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Why, you ask? Here's how Details puts it:

His brother, Wills, is a bore. His dad, Chuck, has settled into bland matrimony. Yet Prince Harry's not having any of it. With his clumsy drug abuse, boneheaded Halloween costumes, and giddy, horndog ways, Harry seems determined to keep things interesting for himself -- as well as for royalty, royal watchers, and pop-culture fans around the world. The redhead's given the crown a renewed gossip currency sorely lacking since Diana's death. "Harry's showing the rebellion the public loved in his mother," says Rachel Sklar, New York media writer and self-described royal watcher. "Secretly, we'd like to think it would make Diana proud."
Sorry to post such a contradictory story, Lex, but I am ABSOLUTELY sure it will have you daydreaming for hours.


Privates on parade for Britain's Prince Harry: report Wed Oct 26, 7:07 PM ET

LONDON (AFP) - Britain's Prince Harry was forced to drop his trousers during a military parade to prove he did not have his girlfriend's name tattooed on his royal rear, a British newspaper said.

The 21-year-old son of Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, is halfway through his British Army officer training course at the elite Sandhurst academy.

The Sun, Britain's biggest-selling daily, said Harry, third in line to the throne, was ordered to bare his bum after rumours spread he had blonde Zimbawean-born girlfriend Chelsy Davy's name inked on.

During a parade, a colour sergeant yelled: "Cadet Wales, drop your pants and show me your backside!"

Harry, apparently oblivious to the rumour, replied: "Are you serious?" before being ordered: "Just get them off, I want to see if it's true", The Sun said.

The prince had his trousers around his knees before the grinning colour sergeant said: "It's OK, Wales, I'll take your word for it!"

An unnamed member of Harry's platoon told The Sun: "It was the funniest thing any of us have seen for ages. Everyone had heard the rumour but no one wanted to ask Harry if it was true.

"Then one of the colour sergeants decided to play a trick on Harry in front of the whole platoon.

"You should have seen Harry's face. We all fell about laughing. Harry blushed, then he also laughed."

The Sun said the manner in which Harry took the joke on the chin proved the young prince was "made of the Right Stuff."
No lap dance?

From the Daily Telegraph:
April 08, 2006

BRITAIN'S Prince Harry visited a strip club with some friends to celebrate the end of his army officer training course, British tabloids have reported.

The third in line to the throne turned down a lap dance with one of the scantily clad girls at the Spearmint Rhino Club, west of London, saying "No thanks, I've got a girlfriend," the Daily Mirror said.

But the dancer, named in the newspaper as Mariella Butkute from Lithuania, said Harry, 21, did let her sit on his lap for a 10-minute chat.

The prince and his friends went to the club in Colnbrook in the early hours of Friday morning, according to the tabloids.

The young prince is due to take part in a passing out parade at Britain's elite Sandhurst military college next week in front of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.
Fresh dirt on my Dirty Harry. Can't seem to save the picture it came with but here's the article. Now that I know Harry's a breast man I may need to recruit Anna Nicole as my procurement officer!!!!

Deputy Features Editor

PARTY-LOVING Princes William and Harry hugged drunkenly for the camera during a booze-fuelled night out with chums.

Royal heir William, 24, looked dazed and wide-eyed as the flash went off "” while brother Harry leered merrily over his shoulder.

Harry was also snapped canoodling with pretty blonde Natalie Pinkham, while saucily groping her BOOB with one hand.

Meanwhile William was caught trying a more "tactful" approach with another party girl as they chatted in the background.

The fun-loving shots were taken this summer in trendy London nightclub Boujis "” a favourite haunt for the princes.

And they may leave Harry with a little explaining to do to girlfriend Chelsy Davy, who was abroad at the time.
A fellow reveller at the club in posh Kensington said: "Harry was really going for it.

"He had been downing drink all night and was touchy-feely with everyone "” especially Natalie. He had his hands all over her and was kissing her on the face. At one point he reached his arm around her and gave her a proper grope on her breast.

"She was very shocked but didn't seem to mind in the slightest. I don't suppose it's every day an heir to the throne feels you up.

"He will probably be in big trouble with Chelsy now. She either hasn't seen him behave like this or she's the most understanding girlfriend in the world."

Harry, 21, was also snapped planting a kiss on another girl.

Natalie, 27, has been a close pal for years. The politics graduate has dated England cricketer Kevin Pietersen and England rugby star Matt Dawson.

Two months ago Natalie stole down the steps of a flat's stairwell at 5am after a boozy night to grab a kiss from the Prince.
Well get in line, Barbara Jean! (behind me, that is -- but I'm sure there's enough of Harry to go around, assuming he takes after Charles)

Meanwhile, Harry is going to Iraq. I think it's admirable, but I have to agree with some who say that he's making himself and everyone who serves with him a target. No one had better harm a red hair on my ginger baby's head!

Daily Telegraph
Dec 29, 2006 - PRINCE Harry is going to Iraq, reportedly heading there with his unit in May.

Harry will be stationed near the southern port city of Basra and will likely be assigned to patrol the border with Iran.

London's Daily Telegraph said Harry, 22, is determined to go, despite reports of resistance from many in the military who fear he would be a fat prize for terrorists.

They're also worried he would attract attention and put his fellow soldiers in greater danger.

The Telegraph said officials are trying to figure out how to minimise the danger without giving Harry special treatment.

As a second lieutenant, he will have command of 11 men and four light tanks.

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