyc" FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25th Siberia 358 w40th st. (btwn Eighth and Ninth) open bar 10 -11pm admission 20 dollars for more info: http://www.velvetmafiatheband.com Doors open at 10pm and space is limited so GET THERE EARLY! **********
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
If this one is anything like the last one... GET THERE EARLY!!!! These parties are nuts. And for all of you lurkers who may have lived under a rock for the past few years and don't know who Dean Johnson is, check out his website . He is ALWAYS a scandal!
Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006
The Latest - PLEASE NOTE THIS YEAR'S BILL IS CLOSED! Thank you, we cant take any more performers at this point. And, to answer the next question - please check back with us right after New Year's 2007 for information about applying for next year's edition, or check our webpage at that time.. Thanks! NOTS 16 IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY Greetings from New York City to our beloved Gypsies and fellow Stevie Nicks worshippers, as excitement mounts with this year's NOTS less than a month away. Our...
Re: NOTS 16 - STEVIE IN WONDERLAND - May 19, 2006
Who's on when? We know that alot of you have specific Legends of Stevie Realness that you come to see, so here is a breakdown of performers by Act. Those of you who come every year know that we start on time or very close to it! Act One (Begins 10:30) Stevie Nicks Experience (opens show), Starless Skye, Dean Johnson, Gypsy Wild, Sherry Vine, Miss Guy, Charlene Coran, Mirror in the Sky, Jazmen Flowers, Sweetie and Chi Chi Valenti Act Two (Begins midnight) The Ho Hos, Billy O, St. Eve, Seaman...
Re: DJ Sveta from Down Under
It's totally true! A BIG rack makes a BIG DJ. I mean who can forget the "man tits" on the legendary Paul "Fat Daddy" Johnson? Not me.
Re: Nina Simone
My two faves are her 11 Minute version of Isn't It A Pity on the Emergency Ward LP and the live version of Westwind on the Black Gold LP. The early 70's RCA stuff is excellent! Seeing Kabuki Starshine perform Isn't It A Pity at PS122 for (I think) the Marsha P Johnson Story blew my mind. And then there's her Bee Gees covers - don't get me started! I was lucky enough to see her last performance in NYC at Carnegie Hall - she was frail and while the house was hooting and stomping for an encore,...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
No, it's no secret, Johnny D is me. Hatches is Hattie. Chi Chi is Chi Chi. Pops Steiner (don't ask) is the magical Dany Johnson. That's all I'll reveal for now.
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Maybe we should just move that decimal point over a notch, hmmm? Seriously, though, STH is one of the greatest sources of modern gay writing. I found them when I first moved to the city, and I relished every dirty detail that writers would share (even the really uncomfortable ones). It was very all glamorous and Jean Genet to a new kid on the block, trust. I urge readers to subscribe to Dean Johnson's myspace blog for a 21st-century dose of Straight To Hell-style writing. We all know Dean is...
Re: New and News, Part 6
Sisters are doing it for themselves! I love this story, and good for these ladies for sticking it to this fuck face. [from today's Post, of course.] ATTACK OF THE KILLER LESBIANS MAN 'FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE' By LAURA ITALIANO GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed him. GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for that Dean..it brought a much-needed laugh. I have just finished editing the tribute video for NOTS of the legends past..That reminded me to mention that the original concept for NOTS actually was presaged in 1981 when Gennaro Palermo staged a Stevie lip-synch performance of mine for Haoui Montaug's cabaret. Talk about people being appalled, they really were at the time. Yes, amazingly, I never heard about your famous Pyramid show till the very early years of...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
I "did" Stevie a few times at R&R Fag Bar at The World in the Eighties. Once I did Fleetwood Mac's extended version of "Rhiannon" complete with Stevie's eight-minute interpretive dance solo while Christine McVie (Tabboo!) sat on the side of the stage applying make-up, eating potato chips and reading the National Enquirer. Then when I reached the big finale, Christine stood up behind me, held up a huge sign that said 'MUFF DIVA' and walked off the stage.
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Clark is a genius! As are Dean and The Empress. It doesn't surprise me that both of these two freaks came up with the same stupid idea.
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Ha! Right after I saw this posting I found this quote in the EdgeNY article: " "I think the funniest moments for me were the first ones because it just seemed so absurd," said Johnson. "I remember sitting in the dressing room with Chi Chi and Joey Arias (we were the only three Stevies that night) and thinking, 'Well, this is avant-garde!'" "And then Joey went up and started singing along to 'Stand Back'...but he didn't know the words and he had a coke straw hanging out of his nose," Johnson...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Can I also just point out that we save "Stand Back" for Joey every year? It's a Stevie tradition. It's also a tradition that he never learn the words. EVERY year he says, "I'm going to really learn the words this time" but he never does. The funniest moment was a few years ago (after he swore he knew he words) Joey was in the middle of a verse, just sort of mumbling and I turned the music off letting him mumble acapella. I did it about three times exposing him. He was mortified. Even though...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
can i also just point out that last year *musQrat and i had to follow that performance. joey was substituting f-bombs for the words she didn't know and the crowd did NOT feel it... they started booing!! daddy came on to try to remedy the sitch but then we had to "white light" it to another level. funny thing was, i had said to *musQrat, "work! we've got FIERCE placement!! right after joey arias!" little did i know the damage control we'd have to do. but honestly, if she ever learned the...
Re: Dean Johnson, NOTS Legend (Formerly "Your "Next" magazine Article")
Perhaps I was over-reaching when i said the possibilities were "endless." And yes, the audience at NOTS can, at times, be surprisingly unforgiving (LMAO).
Re: NOTS 17 Press and Articles
Tricia Romano's FLY LIFE column about NOTS is out in this week's Village Voice. there is mention of Nicole Nicks, Poison Eve, Justin Bond, Mike Albo, Sherry Vine, Dean Johnson, Amber Ray, Abby Ehmann and a slideshow of her pictures of THE NIGHT.. http://www.villagevoice.com/music/0720,romano,76667,22.html
Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4
My friends were so happy with the rates and quality of the Chinatown HolidayInn... now it's getting converted to a luxury hotel just like all the rest. Sheesh! Hotel rates here are so wacky. The "Howard Johnson Express" on Houston is one of the best deals around.. and it's a stinky deal. It's very bare bones dreary place. When my mom stayed there a while back it was nearly $200 on weekdays and over $200 on weekends. I hear it has gone up since then. If that dump is so expensive then anyplace...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Dean Johnson passed away this week. Details surrounding Dean's death, along with the death of another young man are still uncertain, and an investigation is, as of this writing, still ongoing. I have included details and links about Dean's life below. Dean is survived by his father is Ellis Johnson and his sister is Beth. For several years, Dean cared for and visited his mother Linda, who succumbed to a battle with cancer in 2006. He was a devoted son, brother and friend to scores of people...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Poets and Priests of nothing... Legends The lights went out for a few seconds and when they came back on Stevie now had on a white shawl. The last song was "Has Anyone ever Written Anything For You" and it looked like she had tears in her eyes. Maybe because this was the end of the show and she was sorry it was to end. At the end of the song where she speaks, "And when they ask her about the men in her life she said, "Well in answer to your question, they were poets, and they were priest of...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Dean was the best at what he did. There will never be another like him. So sad.
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
hello family. I needed some community around this loss so here I am. dean dean dean , i love you. rhiannon is yours forever babycakes.
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
This Wednesday was going to be the next in Dean's reading series at RAPTURE. I believe it's now going to be a very big celebration of a very big man. Mr. Joe?
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Yes. This Wednesday was schedule to be the first installment of Dean's reading series, READING FOR FILTH, and take place each Wednesday in October. We will celebrate our friend, our dear family member's glorious life here at Rapture. Wherever Dean is concerned, the show always went on. Miss Webb (our very own DJ Baby K) has begun an honoring wall around the stage, and asks folks to bring any music Velvet Mafia or Dean and The Weenies; photos; DVD footage; or any other Dean-related...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Deans death has hit me very hard even though I haven't even seen him for years. I used to know him enough to say "Hi Dean" and have a brief conversation with him. I was a teenager when I met him, and all the regulars at The Pyramid. These memories are so concrete that it is hard for me to picture anyone from that time period in any other context. I adored them all when I was kid. I worshipped them and I considered them my parents as ridiculous as it sounds. No one understands either unless...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
I met Dean in 1984 at Robots and worked with and around him on and off throughout the years. Recently we got much closer through myspace and our mutual love of writing and we joked that it was funny how after all these years we had become closer than ever over the internet. We made plans to hang out a few weeks ago at a birthday party, but they fell through and we missed each other. I had no idea that was the last chance I'd get to see him. I still have an email sitting in my mailbox wanting...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
I am completely stunned and saddened by Dean's sudden death. I think I will always remember the last time I saw him, ruling the stage at Low Life.
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
This just out: Daily Intelligencer Edited by Jesse Oxfeld and Chris Rovzar with Michael Idov intel@nymag.com Intel 9/28/07 5:00 PM Promoter and Queer Icon Dean Johnson Dies Photo: Patrick McMullan Downtown icon and gay performing artist Dean Johnson died last week, friends just learned. The 6'6" promoter was found dead by authorities in Washington, DC, but remained unidentified until this week. Police are still investigating the cause. Johnson, 45, founded the iconic weekly party Rock and...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Dean's myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/velvetmafianyc
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
by some magical synchronicity "live at red rocks" arrived from netflix yesterday. i put it on the queue because *musQrat hasn't seen it but also because i heard dean tell a story about watching it with clark (of the bankheads) and wanted to get back into it myself. i'll be thinking of dean while i watch it today. RIP, VIP.
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
We at NYRock.com want to share our condolences. We loved Dean and loved covering his wacky antics. Rest in peace, big boy. http://nyrock.com/conf/2006/fury57.asp http://nyrock.com/conf/2005/fury49.asp http://nyrock.com/conf17.htm
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
I thought some of you who knew Dean like I did might get a kick out of this. It was the last story I worked on with Dean while I was the Editor of Next Magazine. I'm going to miss him a lot, but I take some consolation knowing that now he's jamming out upstairs with Laura Branigan...and reading all the other angels for filth with Hilly Kristal between sets. Love ya, Dean...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Thanks for posting that Gregory T. I have a question that probably only Hattie Hathaway can answer. As I remember it, Dean was the first one to put (the now ubiquitous) skinny East Village Rock & Roll boys in their underwear up on a bar. I know it was first done at The Pyramid Club for sure but did Dean do it? Hattie?