Tagged With "Post Punk"
Re: Love Machine
It is quite different from Love Machine but you did hear right in a way - Larry Tee ex DJ of Love Machine does a party in Brooklyn on Saturday nights at a punk club called Luxx. Its in Williamsburg and last time I went Dee Finley (J60 butch legend) was working there at the door. Recently known for his "Electroclash" music (which should be familiar to ex-Click regulars its a similar soundtrack to Load Rezenhands) Larry is definitely back on the scene. I noticed from another post of yours that...
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
Hey all, we made it to London, 3 hour layover and then...home. Jade- we perform to DAT tracks. no live band.But a lot of the songs are remixes for nightclub dates. Wait till you hear about the Hong Kong show! Bill Clinton and this water sweetie. We brought Jaiko and Viva to Hong Kong to perform with us because the venue was so huge. It was an enormous convention center built in the harbor,huge stage, 2 huge projection screens,lights....yadda yadda. The whole thing was so sick. We performed...
Re: WWAWD - What Would Andy Warhol Do?
If you enjoyed reading High On Rebellion , The story of Max's Kansas City, Please Kill Me, The Oral history of Punk or Jim Carrol's The BasketBall Diaries and other Stories this is an evening you will be mad for Chris Rael Presents MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE OF THE WARHOL ERA Featuring TAYLOR MEADE PENNY ARCADE CHURCH OF BETTY With special guest BABE THE BLUE OX Sunday, June 16, 8 pm The Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard St, NYC $10 (212)219-3006 Evening starts at 8 pm: PENNY ARCADE as ANDREA WHIPS...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
First of all let me just say this is a FIERCE topic and one of the few on the Motherboards that left me so amazed I was stumped for an answer. Maybe that's why it's taken me so long to join it. I encourage everyone to be proud and be the best you can be in your chosen self-expression. OWN IT. I guess all I can contribute is my own perspective and experience for what it's worth. As a gender bender/androgyne, I walk through a strange middle country somewhere between the gay archetypes of...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Was out last night at a renegade punk bar in Billyburg (i.e. Williamsburg, the Brooklyn art mecca) tossing back stale beer / listening to Sepulatura with a newly migrated New Yorker who came to us via London from Chicago. Indeed, I am growing quite fond of this witty, brazen and beautiful girl who aspires to wrestle more than anything in the world. We were talking of the windy city and I mentioned you had joined the ArtMaker forum. And such a smile came across her face as she told me how...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
being a doll-maker i love other doll-makers such as hans bellmer or lisa lichenfels....amazing. i'm working on finishing a punk rocker he is looking so cute...and 4inch simese twins....i still think i make people i want to know....like the punk rocker i saw on the corner one day and could not walk up and say hi for some reason ....so i made him.we are starting to do first fridays again here in the flatiron building .....every first friday of the month all the galleries open and show new work...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Hey So excited that you have some new children Can't wait to see the punk-rocker! XXXOOO Satori
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Jo-Jo, a beautiful statement, and very insightful. I think that sentiment akin to the etiology (cause of a condition) that links all artists together ... something to do with needs and communication anyway. But why dolls? Why not another medium? I know Greer was a great influence, (I have been reading that topic, so intense, it weighs now in the back of my mind.) but was there anything else? We will have to get you and Madame Dollhaus in touch some day. You will love the dollhaus. It's...
I just walked by Pat Field's 8th Street store and was almost in tears. It's all empty, dark & closed up with the windows soaped. It's so sad. There is just a little sign on the door that says "SALE". So many memories in that store. Decades of memories! Punk, New Wave, Paradise Garage, Ball House, Club Kid, Rave. And who hasn't worked there at least once? I knew it was coming but to actually see her closed is a shock. I know it's not a tragedy or anything, Pat is ruling the earth now with...
Re: Adam Ant
i just saw that adam's recent descent into mental illness is all the attention adam got & feel this must be remedied. (oh right, he's obnoxious & cute too. like i said.) adam took my 11-year-old, boring, suntan-parlors-&-gift-shops suburban world (yes i was raised on LI) & turned it upside down with one viewing of "stand & deliver!" a pretty boy in makeup with pistols & tall leather boots?! GIVE ME MORE!! my teenage self yelled: antmusic for sexpeople, indeed. he's...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
SLC punk has nothing on Siouxicide City Iowa (also known as Sewer City). Last night had great run in with a punk legend in these parts as well as others, long-lost cracker of my ribs in high school in the mosh pit, Pete Phillips, who actually was playing at CBGBs around the time of the Hookerball 2. Apparantly, the Jackie crowd left quite an impression on him. And this is no small feat! Saw four amazing acts last night, and forgot just how talented these kids are out here. white soul I think...
Re: The Viper Room
Club Cherry was fun when we went back in 2000. When we went back in 2001, it was really tame. Apparently we missed a rockin queer punk rock night at The Gauntlet. We didn't even try The Viper Room because of it's current rep. XXXOOO Satori
Re: The Palladium
OK the Palladium, before it became a glitz pallace it did have some great rock shows. Like Nick Lowe or The Plasmatics One night Wendy O blasted the hood off a White Caddy and almost took out the people in the first five rows when it landed in "way" the wrong place. It being punk times they loved it and screamed for more. Needless to say Wendy never quite topped that moment. Wendy did come back and do the buzz saw act in the Mike Todd room but it was just not the same. She did shock some of...
Re: Lux and Ivy
Bryan Gregory is dead. First Cramp to perish. Here's what Ivy herself had to say: http://members.tripod.com/nihilismontheprowl/punk/id14.htm
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
I stopped going to clubs around 1979. In fact I stopped going most anywhere outside,( for the next six years I hardly had any contact with other humans at all ) except maybe twice a month to buy food, -that and to shoot photos under the elevated at 2AM or in the burnt out apartment buildings that lined the block behind my apartment- soooo the last things I saw at clubs were punk bands, The Damned, The Slits, The Specials, P.I.L. etc. -Oh yes, I started going to clubs again around '92/'93- a...
Re: boy george
wow - that pic really takes me back. it isnt the makeup that fascinates me - the hair! the whole thing screams "do you really want to hurt me?". answer - no, we love you! (ps - is that a japanese "Miss me blind' scarf??) I found an old paperback a few years a ago called "like punk never happened" indicting culture club and other new wave cohorts with crimes against music and culture. a definate subway read! I loved Boy George in my youth - he pushed everybodys buttons. He had the balls to be...
Re: boy george
OK, I too owned a rat wrap and wore eye make-up. Here is one of my '80's record covers. (It's a little beat up) Designed by the way by the brilliant Nick Egan. He did Culture Club, Bow Wow Wow, Malcolm McClaren, Hazy Fantazy to name a few. Nick is actually how I met George. (He's Nick & Ellen in the Book) Anyway, here it is. Have your way with me. If you guys can put up embarassing pics I guess I can too. That wig was pink by the way. I wish I still had it. It was genius.
I needed a few days back before I could post. It was a little crazy journey back but it was an amazing journey over all. This year I learned about faith and the way the universe works for you when your on the correct path. Not a small lesson to learn. As for the Veuve story..... As I was sitting on the top of the bus in my best desert punk realness...... I was amazed with the burn even more that last year. Maybe because we were so close that my eyebrows were singed, but it was so beautiful.
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Thanks for posting the link, Randella. For all its hype about the new clubs opening, somehow this article was not very encouraging. The best thing about the article was reading how the local community board was -- for once -- powerless to stop all these clubs from opening. That's refreshing to hear, and more power to the new entrepreneurs who are trying to make a difference, forge ahead and reinvent the nightclubbing experience. David Rabin once again shows everyone what an asshole he is by...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
PUNK ROCK BABY!!!!! Betsy is the fucking shit!! I wanna be her today. [This message was edited by jonomar on 02-11-04 at 09:40 PM.]
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES GUITAR HERO DIES SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEES and MAGAZINE guitarist JOHN McGEOCH has died in his sleep at the age of 48. The punk veteran was also famous for his work with Sex Pistol John Lydon's Public Image Limited. Steven Severin, bass player for the Banshees, said in a statement on his website: "I was shocked and saddened to hear that John passed away in his sleep last Thursday. Although we hadn't worked together for a long time and I hadn't seen him for a couple...
I was just reading the posts in this category, and noticed the vast majority speak only of Davids more recent work and ignore his stuff from the early 1970's, which I consider his most inspired work (Space Oddity; The Man Who Sold the World; Hunky Dory; The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Aladin Sane). David Bowie has been a major influence on my life. Like many artists, it is difficult for those who weren't around when the artist first began influencing music to...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
He was a such a nice guy. I remember him from when I was playing in punk bands at CBGB & Max's etc. He was always very kind to young untalented wanna-be musicians. He actually got us gigs... and we were the worst! I appreciated it.
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Kersh just sent me this... its to appear in the British press (independent I think...) 'He was the most important person in British music since the birth of rock 'n' roll' By Andy Kershaw It was like I had been hit by a hammer. Jenny Abramsky, the BBC's controller of network radio, called me and said: "I've got some bad news for you, and I think you ought to sit down." As soon as she said that, my mind just raced and in a flash, before she had said it, I thought "Peel's dead". John had died...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
The "Only Money vs. Only No Money" thread here made me think of this... Odd that about 28 years ago I was having a very similar discussion one day in a loft on Mercer Street owned by a cocaine dealer friend of my brother's who had laundered his money by buying up a great deal of that neighborhood. Tom Wolfe's The Painted Word had come out the previous year and someone was playing a then-unreleased demo of a song by Joni Mitchell, composed as a response to Wolfe (The Boho Dance.) Naturally...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Hello Ann's Brother, Bill! Just the other day I was sitting in a parking lot in Fort Lauderdale and thinking of Ann and of writing a bit about her... Ann's involvement with the Pyramid predated my own, believe it or not. She was the regular host of Bobby Bradley's brainchild-- a Sunday night performance art event called "Cafe Iguana." Gracious, chatty, and personable, Ann's introductions often began in a rambling and disconnected manner, but somehow she managed, during the course of her...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I don't know the real deal at this building, but it seems more than a little disingenuous for this Rosenblatt character to use "the homeless" as a pawn in the thing. Ugh. Famed Punk Bar CBGBs Facing Eviction Mar 17, 4:43 PM (ET) By LARRY McSHANE NEW YORK (AP) - Hours earlier, Hilly Kristal joined rock's royalty inside a Waldorf-Astoria ballroom for the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions. By the morning, though, Kristal sips a cup of coffee and pops an antacid as he considers the...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
I never went to Le Jardin. (some things actually were before my time) but Chi Chi and I worked with John Addison (the owner of Le Jardin and Xenon) later on. What a character! The music was so happy back then. I was listening to Larry Levan recorded at The Paradise Garage the other day and I was really surprised by how hopeful the music was. Everything was so new that anything seemed possible. (of course being 17 doesn't hurt either) When I go hear "Big Room" DJs now the music seems so dark.
Re: Greer Lankton
Zazoo and Satori: Thank you for having this discussion about Greer here. I was a friend of Greer's in Chicago, I met her in 1991 when she was doing displays for The Alley, where I worked. I knew Greer first as a sweet and really nurturing woman, and it was only later that she really introduced me to her dolls. (She always just called them dolls). I was just some punk rock kid trying to make my place in Chicago back then, and Greer really made me feel like I mattered. Not to mention nursing...
Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2
GREAT Article! ----- Inside the bizarre world of Pete Burns -- Jan 9 2006 PADDY SHENNAN on the weird and wonderful life of Big Brother's Scouse celebrity Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo ONCE seen never forgotten, Pete Burns used to walk around Liverpool wearing outrageous black PVC outfits, black contact lenses - and human bones in his hair. "Nobody was as wild as me. Some people used to laugh, but I knew one day I would show them all." This was the Dead or Alive frontman, now 46, talking to...
Re: Greer Lankton
well, the dress is in fine shape,gi-gi has said she will come over to photograph it so all of you can see it,the train of the dress was cut in half, but is still beautiful,i know for a fact sissy is at your grandparents house i saw him there,he will just be my fantacy, as will be GREER'S dress.everytime someone comes into the gallery they say" that bride looks likes she has been left at the alter".and my greer doll is very happy to be wearing it....on another note i have just bought two...
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
Please don't leave me out ! I've been lost but i found myself in Beijing 8 yrs. ago. I've cronc. the club scene here and have been dj-ing beijings biggest hio hop club bla bla bla... Don't forget about me ! The Pyramid .... as a whole scene in itself ...saved my sanity. I was hired by ( forgot his name) as stage and tech. person. but 2 days later he wanted me to be a bar dancer. it was then as i told him "that's not for me" ..that "hattie" after hearing the news...came to me and said...
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
Did anyone catch Don Letts' doco "Punk Attitude"? It's playing on (I think) BRAVO. It's very good,
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
I just saw the tail end of that Don Letts docu! will def be watching it again on the rerun. Don was always one of the nicest, most sensible and even-keeled guys in those days-- often in the midst of total mayhem. And yes the reggae cross-over those days-- all the punk clubs played it, every band that could attempt that backbeat had a reggae-inspired song (the Ramones couldn't, bless 'em). And we loved the political content. This was before the homophobia became in-your-face. When will we get...
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
Reggae (the deep dub stuff) was VERY influential back then. It was the first thing that brought the worlds of "Disco/Club" and "Punk/Rock" together. For example... I came out of the whole Downtown, CBGB, Punk, No Wave, Art Rock thing. But I used to go to Discos like The Paradise Garage etc. and these were always two totally different worlds. UNTIL Dub Reggae. I was DJing at Danceteria by then and for the first time the 2 worlds came together musically. The sound was deep, dark, druggy &...
Re: But Darling I WAS a punk.
Andrea, I understand your wish for DJs but what you are asking is totally unorthadox. It's scandalous. It's... It's... PUNK!!!
Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRAzKkNQjDs Thanks to the wonderful Chloe Poems for mailing me to tell me that I'm on some new Dead or Alive DVD!!! LOL What a hoot.. i found a wee clip above.... I'm the first freshed faced 'punk' they cut to!! What a hoot and how skinny was I - Thats the constant diet of good 'speed' for ya! LOL Thanks Chloe!