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an AGGIE?????
you've got to be bullshittin' me!!!!
well, you know what they say...
ain't nuthin' in texas but steers and queers.
guess he didn't have no horns.

for those of you who weren't fortunate enough to be reared in this the largest of the 48 contiguous states - A & M stands for agricultural and mechanical. it's where you go to major in animal husbandry and tractor engineering.

i guess these farmers have a thing for old goats.
(sorry, hattie. i couldn't resist.)
When I was 13, my mother and father took a day trip to Ohio to see my uncle and my brother closest to me in age was suppose to keep an eye on me while they were away. He did a really good job by getting me totally stoned. Later in the evening he had his girlfriend named Andrea come over, and they went downstairs in our family room where my brothers best friend Chris and I could hear her getting the life fucked out of her from where we were upstairs in the livingroom. Well at 13 almost anything can set you off, and the sound of this chick getting fucked so fierce was almost too much for me to handle. My brothers friend Chris was sitting in my dads big leather kings chair and I was laying on the couch. It was summertime and I could smell the patchouli oil mixed with pool chlorine coming off of Chris as the whirr of a big window fan blew his 17 year old smell in my direction. It was about 1 in the morning and the only cable channel in my town at the time put on a soft core movie called Lady Chatterly's Lover. I felt so strange watching this incredibly sexy period movie in the warmth of my summertime high with real sounds of fucking soming from downstairs and me being alone in the room with a boy I had thought about so much. Chris was the drummer in a local WHO cover band, and was by far the freakiest of all my brothers friends. It was 1978 and at 17 Chris had a full chest of super soft black hair, that he loved to show off almost as much as the huge dick he always stuffed in too tight Levi cut offs never with underwear. His hair looked kind of like Slash from Guns n Roses, and he wore a gold Italian horn around his neck. In the summer you never seen Chris with a shirt or shoes. He was totally tannned except for the parts that would peek out from his shorts when he would bend or sit down. His upper body was totally fine with really toned arms and pecs. I thought at one time I wanted to look just like him, he was so fucking sexy and so fucking groovy. Chris always spoke to me like an equal, where my bothers other friends always looked at me as the little brother. I was getting really freaked out because the movie was getting really graphic, showing hard dick and open pussy. I looked over at Chris to get his reaction, and he was kisked back in my dads chair with his big hard cock sticking out of his shorts, and it just stood completely upright and jerked back and forth all by itself. Chris looked right in my face and then moved his eyes to his cock and smiled. I didnt think, my mind completely went somewhere else and i got off of the couch, walked over to the side of the chair, took hold of probably a good nine inch horse dick and started playing with it and feeling it jerk really hard in my hands. I wanted to suck it soo bad, and I knew he would have probably let me, but I started to get scared. I sat on the arm of that big leather chair, layed my head on his furry chest and teased his dick for almost an hour, keeping my eyes on the movie, pretending everything was normal. Chris was breathing really hard and kept rubbing his hand on my hair. I had had orgasms of my own, but when his dick all of a sudden started to shoot, I couldnt believe it. About eight good thick squirts shot on my face and chin and hands, and when I moved his dick away from my face, it splashed on the right side of his chest. I got up, went to the bathroom, washed my face and went back and layed back down on the couch. We never talked about it EVER. When I see him at holidays and visits home, I always wonder if he remembers it as perfectly as I do. I bet not.
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It was Thanksgiving nite 1993 and Faux Pas and I had just had a scrumptious meal at my friend Sara's place in Grammercy Park. I was full of fabulous food, fine wine, and fierce herb. What more could a single twentysomething fella want in New York City at midnite? What? Sex you say? Why yes in deed, don't mind if I do. The nite was that kind of cold that was actually refreshing from being in a pot filled apartment for several hours. The air had that healthy quality, that made you enjoy each crisp breath. I jumped in a taxi and headed to Times Square where I thought I would take in a midnite "movie" at this genius place called The Hollywood Twin at 48th st and 8th ave. Two theatres, one side straight porn, and the other side queer. Well of course I took my seat on the straight side. (For some reason "straight" dick always tastes better than queer cock.) Well the place was filled with all of those people who did the obligatory family thing that day and now needed to blow off some worked up steam, plus the "regulars" that would be there during flood or famine. Nobody was waving their welcome flag at me to join them, so I decided a little trip to the potty and soda machine might be a good thing. The bathrooms were down a staircase in the lobby that was right in the middle of the two theatres. I was busy trying to lite a cigarette and didnt notice I was barrelling down the steps right in the path of where someone was coming up the stairs. We collided, the hots off of my cig exploding onto both of our shirts. After taking care of the immediate problem, we looked at each other. You know that kind of glance into someones eyes that starts off fleeting, but gets stuck, and you can't escape. Without another word, he stepped up to meet me on the stairs and put his mouth against mine. I closed my eyes and let those fat juicy Dominican lips devour my mouth. I thought if this dude fucks like he kisses, I am in some serious danger. I might go absolutely cock crazy. His name was Edwin. He was a little taller than myself, tannish brown skin, big brown eyes, soft curly hair and a fucking monster trying to rip its way out of his pants pressed up against me. After several minutes of tongue hockey, the shiftless, old security guard made his way past us and told us to take it inside. Still without a word, I took him by the hand and led him not to the theatre, but around a corner where a staircase led to a desserted projection room. Edwin took his place about 3 steps above me, and hauled a thick, brown, uncut, 11 inch Dominincan "moronga" from his jeans. He had one of those fat, long, heavy cocks, that even when it was rock hard, had a genius arc to it that made it so fierce to push down my throat. Like the weight of the meat wouldnt let it stand completely up. I sucked that cock for a good two hours, knowing just when to slow down, when I felt it kinda pulse and jerk in my throat. My face was wet with spit and tears.(I love when its so big it makes you cry.)I kept eating that dick, like I had never tasted anything as good in my life. Edwin had huge nuts, and was more than happy to take over blowing himself if I could just help him out by giving his balls a good slobbering. I had never in all my life seen a man who could swallow so much of their own dick, especially with the crazy arc it had. He sucked just like me, like he was THIRSTY. I felt his nuts starting to tighten up, and knew it wouldn't be long. He let that huge cock kinda flop out of his mouth just in time for me to reposition and catch it like a dog in my mouth. Papi's cock started spraying and not knowing why I felt safe in doing it, I drank every drop of his sweet load and then stuck my tongue in his mouth because I knew he was the type that would want to taste his own milk. Edwin was my Papi for almost 2 and a half years. Thru all the lies, and mountains of coke, that dick had me hooked and blind for one hell of a long time. I sucked his dick about 2 months ago. Eddie is older, and for some reason it's like a totally different piece in my mouth. I know thats psychological on my part, but for as FIERCE as that shit was for so long, the spell is sooooooo broken. But memories are usually better than the real thing anyway. Don't you think?
I love the word as well. It is a very backwoods, country Dominican slang word that has a translation as the unsheathed cock of a horse. Other spanish speaking countries are not really familiar with the word, and Dominican people consider it very low brow. You see I am capeable of offending in more than one language. i guess I can forget a job with the U.N.
Well..I have lived a long and prosperous life and I have never come across that word...Now I will be forced to go out and get a taste of some "Moronga"
Thank you Sweetie. I wanted some of that Edwin Moronga for the longest time but left it alone because:
1) He was the property of my good sister Sweetie.
2) He told me I wasn't a big enough gal. That I should go put on an "extra" hundred pounds or so and maybe he might think about giving me a taste of that "Moronga".

It seems it would have been quite worth it. I love a man that can blow his own horn.
I am really shocked that the two of you NEVER REALLY had Edwin. True he is a notorious chubby chaser, but he also has a fierce fetish for old men. I was his youngest lover ever. All either of you would have had to do is flash a little liver spot and that huge dominican snake could have been yours. See botox, male girdles, and sheep placenta are good for the over fifty crowd in one respect, but not everyone goes for that super moisterized, clinique bronzed, dye job "mature" man effect. Discard those Pat Field victim duds and opt for more age appropriate wardrobes. I hate to see two wonderful old timers missing out on hot latino dick. Take a trip to The Townhouse and take a peek how other men your age look, you could go together and maybe they would think you were really long in the tooth hustlers. Wouldn't that be cute? By the way Johnny, we found your truss in the Cheez Whiz bathroom, I don't know if the urine stains were already on it, or if it got too close to the toilet. I saved it in the bag with your extra set of teeth.
Well sure JD I know it's rotten when they take away your years of experience and wisdom by comparing you to some young chicken like me. Don't be too hard on Sweatie, she's getting old and senile and can't tell people apart. I think it's the fact that you still look so young that she compared you to me. And I have a surprise coming for Sweatie real soon..when she least expects it too! You'll see....
Its awesome! I have been having the best sex ever, it started off lasting 1 hour now its 3 , 3 hours of nonstop thrashy slapping, bitting pinching screaming madness, I am going to have to get a new hip with this one! I must tell yoy for a little guy he is sure another story!! he has power ans stregnth, he throws me around and I am a big girl. but let me tell you boys and girls... my neighbors have heard it all I am not a quiet one not at all I am a huge screamer, and sometimes noises come out that I never knew existed!

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