Tagged With "Retro Porn"
Legendary spoken word performer Emilio Cubeiro died on approx. June 15, 2001 in Craftbury Common, VT of complications due to Hepatitis C. A frequent contributor to one of the first gay poetry magazines, "Mouth Of The Dragon" throughout the early Seventies, Cubeiro's exceptional live performances combined poetry, rhythm and music years before anyone else. Reportedly, a young poet named Lydia Lunch saw him perform at CBGB's in 1972, and left completely transformed. It would be over 20 years...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...
Re: Mondo Internet
I don't think outsiders will ever completely understand Japan. Check out these pervy gay porn "Keene Paintings" Click Here
Re: Mondo Internet
Dean Johnson's porn film from 1984!!! That's him, lower left! [This message was edited by daddy on 05-07-02 at 01:56 AM.]
Re: Mondo Internet
Dean Johnson- Porn star... who knew? I guess I'd better watch out. My past could come back to haunt ME!
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
All I can do is nod in agreement and say "so well stated." I think I know what you mean, Sweetie, about not having a focused point, but I think that there is one there somewhere. This is a difficult topic to really tie together for some reason. I obviously have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's a flaw of character on my part, but I still haven't much sympathy or patience for anyone who is scared to death to show their colors in this world. Maybe that's where support is sorely...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Long lonely walks along the Hudson River, the back of the porn theater on 14th St., the St.Marks bath house, doughnuts at 4am. David was an amazing and complicated man. I miss him and the times that we lived through. Thank Goddess that Hatches survived.
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
No! A dancefloor is everybody's always!!! And I did love watching it--you two running off!! You couldn't pay people to look so jarred!! And the faux pas is mine. The theory was to make an interactive imprmptu video. The problem (well technically there were several glitches) but the biggest being -- the music is not yet appropriate for the dance floor, perhaps even to ears. If it was, people wouldn't have been so confused. But I got through it and had to laugh myself at the mockery I made.
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm proud to announce that Jackie Bigalow has just become the newest member of the Woodbury, TN Public Library, and was told in no uncertain terms by the librarian that she was absolutely not allowed to look at porn while using this computer. With her 1987 German Skinhead hair and sleeveless Glamour Goblins shirt, bright green pants and yellow shoes, I just don't know why they would even think they had to tell her that. So things down here are pretty magical-- I get to bathe at least once a...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
I just got back from taping the Hookers Ball segment for Naked NY. It will be on tonight 12/30 at 10 PM and midnight, Metro TV. Some of the Jackie 60 movie/Museum of Sex Footage will also be shown - I'm not sure how much. Other guests included a gay psychic and a porn portrait artist. Really had a good time and hope it brings lots of visiting Hookers to the party!
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
This may be a lead for you, but it's in German, so perhaps, someone can interpret for us ... Perhaps see also Transgender-net.com ---------------------------------- For the rest of you I've found some new references and perspectives ... And on the Exhibition front ... check out ... "The Fales Library" at the New York University Library - Downtown Collection - David Wojnarowicz Papers And also a great 1986 mention that should not be omitted from this topic ...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
these boards are all my wife's doing. She and Al Gore invented the internet, I just surf the porn sites. Thanks anyway. But didn't I look pretty last night?
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
On the top of my thank-you list are the names Jade, Mia and Derrick "” who put up with me week after week, let me be bossy on occassion, but always kept the momentum going, especially during those few dark hours when I found myself pulling my hair out! Chi Chi, thank-you so much for putting your confidence in me, when we started, you probably thought I could do anything, and (while I'm not saying that's not true) I know I may have shocked you with just what minor setbacks proved to show what...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
There certainly was much to be enjoyed. For those who could not make it, you poor wretches, Hattie Hathaway was an impertinently seductive devil. Needles Jones ably assisted as the uncorrupted puritan, simultaneously attracted and repelled by the devil's offerings of money, jewels, porn... Interestingly enough, the fine artist who did the Devil card, Stacy Amber, had a similarly humorous take on temptation. Looking at the footage from the night, there really was some lovely work. But special...
Re: Puritan Watch
She has nice ones. You know, the problem (in this country, anyway) is the complete inability to seperate nudity and porn-sex. There's always the local-yokel defence of: "She wuz weerin' a low cut top, so Ah cuddun' cuntrol mahsef." I see ads from other countries showing boobies and they've managed to keep it from looking like a xxx vid cover. Why can't the companies figure out how to do that here?
Re: Puritan Watch
Outlawing porn is a supreme right wing fantasy. Waging a war against it is mainly done for the headline-value. There is sooooo much cash in the porn industry that to eradicate it would cause serious harm to the economy in general. Besides which, with the internet, you would have to have some kind of global police force to chase all the service providers. A lot of news has been made from busting international child-porn rings but that is a different category of infraction since it mostly...
Re: Puritan Watch
It Was the Porn That Made Them Do It http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/30/arts/30RICH.html?ex=1086940326&ei=1&en=328eae959a71a1ef "...Some of our self-appointed moral leaders are defending the morally indefensible by annexing Abu Ghraib as another front in America's election-year culture war. Charles Colson, the Watergate felon turned celebrity preacher, told a group of pastors convened by the Family Research Council that the prison guards had been corrupted by 'a steady diet of MTV and...
Re: Jonah Falcon
You know, I didn't realize that our little Jonah was such a big celebrity. I mean he told me he was but I guess I didn't believe it. I just read this article about him that was in Rolling Stone Magazine. Again, he told me about it but I never got around to actually reading it. It's pretty good. You go Jonah!
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
daddy, met my first manhattan love of my life in front of the old international stud, it lasted for twenty years, lol. the stud had a back room with porn films showing in black & white over head. always confused it with that Aan Fran bar by the same name. met a handsome cab driver who was chauvering Holly Woodlawn around town at the trucks one evening, early, honest! we had to get her out of there, take her back to the loft in chelsea and then over to Avenue D and east 7th. turned out we...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Hatches/ All of that is so familair to me. I arrivied in 1973 to live here but I started visiting on my own in 1969. I remember 42nd Street between Times Square and 8th Ave had male hustlers between the ages of 12 and 50 with their meat shoved down their tight jeans ( in those days tight jeans were the way to go) on both sides of 42nd st. As I walked by at 15 they'd make offers for me to "work" for them. I didn't know what they were talking about. Work? I was on a weekend trip to the big...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
You are right Chi, that phrase is very, very beautiful and inspirational. How many times have I been pissed about not being able to walk around late at night, without being ready to fight! I can't agree with her stand on pornography, as I believe women can also engage in, create and enjoy it, but it didn't hurt for her to blast the porn establishment in the 60s and 70s. Violence against women is no joke at all. Without the 'radicals' crashing through the stereotypes, sometimes a point can't...
Re: Puritan Watch
Found this over at datalounge.com , has anyone heard about this? "DO YOU ENJOY PORN? If so, you really should listen up... by: Magdalene Hello Everyone, As a few of you know, I own an adult-oriented (non-porn) website. The majority of my friends and business acquaintances work in the porn and/or BDSM industry. Right now, there's something BIG going down, and it's something you - as the general public - are not being made aware of. As of June 23rd - assuming the freespeech.org lawyers do not...
Re: Puritan Watch
Even if this measure passes, these 'lawmakers' are simply delusional if they think they are going to shut off the flow of porn, or clean up mainstream movies and teevee. The world is so flooded with this material. Of course they can make an extremely hostile environment and place intense scrutiny on the industry workers. But real fact is that porn IS the community value, that is why so many billions of dollars in business are generated by it. The larger question is really the ability of...
Re: Puritan Watch
The law passed. This is next: http://www.xbiz.com/news_piece.php?id=10402 FBI Launches Porn Squad By Jayson Romaine Tuesday, September 20, 2005 WASHINGTON "” Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the FBI in July that establishing an anti-obscenity squad was one of his top priorities, prompting the bureau's Washington office to launch a countrywide job search to fill the new squad. According to a job posting, which was sent to all 56 FBI field offices by FBI Director Robert Mueller, the new...
Re: Puritan Watch
Now.... tell me again.... what were the Taliban doing to the people... now tell me again... whats the difference btw then and the 'new' USA Bush of States? Errr.... spin doctors...clever media pitches... hidden info to the mass... I guess all of us will be out of our jobs soon. Guess we will all have to find jobs in 'the church' cos u know in organized religion theres no interest in porn or sex for that matter right. PS Meantime infant mortality rate in the States is so shocking that the UN...
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
Damn, Tripple XXX is right. Last night was NASTY! And packed! It was the most fun I've had DJing in a long time. SIBERIA is this great, completely raw dump that... well, just has it going on. I loved it. It reminded me of the first JACKIE 60s when the only lights we had were clip on lights on extension cords with red bulbs and I DJed on a card table. The sound system at SIBERIA is... well, there IS NO sound system! It was like playing at an "Outlaw Party". Really fun. Upstairs (where I was)...
Re: The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
Hey Daddy! I stopped by for a bit; it was pretty packed, I couldn't make my way to your booth. I could tell you were into it by what you were spinning. It was a hot vibe. My favorite part was one of the go go boys approached me (following his dick), and says "Hey, Mr. Joe! Where are our drink tickets?" Ah, the good ol' days. Kudos to Dean and James - that place rocked. The images by Stephen Kent Jusick were really interesting, creative, and sexy spoogey. The downstairs was, by the way, dark...
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
Of course I got the Jordache thing. I had even seen Johnny around before the Pyramid opened in those things and thought, "Well, how brilliant!" The thing you have to realize Tonya is that the only retro thing going on at that point really was about the '50s! So Johnny, the hair, the jeans, the Danny Terrio-without-the-coke, really stood out in the crowd! The only people sporting that look then were the most clueless of the clueless, and the most petrified of porn stars-- which was exactly...
Re: Las Vegas
I'm in Vegas right now. Having a lovely time basking in the afterglow of the porn convention.
Re: Puritan Watch
"Iraeli Sex Commandos" ... hackers who got into Israeli porn sites and replaced the images with that of their Leader... http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/04/10/060410201707.xhydd92h.html
Re: Puritan Watch
For some rehearsals for the last CD I did, we used a recording studio owned by an Isreali national on East 32nd Street. It was a rare walk-up building in a high rise zone. The outer office was crammed with about 20 people staring in to computer monitors. It turns out the recording studio, which was loaded with over five million dollars worth of equipment, was a side business for the owner's wife to play with. Those 20 people in the outer office were maintaining the business owner's many porn...
Re: Bibliophile Part 2
I don't know about you but I can never get enough Gay Porn. Congratulations Mr. Joe! He's part of a new anthology published by Cleis Press Books called HOT GAY EROTICA 2006 . You can buy the book in the chains -Barnes & Nobles, Borders etc. (But if you pick it up from an independent that's always better). As Mr. Joe says, "Support the "little guys"! In NYC, check Oscar Wilde or Bluestockings. In Atlanta, check Outwrite. Or... If you prefer the comfort of your own home or office and are...
Re: Bibliophile Part 2
Daddy! Gay Porn? I thought you were talking about that movie I made last year (PunkSpunk Episode 1: Fan Base)! This is a nice addition to the repertoire. LPTV on Manhattan Neighborhood Network is broadcasting my reading of this from October in the garden of Le Petit Versailles. It's on tonight at 11pm. BTW...let us not forget the "little girls" as well, huh?
Re: Air Travel is shite these days.....
Thanks for the reminder, S'tan...next week I'm packin' a carry-on full of porn and sex toys, just so we can all get a good laugh.
Re: Puritan Watch
Oh please. And I love that his name is Tony Perkins because you just know he's dressed in his mother's house coat and peeping through holes when he's not raging against porn. Conservatives ask FBI to investigate hotel porn Tuesday, August 22, 2006 Posted: 1809 GMT NEW YORK (AP) -- Pornographic movies now seem nearly as pervasive in America's hotel rooms as tiny shampoo bottles, and the lodging industry shows little concern as conservative activists rev up a protest campaign aimed at...
Re: Puritan Watch
This is great because it shows out the massive hypocrisy at work. It's excuseable to vend porn if you're a corporate hotel but not acceptable to consume porn if you are an ordinary citizen. It is excuseable to vend porn if you are a corporate hotel but not if you are a cable teevee porn channel. It is excuseable to vend porn if you are a corporate hotel but not if you are a porn production company. It is excuseable to vend porn if you are a corporate hotel but not if you are a porn actor. A...
Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!
Oh yes, Hattie, I do remember the Odessa wiather who had the photo choot in In Touch or whatever gay porn rag that was . . . Joe, which cranky queen upstairs . . . there's like three or four of them! Ha-Ha. Oh Daddy! * * XX OO * XX OO
Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!
I say to the all the Porn models and Abercrombie bitches....Leave the Bics alone! Trannies of course can shave themselves as much as possible! I have no problems with the smooth skined boyz though. but some CK/A&F/porn models look like something out of a Nazi propaganda poster.
Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!
Nair sux anyway, it once gave me a rash, due to it's harsh chemicals, if I want no hair on my body, I WILL WAX...even though it's a bit painful, still to each their own I say, I could care less if a guy has hair on his body or not, but we need do more bears in the gay mags like how many hairless muscular guys do we need in the gay media(like A&F and the Advocate, Out, Genre, et al) not to mention porn! Jeez Louise! And there something about a guy with a goatee, I am tellin' you that's...
Re: Verbal Abuse / The Poetry Part 2
Absent Friends: i never should have gotten involved with her him it i should have never gone there met them hung out with them wnet to club with them hung out in their homes drank with them at bars read poetry to them with them at them sang with them cried with them hated on people with them danced with them talked shit with them watched films with them sided with them and defended them watched them kiss watch them fuck watched porn with them saw plays with them went shopping with them i...
Re: Anderson Cooper: "Outing" in the 21st Century
Anderson Cooper and and Tucker Carlson should do a homemade porn film a la Pam Anderson ans Paris Hilton! I'd watch that! hell, I'd hit that I'm sooo horny right now! EWWWWW!
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
The St. Paddy's edition was quite choice with Ms. Martini doing the Saint right and Velocity's opening wringing a lot of exclamations from the crowd. A lot of the performances at Badass really blur the stodgy boundaries between burlesque, porn, BDSM and art, which to me is really refreshing to see. The results, a really different kind of pleasure, never leave me feeling like so much performance does -that I could have just stayed home and turned on a teevee to see some fluff. And there...
Re: Provincetown 2
Don't tempt me. I have photos of another ex porn queen named Ginger. I'll post them if I have too. Don't make me do it!