Tagged With "open bar"
The Enchantress
Christine Gwen Sweetleggs
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
This would be the start of a thread about "Whispers", the weekly party that ran at the Pyramid in NYC from 1984-1988 or 9. Modelled after a gay bar in upstate New York, it was billed as an event for the "Complete Suburban Homosexual" and welcomed "Gay and Lesbian Hairdressers, Waiters, Florists, Showfolk...and sensitive straight people" Hapi Phace was the hostess. Does anyone else remember this?
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Tabboo on the go go bar, Baby Gregory on the street outside selling handmade"dolls" or painted tiles or little drawings or whatever else he could think of that week to get some more crack money but God how I miss his Janis. My parties there called 101 Varieties, short lived but debuted with Miss Harry reciting her poetry on my birthday night, that big skinny junkie looking man in chaps with a sourpuss face rushing to and from, Greer Lankton and Costa Pappas, DJ's Dany Johnson, Sister...
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
The thought of being a NYC expatriate has crossed my mind many times as of late. I too was at the Winter Music Conference in March in sunny Miami, and I had some of the best club experiences I have EVER had in my life. Powerhouse DJs and clubgoers from the around the world brought back many fond memories for me of the NYC club scene in the late 80s when I first moved here. In particular at Miami's Club Space and Crow Bar, I was surrounded by a glamorous, friendly, diverse, international...
Re: BoyBar
Oh, the footage of [[[Boy Bar night at Mother]at PTM]at Daddy] last night was such a treat. Especially cool was the voyeur's delight I enjoyed, watching Sweetie watch herself from years gone by...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Oh please Bobby. I use to do him all the time at Boy Bar when Sweetie was on stage. I'd just slip on her and Faux Pas' tape, then I'd run downstairs to the dressing room where old "Moronga Dick" was waiting. I'd be back in the booth by the time Bette Midler was finishing. Just kidding. Abuelo indeed!
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Thre are a few different kinds of drag shows here. There are the gay club shows, the hooker bar shows, and the huge flashy Vegasy shows referred to as "Cabaret." The huge shows are amazing. While they don't incorporate the intentional sense of irony that we NYers love so much in a show, they are SO excessive and overdone that they don't need it. They emulate big splashy musical and music videos. Every number had over 20 dancers in huge, HUGE, costumes. The set keeps changing like on...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
i saw a show that sounds eerily similar... if not the same queen. in a neighborhood bar, packed back room with tables (no chairs) and the stage had stairs leading down to it from the back. i remember she held a pink and green plastic toy microphone in her hand for the lip synch. and that thai voice in the stand up section... i can still hear it in my head. incredible!!
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I took a one day Thai cooking course. They actually cover a hell of a lot in one day! I'll soon be the green curry queen of NYC! So this guy I'm dating here in Chiang Mai, Wat, the one who had the circle jerks with the monks, he's really great to hang out with. I feel like a biker chick on the back of his motorcycle! He's entering graduate school to become a teacher. He's a bartender in a very odd location. At this three level flea market type place there is a weird long hallway on the side...
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
Visit Black & White bar and meet the Crew http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/thaihoney Or Go to Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza!!!!
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I'm supposed to be back already but I extended my trip until the 11th. I'm up for any March/April bookings! I need to recoup my investments! I will try to scan some pictures of Wat, my 5 day boyfriend! I have a photo of him in a draggy boy outfit from a party at his bar. It's very cute.
Re: Provincetown
Hey Bobby, Don't know what our summer is like yet. We have so many things up in the air right now but we really want to get there sometime in June. Captain Jack's of course. Gennaro is torturing. He wants more landscaping around his grave. He is no longer satisfied with the flower treatment. He now wants trees & shrubs! So if you see him at "Bar Rush" tell him I'm on it. Legendary birthday by the way. Everyone is still talking about it. AND LOOK OUT! Last night at Cheezwhiz Miss...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
I can't easily jump in (being the world's ugliest gender-variant "thing" to come down the pike as most of you know) but this discussion is so smart & riviting. I've been around the drag world for years. It started at G.G. Barnum's in Times Square where I was a go go dancer. One day I got caught in the G.G. dressing room. The "girls" asked Miss Peter- The Sweetie of her day, "Can we keep him, Can we keep him Miss Peter?" They did. Never a tranny or a chaser I always appreciated "the...
Here are the details for Don's wake and funeral. Please please pass them on to anyone whom you feel would like to celebrate Don's life. The Wake: Wednesday 5th June Perrazza Funeral Home 199 Bleeker Street (between Macdougal + 6th Ave) 2-5pm Open Casket for family 7-9 Closed Casket The Funeral Service Thursday 6th June St. Francis Xavier Church 16th Street (between 5th + 6th) 10:30 AM There will be an informal lunch at Bowery Bar after the Funeral Service. Thanks for all your love and...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Against some of my better judgement, I'm going to throw this out about part of my experience(s) with Glorya, though I restrained myself from getting involved in the mudslinging in another forum (despite wanting very much to join in). The first time I worked for Glorya was at one of her Pyramid Club Parties back in 1995. I danced on the bar in heels, panties and bustier all night long. At the end of the night, she said that the party didn't make enough money and none of the dancers would get...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
I too had no idea that you were so JC when I saw you at the bar at The Slipper Room. You seemed so comfortable in your skin. I just thought you were very fierce and why don't I know this girl? I guess I am just a big ol' tranny chaser.
Re: Mondo Internet
This guy's incredible, my new hero. Daddy, you should invite him to NYC, get him to run for mayor. He can drive his trailer over from New Zealand. What is it about New Zealanders, anyway? They're all totally bonkers. When I used to bounce at this big sports bar in Chicago, we knew whenever we carded on a New Zealand passport that there'd be a fight that night. Every single time. Of course, later, when bouncing at the gay bar up the road, every night a New Zealander came in we knew we'd find...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:
Re: Greer Lankton
i meet greer in a drag bar in chicago called CHEEKS. well i walked up to her and said whats a nice lady like you doing in a place like this.? she was looking like a chanel model. she said in her hamous raspy voice 'i'm one of the gyrl's too'.then we sat and i told her i was a puppet maker and she told me she was a doll maker. and we were together ever since. stich and bitch was what we did every day for almost 9 years .until two weeks before thanksgiving almost 5 years ago now. she was raped...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
I have enjoyed for some time (as a lurker!) "This week's brit gossip" in the New and News topic in the The Versailles Room Forum ... In fact I keep a PopIt! going for this topic, just to read "This week's brit gossip". To learn you are from Ohio makes this even more interesting ... Do you know Drew Cary or Mimi? ;-) I've just been poking around ... http://www.theclubcreatures.com/ You two are just too creative ... Last night, I printed your topic to read at the bar. This is not as hopeless...
Hi, everyone, I have at last found a place suitable for a party for us all to get together and honor Michaelian. Here are the details: Monday, August 19 - that's a week from today The Slipper Room 167 Stanton Street at Orchard (lower east side - 1 block south and east of 1st Ave. and Houston) 7:30 til whenever Cash bar We'll start with about an hour of sharing memories, stories - anyone who wants to contribute is welcome to do so. Then we'll turn up the music and just mingle. Please let me...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Was out last night at a renegade punk bar in Billyburg (i.e. Williamsburg, the Brooklyn art mecca) tossing back stale beer / listening to Sepulatura with a newly migrated New Yorker who came to us via London from Chicago. Indeed, I am growing quite fond of this witty, brazen and beautiful girl who aspires to wrestle more than anything in the world. We were talking of the windy city and I mentioned you had joined the ArtMaker forum. And such a smile came across her face as she told me how...
From: uravampire@mindspring.com Subject: [queerleft] Fwd: Harry Hay obituary - New York Times Is there going to be a NYC (or in other cities) memorial for Harry Hay, and more than mourning, as doing what Harry Hay had often done, which way forward for the queer movement? In May 2003 there will be a gathering of queer lefties in NYC at the Brecht Forum, to put the issue of queer liberation back in the heart of the socialist/anarchist/left movments and reconnect the queer community to the...
Re: Adam Ant
Betty, I love that you still play your records...I do too, and have all the vinyl of my youth still (and a generous donation from Daddy that I am still sorting through). Somewhere in the mid 90s, I took this 19 yr old boy home from the Now bar (it was a long time ago if that is where I met him as I have not been there in years)...and he said to me once in my apartment "wow, you're old, you have records," like my apartment was some museum. Well, if the album fits in the sleeve...and I chose...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
I guess almost everything revolves around sex, and well, money too, but that's another forum entry all together. I leisurely mouse-clicked into a Maui gay chat room tonight on the World Wide Web, barefoot, topless, holding my java in my hand, wearing nothing more than a pair of tight faded Levi's with a paint stain on the crotch and a rip in the left knee. I'm not one for online chat programs really. ICQ and Yahoo Messenger sit tranquil upon my desktop collecting Internet dust and most of my...
Re: GG barnum room
one would enter through the long skinny bar all lined up with the beautiful girls and their long legs checking out the new action coming in the door. So exciting! Never were the ladies at a t-bar so alluring. Then to the disco back room and then turn the corner to the main trapeze disco. it was the site of the original, and new wave remake of the Peppermint Lounge. There was always something ready willing and able to happen.
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Well we meant to party hop last night but the Hookers Ball was such a high time we were afraid to go anywhere else when we left at 2:30 except for some food. There was something about that party that really hit the spot and made me actually glad to live here again and the rest of my group felt the same. Maybe it was the mix, or the music, or the place. Those bartendresses really kick ass when the bar gets busy and they always make you feel good about being there. Same for Mistress Sharon (I...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
there's a trick to getting me! BTW -- The pics you sent of Betty Crow and I are lovely, have been tinkering with them, . The one of me pointing at the camera with my beer, is so drunk-bar-floozy! I love it ... And don't worry about the installation, I'm pretty sure you got it
Re: Mondo Internet (Part 2)
http://newyork.craigslist.org/nyc/bar/7980092.html Sounds kind of sketchy--but for a free wig? I'd do it! Yet another reason to wish I was a lady. *** Free Wig For Female Reply to: anon-7980092@craigslist.org Date: Wed Jan 15 14:47:58 2003 I will provide a free wig to a female with a relatively good figure who will agree to have her head shaved, then pose for experimental art photos. ***
Re: Le Fleur / Spitfires
Not sure about Le Fleur...but when I first moved here in 96' there was a sleazy hustler bar in that neibourhood called Cats, very much your flavor as I recall Anna. I was there once with a very prim and proper English girlfriend of mine who swore she saw guys rimming in the back of the bar.....
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I've been there before. It looks like some crazy Mary westerner did that site for them. It's not really an accurate description. It's just a nice place. It's very lush. There's a courtyard bar that's just so tropical and nice. Al; the nookie happens in the cubicals. The Thai have this modesty thing. Like in the locker room they'll put on the towel before they pull their pants down. Also, if they drop the towel to get in the jacuzi (sp?), they'll cover their weenies while they step in. Last...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Okay, it's now 8:30 PM. I'm drunk so excuse any misspellinssssezz. I love it here! My hair is tipped in blue... maybe it helps me be to be a freak magnet. There was this sexy, sort of husky guy at the bar. He had that meaty nice body that's muscley, but not too obnoxiously toned... and he had LOTS of tattoos! That's very unusual here. And when you do see it, it's not in the gay crowd. He was born in Laos and grew up in Northern Thailand. He went to college in England, so he had this weird...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Hey Bobby, Merlin and John Sorry I missed that great dinner last night, but momma I'm sure you will be preparing a feast with all the trimmings for my arrival later this month. If you do I just might do a number for ya hon! But this girl hasn't been in drag for at least 8 months, so break out the makeup. Don't worry, my performance skills are still razor sharp, HA !! Oh by the way, you should beware of your new producer the "Merlinator", he took me under his wing and all I got was a 3am gig...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
But I remember Olympia, her name was Bernard. The most fun I had was at Pyramid, I met my closest compatriates there, Billy and Sister and Faye, and Madamme etc... I danced on the Bar with Connie Girl, Codie, Shannon,Mr Fashion, Wendy, and Ethel sweet Ethel.Hattie always yelled at me"Zoraya youre late" but I arrived painted and draped thank you. On monday nights Madamme, Dana (Dead-a) and Olympia would have their sewing circle in the basement, they would bead their costumes for Copa, make...
Re: The Palladium
I know I said that I never liked The Palladium but that's not really true. I didn't like the "trying to pretend it's Studio 54" thing that permiated the first year or so. The Steve & Ian "VIP room to nowhere" sort of thing. (If it wasn't for Haoui Montaug running the door it would have been a TOTAL nightmare) but... I DJ'd there for many years and have to say there were some brilliant things about the place too. The tech for instance -lights, video, staging etc. was the best I've ever...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I had a real health nut spa breakfast: fresh pappaya with goat yogurt topped with bee pollen. We're supposed to stick to raw fruits and veggies for a few days before eating rice, bread, eggs, meat, etc. I cheated. I biked to another beach, smelled that thai cooking, and had some chicken curry with rice. I'll do salad for dinner though. I do feel really good and clean. I'll post a photo of my sparkling colon! I visited Anna's friend Alex today. His little hut is so cute. It is literally steps...
Re: The Palladium
Anyone remember the "right to resist" concert at palladium circa 1988?They had groups like de la soul and that poet singer who sang"you wanna suck my pussy,you wanna suck my dick" Whats her name??It was a three day 24/7 concert ,keith harring did the artwork for the poster.I spent two days backstage where there was open bar and buffet food for the whole time.I know it all sounds like a pipe dream but I was really there.....really!I think it's disgusting what they've done with that space.What...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
The Granddaddy of all horrible club fires occurred in Boston at the Coconut Grove in 1942, killing 492 people. The fire was started by someone simply lighting a match in order to screw in a lightbulb. Most of the victims died from smoke inhalation, though locked exits were a factor. If such a tragedy can be caused by a match, how could anyone even dream of pyrotechnics? I have always been opposed to them, and still am to this day. Though fire-eating can be safer and more easily contained, it...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I know it's time to end this blabbering, but I just need to tell you about yesterday. Yesterday I really realized how wealthy we are in the US. See, I love slumming it in the street markets etc. and getting everything that's authenitc and cheap. But there's a real luxury circuit here that I'm pretty out of touch with. Like if you want to spend the $15-$20 for a meal that you might spend in NY at Yaffa Cafe, you can eat in some real swanky place equivilent to a $100 meal at home. I just don't...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
You both raise the bar on visual treats almost everytime you post and then you pack the added punch of a dj/web designer extradinaire. When I drop on a link (hauswerkz) with my dial up line and it loads in fast and furious with scripts and all, sets up clean in old versions of my browsers, I know I'm if for some pure web pleasure. I hope this guy is getting what he's worth. thanks big time for the turn on. rb//nyc//bronx//bohemia
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I'd like to reiterate something that might be lacking from my posts: I REALLY do not look for things to knock. I know most of you get it, but for those that don't, well, there it is. I'd like to explain why I usually am one of the first to be obnoxious. I'm all for a new fun party, but when the party has to push the fact that they want only the trendy and famous to come, and we SHOULD come because there are those people, they blanket the fact that the party needs more OOMPH. If the party is...
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Here's our NYC Trip in Snapshots: 5-23-03 Area 10009 @ Opaline 5-24-03 Nina Hagen @ The Marquee and Berliniamsburg @ Luxx 5-25-03 Motherfucker 3rd Aniversary @ The Roxy 5-27-03 Page Powell's Soiree and Beige @ B Bar 5-28-03 Cabaret Magique @ Chez Es Saada 5-29-03 Granite's "Popcorn" Opening Night and Afterparty 5-30-03 ARCADIA! Opening - Debut show for Artmakernyc.com I think over half the boards are in there somewhere XXXOOO Satori
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
I don't remember who actually came up with the name. It might even have been Jesse Hultberg, but... Dug and Maggie had drawn up a list of about 5 or 6 possible names for the new bar, which included King Tut's and Dug read them to me. The bar was still under construction and they hadn't yet decided on a name. Later in the day, Haoui Montaug called me up and was writing an article about clubs and bars in the East Village for some major press like the Times. "What's the name of that new bar...