Tagged With "#Mental Hybrid"
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Drag SHow Video Verite V Screenings
Drag Show Video Verite V The ultimate NYC drag show…on video tape With a special slide show of Michael Wakefield’s drag portraits accompanied live on piano by Jacqueline JonÉe and a living lobby installation by Inbred Hybrid Collective Monday, June 13, 2011 6PM Admission: FREE! Dress: Come As You Are New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center Bruno Walter Auditorium 111 Amsterdam Avenue (between 64 th and 65 th Streets) For more...
STIMULATE Annual INDUSTRIAL BBQ- 2pm-4am, 3 Floors, 25 DJ's, FGFC820 +more!
Sunday, July 3 at 2:00pm - July 4 at 4:00am The Delancey 168 Delancey St. New York City Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios, NYC present The Annual STIMULATE "Industrial BBQ" July 3rd (into the 4th) - 2pm -4am come out in the DAYTIME for 3 Floors for Food and Music! 14 Hours, 22 DJ's and 3 bands!!! [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] - Get your Monthly Fix! http://STIMULATE-ME.com/ STIMULATE YOUR SENSES! ==== TASTE ==== Our resident Carnivore Cook Chris #2 and his Crafty...
CYBERTRON vs STIMULATE: UV/Blacklight/NYComicCon Afterparty w/BILE! Oct 15
VampireFreaks, Audiolust & Xris SMack! present: C Y B E R T R O N - vs - S T I M U L A T E ** UltraViolet Edition / Official NY ComicCon AfterParty ** Saturday, October 15th, 11pm-4am FLYER HERE: http://e.vampirefreaks.com /images/2011/cybertron_sti mulate_2011_800.jpg Stimulate Your Senses: === SOUND === [>> B I L E <<] http://VampireFreaks.com/B ILE The legendary NYC aggro-Industrial-metal project BILE returns with their classic line-up. Featuring R.H. Bear, DaveSussman,...
Sterling Infinity performs -- Tuesday March 12 @ Bowery Electric
Catch NYC recording artist Sterling Infinity (www.sterling8.com) and his band performign his complete new EP #Mental Hybrid. Bowery Electric -- 327 Bowery (at 2nd Street)Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30 P.M.Only $7
LOW LIFE 6: East Village Others at HOWL! Festival 6/3
HOWL! FESTIVAL AND THE JACKIE FACTORY PRESENT LOW LIFE 6: EAST VILLAGE OTHERS SUNDAY JUNE 3, 2012 5-7 PM - FREE ADMISSION TOMPKINS SQUARE PARK, NYC http://mothernyc.com/lowlife http://www.howlfestival.com On June 3, 2012 JACKIE FACTORY producers...
Lux Interior of The Cramps
Just got the news that Lux Interior of The Cramps died earlier today at 62. One of my last heroes of early adulthood - can't even list all of the ways that he and The Cramps were pivotal, from their style to their sound.Deepest regrets to Ivy and all...
For Sale Pioneer DJM-2000 Mixer - Numark Ns7 DJ Turntable Controller
We gladly welcome you to DJ EQUIPMENT LIMITED, we are dealers of all kinds of Dj Equipment Such as Mixers, Speakers, Headphones Gears and many more. All our products are brand new,Original , comes with complete accessories and they also come with 1...
CLICK + DRAG 3.1 - The Second Coming PICTURES!
August 21st (and every 3rd saturday) Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] Get your Monthly Fix! "HYBRIDS": the Android Lust "Animalia tour": - dress as an Android, Human/Cyborg, Animal or any Hybrid/mix thereof Get your ADVANCE TICKETS HERE: http://STIMULATE-ME.Tix.com STIMULATE YOUR SENSES: === SIGHT === PERFORMANCES: * Fetish Performance from JULIE SIMONE & RUBBER NECRO- Stylish Brutality, Latex, Rubber and Domination...
For Sale Pioneer DJM-2000 Mixer, Numark NS7 DJ Turntable Controller - Pioneer CDJ-200
We gladly welcome you to DJ STORE LIMITED, we are dealers of all kinds of Dj Equipment Such as Mixers, Speakers, Headphones Gears and many more. All our products are brand new,Original , comes with complete accessories and they also come with 1 year...
WCS 2013 Presents: NEW LOOKS @ NEW WORKS
A Women Center Stage 2013 Festival Event: Exploring the intersections between research, narrative, and hybrid theater, join multidisciplinary theater artist Soomi Kim , spoken word poet Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai and musician Bora Yoon as they share new excerpts in development and dialogue about the nexus of race, culture, gender, and new visions for how we create work for a new world. Featuring excerpts from Soomi Kim’s “Chang(e)” and Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai’s “Formosa”. Wednesday July 31, 8PM More...
Re: Politically Incorrect VI
Vehicle specs: * Recycled materials used: 100% * Domestic manufacturing content: 100% * Parts sourced from all of the US Big Four manufacturers (Ford, GM, Chrysler, and Studebaker) * Solid lifter 327 hybrid drive - will burn gasoline and rubber! * Meets all 1932 federal mileage, emissions and safety standards ********************************** That's what it's all about bitches, wake up and unlock your toolboxes!!!
Re: 2008 Presidential Elections part 2
Hilary's tanking... See article below... I liked Frank Rich's analysis of *why* ... at the end he rates Bill Clinton's trash-talking and "the spectre of a dual-presidency" as partly responsible... As well Hillary's camp is trying to characterize Obama as some kind of chic liberal candidate... meanwhile at my NM caucus poll a bunch of old Chicano famers were all voting for him... everyone was talking out loud about it!
Re: CLICK+ DRAG updates
I don't remember the Babylonians or Sumerians -my memory only goes back to the 1980s-hence the next click! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THURSDAY, JULY 12TH +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CLICK + DRAG EXPERIMENT 11: BUFFALO BOYS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FUN 130 Madison St. at Mechanic's Alley in Chinatown under the Manhattan Bridge. 10 PM - 4 AM $5 with a flier or print out and $10 without. 21 and over with a valid ID. http://www.clicknyc.com The Click + Drag dynamic...
Re: Postcards from New Orleans
discovered yesterday way uptown- a dance/yoga studio with total black and purple goth decor. If vampyres do yoga, they must do it here. sighted today at Dauphine Street- a new hybrid - goth with mullet! only in NOLA, kids... PLUS Drag report: Best drag queen names so far- Blanche Debris Hattie OneTooMany (look out hatches!!!) Best bartender names- Pitty Pat Negligee (both work at Big Daddy's -the bar on our corner) [This message was edited by Chi Chi on 01-12-02 at 12:46 AM.]