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Though the crowd wasn't so hot, the Club USA space stands out in my mind as one of the most beautiful clubs I've ever seen. In fact in terms of a big club it's my ideal. I loved the slide, the murals, the psychedelic carpeting in the basement, the giant mural, and so many other things about it. It even had a roof, where in warmer months you could go to chill and gaze at the Manhattan skyline. It was gorgeous.
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You brought it back, the memories,the fabulous times everything that my friend's and I still to this day talk about. I remember the big slide and the room that my friends and I would call the "porno room" I remember we would walk by and there would be these nasty perverted old men that would try to kick it to us with sweat running down their faces from being in there. lol, lol I loved the room that we would call "the love boat" I can't exactly remember where it was I know it was on the side somewhere it was kind of small & dark. Oh, what about the parties that they would have in the rooftop? soo many times going up through the spiral stairs to get up there I would almost bust my ass with my high platform sandles.
Even now, after all the clubs I've been to there hasn't and will never be a club like U.S.A it was such a great unique place a real original that stood real to it's name.
I'll never forget the last party that I was invited to, it was the "New Years Eve last dance" party that we were invited to by this promoter that we knew then. He invited us and told us that we should really go, we asked why and he told us that it was going to be the last dance @ U.S.A, of course we're still upset that we didn't go. FrownBut we really had good times and that I will never regret. Thanks for the memories!! ;*)
Yeah, I hated the idea of a big box club in Times Square. Even back when Bonds was open it felt rather dated (although Bonds had some rather unique features like the giant inflatables). So, NOWHERESVILLE was the only thing that got me to enter USA. I remeber the night I preformed there a short play by Rene Ricard with Alba Clemente and her daughter Nina. The club was packed that night 'cause Prince was doing a "surprise" performance - which was incredible to watch. NOWHERESVILLE at least tried to give the big soul-less club a little authenticity - but not nearly enough. Don't miss it at all.
I was performing with Anitra as Men Smash Atoms ( and I met Michael Alig at Disco 2000 and I thought this is an interesting scene so I created Krash Boom TV to record the weekly events and to get my ugly mug on television.

I presented 10 minutes of club related events at the beginning of each 1/2 program (from Limelight, Tunnel, Club USA and numerous other locations) with openings, outlaw and theme parties which featured club personalities Alig, Desi Monster, Kabuki, Astro Earl, Olympia, Richie Rich, Angel, Sofia, Walt Paper, Lahoma, Amanda Lapore, Kenny Kenny, Miss Understood and numerous other walking works of art.

They created their own extraordinary make-up and drop-dead costumes, masks and other accouterments - some were actors, performance artists, painters, photographers, graphic designers and had numerous other talents outside their club personas which were only enriched by those skills.

The opening of USA was a madhouse, that Bundy guy, the son, was calling me a fag vampire and other bullshit in the elevator and when I responded with some Shakespearean quotes, you know - the ones where Hamlet fucked his mother, his bodyguards crashed me to the floor. I found out later this was Bundy-son's regular gig, even doing it at private parties. Alig had them all thrown out and we continued to have fun.
Last edited by nicodemus

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