Tagged With "jarrett edward"
Gay Activist Harry Hay Dies http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20021025_9.html From: SrBananaNut@aol.com Subject: radical faerie founder died in San Francisco Our beloved faerie sissy brother Harry Hay left this earth plane at 2 a.m., PDT, this morning, October 24, 2002. The Duchess died peacefully in his sleep at home while attended by his beloved companion John Burnside and a circle of loving friends. Let us join hands in a circle to remember Harry and how he has graced our lives, as he joins...
With his sometimes crackpot notions and radiant, ecstatic, vision of the holiness of being queer, Harry Hay refused to play the model homosexual EVEN IN THE GLOW of its conservatism, America "” which was formed via revolution, after all has always taken a certain pride in its radicals. Even so, America prefers to remember its history-makers in sanitized versions with none of the messy, often embarrassing flaws that are usually inscribed on the souls who take it upon themselves to change the...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
We knew it was coming. $500,000 for a condo in ugly-ass Williamsburg? Me thinks not.
Re: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(c'mon! you knew i would eventually make this thread)
I like the Chocolte factory too! I remember as a little girl I always wished to be there in WoNkAlAnD Did you hear the man (I forgot his name) that made Edward Scissorhands & the Nightmare b 4 x-mas is making a remake of Wonka? I just really hope they do good casting & not put these lame actors like J-ho & kidman etc.etc. who'll play Willy? Eminem? lol
Re: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(c'mon! you knew i would eventually make this thread)
In general I am not in favor of this movie being remade, but if a remake is in the works I think Tim Burton is the ideal director to do it. He has such a vivid imagination, and he could put his own whole twist on the story that us fans of the original might love. Edward Scissorhands was genius. I agree that casting is key -- especially with the kids. The whole reason the original child actor playing Charlie was so effective was that he was sympathetic but not too "cutesy" in that annoying...
Re: Goin' To The Chapel: The Lesbian, Gay & T/S Marriage Topic
A despicable election year trick, intended to drive a wedge between the queer community and our hetero neighbors. While depressing, this article is highly informative and I love the quoted reactions from DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, the ACLU and others. And though the Democratic presidential candidates are not THAT much better, at least they are against a constitutional amendment and Kerry can boast that he voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996.
Re: Puritan Watch
This is a long two page article from the NYTIMES but it is spot on target regarding some aspects of the mass delusion being incubated by the Little Bush Idiocracy. And it took some backbone for Rich to write it. Curious as hell though that the Times put it in the Arts section and perhaps it is a little delusionally symptomatic that an article about censorship in the news is written about for a cultural context. The main point though, that the political administration in power proclaims that...
Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza
Well, you beat me to the punch, as usual Daddy! However, I cannot really take credit for the name. When Daddy and I were discussing the club's concept, having just visited Irving and seen what it was-- a crumbling, dusty former burlesque house (this was before renovations)-- the conversation went something like this: Hatches: I see it as a cross between an Edward Hopper painting... you know the ones he did of his wife stripping onstage in the ruined theatre... and a huge crumbling Southern...
Re: Grey Gardens At Irving Plaza
That's right Hatch, I remember now. That Edward Hopper Painting of his wife Josephine, it ALL came from that. It's a good thing that you remember things 'cause I sure don't. It's all just a big spinning mirror ball to me. Oh wait, we had a big mirrior ball too! It really gave the room a surreal mood. I've GOT to find some pictures!
Re: New and News, Part 6
Sisters are doing it for themselves! I love this story, and good for these ladies for sticking it to this fuck face. [from today's Post, of course.] ATTACK OF THE KILLER LESBIANS MAN 'FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE' By LAURA ITALIANO GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed him. GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed...
Psychic TV Dec 15th Brooklyn
Scenic and Edward ODowd Present: Psychic TV with Bryin Dall (live soundtrack to The Life & Death of Jordan) & Cult of Youth Dec 15th 2011 Europa 98 Meserole Ave, Brooklyn NY 11211 Tickets are $23 advance and $25 Day of show On sale now: http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sa...&eventId=3857255
Oh! You Pretty Things : LIFE IS A CABARET
Michael T, Benjamin Ickies, Shien Lee, and Twig the Wonderkid present OH! YOU PRETTY THINGS : LIFE IS A CABARET Monday October 31st Halloween Night Oh! You Pretty Things brings you a Halloween spectacular in tribute to the cult musical "Cabaret"...
Big Art Group's "Broke House"
Hello Friends and Family on the Mother Boards . Come see Big Art Group's new work "Broke House" At Abrons Art Center. I would love to share this stunning experience with all of you! Much Love, Heather Litteer aka Rabbit!!!! BROKE HOUSE A Performance Crisis APRIL 6-22, 2012 FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS AT 8PM AND SUNDAYS AT 7PM ABRONS ARTS CENTER, 466 GRAND STREET AT PITT STREET F, J, M, Z TRAINS TO DELANCEY/ESSEX, B, D TRAINS TO GRAND ST GENERAL ADMISSION $20 TICKETS ON SALE NOW,...
Vaginal Davis is Speaking From the Diaphragm
Saturday, May 15-Thursday, May 27 Wed-Sat at 8PM, Sun at 6PM Late Shows at 10PM: Sat, May 22 and Thurs, May 27 Please join us on Thursday, May 20 for our Thursday Night Social and Ethyl Eichelberger Award Celebration! Tickets to Thurs, May 20 include...
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge & Psychic TV Dec 9th
Scenic and Edward ODowd Present:Psychic T.V. (PTV3) with Ariana Reines / 4th Sign of the Apocalypse / BeautThursday, Dec 09, 2010 8:00 PM Europa Brooklyn$23 advance $25 day ofwww.ticketweb.com
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the drag queen & the mummy
hi everyone--its been a while since my last post. how are things? anyway, i have something i am DYING to know about--i recently heard about how a mummified corpse was discovered in Dorian Corey's closet in musty bag after she passed away--i tried to look for the article by Edward Conlon but i only found 1 page of it! my curiosity has been set on FIRE! who was it? why did Dorian kill him? i have always been held in great awe and reverence for legends like dorian corey but i am positivley...
Re: August 29 March and Rally- The Motherboards Marches
That's great news Chi Chi. I'm very much looking forward to the march. Meanwhile, Bloomie has come up with a money-saving scheme for all of us cash-strapped demonstrators! Discounts at select restaurants and Broadway shows for protesters who leave bricks and bats at home. From today's NYT: Just Keep It Peaceful, Protesters; New York Is Offering Discounts By JENNIFER STEINHAUER Published: August 18, 2004 Thinking about smashing windows or overturning cars during the Republican National...
Re: On the Death of Lady Jaye Breyer aka Shecky Domination
The Independent newspaper in England - Lady Jaye Breyer P-orridge Psychic TV keyboardist and singer Published: 23 October 2007 Jacqueline Breyer (Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge), nurse, keyboardist and singer: born 1969; married 1993 Genesis P-Orridge; died New York 9 October 2007. The self-proclaimed "cultural engineer" and conceptual artist Genesis P-Orridge has been creating controversy since the mid-Seventies, first with Throbbing Gristle, pioneers of industrial music, and then with the...
Re: 2008 Presidential Elections: Who Will Lead America Next?
Here's a wonderful, if massively incomplete, list of vendettas Rudiani carried out throughout his vindictive reign as mayor. I could list more acts of spite, closing CHARAS/El BOHIO, etc., not to mention all the gross police misconduct he stood behind, Amadou, Abner, the list is lengthy. This article is from the times, so I wonder what the has-been 'America's Governor' will aim at the rag now. ___________________________________________ In Matters Big and Small, Crossing Giuliani Had Price...
Re: Dances of Vice - Monthly
Some great Dances of Vice events happening this month! ~Satori -------------- October 17th: "The Importance of Being Wilde" @ 303 Bond Street If beauty is your religion, you are hereby summoned to join your fellow dandies, fops, narcissists and coquettes at "Dances of Vice: The Importance of Being Wilde" for an evening of peacockery and temptations to celebrate the birthday of DOV patron saint and godfather of glam Oscar Wilde - featuring glitter rock ballads from glam phenomenon MICHAEL T...
Re: Proposition 8: Gay Marriage Ban
via Jackie Beat's blog: Saturday, November 08, 2008 NO GAY MARRIAGE? HOW ABOUT NO GAYS!? Current mood: neglected Category: Life That's right, Breeder -- GAYS ARE GOING ON STRIKE! Yes, we Homosexuals here in sunny California -- the epicenter of not just mainstream entertainment, but the porn industry to boot, are going on permanent vacation! And you know what that means... No more amazing haircutting, hairstyling and/or hair-coloring. This is especially troublesome for the many Black women...
Re: Club Creatures - Chicago
Well, yes, I was in Chicago this weekend for IML. Suffice it to say that the Hyatt was a corporate nightmare; I was unable to post because the "Business Center" was closed for the holiday weekend. I actually participated very little in IML activities (except for a party with 7 German skinheads in my room, but that is probably another topic), so let me record my impressions of The Windy City... I haven't been to Chicago for any length of time since the 1970's, except for a quick DCI Tour, so...