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It's true, those were the daze but I have to say...
I like the new stuff just as much.
I LOVE the Goldfrapp re-mixes.
They are obviously paying homage to the Disco classics but they sound new and fresh.
Like Disco did when it was young.
As far as "Old Frapp"...
well that's a different discussion as you all know.
Disco is dead!
Long live Disco!
It always starts with a hairdresser friend, don't it BM? "Disco Lessons"? Was that poppers and bum sex, brian? My 3rd grade gym class was never like that- ok who am I kidding.

And attention all disco dollies Daddy will be doing another disco installment at Mr Blacks's on Friday June 15th. More info to come.

And as far as that photo of SJ, I'm sure he felt that way even if it was the photographer's fault it came out like that.
OK, Bringing it back to "DISCO"...

I dug up my copy of "Love Sensation".
"To Johnny D & Chi Chi who I Loved For A Long Time. -Loleatta"

She is so great, I love Loleatta.
One time at The Garage she invited Chi Chi and I to come stay at her house in Chigago. We were excited (because Chi Chi lived there for a few years and I was born there -but didn't grow up there). So then after getting us excited she adds, "By the way, the house just burned down but the pool is still there. We can Bar-B-Q".

LOVE her!


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  • loleatta
Wow, it's like "Nancy Isla: This is your life!" around here. So great to hear from all the ol' gang. Shocked I don't see one baby picture but looks like you're all about to pop one out so be sure to post when you do! Me and my fella Chad Mintz have been trying but a medical condition of his has been holding the process up- obviously not literally. Hopefully we'll resolve it soon because I've only got about 10 years to go before I won't be able to conceive.

Regarding that A.T.C. record, don't you remember I brought it to Deb Farmer's summer home in Newton when she had that girlz-gone-wild volleyball party? And some of the girls had a little too much Tequiza and took their tops off. Can you imagine what the nighbours must've thought? Oh I'm laughing just thinking about it. Well, gotta go, Ellen's on.
Does anyone have a copy of Karen "Hot Shot" Youngs BRING ON THE BOYS??? I want to do it desperately. Did it once at Boybar in a disco rain skirt, sequinned tube top with matching beret and huge mylar disco fans. Can't remember who gave me the music tho and that was many moon's ago. Also does anyone remember a singer named ZULEMA?? She did a disco version of Paul McCartney's " Maybe I'm Amazed" that is genius.
Last edited by sweetie
The other day I was listening to Donna Summer and I swear the Patrick Cowley mix of I Feel Love is still one of the greatest remixes of all time. Daddy! Talk about trippy, and sexy! and don't forget all 16 minutes of Love to Love You Baby. I also hear We Are Family at a Catholic Picnic at a church function and The Irony was not lost on me NO WAY! here's a religious sect that condemns homosexuality and embraces gay music, like music that started out in night clubs were gay and straight were together....LIVING IN SIN (AHEM!) talk about FLIP-FLOPPING on and issue on the whole "homosexuality is a sin" BS! I mean my fundamentalist Christian uncle is a maniac on the dance floor at my aunt's wedding dancing like all white people (OK NOT ALL!) do. I was one of the few in my family with rhythm. It's hard to dance in a tux though. wanted to wear blush so I could entertain them with a song from Cabaret. ((1920's Berlin was as decadent as the 70s and 80s I'd say)
Last night I went to a screening of "The Godfather Of Disco". It's all about the Paradise Garage, The Loft, Fire Island and the early gay years of Disco. The first DJs, club mixes, disco records etc. It's a fun history lesson.
Watch for it.

I'm in it but I guess I wasn't good enough to be on the poster! But neither was Karen "Hot Shot" Young so I guess I shouldn't feel so bad.

Oh wait a minute, there we are...
"and many more"


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