Tagged With "starbolt 9"
Re: WORK! Presents WE PARTY Spain w/ Peter Rauhofer @ Pacha 10/09
Check out Teaser: WE PARTY NEW YORK | OCTOBER 9, 2011 http://youtu.be/xPcidsjrMwI
Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011
THE JACKIE FACTORY NYC PRESENTS NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STEVIES 21: THE WILD HEART FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011 THE HIGHLINE BALLROOM 431 WEST 16TH STREET NYC DOORS OPEN 9 PM - 4 AM $20 TILL FEBRUARY 6, $25 THEREAFTER 18 AND OVER, 21 TO DRINK Box Office http://www.highlineballroom.com/bio.php?id=1814 More Info http://www.mothernyc.com/stevie/index.html JACKIE FACTORY Producers CHI CHI VALENTI, JOHNNY DYNELL and HATTIE HATHAWAY are delighted to announce the 21st annual NIGHT OF 1000 STEVIES, back for the...
Re: LIBATION w/Ian Friday, Sres & Myrto Joyce-Thurs. 9/13
THURSDAY NIGHT!! LIBATION w/Ian Friday, Sres & Myrto Joyce-Thurs. 9/13
Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern
Terence's NYC memorial ONE DECADENT LIFE announced for October 9, 2916 at Howl Happening Gallery http://mothernyc.com/terence Details to come...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
This would be the start of a thread about "Whispers", the weekly party that ran at the Pyramid in NYC from 1984-1988 or 9. Modelled after a gay bar in upstate New York, it was billed as an event for the "Complete Suburban Homosexual" and welcomed "Gay and Lesbian Hairdressers, Waiters, Florists, Showfolk...and sensitive straight people" Hapi Phace was the hostess. Does anyone else remember this?
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Walked into the mensroom at Union Station in Washington DC and was pissing at the urinal when a small deminutive white man about 35 wearing glasses and an ill-fitting suit shuffled up to the urinal next to me and unzipped his fly. Reeling out an extremely over-sized ( both in length and girth) cock, he let it swing loose and it came to rest on the edge of the urinal. Pissing like a racehorse and moaning loadly at the same time, he glanced over at me and smiled. I commented on the amazing...
Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2
I always wondered what the Islamic cabbies were babbling about non-stop on their cellphones. And now I know. Since 9/11, they've all vanished. They were all terrorists, planning something really big. Like making all the cabs in New York turn on all their off-duty signs at 4 AM. Or making sure not a single one of them of them would have change for a twenty. I just knew it!
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I'm writing to you from the fancy bathhouse. It's one of those places you could never leave. But I will. I'm not THAT pervy. I am being a little more pervy this year though. At home I would be wayyy too self concious to walk around in a towel. I hope Chelsea culture stays away from here forever! They do have some reverse body image issues here. They'll have perfect flat abs and then think they're too skinny! You know here, the country not just the bathhouse, they would never think of making...
i got this from the faerie newsletter. chi or dads... if this is better placed in a queenmother topic, please move. thanx. [This message was edited by goblin73 on 02-25-02 at 11:05 PM.]
i changed the time of the memorial at stonewall to 9 pm after receiving word from agnes that the organizers asked for people to get there earlier. (they MAY be thinking of the crowd - faeries and queens - and trying to make sure everyone is there "on time". knowwhuti'msayin'?)
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Well, I finally caught some dirt on Monks. I'm in Chiang Mai, the second largest city, much cleaner than Bangkok, in the North of Thailand. Fifteen minutes one way you're in farm country. Fifteen minutes the other way your in the mountains. I hooked up with this really sweet guy who's been driving me all around on his motorcycle. So he was a temporary monk for much longer than normal because he was orphaned at 9. His uncle was a monk so he went to live with them. I asked if they got nasty in...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
This trip ran way longer than I had planned. I need to return and pick up the pieces of my life. I'm trying to enjoy all the cheap little "spa" treatments before I leave. I got a haircut; they chopped too much off. I had a 2 hour Thai massage. It was AMAZING! You know that feel of relief after taking a big dump or having a good orgasm? Well after a really good Thai massage you feel that all over your whole body. I must add that a 2 hour massage in NY would generally run you $120. Here, in a...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...
Here are the details for Don's wake and funeral. Please please pass them on to anyone whom you feel would like to celebrate Don's life. The Wake: Wednesday 5th June Perrazza Funeral Home 199 Bleeker Street (between Macdougal + 6th Ave) 2-5pm Open Casket for family 7-9 Closed Casket The Funeral Service Thursday 6th June St. Francis Xavier Church 16th Street (between 5th + 6th) 10:30 AM There will be an informal lunch at Bowery Bar after the Funeral Service. Thanks for all your love and...
Re: The Cockettes
Dearies- The film is I believe playing for one night only-Friday June 28 for 3 screenings at The Quad. Here is the information from Veronica. I am not sure which screening JD and I will be attending, but will post it here.
Re: Page
Lily put it aptly in her post- Page always said she defied classification- something it took me awhile to truly understand being the JC New Yorker, when I met her almost 9 years ago. She truly did defy classification and lived her life as she wanted- for the positive, negative, or indifferent- which on various levels really is an inspiration for us all...
Re: Greer Lankton
i meet greer in a drag bar in chicago called CHEEKS. well i walked up to her and said whats a nice lady like you doing in a place like this.? she was looking like a chanel model. she said in her hamous raspy voice 'i'm one of the gyrl's too'.then we sat and i told her i was a puppet maker and she told me she was a doll maker. and we were together ever since. stich and bitch was what we did every day for almost 9 years .until two weeks before thanksgiving almost 5 years ago now. she was raped...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
In such a short span David W. did more for breakthrough art and Aids politics than most of us could hope for in a lifetime. One of the few art shows I've ever attended and gone away intoxicated with the creativity of the work. There's not much more astounding then seeing work you may have dreamt of or intended to create and then brought to reality by a fanatic obsessed. My initial reaction was, damn he beat me to it and then realized, oh great, now I don't have to do it because much of it...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
There were so many amazing evenings but Jackie's baby was spot on. The sick nannies Go Go followed by the Perfect Basil Twist's Jackie's baby puppet Singing your "Goin str8 to Hell" And do not for get the Johnny Dynell set that looked like a haunted mansion. I will never forget when Chi Chi said at the end of Basil's performance " We have been having sex here for 9 years and we finally had a baby" Also late night was quite wild that night. I also have to mention Connie in "Steal this Invite"...
Re: My own private East Village
I agree that M2M (or as Flloyd and I like to call it, F2M) is a step in the right direction for the NYU-infested 3rd ave. I'm a big fan of the Unagi which they have for very cheap. But overall I'm still partial to good old SUNRISE MART (it's on Stuyvesant Street just east of 3rd - take the elevator). Viva la japonaise! One thing I'd like to bring up here is the recent closing of many of our neighborhood markets and stores. BOTTOM LINE (10th & 1st) closed its doors this spring and I used...
Re: Flloyd the Ripper
Perhaps this is posted somewhere on the boards that I've missed ... Plans for video distribution? Just curious ... Chi Chi's enthusiasm over your work when I saw her last night -- infected me with eagerness to see this work. I haven't seen a good film in quite a while and am looking forward to this. Had this whole 'From Hell' fascination earlier this year after being dragged all over London to find the spots mentioned in the graphic novel (way to pass the extra week we had to wait to get...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We've been noticing this for a while now, but as we sat outside at brunch today, four very low-flying planes (commercial passenger) flew overhead - one in particular which was the lowest-flying plane I have ever seen here - we thought it was def another 9/11 story. Anyone know why they are suddenly allowing planes to fly this low, seemingly straight down Fifth Avenue? Anyone else noticed it?
Re: Burlesque Queen MISS KELLY WEBB Loses Everything in Tragic Thanksgiving Fire- PLEASE READ
Just wanted to post the Bombshell TIME for those of you who don't usually crawl out of your nests till midnight. The doors open at 8, shows begin at 9 at The Slipper Room, corner Orchard and Stanton. And welcome to the Motherboards Lady Ace! See you tonight..
Re: Please help us rename this Forum
door people Ive hugged or hated! thats a good one. and Randella "yesterday when I was young" just OOZES. clubscepades too, tho its hard to say it or spell it. how about "Clubs I Escaped from"? alternative titles: Back in the day... When we were fabulous. . . Before 9/11 happened. . Things I dont want to remember but you're going to remind me of. . . When I was younger. . . Wig and eyelash people. . stop me frankly, di's "old haunts" says it all I think
Re: The Cockettes
OMG. We laughed. We cried. It was better than Cats. Seriously, how inspiring, and discouraging at the same time. They had all the right ideas in '68 - '71... too bad it couldn't have remained pure. We want to go to the alternate universe where the flower children were successful in changing the world. There are 9 extra scenes on the DVD, so those of you who saw it in the theater should revisit it XXXOOO Satori
After a slow start, the new episode was off and flying once they actually hit NY. Loved Serge's boyfriend AND the Whoopi gay marriage bit lots - and good to see them in new situations with new jokes. And it goes without saying that it was thrilling to see Debbie, glammie and Jackie Bigalow, even if it was brief, AND to hear Deb's "Wheels of Fire" as well as the all-Blondie soundtrack..Even "Presence, Dear", my all time favorite!! And I adored Jennifer actually daring to make a 9/11 joke in...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Koh Samui ('koh" means island) is a large somewhat developed island. Certain areas have flashy hotels, but where I'm staying it's still somewhat lazy and cozy. I'm not actually sleeping at the place where I'm doing my cleansing fast, they were full. I'm right across the road. In the past when staying at Thai beaches I'd rented a cute little bungalow, like the one in the picture I posted. This time, I have a really big one, about 3-4 times the size. This one even has hot water and a...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I had a real health nut spa breakfast: fresh pappaya with goat yogurt topped with bee pollen. We're supposed to stick to raw fruits and veggies for a few days before eating rice, bread, eggs, meat, etc. I cheated. I biked to another beach, smelled that thai cooking, and had some chicken curry with rice. I'll do salad for dinner though. I do feel really good and clean. I'll post a photo of my sparkling colon! I visited Anna's friend Alex today. His little hut is so cute. It is literally steps...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The band Great White's performance rider contains no mention whatsoever of pyrotechnics being used during the rock group's current tour of clubs and small theaters, The Smoking Gun has learned. TSG today (2/21) obtained copies of the band's rider from two separate promoters who booked shows by the group during the past month. A copy of the Great White performance specs can be found below. A third promoter, Domenic Santana, told TSG that the band set off a pyrotechnic display without his...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Well, my friend may start a furniture importing business, which could mean piggybacking on his quantity (cheaper) shipping, so there's always hope. While on this trip I read Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men". To all of you out there with any concern about what's happening in America, it's very important to go get this book. It's full of humor and easy to read and it REALLY fills you in on the creepiness of the Bush family and exactly why this is all about oil and money. It's getting too...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
This is a shot of dinner in Saigon. Just below is that $9 a night beach house I told you about.
i understand that talking about le tigre can be totally overwhelming because everything about them is just so wonderful... so here's a few starters: 1. integrity 2. positive message 3. intense style, varying undertones in different albums 4. talent 5. tude, they've got the at-ti-tude, but from what i understand, this is very much their performance, not real life- good 6. talent again 7. hot hot hot 8. sometimes they let their fans come on stage and sing with them (im not sure if this is a...
Re: New Old New Wave? 1982-->2002
It's funny, when I started this topic almost a year ago, I didn't even know that there was already a marketing term for these up-and-coming electronic based groups...(Electroclash) Now a lot of magazines are already calling it "Dead." Well it may be old news in NYC, but it's catching on BIG in LA and London, and Chicago is starting to have bi-monthlies... And no one is doing nights at all in the smaller towns in the Midwest...So I'd guess it will hit before the end of the year here. (We're...
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
Top Ten Reasons to Love Arcadia! 1) Arcadia reminds me of Acadians, and Penny Arcade, and Atlantis, and other A-words.. 2) Zazoo, Satori, Jo-Jo Baby and Gigi Deluxe are coming to town for a whole week! 3) I am getting my darling husband into a costume, finally - and its NOT his J.C. Vampire cape... We are performing together as The Emperor and The Empress - TOO much fun! 4) A whole new generation is discovering the work of the late great Art L'Hommedieu, whose Blacklips tarot images grace...
Sandman Sims, 86, Tap Dancer and Fixture at the Apollo, Dies By DOUGLAS MARTIN (text from The NYtimes accuracy under scrutiny) Sandman Sims, the celebrated tap dancer and Apollo Theater legend, died on May 20 in the Bronx. He was 86, although he long maintained that his age was "a matter of opinion." For decades he was "executioner" at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, chasing unpopular acts off the stage on amateur nights, sometimes with a toy gun. He told disconsolate losers about how he...
Re: Nina Simone
Daddy, I ran Baba's business with him for about nine years in the 90's. It really transformed my life in many many ways. I have endless stories about that adventure. He 'went over to the great majority' -as they say- April 6. The cause was terminal stages of diabetes. Drums of Passion was recorded in 1958/9. Everyone from Dylan to Santanna had their musical heads whacked by it. Closer to home, Nina, Coltrane, Abbey Lincoln, Max Roach, Joan Baez, Mickey Hart, Jerry Garcia, -all fell under the...
Re: The Golden Girls
It's so funny... When I first started reading this topic I was going to post how after 9/11 "The Golden Girls saved my life". I didn't see that marathon Hatch but for some reason I just started watching The GGs too. It was total escapism but who cares, it worked. When everything was turned upside down The Golden Girls brought me back.
Re: boy george
Tune into BROADWAY ON BROADWAY ON NBC4 New York on Tuesday, September 9 at 7:00 pm (EST) to get a sneak peek at TABOO starring & featuring the music of Boy George! The concert that was held in Times Square on Sunday, September 7 features Euan Morton and cast members of TABOO singing STRANGER IN THIS WORLD.
Re: Jackie 60 FURTHER in London Sept. 20
Seven my love - I never saw you again that nite - we hid out in Debbie's room after and had several of Lavina's delicious cigarettes... Are you in Bosnia now? I absolutely adore London, lifelong, and for whatever reason, the feeling seems mutual. Yes, the people don't clap, but they come up after with their eyes shining and tell you things like - "You are a credit to all womanhood." Though my fondest London memory wasnt the show at all, but hanging with Asbestos Pestle from The Beautiful...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
S'tan-- Just catching up on this topic, and I very much enjoyed your analysis of the book on 9/20. It's one of the best I've read yet, and I really am keen on your feeling that the book has a "fermentive" effect. It's a great descriptor... Because, though I've read the book just once, I've played so many parts of it over and over in my mind (in a way somehow different than any other book I've read)...I do feel that the acrid sights, sounds, tastes and odors have, and continue to, ferment in...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Thanks for posting the link, Randella. For all its hype about the new clubs opening, somehow this article was not very encouraging. The best thing about the article was reading how the local community board was -- for once -- powerless to stop all these clubs from opening. That's refreshing to hear, and more power to the new entrepreneurs who are trying to make a difference, forge ahead and reinvent the nightclubbing experience. David Rabin once again shows everyone what an asshole he is by...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
well i started radiation treatment yesterday...and i got very sick , today was alittle better....but i have 15 more treatments to do...yippes...and i am going to cook county hospital witch means you get there at 9:30 in the morning and you dont leave till 7 pm...this sucks...miss everybody in new york.