Tagged With "Draft Beer Kitchen Menu"
Eve Starr
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Could I? Me the Vurgin queen that I am I could say a few words reagarding my adventures... There was one time a few years ago I ad met an EMT worker thru aol, and he picked me up at my parents house in yonkers at 8:30 am , my father asked where are you going like that at this hour? I said a photo shoot, well it was sort of ..someone shot.. si we go to a wefare hotel in the bronx and had sex 3 times within 2 hours, by 10:15am I was home makeup wasked off, standing in the kitchen, my mother...
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Suddenly I feel a bit feverish...Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Miami and all oiled up and sashayin' down the beach in that gayish zone around 20th street and two Cuban mamis snatched me up right off the beach. I was 21 at the time and I had just imbibed an organic ciggerette and had washed down a mandrax or two with a shaker full of Martini juice and I'm bare foot and in only a skimpy speedo headed towards the ocean for a dip... Well these two young ( 18?) hot cubano girls who...
Re: 57 Varieties ( Club 57 Remembered)
I think around '81 Club 57 started hosting parties at Irving Plaza. A Ukrainian sponsor/host (Stanley?) would dare the punks to throw beer cans and bottles at him on stage. (They obliged.) I remember the Invaders and Regina and the Red Hots. Whatever happened to Regina Richards? Did Chris Spedding and the B-52s also play here, or was that later in the life of Irving Plaza? Wow--just zoned on Nervus Rex--what about Lauren Agnelli? Where are all the NY Rock babes of yore? cheers to my NYC...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
One of the many other memorable moments was the night we all witnessed the sacrifice of Justin's original Kiki dress. It was a cinematographer's wet dream. It was a dark and rainy night; we (Pickles, Granite, Garrett, Denise and Francis, Goneaway, Scooter) went all the way out to memorial ridge for the beginning of the ritual. All of us crouched down in a circle with black umbrellas, granite created a ceremonial circle of rocks and candles. We all tried to keep the candles lit as Granite...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
Im here in the middle of a render wander at work and I was thinking of a funny thing that reminded me of Empress, (one of the several times i thought of her on the mountain) . Pinky, who is one of the most MAJOR and elder faeries (who I had the honor to hold hands with during the lifting of the May pole). was in the kitchen very late one night, I was about to take the long haul back to my tent but thought I would stop in the kitchen and get a snack for the way. When i arrived to my surprise...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
You bring up some interesting points about transharassment by males. They are usually the most vocal and sometimes violent. And that's the irony!... Discrimination is usually spawned by fear. People who discriminate usually feel threatened in some kind of way and it can sometimes cause them to act out. In our case men think that we challenge their sexuality, if for only a second they think we're real or are attracted to us sexually. The reality is that if the're attracted to women and we...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
May I please have ALL names and phone numbes of these 3 beer bi-sexuals (LOL) Well as always this topic serves as such an exorcism of sorts. Stacy you fucking CONTINUE to enlighten others and myself with your experiences and "herstory". My hope is that for every person who SHARES in this topic, there are 50 lurkers who tune in on a regular basis and either learn to live with themselves better, or equally important, learn to live with others better. What a fierce way to educate the masses.
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
Was out last night at a renegade punk bar in Billyburg (i.e. Williamsburg, the Brooklyn art mecca) tossing back stale beer / listening to Sepulatura with a newly migrated New Yorker who came to us via London from Chicago. Indeed, I am growing quite fond of this witty, brazen and beautiful girl who aspires to wrestle more than anything in the world. We were talking of the windy city and I mentioned you had joined the ArtMaker forum. And such a smile came across her face as she told me how...
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm proud to announce that Jackie Bigalow has just become the newest member of the Woodbury, TN Public Library, and was told in no uncertain terms by the librarian that she was absolutely not allowed to look at porn while using this computer. With her 1987 German Skinhead hair and sleeveless Glamour Goblins shirt, bright green pants and yellow shoes, I just don't know why they would even think they had to tell her that. So things down here are pretty magical-- I get to bathe at least once a...
Re: Please help us rename this Forum
Stamps on my hand that I couldn't wash off Door people I have hugged or hated Where's Diane?/Where's Ted?/Where did Rose go with my Beer? Filter What?.... I thought this was.... T
Re: Straight To Hell (Sex Stories)
Damn boys, with their unwashed hair and shabby, tattered faded Levi's, sauntering around the concrete jungle reminiscent of a slimy serpent slithering in between the cracks of right of wrong, black from white. Blood stained lips sucking the last haul from the butt end of a borrowed cigarette, flipping the nicotine stick with a snap of the wrist into the chaotic heart of a hectic intersection, legs spread eagle on a gravel sprinkled sidewalk, drumming a filthy boot on the ground to the sound...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
At 10pm, Bobby turned to John and said, 'It's 10 O'Clock, isn't it?' He knew it from the waves of love and energy that came over him. It was so strong last nigh none of us could sleep. We spent hours talking, sharing, laughing while trying to wear Mr. Miller out so he could sleep. Yes, he is talking again. LOL. Bobby Miller Time is a powerful thing, family. We also sat around the kitchen table yesterday making plans for the future! It's a long road ahead, with many new possibilies, and we...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
there's a trick to getting me! BTW -- The pics you sent of Betty Crow and I are lovely, have been tinkering with them, . The one of me pointing at the camera with my beer, is so drunk-bar-floozy! I love it ... And don't worry about the installation, I'm pretty sure you got it
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
Hey Alex, I'm still jealous of your trip there. Well, except for the fasting part. If I were there I'd have a nice big plate of BBQ shrimps, some vegetable curry, some papaya salad, mango with sticky rice and a beer to wash it down. Wheee! As for being embarrassed about being an American, just get some maple leaf accessories for your bags and pretend to be Canadian.
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I'm in Saigon, oficially know as "Ho Chi Mihn City." So far it's nuts. I love it. There's this crazy energy at night. Almost everyone in the street is on a motorbike. They outnumber cars 50-1. It's noisy, but exciting. There's a lot of eye contact. I've heard it's a good way to cruise. I have a friend named Thang(prounounced "Tang" )who's a local. He's the boyfriend of my American friend Benjamin (an old friend of *BOB*s) who's in the U.S. at the moment. Thang is very flamboyant for someone...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I know I keep going on about food, but I'm always faascinated at how something so ordinary in oneplace seems so odd to to people from other places. We went to a birthday party last night and again, it was all about beer and food... with a little Henessey thrown in. The main diah is a broth full of vegetables and fresh herbs. On the table there was fish, noodles, more fresh herbs. While eating you pick up the various things and drop them in your soup. They're really into eating all sorts of...
Re: Miss Understood's Thailand 2003!
I just got my 10th massage in 6 weeks. I think all 10 add up to the price of 1 in NY! Thai massages are rough, but they make my back feel alright again. I got one in Vietnam that was a bit different. She did a lot with her feet, walking on my back and the back of my legs. I guess fat people don't give massages. Well, the 6 fat people in Vietnam will manage to find other occupations. Maybe it IS the diet in Asia, but I'm skeptical. Thang is over 30 and packs away beer like a German truck...
Re: Nightclub Disasters
I Thank you immensely for posting and taking this stance and it's one of the many reasons you're held in such high esteem by most everyone. I stopped following some of my most favorite performers and band acts for the same reckless disregard they employed with flammable theatrics on small stages. Not only would they fail to bring along a simple kitchen CO-2 extinguisher or set aside a bucket of sand or water, they invariably didn't even know where the house extinguishers. When I found myself...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
Yeah, Glammy, it seemed that Tracy only showed up for one day to make her star appearance at the No-Talent Show. What a diva. There are so many moments to speak of, but this year I've got to give my props to Miss Nature. She was serving up some kind of serenity sandwich with mayo & mystery on a chaos bun. Last years Beltaine Eve seemed to be about endurance --Antler and I standing in front of an everlasting fire while being cleansed by an endless pelting of gigantic rain drops, stripping...
Re: Liquid Sky
I was almost in it too! I auditioned for the part of the girlfriend. You know, the one who wears the sleep mask on her head. Ann Magnuson suggested that these people call me to read for the part. So, I went to Ann Carlysle's loft on 14th Street at 10:30 in the morning and was greeted by her wearing that same wacky makeup she wears in the movie. She was in a wheelchair with her ankles bandaged up and wearing platform shoes. She said she had sprained her ankles falling off the shoes and that...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Well, summer is ending, and school is back in session. Thanks to the encroaching sprawl of NYU all over town, we all have witness to the invasion of these spotted cherubic youths, and yes there is even a dorm for them down here in Tribeca, so I see them on the street, in the deli buying beer, and waiting for the NYU bus to take them up to the "campus." What saddens me is I think about when I first visited NYC 20 years ago and how glorious (and dirty) the city was, and then the nightclubs...
I loved Bewitched as a child as well. My first time seeing the show was going down the street to Maria Falvey's house and watching it at noon with her mother on the tv in the kitchen, so that must have when I was 5 or 6. She too would make us soup and sandwiches and we would watch. Alas, my flamboyant nature even at that age eventually fried Mrs Falvey's Catholic nerves and I wasn't allowed to play with her anymore (though not understanding this at all at the time, I just thought she was a...
Re: Provincetown
Just so you know, it's warmer here than in NYC, but it's magical here like that. Saw the eccentric and talented Sharon Neisp at the A&P yesterday. She's living here year round too. In a barn in Wellfleet and writing and working on Gospel Spirituals. And life goes on and I am writing and cooking in my big kitchen and missing all of you in Manhattan. Will be in town Jan 26-30 and hope to see many of you during my visit. Sending lot's of love and warm wishes to everyone.
Re: Swept Away part 2
enough! Actually, I even paid The "Evil One" a compliment. When she was on I yelled to The Empress in the kitchen. "Come look. You have to see 'Belzie', she actually looks good. Not so grizzled". (Of course The Empress wouldn't take the long walk from the kitchen to actually look). "Who cares". I kept wondering why she looked so good. I never even thought it had to be surge. Duh. (I never said I was smart)
Re: Puritan Watch
***PURITAN ALERT*** Risqué may be too risky for ads By Bruce Horovitz, USA TODAY The aftershock to Janet Jackson's breast-baring Super Bowl stunt has finally hit the nation's cultural core: Madison Avenue. Some major marketers "” under pressure "” are abstaining from sex as a sales tool. Anheuser-Busch said Thursday that it plans to drop risqué ads. The beer giant joins a growing list of edgy marketers "” including Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch "” that have recently taken...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I am such a lazy git...always hailing cabs... note to self - this is getting more expensive than a crack habit... trying to wean myself onto public transport more often in the evenings.. also..cost of milk has sky rocketed.. do you think I could get my 3yr old to start drinking beer.. might be cheaper? PS The alleged "whole foods" in the ole Bradlees space .. looks like its getting bigger and bigger construction seems to be building extra floors... surly the whole building won't be packed...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
Favorite moments.... The Cotillion in the pavilion - ballroom dancing under the moon with Dax. hearing the sounds of the 20's and 30's echoing through the woods. Impromptu dance with Agnes in the kitchen - Most unexpected! Beltane - lying on the grass drinking Tex's home made ginger champagne under the blazing sun. Perfection! New York Dinner - Channeling Kitty Boots as the door bitch. Actually having to deal with a "real" emergency door situation at one point (thanks to Tangle). Party at...
Re: Puritan Watch
I would love not to know any of this is happening. It would make me feel less cynical about humanity. But the media being what it is, and video-cameras being joyfully used to film criminal activity, I think we have no choice but to recognize atrocities are an everyday occurence. And perhaps with the looking, we have a responsibility to look at ALL of it and cry out against it. The ring-leader of the sex-games was a guy, but it seems a big part of the "shock and awe" of this incident is the...
Re: Robbe-Grillet Birthday Party 1982
Jessica- How thrilling a question...I have some vague memory of that night, but pretty sure we werent there, that its from pictures or other accounts. Johnny Dynell and I were both fired from the Mudd Club on the same night in 1980 (the Soul Party), because we threw a beer bottle at legendary owner and gnome Steve Mass! And WELCOME to the (posting side of)The Motherboards!
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
No, seven, I never saw your post til now, and I am fed up with this hee-haw-snicker-snicker attitude that Republicans will actually walk out onto the sidewalks of Manhattan, to visit restaurants, movies, plays or any form of sex worker! Everyone I know is staring into dead air. Everything is going to be called into their hotel rooms! (Or rather, smart sex-workers are already booked into the hotels!) No, no-one's dainty foot need touch the ground... Here in the 20-30s between 6th and 7th...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
And this from Musto: (FYI the "worst club" is our favorite, CAIN) Musto Rules!
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
S'tan-- Sorry for resuscitating this thread, but (from today's Daily News) it appears there're only a few nails left for this coffin. What a long, sad, death. Why don't they just bring out the wrecking ball already?
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Speaking of farewell, this charming property is available for sale right now in Tribeca for only $1,800,000. Here is the description: "Handsome corner Tribeca Loft Building with a rich cultural history. Filled with light from fourteen windows per floor. North & West exposure, exposed brick, exposed beams. All new systems throughout. Former home of (guess...) Country kitchen, vintage tiled bath, two additional full plumbing risers, finished with architectural concrete and Beechwood 5"...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
Aspen Times article: http://at.us.publicus.com/article/20050221/NEWS/102210014 Hunter Thompson dead Seminal gonzo journalist kills himself By Eben Harrell and Chad Abraham February 21, 2005 Hunter S. Thompson, legendary author, political commentator and "gonzo" journalist, died Sunday night after shooting himself in the head with a handgun at his home in Woody Creek. He was 67. Thompson's son, Juan, found his father's body in the kitchen around 6 p.m. By 6:30 p.m., Thompson's home at 1278...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
The Post had a bit today about how Hunter was ranting and raving about what kind of funeral he wanted, and then walked right into the kitchen and shot himself without missing a beat. And why. Why? Possibly boredom. I have noticed as I get older how situations and certain realities repeat themselves, despite all effort to the contrary. You feel metaphysically bored. That even if something seems to be new or different, it's not. This is the dish you are dealt... nothing will ever change. I...
Re: Pets in the City
I live in Hells Kitchen and the dog run closest to my home is in a park on 11th ave and 52nd street. My little boy (Jasper) was unfortunately attacked by a 7 year old pit bull towards the end of last summer and has never bounced back from the incident, and is absolutely terrified of other dogs. I would love to socialize him more with other puppies. The trauma he experienced however leaves him still trembling after nearly 8 months each time I take him to the park. He sufferd punctures in his...
Re: Pets in the City
Sweetie, firstly I am so sorry that your beautiful boy had to go through that, and was curious - what was the owner's reaction and is that dog still allowed in the run? Im not a genius at dog behavior, but would suggest the following. Dogs are very place-conscious, and perhaps if you took him to another nearby run for short visits he might not have the same reaction. I would of course suggest weekdays as weekends are stressful due to overcrowding. To avoid interaction with another vicious...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Aww, Daddy, the Gilded Grape! You just slammed me with a bunch of memories of a gay New York that no longer exists... bars and floors and stages that harkened back to a mysterious verboten subculture that truly was the twilight world of the homosexual (always one of my fave phrases, of course.) I can remember waking up each day, hungry to experience a different aspect of it... would it be the outdoor cruising at The Soldiers & Sailor's monument, the miniscule dancefloor at The Barefoot...