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Tagged With "New York Clubs"

Mouth of The Motherboards

Re: Blondie "Mother" has US debut with "Panic of Girls" 9/13

lti313 ·
Ooh I like it - how did I not know they had a new CD to be released? And I think I saw Johnny in the video. I have a new video to play at the club this weekend :-). Thanks Chi Chi VJ Tre
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Welcome to Motherboards 4.0

Chi Chi ·
We are delighted to be back after a few days of tweaking our new software platform upgrade. Our pages look different but all of our content is here, including our vast archives of NYC events, club history and more. We are still working on integration with Facebook, Twitter etc. so for now you won't be able to log in directly from your accounts on those, but will be able to soon! Please leave questions in the "Mouth of the Motherboards/Help" forum and we will be online and answering...
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The Motherboards at 15

Chi Chi ·
It's hard to truly take in that the Motherboards turns fifteen years old today, April Fools. These boards, begun in 2001 just to keep our club community together after our venue MOTHER closed, have outlived even the decade-long club that spawned them. Here some thank yous and news of our anniversary party coming in late May.
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Thoughts on the Pulse Nightclub Tragedy

Chi Chi ·
As a community begun in celebration of New York City's club tribes and cultures, the MOTHERBOARDS family is shattered by recent events in Orlando.