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Thanks Joshua. It's all too true. And thanks AN!

Well, this morning at the ungodly hour of 7am I headed off to the CPH airport. Dinner last night was incredible and surprisingly FREE! My 2 gigs were fun and booze-filled and then I stayed up all night chatting with a friend just catching up. Feel like garbage today now that I have made it to....

HASSELT: which is in Belgium about 1.5 hours outside Brussels. It takes some dirty tricks but I get the crowd a little riled up but it's really Ana Matronic who whips them into a frenzy before Tits On the Radio. The audience is a bit quiet for a Saturday night but she inspires some mania and Jake eloquently states "Jesus this is a party not Barbra Streisand's funeral!"
Just catching up here...
I read your post about how you sucked in STOCKHOLM/OSLO.
Didn't you play those CDS I gave you?!!!!
Do I have to come over there and play them myself?

You have insulted me for the last time.
You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being. I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time.

Sorry Pickles...
Just feeling a little Alec Baldwin today.

I'm sure you were fine.
Sometimes "the crowd" just has an off night.

I'm going to go listen to your set now on "Mr. Black".
Actually, I have to record a show for XM Radio...
maybe I can use yours.
CPH (cont'd): So went to dinner with friends at my fave place and got turned out. We gorged ourselves on food and drink, including this very expensive champagne that frozen then uncorked to remove any sediment then recorked and kept cold for 15 years. Unreal. And the diunner was free cause my friend was celebrating her birthday and her man wanted to pay for everything. What a grift! My 2 gigs went great and I spent the night catching up wioth a girlfriend who made sure I didn't go to bed and pack instead so that I would definitely catch my 8am flight to Brussels. Poor Del though, he had to see the tragedy that was me that morning. But an uneventful flight and train ride brought us to our destination....

HASSELT (Belgium): Let me just say this was my layover to Amsterdam cause frankly due to my fragile state I do not recall anything about this place. It was one of those stops on the tour where all I saw was the tourbus and the venu. And the crowd was real low key. This was quite surprising since it was a Saturday night. Oh well. NEXT!

AMSTERDAM: God I love this town. And I'm not a big pot smoker- thoguh I do enjoy a muffin or brownie from time to time. I just think it's one of those fab walking cities with the canals and the low architecture. And the weather was gorgeous so EVERYBODY was outside at the cafes. I spent the day walking around shopping and soaking up the tres relaxed energy. I ended up meeting some UK friends who came over for the show at a lovely bar called the Queen's Head which looks right onto the canal. Here are some pics....
After the show in Amsterdam, which went really well though playing in a very large venue had everyone a bit nervous- they tend to be less interesting crowds. We all pile onto the bus for a rough 9 hour ride to....

PARIS: I have been feeling quite homesick but our pulling into Paris immediately wipes that away. I know this sounds extremely posh and pompous but having lived here as a student, it somehow feels like a home to me and I have no problem getting lost in its streets. First things first I beeline to Rue des Francs Bourgeois in the Marais (my fave district) to stroll past delicious falafel stands and great little boutiques and the Picasso Museum to which I have been to enough times that I feel no guilt not stopping in this trip. I know there are some who think the Left Bank is where it's at but I myself have always been and will be a right bank girl. I will always want to walk from the Bastille to Pompidou to Opera etc.. whenever I come here. Again we are blessed with unseasonably warm weather. That night we are playing at the Olympia which apparently has not been outside all day so don't know that they should turn on the A/C. It is absolutely BOILING during the concert. Having never played at a Paris show with SS I had no idea what to expect from the crowd. They were really great except for this one bear in the front who seemed so bother by the slimness on stage. He would not even look at me or the opening band (this guy Snax who makes me look like "the fat one"). It was hilarious. But of course when the band came on, and he obviouls was positioned right in front of Babydaddy, he screamed like a girl. Oh the bears...
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After the show in we have to get right on the bus because it's a 14 hour drive to...

BARCELONA: Another fave city of mine the only unfortunate thing is that we are here on a Monday and Tuesday nights and for going out it sucks. But c'est la vie, right. The hotel we are booked into is clearly a 5 star place and it's located by the beach. It is absolutely beautiful and I get to spend my day off relaxing poolside and repairing some damage done by tourbus boozing. Monday night I make a dayte to go out with the head of catering, named Beevah, a fierce dyke who is an incredible chef who does all the SS tours. After an attempt to try and find an open dyke bar, we settle into a neon lit fag bar for endless vodkas. We end up at the only place to go on a Monday night, the Metro which is not even half full. Strangely enough I run into a guy I haven't seen in 6 or 7 years which is nice. Despite poisoning myself with vodka I manage to check out of the hotel in time but stay poolside for the afternoon. I don't even bother to site the city since I am coming back here in 2 weeks with a friend and will have to show her everything for her first time. PS I find the men here particularly stunning. It's a bit uphill for the women but sheesh the men are killers. Unfortunately due to my dimness I have left my phone on the bus and have no daytime Barcelona pictures. Oops...sorry. That night the show is fucking brilliant. The crowd, while slow at filing into the venue go bizark during my second set. I'm high as a kite just from the energy they are feeding me. I leave the stage to a roaoring cheer which is not so common on tour and is the biggest aphrodisiac.
Last edited by Pickles2

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