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Tagged With "Friday New York City"


Re: WORK! Presents WE PARTY Spain w/ Peter Rauhofer @ Pacha 10/09

cgmusicnyc ·
Check out Teaser: WE PARTY NEW YORK | OCTOBER 9, 2011

Re: Occupy Wall Street

Chi Chi ·
Tomorrow's Schedule: October 15th International Day of Action Occupy Wall Street's October 15th - Day of Actions have actions targeting banks throughout the day around specific themes: jobs, education, housing, environment, and war. It will culminate with a mass convergence at Times Square, 5pm. Thousands will be participating throughout the day. Don't miss Occupy Wall Street's biggest day! Complete Schedule for NYC 11AM - March on the Banks ... From Liberty Square to Chase We will then...

Re: 718 Sessions w/ Danny Krivit & DJ Spinna 02/19

cgmusicnyc ·
Voted "THE BEST PLACE TO DANCE YOUR HEART OUT" in Best Of New York City -Time Out... So come out and dance your heart out on Sunday!

Re: Danny Krivit's Bday Bash ~ 718 Sessions @ Santos 04/15

cgmusicnyc ·

Re: Neighborhood Characters

daddy ·
Yeah that Naked Cowboy thing is repulsive. He's like the nightclub S_ _ _ sh. It's full of tourists from out of town thinking that they are seeing New York but it's really a room full of other tourists from out of town looking at each other thinking, "New York isn't so weird. It looks just like home".

Re: NOTS 21 "The Wild Heart" announced for May 6, 2011

Chi Chi ·

Re: 718 Sessions 10 Year Anniversary w/ Danny Krivit @ Santos Re-scheduled

cgmusicnyc ·
Danny Krivit discusses the tenth anniversary of 718 Sessions. Check out this interview with Time Out New York.

Re: NOLA Endless Night Vampire Ball 10/27

daddy ·
Gorgeous invite!!

Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern

Delian ·
Terence left this Earth this past month, I am deeply saddened that she is now gone from it. When I met Terence she was a very serious, striking and commanding person so I was certainly intimidated, it was obvious I was dealing with an intellectual so I needed to be at my best behavior and my most attentive in her presence. She was an accomplished writer, a luminary in the New York underground, and a maestra of an art I'd only read about; she could make the most debauched intellectual blush...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

hatches ·
This would be the start of a thread about "Whispers", the weekly party that ran at the Pyramid in NYC from 1984-1988 or 9. Modelled after a gay bar in upstate New York, it was billed as an event for the "Complete Suburban Homosexual" and welcomed "Gay and Lesbian Hairdressers, Waiters, Florists, Showfolk...and sensitive straight people" Hapi Phace was the hostess. Does anyone else remember this?

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

fifibear ·
we just finished a week of covering a music festival here in beautiful warm miami, we had the best time of our lives but happy that something so magical is over now. We always miss the new york life when we are far and we especially miss the stinky meat district area where we use to walk to florent after staying out all nite at jackie 60, stay the way you are NYC we'll be back soon.

Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)

original patches ·
How naive I was back in 1980, I actually thought that places like Club 57 were what new york was all about and would exist forever. Not so, as we know now. Despite the fact that I always went there alone and so felt like an outsider/observer, I loved both its unpredictability and the amount of preparation that went into its silliness, which is something nearly impossible to explain today. The aesthetic that I encountered at club 57 is still part of my outlook today, though few are...

Re: Blacklips

Lily of the Valley ·
Well, Nancy, as I'm sure youare aware, I was in my teen whilst I was a member of said cult. Those were the salad days.....All I ever could aford to eat was, salad. I learned quite a lot from some of my favorite performers. It was quite a magical time, although I believe a bit of an unstable time. I suppose magic and instability go hand in hand. I remember feeeling at different times central to the groups process and at others very peripheral. I suppose thats how things thrived. We all just...


hatches ·
Well, Minerva, you definitely have my attention about planning a trip to Burning Man next year. I have been wanting to go for years, but commitments here always prevented me. This year, of course, I am compelled to attend the last Wigstock in order to complete THAT circle... I am thinking that since so much of the New York we have known and loved is disappearing, we might erect a bit of it there in the desert. Or is that too tall an order?

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Barbara Diamond (Guest) ·
Though not a seasoned world traveler or New Yorker, I have lived in San Diego, Los Angeles, the Central Coast of CA, Paris FR, Mexico City, and many other parts of the U.S. as a traveling IT whore. It's still New York. It's still the capital of the World. I still feel like I'm in Peoria when I leave Manhattan. Don't you wonderful people dare desert me for some mirage. Stay and make it better.

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Empress Domination ·
Everyone knows I've had my own negative views of New York of late, but Miami? Miami? Are you mad? I'm sorry, but Miami will never be more, when all is said and done, than a white thong half glimpsed under see-through white pants on a J-Lo bimbo butt with a Donatella head. One bookstore, no fishheads (cute goths and vampyres though.) End of story.

Re: NYC Expatriates Topic

Luxury Lex ·
Yikes! I didn't mean to imply that I PREFERRED Miami to New York, simply that I enjoyed its club scene, and it WAS a lot of fun. There is an element of sleaze and hedonism in the city's nightlife that reminded me of how things used to be here. Even Iggy Pop agrees on that. Of course, I was there during the Winter Music Conference when all the best and brightest DJs and clubgoers from around the world converge on the city, so undoubtedly I experienced the creme de la creme. Under ordinary...

Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)

Poison Eve ·
Does anyone remember Michael T.'s "New York Nights" at the Pyramid around 1992? It was on Monday nights (Blacklips later replaced it) and cost $1 to get in and featured the "Cabaret of Madness" featuring early me, Michael T., Hattie and the ever-talented Countess Jessica (Hattie could delve further into this untapped resource, perhaps). I remember being locked in there one night when there was a mini squatter riot on Avenue A. What ever happened good old-fashioned riots anyway?

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

daddy ·
From Baby Dee: Baby Dee asked me to delete the name of her friend because of her concern for her privacy. (She left her World Trade job by the way and is fine). [This message was edited by daddy on 10-04-01 at 01:12 PM.]

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

daddy ·
Did these people that you are concerned about work in the World Trade Center or do they just live in New York? Please, we don't need tragedy queens! Look, alot of people are missing but not everyone who lives in New York was up at 8:45 AM and at work in the World Trade Center. I know if you are watching all this on TV from far away it must be hard but don't over react. There are millions and millions of people in New York. Most are fine. If you know someone that worked there and you are...

Re: 9/11/01 - The village signpost - please check in here

Jade ·
kylie - its surreal around here - feels like someTHING has taken a huge bite out of New York. I understand your feelings completely. People I havent spoken to in years have called to see if I was ok. My business took me through World Trade (Path Station) all the time but I did not work in the buildings.

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

bobby ·
Once when I was in Rome at the train station, I stopped into the men's room ( again!) and was standing at the open urinals when a young male hustler came in. Walking up to the urinal next to me he quickly flopped out a perfect example of an italian sausage. Long and thick and an endless foreskin, he let it hang there as he rolled his big brown eyes at me and smiled. He put it back in his pants and walked toward the door looking back at me to follow him. We walked to an empty train parked to...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

hatches ·
This past weekend, I went up to the Adirondacks to get a brief respite from war-torn Manhattan. I took Amtrak to a small town in the foothills, then a taxi to the cottage of an old friend. I had been given the keys, so I had the whole place to myself. I had forgotten that 1) It's 20 degrees colder in the mountains this time of year, and 2) hunting season is at full throttle right about now. Well, since I neglected to bring anything red, I was not going to venture into the woods at all, so I...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

michael ford ·
Hello Suckwinder, What a surprise it is to hear form you. Are you Pushpindra's brother and cousin of Javid? Did you grow up in Vishakhapatanma with Garbhodaksayi Visnu and Arjuna? If this is truely who you are, then it must be me they are talking about. The other drivers here in New York tell me they compare notes while they wait for fairs at he airports. I'm happy they remember for one and repeat their conquests. History should be passed on to the next generation, so you can give out my...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each...

Re: Sex With Taxi Drivers part 2

hatches ·
I always wondered what the Islamic cabbies were babbling about non-stop on their cellphones. And now I know. Since 9/11, they've all vanished. They were all terrorists, planning something really big. Like making all the cabs in New York turn on all their off-duty signs at 4 AM. Or making sure not a single one of them of them would have change for a twenty. I just knew it!


goblin73 ·
yeah, it's true... lance has checked into the chelsea in the sky. pinto attended (or will soon) his memorial in l.a. i'll see if i can get him to post here. for those who don't know who lance loud was... he was the oldest sibling in the loud family who were made famous in the 70's on a PBS mini-series. the show - AN AMERICAN FAMILY - was the first reality based tv show ever aired. it followed the family in their so-cal house and lance as he moved to new york. he took a room at the chelsea...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

girl ·
Hello. Right off the bat - I am a genetic girl. I could not resist posting after I read some of these encounters, though I realize you boys don't care much about the puss. Softsoles, darling, you inspired me to spill. When I first came to NY (8 years ago, I am 25) my experiences prepped me for times to come. I used to pick these testosterone puppets up out side of bars (bouncers, oui) and get them to take me home. A schoolgirl skirt will do wonders. But, here in NY, these "str8" men require...

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

Glamnerd ·
I hear from DJ Sammy Jo that Paris has been celebrating her birthday at SEVERAL parties including Las Vegas, LA 4 in New York alone. But the best is that they had a party in Tokyo and she wasn't even there, supposedly the Hilton sisters are now some kind of new obsession with the Japanese, (Otaku?)

Re: Fashion, Sweetie

katrina ·
From: "Noah" Subject: Paris's Bday, Reebok MAGIC Event, Valentines Day, Presidents Day at Tao, Limelight Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:20:12 -0800 If your looking for something to do or tell your friends about this weekend, check out the following events Jason and I are hosting for Presidents Day Weekend. New York: Thursday Feb 14th: "Valentines Day" at Suite 16, 127 8th Ave at 16th St. Expect: Fashion week party, lot's of pretty people in red. Friday Feb 15th: "The Last Dance" at LIMELIGHT,...

Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)

sweetie ·
I was just doing my posts on the boards and kinda browsed thru these last pages of awesome smut. I had a GREAT DAY TODAY!!! Only in New York children, only in New York. I recently moved into a larger room in my apartment. I've totally gotten into this new space because the back door to my patio and backyard is in my room. It also leads to a special entrance to the laundry room downstairs. Today I was laying in bed waiting for my EX- to come by for some delicious EX- SEX. Mind you, I had...


Jackie Bigalow ·
I thank the Boards, Jack, the faeries, Antony, and New York One for educating me about this star. Antony sent her a magical tribute last night at Joe's Pub.

Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand

Nicky LaLa ·
aww. I want to see Wat...he sounds lovely. Man, it was so funny, cause tonight - I was sitting here in New York and watching tv and saw that "Drag Time" was on. I started freaking out, just as I did when I was wayy back in Michigan having big dreams about being "up there" with the "girls". All in all - it was different watching it this time. I have met alot of the guys in the film - like you...but I still got just excited. Being here and being in the nightlife and seeing everything hasn't...


goblin73 ·
thanx empress... i hadn't looked at it until you said to. goddess bless those faeries! can they turn it out or what?? i can't wait to be back in new york with all of those/you freaks!!!! and i was so glad to see what looked like an INCREDIBLE turnout for someone who sounds like an INCREDIBLE spirit. RIP, VIP indeed. btw... the cute bearded boy (in the pic with the other boy closing his eyes) is aaron. he was at the whiz on my last night there. the one featuring eyelids is jan ("yon"). and...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

Nancy Isla ·
I am sorry this post is a long and scattered but since it is fresh in my mind everything came out all at once. My tenses are screwey, and my spelling is a bit off, so patience please... Hey Mom, You would have loved it all! I am by no means a camper, and I dealt with it just fine. I was afraid it would be 200 homos huddled around a habachi (sp?) cooking an eggplant, but they have the system DOWN! Meals are regular 3 times a day. People are asked to participate any way they feel...

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

goblin73 ·
the chills i got while reading dj pickles' recount don't even come close to the magick. i'm moving there. see you all at stevie. wish i could write more but i'm on a clocked computer kiosk on the casino floor of the tropicana in vegas. new york on friday. HUGE LOVE, texxx

Re: Displaced Radical Faeries

goblin73 ·
or, a day late and several dollars short. okay, if any more time goes by without me throwing in some stories here i'll have forgotten. so here goes... i arrived over two weeks early. i REALLY loved being there with fewer people, plugging in to the bigger pre-gathering projects - cleaning out the goat boutique, building pavillion benches - and the other stuff that just seems impossible during the frenzy of the fete. i even endured a seven day fast drinking nothing but water and a lemon juice,...

Re: DH and the Fishsticks

daddy ·
I hope JT does that nutty version of "Tide Is High". Sounds like you three are having a blast. Are you going to call Jennifer Saunders Rob? You better or don't bother coming back to New York! And Jackie, your Radical Faerie friends are OUT OF CONTROL!!!! Miss Jupiter!!! OMG!

Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?

Urban Femme ·
As a genetic New York Jewish girl, I want to say that I love this community. I've only recently discovered it--thank heaven you all exist!!! I've been to Cheez Whiz a couple of times and think it is the coolest, most welcoming spot in NYC. Thank you Sweetie! I met my girlfriend on 'altmatch' and she is the most beautiful, sweetiest tgirl in the world (I could go on and on, but it gets very mushy). The bad thing is that she lives in Chicago and I live here, but hopefully we can live together...

Re: WWAWD - What Would Andy Warhol Do?

pretty ·
If you enjoyed reading High On Rebellion , The story of Max's Kansas City, Please Kill Me, The Oral history of Punk or Jim Carrol's The BasketBall Diaries and other Stories this is an evening you will be mad for Chris Rael Presents MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE OF THE WARHOL ERA Featuring TAYLOR MEADE PENNY ARCADE CHURCH OF BETTY With special guest BABE THE BLUE OX Sunday, June 16, 8 pm The Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St, NYC $10 (212)219-3006 Evening starts at 8 pm: PENNY ARCADE as ANDREA WHIPS...

Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

Jade ·
I must say its a shame their sorry lives will be the focus of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of film, talent and energy. There seems so much more worth showing the world than troubled souls trying so desperately to have a good time. Maybe its what people need to see, I dont know. It certainly has fascination - in a 'how low can you go' kind of way. One thing's for sure, its definately a New York story. I wonder if this film will reveal the disconnection, the desperation...

Re: Page

Glamnerd ·
So sad to hear this. The first time I saw Page , I thats New York!

Re: Page

Luxury Lex ·
This news made me sad. I never knew her on a personal level, but Page was one of the first freaks I saw when I came to New York. I have a picture of her somewhere from my Louis Quatorze days backstage at the Pyramid totally nude with all-blue body paint, white hair, white nipples and white sunglasses. I think it was at Linda Simpson's Channel 69 party. For a kick I sent the picture of Page to my family back home. As liberal as they are, they still blinked when they saw it and cleared their...

Re: Page

Jade ·
yes Chi Chi. - I also knew Page vaguely from working on a Blacklips show with Antony years ago. She sang "River of Sorrow". She was sweet and lived up to her brash reputation (Danielle Willis used to try and shock me with page stories before i moved to New York!) Anyway - I hope I captured her a little. . My honey Mike just met her recently and was also saddened by the news. He was struck by how she was so good natured and would talk to anyone. [This message was edited by Jade on 07-23-02 at...

Re: Page

Lily of the Valley ·
When I first arrived in the Blade Runner 'esuqe city that New York was in 1990, I remember seeing this tall "Woman" with a bleach blonde flatop, horned rimmed sunglassed, in the dark of night, and glitter red lipstick, while dressed in a retro new wave look about 10 years before anyone thought it was cool to bring that back. She waltzed up to me and said, "Hi, I'm Page...who are you ?" My eyes opened a little wider and what was possible in this life became a little broader and I saw the...

Re: New Old New Wave? 1982-->2002

Zazoo and Satori ·
Trevor Jackson of Playgroup will be making a few rare DJ appearances in August. Aug 4 Central Park Summerstage, New York (w/ South Avalanches) Aug 22 APT, New York (with DFA) Aug 23 Luxx, Brooklyn (with Larry Tee) Aug 25 Tribeca Grand Hotel, New York PLAYGROUP

Re: Page

hatches ·
Also Linda emailed me to tell me she will be buried in Vermont, but that a memorial will be planned in New York shortly. Requiescant in pace, Page.

Re: Page

kelly ·
This is so disturbing, an od? I will miss her alot! Even though I didn't know her personally, she always inspired me. I remember the first time I saw her was at love machine in 1990. I thought she was so New York and she just stuck out in the crowd. I never thought this thread would end in such a sad note. I'm happy I bought the video she had with her performances on it. I will miss you terribly page!

Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town

Luxury Lex ·
Two persepctives on what's going on in Times Square and the sex market. First, from today's NY Daily News: And a more lenghty analysis from the NY Times:

Re: Provincetown

Rose Royalle ·
From Brandon Ohlson (as dictated to me): Am happy to be back in New York after a wonderful month in Provicetown. Daddy's birthday party was a delightful welcome home. Performed Go-Go Real, communed with Bobby Miller, Scotty the Blue Bunny, Edie (dynamic transvestite hoofer from NYC) and the lovely Varla Jean Merman. Soaked in the sun, sand and surf. Met lots of town characters, had a good time doing the show, and enjoyed the much needed respite from NYC. Glad to be back in the swing of...