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I totally disagree... I think he's made a mess of this whole situation. The endless complaints of wanting to work in an AIDS clinic instead, the grumpy beligerance... also I can't forgive him for dressing like a bin man. He should have worked the whole event and looked amazing, showed up bright and shiny and happy to participate. I really am suprised at how crap he has handled this whole situation. I think to the average man in american he comes off as a spoilt complaining celeb.
I think it would have helped to be a little more media savvy. The facts are that they will be there and they won't go away. It's like telling your cold virus to go away. He should have prepeared for it and remained calm and friendly. When you act like something bothers you they exploit it.

Remember when Martha Stewart brought hot cocoa to the reporters? That was calculated and it worked. He should have given them a comment like "New York is a wonderful city and it's great to pitch in and assist in keeping it beautiful."

It would have clearly converyed the idea that he's not ashamed and that there is nothing humiliating about working. It would have been a respectful gesture to sanitation workers and other working people watching. Madoodoo was recently quoted, in reference to her doing some domestic work when she was young, saying "There's nothing more degrading than being someone's housekeeper." Imagine her housekeepers reading that! I hope they spit in her macrobiotic kosher breakfast!

One of the things I love about George is that he will tell it like it is and not filter his words but I think it would have helped him in this case.
Last edited by Miss Understood
I can totally see both of your points. He could have played less of a "victim" and used the opportunity to turn the crowd in his favor. Once they saw they weren't going to get a rise, it would have been over.

I guess we were looking at it more relative to how we imagined other celebrities would handle it. Say Madonna, or Courtney Love, or Pete Burns...

We saw some of George's point about allowing him to do something that would really make an inpact and be more of a true community service. But then again, he can do that on his own time.

I just thought some fierce Mao suit/overall and some fantastic Doc Martin boots - no make up - Very industrial but amazing. He should have been all Martha stewart about it, i agree. Arrived with a tray of donuts for his coworkers and a box of English tea or smth.
Even E! channel were running endless clips of him shouting at reporters. Its NOT good press this at all... Then the Post ran this negative piece about him cancelling a DJing spot at some gay party... he's an easy target for sure but he isn't helping himself.
Saw an ad that George didon VH1 Classic in which he said something to the effect that right-wing homosexuals and vegetarian butchers were oxymorons. I cracked up when I heard it that I said, "You go, George!" I love George. I was in a record store the other day and heard "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?" reverberating throught the store and one of the employee there started bitching and complaining about how much she hated Boy George and joked that she should make a T-shirt that read "I heart Boy George" and shit. And I thought "Oh great another opinionated homophobe. And another snotty record store employee, just what we need." She made my blood boil! Garbage's "Stupid Girl" is my theme song for bitches like her. Or was that Pink's "stupid Girls"? I don't care they both apply.

It seems George is foaming at the mouth again and the British press is lapping away like kittens in a bowl of cream. She fully admits nwo the extent that the fallout from Taboo affected her. I agree with her comments about using hustlers.

Oh Boy, George

About Madonna:
I just think she's a vile, hideous, horrible human being with no redeeming qualities. There's nothing nice about her. I've never heard anyone say anything nice about her at all.
George is an awesome DJ! Who give a shit about the Culture Club reunion, and who need that bitter queen Jon Moss anyway! George knows how to rock the party. I wish that he'd release a new mix CD out in the States (or as an androgynous voice on Sasha's Global Underground in San Francisco says, "The British Colonies". Fuck Culture Club and Rosie O' Donnell, he should be a DJ full-time!

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