Tagged With "pale moon gang"
Re: Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic
An informal wake for TOM MURRIN aka ALIEN COMIC will take place on Sunday, March 18 from 5-7 pm in the garden of St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery. A larger memorial is planned around the full moon of May or June. Please visit this Facebook page for more details: http://www.facebook.com/pages/...omic/147238605322461
Re: Remembering Terence Sellers aka Mistress Angel Stern
Terence left this Earth this past month, I am deeply saddened that she is now gone from it. When I met Terence she was a very serious, striking and commanding person so I was certainly intimidated, it was obvious I was dealing with an intellectual so I needed to be at my best behavior and my most attentive in her presence. She was an accomplished writer, a luminary in the New York underground, and a maestra of an art I'd only read about; she could make the most debauched intellectual blush...
burning man is fabulous. it can renew my faith in humanity. and as a "ritual junkie" i'm so into the neo-pagan/cyber-shamanic aspect of the whole effigy burning in the desert thang. (not to mention the mind-expanding psychedelics!!) i love looking out over "the playa" and fantasizing about a colony on the moon that would be just like Black Rock City. THOUSANDS of people all co-existing, all giving one another the freedom to create and live in their own realities, and LOTS OF ART!! it blows...
Re: Provincetown
Just got in from a lovely bike ride to the ocean..refreshing clean air and the sight of young lovers making out in the parking lot. Ah the moon and the stars and the visiting dignitaries. Just had dessert with the divine Sheril Vinegar and JoAnne. Saw an 87 yr old tranny at the A&P..Didn't know The Lady Bunny was in town.
Re: Provincetown
merlin had a wonderful time visiting bobby and riding a rented convertable with luggage rack and bottle holder (bicycle) all over ptown for eight days. can not thank bobby or john enough for the great time. one morning at 4am , after having spent part of the evening looking for the moon along the west end of ptown, merlin stopped by the general store near the 'old' dickdock and asked the baker to open up cause merlin needed a cup of hot coffee, tho the air was chilled there was no need for a...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
i'm still learning i'm an artist not a computer geek....sorry. i thank everyone for all the help they have given... without YOU i am nothing...but a doll maker....you asked me once why i do dolls the same as greer .....but i was already making dolls when i meet her and puppets....she taught me how to make armiture inside the dolls now i cant think about making a doll without all the insides....it would be cheating....and wrong for the doll not to have that energy inside....if you ever meet...
Re: Join us at Hooker's Ball 4 New Year's Eve
Thanks for a great vibe and a fun crowd. Daddy Dynell on point...one of my friends reported actual Public Sex. Unfortunately we missed that. But we were happy to meet the fabulous Rose and the sexy Amber, and to say hi to the gang. Chi Chi, thanks for sharing your anecdote about being on stage at midnight for fifteen years straight (except 2001)- an inspiration to us younguns over at 432 W. 14th Street on a Tuesday trying to make something happen. All the best, Richard & Dominique
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
GOD she had big boobs....now working on THE FOOL ....and i think i will be coming as THE MOON...o what fun we will have. thank you jade had fun and we will have to do it again. kisses from the razors edge ....chicago
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm back Y'all Beltaine goes down as one of the most beautiful on record. Hush agrees, it was one of the most stunning. More sun then you could ask for, almost too much at times. I love that day. This year there was no DJ set up , it was decided to just use drums and no electronics. I must say that it made everything clearer somehow. Every year I am amazed at the spectacle that is created.The magic that can be evoked. After all the ribbons had been twisted around the pole and the drums were...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
started planting new shrubs and trees the morning of beltane/ new moon - Happy to report that the azaleas, river birch, uonymous, yew trees and the arbor vitae are all taking root fabulously! I suspected they would after turning the soil revealed hundreds of earthworms. One of these days Barbee Villa wil be ready to throw a displaced faerie ball the likes of which jersey has never seen. be afraid - be very afraid!
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
What a visual/aural/sensory overload was ARCADIA! opening night - there was so much to take in I think it will take a while to process. First, congrats in order to TonyaKnudsen for dreaming up the whole thing and working so many months to make it happen. Secondly, to my three co-producers Jade Barbee, Derrick and Mia I have nothing but admiration for the heaps of time and energy that you put into the process. My critical-eyed Emperor said that it is the best-hung show he's ever seen at CB's,...
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...
Re: JC Leroy (as Terence put it)
What the fuck have I done to my eyes but read every single one of the articles on "JC" Leroy at http://www.jtleroy.com/press/articles/Atheywrote.htm [For the uninitiate: 'JC' instead of 'JT' in our argot signifies "Just Come Out" as in 'somewhat clueless,' as in 'Just a Child,' as in 'Not Quite Hip Enough.'] And all I can say is: Why BOTHER over whether JC will produce again, or not? One writer even worried the artist was on the "Truman Capote Highway". Wasn't that the first dark example...
Re: Jo-Jo Baby - DollMaker
JOJO!!! May healing moon light shine upon you!! I hope all those Chitown folks are surrounding you with love and healing. I will be in Chitown in Nov. and can't wait to give ya that love in person. Big kisses, Ratty
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
Favorite moments.... The Cotillion in the pavilion - ballroom dancing under the moon with Dax. hearing the sounds of the 20's and 30's echoing through the woods. Impromptu dance with Agnes in the kitchen - Most unexpected! Beltane - lying on the grass drinking Tex's home made ginger champagne under the blazing sun. Perfection! New York Dinner - Channeling Kitty Boots as the door bitch. Actually having to deal with a "real" emergency door situation at one point (thanks to Tangle). Party at...
Re: ORANGE ALERT for New York City
I've calculated how fast I can pedal my bike from E. Houston to Battery Park. Then how much I can carry with me, with an inflated pair of trousers, ( a survival trick I learned in swimming class when I was 12 years old ) when I jump in the river and float my way to the Jersey shoreline. Lower Manhattan is still redolent of being Targetsville, now Chelsea/Midtown gets to have the crosshairs drawn on it. The Little Bush cabinet people have relegated themselves to being just a Gang of...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Wow! the Shut-up-a-thon was fierce! I didn't see you Hattie, but it was easy to miss people. I stayed until a little after 5 when it started to disperse. "Fox Lies. People Die" "SHut the Fox up." "Don't tell me what to think. Fox News you really stink!" I wish I could could remember some of the other chants. The cops were really good. They have to be so on edge now, and they're doing a super job of staying cool, and managing the flow of the city amid the Chaos. THey are actually accomadating...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
Messy, last night I dreamed that the Vampire Mafia was comin' to get me. A gloomy troupe of dour beings surrounded me on the mesa, muttering threatening imprecations at my many scandalous blasphemies. How dare I not worship and adore their Goddess... yes I have said baaaad things against that big blind larval Queen Mother... but I was able to disperse them with a gallant wave of my stubby red pencil, a pencil yes that was handed down to me from my Bob Daddy-o, the meanest and crankiest...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Though I haven't actually been there and just might not as my evening clothes are growing cobwebs, Cain sounds just as bad as all the others: http://newyork.citysearch.com/profile/41467347/new_york_ny/cain.html?cslink=roundup_name_noncust&ulink=roundup__roundupentity1-1_1__0_profile_5_1 "For the women who love fur and the men who love them" - seriously! I'd like to direct a sleazoid version of Partybuddys. Venues will include the Cock (where I will leave the women standing outside), the...
Re: Puritan Watch
"Then Lot's daughters did the BIG NO-NO with Popi." Or....... Economic circumstances. The body is good business. Sell-outs maintain the interest. Remember Lot's wife. Renounce all sin and vice. This Heaven gives me migraines. This Heaven gives me migraines. ........Ooops. No. That was the Gang of Four circa 1981.
Re: Kenneth Anger
Amber you MUST see Anger's films. Scorpio Rising, Rabbit Moon, etc. are amazing 1960's avante/indie productions. Scorpio has music by Mick Jagger and I'm sure Jagger would not like it spread around. The films usually are loaded with homoerotic imagery. Kind of a psychedelia meets gay meets occult meets Scorsese, or something like that. I don't know if Anger is still making film but its a great move to drop your postcards on him cause he will certainly be drawn by your lush and supererotic...
Re: I'm from normal parents (The Pyramid Club Topic)
Dear friends, I am so delighted and moved to be hearing from you about my sister, Ann Craig! I'm scanning some photos from our mother's archives to share with you --- and perhaps shake loose more memories! I'll put them up before the week's out. Meantime, I just heard from Eleanor -- our mom, the author of "The Moon is Broken," her memoir about Annie (it's on Amazon) -- that someone took movies/video of some of Ann's peroformances at La Mama. She was doing skits that had originated at the...
Re: Kenneth Anger
Lucifer, Arisen A quintessential San Francisco story, starring charismatic musician/murderer Bobby BeauSoleil* *with underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger, cult leader Charles Manson, Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, and the Straight Satans motorcycle gang in supporting roles SF Weekly November 17, 2004 By Lessley Anderson Bobby BeauSoleil bounds into the visiting room at Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute in Pendleton, Ore. His 5-foot-10-inch frame is thin, but he moves with a...
Re: Air Travel is shite these days.....
Here is my story... Flew Continental NYC to Albuquerque it seemed without a hassle... Stood waiting for the bags with a gang of tourists... About 6 bags come up. Then they announce that the bin in which the luggage flies was broken - "cracked" as they put it - and they did not have the right instruments to open the bin or fix it -- so our luggage had to be flown BACK to Houston. The tourists were of course hoppin' mad. I just decided some ORIGINAL MSS. that they forced me to check were LOST...
Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2
GREAT Article! ----- Inside the bizarre world of Pete Burns -- Jan 9 2006 PADDY SHENNAN on the weird and wonderful life of Big Brother's Scouse celebrity Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo ONCE seen never forgotten, Pete Burns used to walk around Liverpool wearing outrageous black PVC outfits, black contact lenses - and human bones in his hair. "Nobody was as wild as me. Some people used to laugh, but I knew one day I would show them all." This was the Dead or Alive frontman, now 46, talking to...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
Here's a peek at last months XXX-mas !BadAss! Tomorrow will be a hoot! SATURDAY JANUARY 14th MIDNITE! !BadAss! is having a FULL MOON !BadAss! Party! At the Bowery Poetry Club 308 Bowery @ Bleeker V & F train to 2nd Ave. 6 train to Bleeker 212-614-0505 15 dollhairs Stage Mistress - The World Famous *BOB* Your DJ's - Madame Dollhaus - spinning Vinyl! & Gothichangman - delivering Mac! Your Intoxicant Tapster - Moonshine Stage Manager - Goddess Diana !BadAss! Burlesquers this month are-...
Re: !BadAss! Burlesque commits Idolatry TONIGHT!
!BadAss! is tonite is now at 12am. Due to Bowery's schedule demands.... we must all be midnite boyz n girlz and howl at the moon following the blessed midnight hour.....can't wait ;-) For all details go to - !BadAss!
Re: PICTURES from The Love-In
The gang was led by a leather clad freak named "Miss Guy" who took over the music.
Re: Queers are the Blacks of the 1950's!!! Anti-Gay is on the RISE!!
A new article about Kevin today: The New York Times June 12, 2006 Fourth Man Is Arrested After Attack on a Dance Recording Artist in the East Village By KAREEM FAHIM and SARAH GARLAND A fourth man was arrested yesterday in connection with the beating of a Manhattan singer who the police said was attacked by a gang of young men who kicked him, screamed anti-gay slurs at him and broke his jaw as the singer walked through the East Village early Saturday. The man arrested by the police yesterday...
Re: Nina Simone
2) "Everybody's Gone To The Moon" The MESSY MESSY MESSSY Messy Bonnie Raitt used this Nina Simone song as the music to her stunning "Outer Space Christmas Number" at Cabaret Magique. A sad drunken Bonnie crawls through the stunned crowd as Nina sings, "Everybody's Gone To The Moon". (It's always "stunning" to see how bad Messy Bonnie is. I know it's suppposed to be bad but... it really is bad. Actually, it's more sad).
Re: Bibliophile Part 2
Here are just a few of the books I've read so far in recent months: Close To The Knives--David Wojnarowicz (deep explosive, sexy, pissy, dark and utterly astonishing), The Waterfront Journals--Wojnarowicz (of another time and place and yet so relevant), I Put A Spell On You--Nina Simone (what a life she led, I wish I met her), Billie Holiday:Wishing on the Moon--Donald Clarke (fabulous, better than Lady Sings The Blues, which I also read), Fever: the Art Of David Wojnarowicz (again), Brecht...
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
BTW, am sure he won't mind my sharing this with the gang but I just got this note from Adam's dad with this updte.... Adam was cremated. His family thought that would be what he wanted. His ashes will be scattered at the two places he seemed to love the most: New York and at the Burning Man site in Nevada. We also plan to have some type of memorial established in Tomkins Square, probably a tree planted in his honor which will hopefully grow and provide a place for shade and comfort for many,...
Re: New and News, Part 6
Sisters are doing it for themselves! I love this story, and good for these ladies for sticking it to this fuck face. [from today's Post, of course.] ATTACK OF THE KILLER LESBIANS MAN 'FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE' By LAURA ITALIANO GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed him. GOT WHUPPED wayne Buckle leaves court yesterday after testifying against four of the seven lesbians he says pummeled and stabbed...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
DEAN! Wednesday was amazing. Harmony in extremes, sadness, loss, comedy, joy and communion. I really needed that night and all of you. I've registered on this site to post photos because I have so damn many. It seems a common experience. I saw Mondo New York. i lived in Baltimore. A friend had the single with the awful cover. We got stoned and learned all the words. Dean became a hero to me... FFWD: 97 or 98 when I found myself sitting across from him breaking...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Cara was at the R4F Tribute/Celebration on 10/3 and I get the sense that she has really embraced Dean as a subject. She has submitted 2,000 words- including an account of the full moon Wiccan prayer circle ceremonies on the beach led by Miss Viva. I truly hope that this account gets through the final edit- this aspect of Dean's spirituality has not come out in the reporting to date. Dean was wearing one thing when he was found- his pentagram. Fabulously accessorized to the last- work!
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
DEAN YR A WITCH! We all knew this, but it became progressively a bigger part of his life , and this last year he was officially "wiccan". It started out years ago, we used to have these very punk rock, organic , unstructured improvised pagan rituals on the beach, all the time. I remember one time in p-town, he was getting oh so much playtime in those dunes, and i'd read, tan, and swim with the guys (tony dale martin ricky) while he took sex breaks- our intention that day for ritual was about...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
The eastern seaboard blackout that happened shortly after 9/11. we were stranded in cherry grove with nothing but grubs, leaves and boy butt to sustain us. It was rough. The Red smudge you can barely see in the sky is the full moon...
Re: Politically Incorrect VI
As to the economy, my investments, (East Europe, Minerals, Chindia, Gold Stocks), have all gone to the MOON Alice. No substitutes for brains girls. If you are so hot on Darwinism, you should be totally behind this. I mean, you are behind on so many other things, what's stopping you?
Re: DH and the Fishsticks
It was great to see everyone last night at Debbie's show. I know she was happy to see the gang. What a treat to have so many House of D girls.....Marti, Rabbit and the Mother of the House, KITTY BOOTS! Good times!...
Liquid Sound Lounge 2011 Summer Boat Party : Aug 12
Liquid Sound Lounge Dance Boat Party, est. 1999 -originators of the soulful house music dance party afloat! This legendary party is packed with great peeps who want to get down to the great music of Jeannie Hopper's Liquid Sound Lounge all rocking the...
Necromantic: 5th Annual Blood Moon Masque Ball is Saturday
This Saturday is Necromantic: The 5th Annual Blood Moon Masque Ball! Our Legendary DJs FatherJeff , Patrick , Aengel, Templar spin the Goth and Wave you're craving! Our stunning Guest Host Vulcanus judges the Best Masque for Sensational Prizes! The...
Topic Featured
Zuni Mountain Sanctuary - High Mountain Desert Delights
Ahh, my Motherboarding Family! Greetings from New Mexico! I began a road trip in February, ended up here (my fourth year visiting), and have signed on to stay here through the next year with trips back and forth to NYC. Zuni Mountain...
Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic
It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I pass along this info... Tom Murrin AKA The Alien Comic died this morning in hospital from cancer after a stay of a little more than a week. Tom was a ground-breaker, an influence and an inspiration...
Propaganda! 031: Sante (Souvenir / Noir Music - Berlin)
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… SULLIVAN ROOM PROPAGANDA! 031: Sante [Souvenir / Noir Music / Moon Harbour - Berlin] It’s time to give you a detailed overview of the most promising upcoming producer, dj & live act, who just got voted no. 1 - top charted artists in May 2012 on Resident Advisor. ….and not enough: his release “Mothership” on 8bit has been voted to no. 1 of the RA top 50 tracks of May 2012! RA...
The Loop w/ Sante, SR Serge, Meandisco, & More! | Sunday August 19th | The Z Hotel
The Loop is a union between music enthusiasts, DJs, producers, artists, designers, photographers, models... who come together to share their experience, love and appreciation of music and arts while supporting and inspiring each other... SUNDAY...
Full event FB page:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=118377021564410 HIKARI presents:-ATLANTIS-"The Lost City of Paradise"...-Featuring.-SHIVA CHANDRA special *LIVE* sethttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvFMVWozM3IHIKARIis happy to announce next up...
Last night I dreamed I was back at Mars. Housed in a giant building with multiple floors that I heard was once a warehouse, Mars had no fantastic ambiance or decor to look at. The music was good, but not of a quality that stands out in my mind. It was...
My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review
We (my mom, my neighbor, and I) got to The Knitting Factory at 9pm. When we got in there, I was looking for pictures of Stevie, But I didn't see many. We got a drink and went into the main stage area. When we got in that room there was lots of Stevie...
NOTS 19 - Your Reviews and Pictures Here!
Second cup of coffee, with flecks of glitter, and basking in the joyous and Magickal 19th edition last night at the Highline Ballroom. After last year we were worried that we couldnt top some of the incredible NOTS 18 moments on our new big stage, but...