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Yes, watching it on FOX was everything.
Loved watching Carl Rove dissolve into Republican dust before my eyes.

As I just texted Pickles in Barcelona, the streets here in New York (East Village) are insane!
It's now almost 1AM and there are still THOUSANDS of people in the street screaming, blowing horns, insanity.
I just walked Casanova and there are like ten thousand people in Union Square. Maybe more.
I've never seen anything like it.

I'm taking The Empress outside to see it.
Just got off the phone with Basil (he's in Phoenix rehearsing a show). All the puppeteers rehearsing into the night, Barbara glued to CNN on the laptop, when at 10pm (our time), the election was called to Obama. Everything stops. They all run to the laptop to see. Then suddenly realizing they were just two blocks away from where McCain was giving his concession, someone says..."We gotta get out of here!" Lol. Totally ran out to safe, celebratory space.

Exactly, Dadz. Herstory.
After voting for Barack Obama for the last 18 years I don't know how to rest.

One reason things will be so different now is because there is going to be a poet as president.

One reason things got to be so different now is because there was a poet running for president.

Now you see how the power of the spoken word is able to change the world.

Feel all that emotion inside you?-that is the second life of a particular person's voice.

Feel that little bit of ease and equilibrium settling in you?-that is nature coming back a little more in to balance.

So, now, does the 21st century actually, really begin.
as soon as the concession and acceptance speeches were made we rushed to the castro where there was a big sound system playing great house music and a giant screen to watch the rest of the election results come in.
as much fun as it was - and it was FUN! - it was still a little bittersweet as prop. 8 seemed to be winning.
waking up this morning to find out that it indeed had won leaves me feeling really sad. i hate feeling like a second class citizen that doesn't have the rights/privileges that others do. and seeing the pictures of the cheering supporters of this measure leaves me thinking, "why is it so important to you to keep us separate in this way?"

sorry if i've quelched the deserved and enthusiastic celebration for obama, but this is a reality too.
now back to more cheering!!!!
Oh poor Darla. So sure of herself, just like the rest of them. I'm like Daddy, been gloating over Fox networks loss.

Prop 8 is a disappointment but living here in Massachusetts with our free to marry status hasn't really made me feel any more equal really.

Interesting that a progressive state like California is so behind states like Massachusetts, New Jersey and Connecticut in an issue like this one.

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