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So I just finished re-reading Boy's 1995 book Take It Like A Man, which I mentioned briefly under the Tea Room topic under different context. But I have to start a topic here, because I am surprised there isn't one.

Two decades ago, as a confused and searching high school senior driving around the suburban wastelands of DC, I heard this song on the radio. My friend said to me- "have you seen how the person looks who sing this song?" which was Do You Really Want to Hurt Me. I hadn't, but I shortly did on some afterschool pop music show, and I was completely awestruck, and subconciously inspired. Here was this person wearing make-up, garrish clothing, and making a success of it as well! Since then I have been a fan of the music and exploits of Boy George. And as I went off to college, the success of Culture Club mirrored my own public sartorial and personal explorations. And when their pop star fizzled, I still remained an eternal and fascinated fan, which still holds true today.

One of the highlights of the past decade of being in NYC was the night I met him at Squeezebox. So I turned the corner, and there he was talking to Jayne County, so I, like an eager child, ran up to her and said "introduce me, please!" (probably tugging at her skirt as well). She hushed me in her southern drawl "I will girl, hold on, when I'm done talkin' to him." I waited patiently, but probably tapping my toe, but then she did introduce me. I cringe in retrospect when I recall what I said, as it was not my usual easily adopted New York blase when one sees a celebrity out and about. I mumbled something about seeing Antony sing Victims (one of my fave Culture Club songs) earlier that evening. He tolerated the gushing fan so politely. I ran back to my friends Sunny (now off in London with her new life and newly installed Thai plumbing) and Nick (goddess rest his soul in a hopefully happier place) and jumped up and down in my 6" heels "I just met Boy George!" Linda Simpson was there too and she had her camera, and thankfully wanted to meet him too, so we went back and took pictures with each of us. That picture still hangs on my fridge as one of my prize possessions.

So I was wondering if Boy George has affected others in the same way as his life has been an inspiration to me?
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Randella, I just bought a first edition UK print of "Take it like a Man" on the street two days ago for 5 bucks, began reading it on the LIRR this afternoon, and now I've come across this new topic of yours! O.M.G.! I'll keep you posted as I read it. But can we just note right away how amazing a song "Bow Down Mister" is? I just skipped down the beach to it blasting from my ipod.

Boy could inspire the whole world to dance.
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I had posted this in the Tea Room, but thought it was worth repeating here:

Satori - Middle School, theme - "Dress as your favorite pop star(s)."

Since I wasn't going to pull off "Midnight Star" I wore my mom's silk oriental shirt with big baggy tuxedo pants and a big bright hat with a bunch of colored beads hanging off the brim.

A 13 year-old's attempt at Boy George. My mother did my make-up and sent me off to the dance.

I was approached by one of the Judges and asked what (not who) I was. I explained, and she handed me an expired certificate for an Arby's Roast Beef sandwich.


I was still happy, I danced in public for the first time at that dance, feeling that my costume made me someone different, someone more free.

The positive feelings from that night have stuck with me to this day.
Jackie, you will not be able to put it down, especially when he gets to the drug madness, as it was just pure insanity and he does a good job of sucking you in to how crazy his life was at that point.

Miss U, that pic is priceless! I have some similar ones from my college days too. Though I don't have a scanner, the most memorable one was from the night my friends and I went to see Culture Club at the Capital Center (now the Continental, American Airlines, or possibly Starbucks Center) in Lanham Maryland to see the Waking Up with House on Fire tour, and one friend copied Boy's make-up from the album cover onto my face. I thought I looked fierce, though of course, we all thought that about outfits we wore in the 80s, as your pic attests. Laughingly, I remember these screaming teen girls behind me during the concert "Boy George! Take your clothes off!" I was thinking to myself "what are they thinking, crazy girlies, he's a drag queen?" but I said nothing because their mother was sitting there with them as well.

[This message was edited by randella on 07-28-03 at 07:05 AM.]
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wow - that pic really takes me back. it isnt the makeup that fascinates me - the hair! the whole thing screams "do you really want to hurt me?". answer - no, we love you!

(ps - is that a japanese "Miss me blind' scarf??)

I found an old paperback a few years a ago called "like punk never happened" indicting culture club and other new wave cohorts with crimes against music and culture. a definate subway read!

I loved Boy George in my youth - he pushed everybodys buttons. He had the balls to be beautiful freak and seemed so sweet and fun! then I heard he was marrying his backup singer (Helen Terry?) and was crushed by the betrayal. Of course he was straight and getting married - they all were. I was the only one. it was horrible. In fact, he probably didnt exist at all.
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I have to read it again. It's all true by the way. It really was exactly like that. Alot of those books are crap but his is really accurate. Some of the people in the book were really hurt by the truthfulness. They have now gotten themselves together and don't want to be reminded of their past. He really names names. I have some hot pictures from back then. I should scan them for you.
Although he has some as well and won't hesitate to blackmail me so maybe I won't. He told me there is one of me looking like "a gay Bruce Springsteen" on the new Culture Club CD boxed set.
I definately won't.

and Jade...
The idea of George & Helen married is hysterical. It's like you marrying Nancy Isla if you know what I mean.

Another book not to be overlooked though is Jayne County's "Man Enough To Be A Woman". Fabulous! But that's another topic.
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Boy George was one of my biggest heroes as a teen. As a child I had already seen Elton John, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, KISS and so on, but Boy George was My Generation and hit the scene as a huge star when I was in high school. I was so captivated, it was like he had beat all the odds and was being celebrated for being a freak. Of course his whole androgyny slant was a huge inspiration to me as an artist. But he was not just an image. He had real talent, and the band had serious musical pedigree. Boy George also gave props to the Motown performers that inspired him, like the Supremes and Smokey Robinson, so Mom and I bonded over that. What's interesting is that chronologically speaking Culture Club was really just a flavor-of-the-month band (they only had 2 good albums and 1 so-so album spanning about 3 years, the standard shelf life for teen idols). But George's influence and everything he stood for made an impact that outlasted all of that and he remains a much-admired figure for queer teens everywhere.

During the height of Culture Club fame, I remember him sitting with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show being asked about his sexuality. George demured and said, "I'd much rather have tea than have sex" in an effort to play down his gayness - all the while dressed in some outrageous outfit and full makeup! How the world has changed. It seems so quaint and funny in retrospect.
"Darling I was a punk".
-Edina Monsoon

OK, I too owned a rat wrap and wore eye make-up.
Here is one of my '80's record covers. (It's a little beat up) Designed by the way by the brilliant Nick Egan. He did Culture Club, Bow Wow Wow, Malcolm McClaren, Hazy Fantazy to name a few. Nick is actually how I met George. (He's Nick & Ellen in the Book)
Anyway, here it is.
Have your way with me. If you guys can put up embarassing pics I guess I can too.
That wig was pink by the way. I wish I still had it. It was genius.


Images (1)
  • lp
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FROM 12:15 P.M. TO 1:00 P.M. EST.

Producer Rosie O'Donnell and TABOO star, lyricist/composer Boy George will appear
together to discuss their new production with their fans.

Tickets for TABOO go on sale September 3rd, 2003. Performances begin Friday, October
24th, 2003.

Be sure to visit us at starting at 12:00 PM EST
Rosie will be stopping by around lunchtime to hand out gifts! Be sure to drop by
the Plymouth Theatre 236 West 45th Street - between 8th and Broadway - for a visit.
Rosie will be on THE VIEW on September 22, 2003 to celebrate the box office opening
of TABOO! (check local listings for times)
Please call at (212) 239-6200 or visit:
TABOO - a preview evening to benefit Rosie's Broadway Kids Honoring Gerald B.
Schoenfeld - Chairman, The Shubert Organization. Thursday, November 6, 2003 - 7:30
PM Curtain - Plymouth Theater - 236 West 45th Street Post - Preview Reception -
Gotham Hall - 1356 Broadway.
For preview-only tickets at $250, individual tickets and reception at $500,
supporter tickets and reception at $1,000, please call (212) 573-6933.
Rosie and George stop by for a visit with Jay Leno on September 26, 2003 (check
local listings for times)

Please visit the TABOO forum board at:
I have been waiting for this for months and months now...and I have my tickets! I am so excited. It's all too gay.

Charles Busch rewrote the book for the show, and the relationship focus has changed from being about a straight couple amidst the fabulous freaks of London in the mid 80s to a gay relationship- so I am assuming from what I have read that the story will now focus on Boy's and Jon Moss' relationship, which should be eye-opening.

Curiousity is killing the kitty as to how America will receive this storyline.
Did anyone see Leno last night with Rosie and George on it (we interrupted our cocktails and UNO cardgame to watch)? George seemed subdued (and a bit puffy, like he was on steroids for asthma or something) though his outfit was very fashionating, and well Rosie has never been known for being svelte or fashionable. However, the show should be something to see, and with the student discount (one benefit of matriculation) the tickets are 50% off.

Mark Dendy is the choreographer, Perfidia is doing the hair, and Charles Busch rewrote the show. So with Boy's music and songs (Anna I like the soundtrack...the lyrics, true to Boy's form...always have something that touches the heart in one way or another, alas I am a diehard fan) and Rosie's $10 million, we shall see. It could be synergistic magic, or it could fall flat on America's doorstep.

George mentioned that he has been into Japanese numerology for years now, and their opening along with other things for the show is based on this philosophy (thus the 10/13 date, whatever symbolism that holds). So as Rosie crossed herself and prayed to God, she hoped George's number lady is right.



Help us paint NYC with TABOO.

Going to a club this weekend? Give away some stickers.
Going to the theatre - hand some key chains out to the TKTS line.
Hand stuff out wherever you go.

Make the city Everything Taboo!

To be a part of this, drop a line to the webmaster at with
your name and e-mail address and we'll be in touch with the details.
So I was sitting in an Internet cafe in Prague wen I see Zazoo and Satori's post about a live Internet chat w/Boy and Rosie. Unfortunately the computer had no sound, so I couldn't watch it. I did send in a question. I just found out that my question got in! You can see the chat here:

You have to give an email address to watch it. You all need to have that Hotmail or Yahoo account for these things.
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Someone we know needs to win this Smile

Please join in our live chat with the TABOO fans all over the world - open 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week! Rosie will be dropping in every now and then to say "hello",
so be sure to visit often.

Come on in - we are waiting to discuss everything TABOO with you at


We are now taking submissions for the BOY GEORGE "TA-BEAUTIFUL" PICTURE CONTEST.
Simply send us a photo of yourself dressed like Boy George. Whether you choose a
look from the 80's, 90's or 2000's - from KARMA CHAMELEON to TABOO - a little
Pygmalion, a little Dorian Gray - don your favorite Boy George look, take a snapshot
and send it to us.

In a few weeks, all entrants will have their photographs posted on the TABOO website
where all the on-line fans will choose their favorite. The winner will receive a
TABOO cast jacket!

Please send your photographs to Deadline for entry is
November 3, 2003. We can accept .jpg or .gifs as long as you keep them under 8 x 10
in dimension and under 300kb in size.


Winner of the TOUCHED BY THE HANDS OF COOL contest - he has won two preview tickets
to the show and two cast jackets from TABOO!


2 for 1 tickets are available IN ADVANCE for all preview performances of TABOO with
a valid college ID. Available only at the box office.
Well, in reading one article about the coming Taboo in ShowPeople, I was tickled to see that they compared Charles Busch's version of the book in the vein of a Funny Girl for Boy George, complete with his own Nicky Arnstein in the form of Marcus, an amalgam of all his prior paramours. Though strangely, the first 4 preview shows were cancelled for "technical difficulties" with the first previews showing on the 28th, not as scheduled on the 24th. Hmmm...
Although I am not a huge "Taboo" fan... MUST say... I was loading in my new ipod last night (yes I have given up my Luddite membership) and was loading it some George stuff... was re-listening to shit like "specialize in loneliness" - and realized I had to give props in this section of the boards and say... George can be a fuckin genius... just vocally and the mixture of musical styles he can pull off... he's on me i-pod faves already.... so.. 'nuff respect to our Boy!
Actually I consider the Martyr Mantras album (which contains "Specialize in Lonliness" and other great songs) to be George's finest work to date. So prolific, emotionally giving and really featuring his voice in a unique way. And it's such a great record to hear in the background while snuggling in bed with someone special, the perfect pre- or post-coital soundtrack to have playing on your CD player in a darkened boudoir at 2 a.m.
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LOVE 'em!

As it turns out we didn't have to find the 45 thingy... They have 33 holes Smile

You're right Daddy, "Here come the girls." is the best, although the other two are great too. We do prefer the B side (Replicant) mix of "Sanitised" to the A side...

Anybody know what he's done to his voice? Is he mechanically/electronically altering it, or just singing in a Boweryesque character voice?

That IS a great album Lex. Nothing like "Bow Down Mister" to make you feel like dropping in on your local Krishna house. "No Clause 28" always seemed like such a battle cry, even though we had no idea WHAT clause 28 was...

Boy has just released "Yum Yum" his album as "The Twin" (on CD even!) US residents can pick up a copy here, and UK residents here.

We should get ours tomorrow, so we'll report back after we've devoured and digested it. Here's the track listing:

Here Cum The Girls (part 2)
Yum Yum
Electro Hetero
Disco Ugly
Size Queen
Human Racing
So Much Love
Fire-Desire (featuring Avenue D)
Garden of Eden
Who Made U?
Never Over U
After Dark

And the pretty pretty cover:

We're very excited about the track with Avenue D.

So has anybody hear the whole thing?

Daddy? Dish.

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I gave that to Isla with the stipulation that she give it to NO ONE!!!!
(just kidding)
The Ave D track is hot.
But you know what my fave is?
The track he did for "Night Of A Thousand Stevies" last year. It's killer. I think he's going to release it.
But I do have a little tid bit that she gave me.
When is your birthday Satori?
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Was that breakbeat mix the Kinky Roland mix, or the Frosty Boy mix? 'Cause I think he put an edit of the Kinky Roland mix as the CD version. But if I remember properly, the Frosty Boy mix was heavier.

Our very favorite is "Human Racing" but then the other 3 singles are right up there.

We didn't care for the new remix of Here Cum The Girls at first, but it's grown on us.

I LOVE "Disco Ugly" But it doesn't do much for Zaz. I just think it's a slamming tell off song Smile

My birthday was last Friday, the 4th. (drooling)

Celebs always fess up about their drug use. The rule, though, is that it always has to be retrospective. They are always "clean now." I'm not saying this as a put down towards George, I'm just sayin'. Look at Liza. Doesn't she do the same thing after a rehab?

Apart from the legal aspects and alleged potential detriment to one's career, it just seems a bit too personal to tell a reporter "I'm on drugs again."

I just hope he doesn't lose his residency over this. He seems to like it here and we like having him.
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It does all sound odd. I heard on the BBC that he has also been charged with falsely reporting a robbery. The news said the police responded to a call about a robbery at Boy's apartment and whilst there saw a small amount of cocaine out in the open and found more after searching. The reporter seemed to imply that it was not Boy who called abpout the robbery. All seems very odd.
Why would you leave drugs out 'in plain view' when the police are knocking on your door. That is really too bad. Alligator, it does sound like someone ratted him out.

I was just enjoying his interviews last night in "The Legend of Leigh Bowery"... my thoughts even then, sometimes it doesn't pay to live too long.

When I was looking for space in NYC which now seems like a long protracted nightmare version of "NO EXIT" by Sartre... I found a fantastic place on a block
between Center and Lafayette. That whole block is owned by one interesting family who's had it since the 1880's. The landlord was telling me about the Celebritays who dwelt on that block, and was pleased to let me know one of them was Boy. It would be nice if he sticks by him through this... though more likely he'll rent it out at a premium to some new-in-town rich trash with the sticker "Boy George Got Busted Here."
First of all, let me describe George's house...
It's a VERY creative place. Lots of people coming and going -and it's an artistic mess! Clothes, art, silk screens, paint, glitter, feathers, beads... you name it. And his desk, where his computer lives, is a complete gorgeous disaster. It's piled to the ceiling with CDs, records, print outs, photos, magazines, make-up... you name it. (And apparently a little cocaine). Stan asked, "Why would you leave drugs out 'in plain view'?" If you could see this deck let me assure you, NOTHING on that desk is 'in plain view'! I'm sure he didn't know it was there. OR HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT! (It probably was Messy Bonnie's coke anyway).
I've known George a long time, he'll get through all this. He's been down this road before and he knows his way back. He's had a vey intense couple of years. I can't be as hard on him as say, Bobby Miller. Five minutes being Boy George is an experience more intense that most people will feel in a lifetime. I'm always amazed how he's kept it together all these years. He'll be Ok. Never underestimate a Fighting Irish Queen!
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From what I understand, his big mistake was inviting the police in. You do not have to do that. Even if someone calls to report a burglary. If it is your house, when they ask to come in you can say no. They may come in anyway, but it will effect whether or not any "evidence" they might find can be used in court. You never know what they might find. Especially when the Messy Bonnies of the world have been in and out of your place all night!

Personally I am glad that there are still some people living in downtown Manhattan with filthy glitter-encrusted apartments and eight-balls of coke instead of Ikea interiors.

And Bobby, just because you or I hoovered up our quota of "snow" in the 70's & '80's (or was it the 60's?) doesn't mean everybody did. I say party on, girl, if you need to. Just don't kill yourself!
Oh Pleze... The only thing I ever learned from cocaine was that it cost me a lot of money and most of my teeth. How long is it going to take to learn that some things have very little real value in the bigger sceme of things. It took me a LONG time to realize that one. But don't let me be the bad news bear hon.
Since I wasn't there, I'm personally not comfortable with any conjecture about what happened, anyone's state, etc. I don't feel like it's my business to "put the pieces together" just because his arrest is publicized all over t.v. Since I wasn't there, I don't mean the following about George (since I have no idea if it applies to him, if those were his drugs, or ANYTHING). But, speaking GENERALLY, just because it's relatively easy for some people to quit drugs because they've "been through it once," doesn't mean it's so simple for others, and it doesn't mean I know what it feels like to be them, or have any right to judge them at all.(Letting go of addiction is hardly about will power or intelligence.) Some people don't succeed at letting go of drugs, etc., until 20 rehabs. And power to them. Everyone is different. God knows I have my own compulsions and people telling me "oh I got over that kind of behavior long away" or "why don't you get it?" certainly isn't going to change my personal learning path or clock, and I hate to think people are judging me just because what's easy for them isn't always easy for me. ---Dancing, for example. I am addicted to dancing. And George is a damn good d.j., and fun to have around. I wish him all the best, and hope that it all works out, because I can't wait to see him here again behind that d.j. booth so I can dance to his great music.
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Eighties' pop sensation Boy George is back on British soil after being charged with possessing cocaine in the United States

The 44-year-old ex-Culture Club frontman flew back into the UK yesterday, following the furore which erupted over the damaging allegations.........

Manhattan District Attorney's office spokeswoman Barbara Thompson said the singer was released after being charged with possession of a controlled substance, allegedly more than an eighth of an ounce (five grams) of cocaine.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

Mr Denton said the star was due to go back to court on December 19, and US police had not taken the singer's passport.
Karen M., I agree. Alot of us old pharts here know drugses is bad, but it can't be denied they make you feel so fine. Some people can do them in moderation all their lives. Bobby you are such a darling but truly, we can't know what others are going through.

BG may have called the cops on himself, for certain. An old ex of mine did that once... he was actually DEALING, and called the cops because he thought someone kept looking in the window from his fire escape. He was just plain lucky they did not drag him away, what with little bits of burned tinfoil lying everywhere and the stench. (This was the early days of crack.)

"in plain view" is a legal term
daddy, the police glance around and whatever the they see is for the picking. Case in point, a famous case where someone called the cops in a small Georgia town about a lost dog or something, and the cops went through this screen door, and saw two guys going at it! There was a statute still on the Georgia books against s0d0my, so those guys went down. (I recollect the case, as 'fucking-in-plain-view' was such a hoot...) BTW This became the test case to remove all state s0d0my laws.

Lexxy I guess that apartment is for rent now.

Are they going to try to extradite him?
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At first I thought he might have been so tweaked that he didn't know what was happening and called the cops. But it's totally possible that someone left it there, especially if it's club people coming and going at all hours (duh!). My former uptown bachelor pad was host to many a nefarious 5 a.m. transgression involving "houseguests" back in the day LOL ....

Another likely explanation is that the cops recognized George (tweaked or not) and simply wanted a good story to gossip about back at the precinct with their macho-asshole buddies in blue. They saw an 80s icon/juicy story and turned the place upside down, determined to find something ... anything. Had George been an ordinary civilian, they probably wouldn't have gone near his disaster glamour pit of a desk (which by the way sounds a lot like my boyfriend's desk, god only knows what treasures are buried under that heap!) But because it was the fag superstar 'Karma Chameleon' guy, they went wild.

In any case I completely agree with you, Karen. Just because the hippies learned a lesson about coke back in 1970-whatever, doesn't mean EVERYONE has learned the lesson. Many others do such things recreationally and never become addicts or ruin their lives, either. Whether George "slipped" or not, she's done great the last 15 years. More power to her.
Am just curious why he would have such a revolving door an make his home party central... i think (an shout me down if u think am wrong) but there comes a point (when u get as old as some of us are) when you don't have that kind of a drop in policy for all an sundry to your home since its your lil piece of sanctuary in the big crazy city... We all did that kind of 'entertaining' but u get 'old' and i thought we all got more 'picky' about the transient element in ones casa? no??
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the last time Boy George was busted his concord seat to nyc went unused as reported at the time by the ny post.

am also curious about this story cause Merlin would like to know why the police were called. the police are our friends they can help in a dangerous situation, was there a danger?

there are no standards nor practices in the police community to deal with gay domestic matters, there is no gay family court, nor any way of mediating a non-married couples disagreement. so whether it be George or a by now 'ex-' or a casual friend the reason for the call to the police is important. what was the original perceived danger?

Wishing George the best with this mess, and hoping that really wasn't his 5+ grams.

Has anyone seen the recent image of him in the Misfits shirt? Wondering if the cops would have even recognized him out of makeup? (It's the first time we've seen him, and we probably wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a lineup)

Have to agree with Bobby on this one...

We had to end a close friendship over a coke addiction. We watched one of our friends go from complete control, great job, going everywhere he wanted to go, and then came coke. He basically used it as his confidence, and it destroyed him. We think of him often, and hope he's still alive somewhere in Atlanta.

Of course some people can handle it just fine, and more power to them. But, there are controled substances that you control, and some that control you, and this is the later.

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Having your place be Grand Central Creativity: When you come from relatively nothing and then get prosperous, and are a creative person, a revolving door on your place is the hospitality habit you learned from your former life -when you have nothing you share it all freely.

Cops: It is just as likely the coke was the cops, they planted it. A high profile bust, or busting someone who is giving the cops a hard time, -those are just standard cop practices.

Does BG deserve it? Every celeb is vulnerable in an exqggerated way to all the foibles everyone here has pointed out.

As dynamic a personality as he is, Ms. George is sure to leave this in her wake, not without some consequences of course. And maybe it was time to get back to London anyway.

Roman Polanski hasn't been able to enter the US for years now because of a certain legal problem, and it hasn't prevented him from continueing to floursih.
Satori, It's not that I don't think coke is bad. I hate it. Most of you guys know that I'm really a total straight head and don't do anything stronger than red wine. (I know... I'm pathetic). It's not that I have this great self control, I just never really liked drugs. Not even pot. The last time I did coke was 1983, we were doing a show in Boston and they were shoveling it up all our noses. I was a mess! I got on stage to sing but my throat was so closed up nothing came out. It was like a performance nightmare that you have but I was living it. I swore that I would never do it again and haven't. All I'm saying is that I don't blame people like George who can't say no to something that they like. (It was easy for me because I didn't like it). George has an addictive personality and is sometimes surrounded by people who do him in. (That hideous queen Marilyn used to be that person for him in the eighties but he has other ones now too). I remember in the early eighties George and I tried Ecstacy. It was new then and we wanted to see what it was all about. (I had done it once before). I got some for us and took him to The Paradise Garage. We had a ball but where as I was very happy to call it a night (at about noon) he wanted to do more and more and keep going. He was eating it like candy. That was the last time I did it. I saw what it was about, even liked it, but never needed to do it again. Anyway, all I'm saying is he has a very different personality from me. It's hard for him (and probably most people) to "say no to drugs". I don't blame him or anyone else for falling off the wagon. His life is very intense, that's how he likes it. I just can't be that hard on him. I just hope he's OK because he really is a great guy. He really is.
OK one more time. Just because people like drugs doesn't mean that drugs are ok. It just means that those folks want to have that experience. And I guess I forgot that it's each persons right to do WHATEVER they want to do to be happy and just because I have had that experience and am quite finished with it ( since 1980) doesn't mean that I think everyone should be over it. I realize that people need to have whatever experience they need to have to find some wisdom but how long does that take, ten, twenty, thirty years to discover that in the end drugs are just like wax fruit, they look good,but in reality they are just fake fruit. drugs provide an illusion of happiness but I can't say I've ever know any really happy drug addicts.Or alcoholics either for that matter. But who really cares what I think. I say blast your damn heads off with whatever if that's what it takes to find real joy but I for one ( and that is really the only person I can speak for) have no use for hard drugs. From where I stand it seems like an expensive and wasteful thing to do at this time in life. The world is changing and I say it's time to make our selves stronger and healthier and more ready to deal with the every day dramas around us. As for BG, I adore him and always have. But it's just not cute or hip-looking or fabulous any more to waste your money and life force on drugs. It is more than possible that he was set up by either some miserable person or the police. I hope for his sake that he doesn't go to jail for 15 years.

And Daddy I don't believe for a moment that you ever took any drugs. You are the virgin that we always thought you were. It's how you stay so young looking at your age.
I've seen Daddy say no to Messy Bonnie Raitt many times. And her PCP is LEGENDARY. Straight from the veterinarian, uncut.

I have a lot of respect for what Bobby has to say about drugs from a personal standpoint.

But I also think there are some other ways that individuals live the drugs they choose to use.

I know a handful of people who take what are called 'recreational' drugs as a form of self-medication, who otherwise might be on some awful psychiatric psychotropic medication. Having your appetite overstimulated by pot is a lot less detrimental side-effect for a bi-polar person than getting a non-reversable case of tardic dyskenesia (it sounds dreadful just to pronounce the name of this malady) from clonapin. Also, call me a mystical if you want, but I think some forms of intoxicants are far more unknown in their real abilities to provide opportunities for insight and certain benefits from non-normal consciousness than most authorities would ever let be said is so. Use of intoxicants for that purpose is not the same as a compulsive addictive type of use of course. And in short, however unsmart it may be to say so here, use of any regulated intoxicant comes with some responsibilities -one, namely, is to not get in trouble with legal restrictions. I think mostly at this time in our society, here in the US, drugs are one of the key ways that are used by the State to criminalize people. On that point BG has just fallen prey to a totally routine operation of the legal system. The courts in lower Manhattan are a virtual assemblyline for criminalizing drug users and vendors. Hundreds, if not thousands, are indicted every week. So I don't really think the problem in essence is Ms. O'Dowd's personality at all. The problem is an anti-society that can't deal with the, actually, normal appetites of millions of its citizens.

Daddy, are you sure there was only that C Whiz incident? Only? Don't I frequently see you majorly getting off on a certain drug called, uh, 'Junior'?
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I'm with Daddy on this one. And I guess what's getting to me are all the (well meaning) misconceptions about the nature of addiction I'm seeing above. I am not a substance addict. I don't do drugs and I drink in extreme moderation by nightlife standards. But I hail from a loooong line of addicts and alcoholics, and I myself am riddled (and I mean riddled) with numerous addictive traits of my own. So, I'm speaking here from my own personal experience (though not with drugs per se) and from having made it my business to try to dispose of my own past misconceptions, and to understand everything I can about addiction, this thing that has killed or tormented so many wonderful people who I love.

People with an uncontrollable compulsion to drink or get high are not doing it to "be happy" or to "find some wisdom" because they haven't "discovered" that drugs are bad for them. Nor are they experiencing "real joy," or even laboring under the illusion that it is "cute or hip-looking or fabulous." A lot of what's written by well-meaning folks above reads as if addiction is a CHOICE. You think the guy sitting in the rain outside my window right now with a bottle in a paper bag doesn't know it's "expensive and wasteful?" Hate to belabor the obvious here, but addiction isn't "fun." Addiction means you know it's bad for you, but you can't stop. Addiction means you know it's bad for you, but it still is better than something even more tormenting underneath, so you do it anyway, and then you wake up and feel so horrible, that you want to get rid of that feeling too. So you do it yet again.

Imagine that there you are in that cycle (and it is a cycle). You want to get out, but you are so ashamed there's another part of you that just wants to hide. So you reach for the substance just one more time, to dull out that shame. And then, along comes some well meaning friend, and says, "God. Why don't you just stop? Fine, kill yourself if you want to. I don't really care. You're just an idiot. Why don't you act your age?" Then you feel even worse. And maybe even less likely to admit the problem and go for help. And it goes on and on.

I don't feel right talking about whether or not George or anyone else is or isn't an addict, or what happened that night. I wasn't there. But, speaking from my own personal experience, and from what I've made a point of studying, no one wakes up in the morning and says, "I think I will do self-destructive things today because it's fun." People do what they need to do for a variety of reasons that no one but them can understand. But, there are always reasons. For me, my addictive behavior is about not being able to stand feeling something, like feeling too transparent, so it's better to make a lot of noise (yeah, like I am here Wink) and look outward. I wake up almost every day and think, "Today I am not going to have any stupid crushes, and I'm not going to be addicted to the internet, and I'm not going out dancing like a 20 year old in a tube top." Then, alas, it's 3 a.m. and there I am again at my desk, with distant love stars in my eyes, my fingers on the keyboard, and a stamp on my hand from that night's party. --And of course that's NOTHING compared to drugs and alcohol which carry their own very real physically addictive properties as well.

So, same thing, about the purported "revolving door" policy. God knows if I was being judged on whether or not my activities are "age approprite" I'd be sunk. (And, come on, wouldn't a lot of us here on the motherboards? Wink) Maybe to someone whose many accolades stem from pop culture, it feels crucial to hang with younger kids on the scene. Maybe to someone who is mobbed every time he sets foot in a club, it's better to bring the friends and scenesters to his house. Who knows.

We all do what we need to do to get by until those things don't work for us anymore. And, for a lot of people, we do them for a lot longer than that, too, even in the face of dire consequences, while we are trying to stop. So, I know the hearts here are definitely in the right place. (I myself am often tempted to preach about the dangers of drugs, just because I worry about my friends and the kids on the scene, as I know you guys do, too.) But I say there's no point in bashing addicts of any kind. It just doesn't help.

As for George, I can't imagine what it would feel like to be doing whatever I need to do to get by, and be in my own process, and then have it telecast all over the world when the consequences came up to bite me on the ass. The consequences themselves (legal, social, whatever) are painful enough. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have it all aired on public broadcast.

So, no finger wagging from me. I'm hardly in a position to do that myself. Besides, I think he's great.
Last edited by Karen M.
Trying not to be too judgemental, I would have to say any person physically addicted to an intoxicant that is phsyically and/or mentally destroying them does need some help to get better. But no addict totally creates themself as such. What does it say about a society that allows millions to detroy themsleves with alcohol but criminalizes and incarcerates someone who likes to smoke pot? Priorities not straight?

I think there should be some care exercised about associating the word 'addict' here with the name Boy George. None of us knows if he is an addict, and that point should be made clear.

As for 'appropriate behavior'. Again, this society has a big shame-based component. And a person can be addicted to worrying about how much shame they should be feeling as much as another person can be addicted to some intoxicant. History has provided many more examples than are needed of people who have destroyed themselves by feeling shame.

If the legal process works the way it usually does here, BG will get off with some probation and enrollment in a program to get clean. That is, if he ever really wants to come back to put himself on trial.
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This topic was hard for me to overlook as it touches me on everyday basis, whether it involves my friends or those I look up to.
Let's not be fooled into thinking that doing drugs in any amount (whether you can control your habbit or not) is the right thing to do (whether for yourself or those around you). No disrespect to anybody here stating that some people just have an addictive personality, therefore we should understand their addiction to drugs, let alone dismiss it as an ok behavior. Could we say the same about child molestors? Afterall, molesting kids is their addiction too so why not understand their destructing behavior?
Though such comparison might seem as an overstatement, nontheless, whether it's drugs, gambling, hurting other people-they all fall into the same category: an addictive behavior that some have no control over.
Not so long ago, as some of you might have heard, a boy named Kristopher who used to frequent the scene, died of an overdose. His death was a shock to me. He was the sweetest boy with what seemed to be a bright future...he always talked about his big plans and was full of excitement. Harsh reality hit all of his friends when his death was publisized on the news along with other 2 young girls that overdosed short after. None of them were really 'addicted' and not even many knew they had a habbit of doing drugs, but one bad batch of heroin would kill them all.
Those that know me, know that I am anti-drug of any kind...and believe me....those also know what an addictive personality I would be so easy for me to fall into the 'addict' category, but I make choises...just like every other human being responsible for the path of their live...

To make myself clear, I don't have anything against peolpe that do drugs as I constantly revolve around people that do it...I just hate to see the same stories over and over again...stories of destruction...stories of someone's potential for a great life ruined by something so avoidable...Please understand that I in no way accuse one making a bad choice to do whatever they may decide to do...I just do not tolerate the same ol' excuse from everyone that decides to do it...afterall, its so easy to say 'I cant quit cause im too addicted'...nobody said it was easy, nothing in life is, but people that decide to do drugs have to also understad the consequences, whether it is losing their live, friends, or hurting loved ones. Doing drugs IS a choise, living with those consequences IS NOT.

I'm done preaching for today...and please before you go on to the next post, check this anti-drug ad.

Thank you for reading
much love -B.B.
Understanding how powerful and damaging addiction is is hardly the same as being "pro drug!" What a leap! It's exactly the opposite.

What I'm concerned about here, is people not understanding addiction, thinking it is just about "get a grip and get some will power." The illusion of control and will power is precisely the PROBLEM with addiction. Addicts begin to labor under the illusion that they can master or control the substance or behavior.

People address an addiction when they realize it's ruining their lives and they cannot control it, it is controlling them. Something that has such a powerful hold on someone (and often a physical hold) is not going to be arrested by other people telling them it's "bad." I'm sorry, but I think any condemnation here is both out of place and futile.

p.s. And, I agree with Seven on this point and, once again, want to make clear that I myself am just speaking generally, and don't for a MINUTE imply that Boy George is an addict or that I have any idea what happened there. In fact, I personally think it's in poor taste to guess and theorize about another person like that. I was simply speaking to the misconceptions about addiction GENERALLY which I saw here...
Last edited by Karen M.
I also wanted to say that even though we all obviously have so many different views about drugs and about addiction (pro-drug, anti-drug, neutral-drug but want compassion for addiction, homes should be open, homes should be closed, etc. etc. etc. and more), it's also really obvious that, whatever the view, we all seem to really care about our friends and the kids on the scene, and, of course, about Boy George getting arrested for something which he may or may not have even done.

I can get kind of emotional on this topic. I felt a little bad about saying "What a leap." ...Or maybe it was the exclamation point I regretted!Wink I also wanted to say to Miz Bad, I was also very sorry about Kristopher.

Like a lot of motherboard topics, I'm glad this discussion was here.
Today's Page 6 proclaims: HUSTLER PUT BOY GEORGE IN FIX

October 14, 2005 -- BOY George hired a male hustler who tried to rob him the morning the cross-dressing Culture Club singer was busted for cocaine possession, PAGE SIX has learned.

George called 911 last Friday morning to report that his Centre Street apartment had been burglarized "” but he was arrested when cops found a mound of what appeared to be Bolivian marching powder piled near his computer.

A source said that George called 911 after the hustler he'd ordered up demanded that he hand over all of the money in the house.

"George said no and that he was going to call the police," says our source. "The prostitute said, 'Go ahead and you'll go to jail.' So George freaked out because he was high, called the police, the prostitute left, and George got arrested."

A police source said George did not mention the hustler when he was arrested. His lawyer, Lou Freeman, could not be reached for comment yesterday. But he told The Post last week that the cocaine was not George's, adding, "Tons of people come in and out of his home."

The only person in the apartment besides George when officers arrived was his friend Kyoko Nagami, a Japanese model and drag queen groupie. According to police sources, Nagami flipped on her friend, telling cops there was "a lot more" coke in the bedroom.

George, who a police source said "appeared high" when he was busted, was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance and filing a false police report. He was released last Saturday after appearing in Manhattan Criminal Court, and was told to return for a Dec. 19 hearing. He has since flown back to London, where he has a home.

"Don't ask me any questions because you are not going to get any answers at all," George told reporters who pounced on him at Heathrow Airport. "It's nice to see you, though."

The singer, whose real name is George O'Dowd, wrote about his battle with heroin addiction in his 1995 autobiography, "Take It Like a Man." In 1986, Culture Club keyboard player Michael Rudetski died of a heroin overdose while staying at George's London pad. That same year, George was arrested for pot possession.

In recent years, the flamboyant "Karma Chameleon" crooner has built a second career as a club deejay and record producer.
Hey Daddy, give George our love and best wishes! I've finally read through the topic, and it's interesting that the discussion has shifted from "uh oh, George is in some trouble" to addiction. All this really is about is the choices we make, and we can all learn from it. If anything, perhaps George's current dilemma will give some of us pause to think through the choice before we act.

Only George knows if George is addicted to ANYTHING - it's just that his choices are so much more public than most people. I wish I had a nickel for every time I embarassed myself on some night out - whether it was with a drink, a drug, a boy, a girl, or even some posting on the Motherboards! Thankfully I've made many more smart choices in recent years than self-destructive ones. I do feel like in this ever-increasing constrictive socio-political culture that we live in that it's important for me to aspire to live stronger in many ways, thereby shoring up the foundations. Picking the right battle is tough, no doubt, but some of them are no-brainers for me these days.

Again, much love to George. No judgment here. He certainly has given me a lot over the past 25 years!
Hey Smile
Has anyone heard any new news (hopefully good) about George lately?

We got an email from his "B-Rude" label the other day... The quality on the new line has really gone down. Frown

Of course, we had ordered pretty much every shirt from the last line, and never got the order, never got an email saying they were out of stock and never got a reply to our emails asking what was up, so I can't imagine they are selling much of anything...

I was wondering if maybe he wasn't involved anymore???

All I have as far as news is this:

Boy George pleads innocence over drugs charge
The star says he'll fight

Boy George's lawyer says the star is innocent and will fight charges of drug possession.

The Eighties megastar was arrested on October 7 last year after police allegedly found cocaine at his apartment in New York when they responded to a burglary call.

The singer - real name George O'Dowd - entered no plea when he appeared in court in Manhattan yesterday (February 1).

The case was adjourned until March 8 after lawyer Lou Freeman asked for more time to prepare the case, reports the BBC.

Speaking after the hearing, the singer's lawyer said many people had been entertained at the apartment, and his client did not know whose drugs they were.

He added: "He steadfastly maintains his innocence as to these charges. He's already pleaded not guilty, he continues that plea of not guilty in the strongest possible terms. He will fight these drug charges to prove his innocence."

Boy George was charged with one count of criminal possession of a controlled substance after he was arrested. He could face up to five-and-a-half years in prison if found guilty.
Obviously Mr. O'Dowd has a great lawyer and the police case must have been shakey on some points. I always said the coke was the cops' to begin with. I was starting to miss everyone's sightings and stories from local clubland about his presence here so it is good that he is talking about coming back soon. Cheers!

From BBC News today:

Boy George cocaine charge dropped

Singer Boy George has had a charge of possessing cocaine dropped by a New York court.
He admitted wasting police time over an incident last October and was sentenced to five days of community service and fined $1,000 (£575).

The singer, whose real name is George O'Dowd, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to falsely reporting a burglary at a brief hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court.

The singer was ordered to attend a drug rehabilitation programme.

The 44-year-old, who made his name as the front man of 1980s pop band Culture Club, attended the hearing.

Judge Anthony Ferrarar warned the defendant that he would have a criminal record which "never goes away".

The singer must also pay court costs of $160 dollars (£91).

In a statement released after the hearing, Mr O'Dowd said: "I am relieved and happy that this case has been disposed of.

"I love New York and I'm looking forward to coming back and working in the States later this year."

He had maintained his innocence on the drug charges, which could have seen him sentenced to five and a half years in prison if convicted.

Mr O'Dowd was arrested after police were called to his Manhattan apartment.

Speaking after a hearing last month, Mr O'Dowd's lawyer Lou Freeman said his client had hosted a party and did not know who owned the drug.

Mr O'Dowd was charged with one count of criminal possession of a controlled substance after his arrest.
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