Tagged With "community gardens"
Re: Tom Murrin AKA Alien Comic
An informal wake for TOM MURRIN aka ALIEN COMIC will take place on Sunday, March 18 from 5-7 pm in the garden of St. Marks Church in-the-Bowery. A larger memorial is planned around the full moon of May or June. Please visit this Facebook page for more details: http://www.facebook.com/pages/...omic/147238605322461
Sweet N Nasty 3k
Little Pam
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
Makes sense to pay homage to my favorite jackie here on her transmogrified self , since the night I refer to is Interjackie, when the glamnerd debuted the early fetish interfaces right around the birth of the web. The cybersluts were especially delicious as I recall. I also seem to remember a digital pirate subtext, but maybe that's because my friend was dressed that way. It was a great big synergy night, something that only a few places can ever pull off - here torture garden comes to mind.
Re: Miss Understood's Hi from Thailand
I'm writing to you from the fancy bathhouse. It's one of those places you could never leave. But I will. I'm not THAT pervy. I am being a little more pervy this year though. At home I would be wayyy too self concious to walk around in a towel. I hope Chelsea culture stays away from here forever! They do have some reverse body image issues here. They'll have perfect flat abs and then think they're too skinny! You know here, the country not just the bathhouse, they would never think of making...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
Daddy-D: I promise not to dreg up emotions too often. And someday, you and Chi Chi will have to let me write a bit about your early exploits. This is something I look forward to. You know, one of the first conversations I had with Rose, maybe about four years ago, was about whether or not I could come in to Mother early one night just to interview her. She seemed to me to have stories untold of amazing interest (however since there was no place to publish such tales) I did not pursue the...
hattie, did you know larry rivers? he lived around the corner from us in southampton. he has great art in his garden, i hope someone will light the huge legs this christmas. just legs and crotch!
Re: The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Then there was that one time that we all made the super-duper-super-freak enema out of our camping matress and a garden hose and gave Silky Jumbo a good dose of Red Bull up her... Oh wait... That never happened. nevermind. Whoo. Yeah. Whoo. Yeah. Whoo. Yeah. XXXOOO Satori
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
Wasn't sure where to post this as it doesn't exactly qualify under the "nightclub crackdown" forum. This little club sounds intriquing ....
Re: ARCADIA! Opening Night Gala May 30 at CBGB Gallery
On the top of my thank-you list are the names Jade, Mia and Derrick "” who put up with me week after week, let me be bossy on occassion, but always kept the momentum going, especially during those few dark hours when I found myself pulling my hair out! Chi Chi, thank-you so much for putting your confidence in me, when we started, you probably thought I could do anything, and (while I'm not saying that's not true) I know I may have shocked you with just what minor setbacks proved to show what...
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
The Meatpacking District has now been granted offical landmark status by the powers that be. But with everything that once made that neighborhood interesting either gone completely or stifled by the tidal wave of bottle service assholes, does the title really matter?
Re: East Side, West Side, All Around The Town
I would rather see Bradlees back. So many bargains and not quite as low quality merch as K-mart. Garden of Eden is much friendlier than Whole Foods whose organic produce is overpriced. But I guess its better than having another movie multi-plex or Disney outlet, I guess.
Re: Swept Away part 2
OK, this is definitely pushing the borderline, even for me. So $$$. Tickets on sale on Monday, 3/29. From today's Daily News:
I was just reading the posts in this category, and noticed the vast majority speak only of Davids more recent work and ignore his stuff from the early 1970's, which I consider his most inspired work (Space Oddity; The Man Who Sold the World; Hunky Dory; The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Aladin Sane). David Bowie has been a major influence on my life. Like many artists, it is difficult for those who weren't around when the artist first began influencing music to...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
This just tonight -its gonna be a great week- Check this link for all the news- http://nyc.indymedia.org/
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Wow! the Shut-up-a-thon was fierce! I didn't see you Hattie, but it was easy to miss people. I stayed until a little after 5 when it started to disperse. "Fox Lies. People Die" "SHut the Fox up." "Don't tell me what to think. Fox News you really stink!" I wish I could could remember some of the other chants. The cops were really good. They have to be so on edge now, and they're doing a super job of staying cool, and managing the flow of the city amid the Chaos. THey are actually accomadating...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
Here I reprint part of an email from Linda describing the drag action at the media protest on Wednesday: ----- From: Linda Simpson Subject: DQs vs RNC Date: September 2, 2004 10:15:24 AM EDT Hi Hattie: ...We joined a protest in front of CNN and Fox News and then proceeded through Times Square and as close to Madison Square Garden as we could get, carrying signs that said "Sex Change for Regime Change"; "The Republican Potty Stinks"; and "Bush is a Drag." I must say we caused a sensation. The...
Re: Oh, no, here come The Republicans!
And the wrap up... By now, everyone I am sure has seen Bloomberg's idiotic coments regarding last week's protests. I wonder now how he will try to justify the enormous expense of holding the RNC here-- the Federal money alloted for security did not even begin to cover the costs. And how could it, with all those new "toys" purchased by the NYPD, which include that infernal sonic weapon they thankfully did not use. Who made money? A few hotels and national chain restaurants like Applebee's?
Re: Swept Away part 2
It's always been a pendulum with her, forever swinging between the two themes that have defined her entire career: Religion and her Pussy. (all her various sub-themes that drip out i.e. the dead mother/motherhood, feminism, etc can all be traced back to one of these two gaping holes) Right now she's wrapped up in the former subject. Were it not for her children we could count on her to eventually swing back to the other topic and faithfully spread her legs for the world to see as she has...
Re: boy george
Boy has just released "Yum Yum" his album as "The Twin" (on CD even!) US residents can pick up a copy here , and UK residents here . We should get ours tomorrow, so we'll report back after we've devoured and digested it. Here's the track listing: Here Cum The Girls (part 2) Yum Yum Electro Hetero Disco Ugly Size Queen Human Racing So Much Love Sanitised Fire-Desire (featuring Avenue D) Garden of Eden Who Made U? Never Over U After Dark And the pretty pretty cover: We're very excited about...
Re: Wildlife In New York City
Are these not sparrows? On sunday morning... it was real quite yet the sound of the birds from the back 'courtyard' area of my apt was so loud.. u would never believe i was in the middle of Manhattan ...So sad but for YEARS this courtyard area behind me is just concrete mess/junk yard.. soo wish that the folks who have that space would do SOMETHING with it!! Could be SO amazing.. am all excited to start shopping for my fire escape garden once weather picks up again... will go crazy in the...
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
ah yeah, the fun drag acts at the Limelight, and the biggest mix of people you eva wanted to meet. used to order ameretto and cokes there. and we've got to get ourselves back to...... Le Jardin (sp), merlin's favorite dance floor in the early/mid seventies and the roof top deco garden space. before the flamingo, before 12 west. for at least one summer in the mid seventies there was this empty two story building in the west village, it was an after hours bar. a big trucked parked outfront to...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
At the urging of my boyfriend, Chi Chi and numerous others, I've finally started reading Ms. Rice's magnum opus, THE WITCHING HOUR. I've never read any of her witch-related books, only the vampire ones. In my own (unfinished) novel, I stand behind my recent decision to leave out a large backstory section on my principle character. All that backstory was self-indulgent, it slowed the action and my manuscript is now much better as a result of cutting the fat. Besides, it's the mark of superior...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Chi, I am so glad to know your brother is safe. I hope Diego got out too. And Otter swimming away with the chihauhaus on her head!! Today's beautiful article in the Times about the New Orleans spirit: August 31, 2005 Where Living at Nature's Mercy Had Always Seemed Worth the Risk By PETER APPLEBOME After Hurricane Andrew huffed and puffed and then somehow veered away in 1992, the way the storms always seemed to do, the manager of a praline shop in the French Quarter mused on the mixture of...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
Glad, too, to hear about your brother's scramble to safety, Chi. And, S'tan, Otter was in NYC for Wigstock. It's possible she is still here... Since it's very difficult to get any first hand info from NOLA, because there is no power or telephone service, the information is very piecemeal. CNN, of course, is there, but seems to have gone out of its way to use reporters with absolutely no knowlege of the City's geography. And I will scream if they run that harrowing and heartless footage of...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
From the San Antonio Express-News: Katrina doesn't cancel Southern Decadence parade Web Posted: 09/05/2005 12:00 AM CDT Rod Davis Express-News Staff Writer NEW ORLEANS "” You know a city has legs when three or four dozen of them are parading down Bourbon Street "” some clad in tutus and grass skirts "” six days after the most damaging hurricane in American history. Revelers take part in the Southern Decadence parade in New Orleans' French Quarter. The parade celebrates the quirky side of the...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
New Orleans Reborn: Theme Park vs. Cookie Cutter By NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF NEW ORLEANS - Optimism is in short supply here. And as people begin to sift through the wreckage left by Hurricane Katrina, there is a creeping sense that the final blow has yet to be struck - one that will irrevocably blot out the city's past. The first premonition arose when Mayor C. Ray Nagin announced that the model for rebirth would be a pseudo-suburban development in the Lower Garden District called River Garden.
Re: Bibliophile Part 2
Daddy! Gay Porn? I thought you were talking about that movie I made last year (PunkSpunk Episode 1: Fan Base)! This is a nice addition to the repertoire. LPTV on Manhattan Neighborhood Network is broadcasting my reading of this from October in the garden of Le Petit Versailles. It's on tonight at 11pm. BTW...let us not forget the "little girls" as well, huh?
Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"
East Village D.J. dies at Burning Man festival By Lincoln Anderson Adam Goldstone, a well-known East Village D.J., was getting ready to do what he loved best, spin records, when he fainted in his RV at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert last Tuesday and died shortly afterwards. He was 37. According to his father, Jerry Goldstone, the cause of death was heart arrhythmia stemming from a delayed effect of a congenital condition that had been fixed when he was a child. His father said...
Re: Bibliophile Part 2
I'm reading "The City Of Falling Angels" by John Berendt. If you liked "Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil" you will like this! AND IT TAKES PLACE IN VENICE!!! This wikipedia review doesn't make it sound very interesting but it's a real page turner like his other one.
Re: Provincetown 2
Some foul and upsetting news out of Provincetown. Scandal erupted this week as news broke that the landmark Atlantic House (better known as the A-House) has been dumping raw sewage from it's bathrooms directly into the bay via a garden hose that runs from the basement, over the lawn and into the town sewer. Mouths are agape and some remain in disbelief as it is now known that unsuspecting tourists and their children have been swimming in water polluted with the feces of gay men!! Jokes...
Re: Liquid Sound Lounge 2012 Summer Boat Party
Hello Lovely Conscientious Party People With a Purpose! It's up to Mother Nature tomorrow night if we Sail or need to postpone. This boat does not have any cover, so even sprinkles/light rain we will need to postpone. You can email us at lslhopper@gmail.com or info@liquidsoundlounge.com with any questions. In the mean time please chant "Rain Rain Go Away, Come Back Another Day"....Stay tuned! RAIN POLICY: At 9pm we will announce if due to rain the boat party is to be postponed! Alternate...
Thomas & Friends Lovers I have a Discount for the Live Show in Madison Square
Hey, I found this awesome discount if you like Thomas, don’t miss It’s Thomas & Friends Live! On Stage at The Theater at Madison Square Garden Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6 ( 6 SHOWS )!!! USE CODE MOM TO SAVE 15% ON SELECT TICKETS when you click here http://www.theateratmsg.com/thomas-friends It’s active Thursday, February 10 at 8AM – Sunday, March 6 at 5PM You can use when purchasing online at Ticketmaster or mention if purchasing in person at box office. I know it’s valid on...
SMack! XV Anniversary - June 3rd w/MASUIMI MAX +more!
Friday, June 3 at 9:00pm - June 4 at 4:00am Club Rebel 251 w. 30th St. New York, NY NYC's Premiere Multimedia Fetish Play Party presents: our Annual SMack! ANNIVERSARY - June 3rd, 2011 15 Years of Pushing the Envelope - New York City's most Longest Running Fetish Event! thanx to all of you for helping us get this far GET YOUR ADVANCED REDUCED ADMISSION TIX NOW!! : http://SMack-Fetish.Tix.com/ part of the NY Fetish Marathon IX : June 2nd-5th http://NYFetishMarathon.com/ -+-+-+ Multi-Zones of...
Garrin Benfield @ Le Petit Versailles garden
Garren Benfield in concert! Saturday August 6 @ 8pm. Le Petit Versailles 346 East Houston St. < Avenue B & C> petitversailles@earthlink.net http://www.alliedproductions.org 212 529 8815 Subway: F/V- Second Ave. - J/M/F- Delancey/Essex "Garrin Benfield is a busy, busy fellow, splitting his time between NY and SF and continuing to enrich the music scene of both cities. He's no stranger to Acoustic Sunrise - Rosalie has been onto him for years - but it's the new...
Suspension The Halloween Party!
The Delancey 168 Delancey Street. at foot of the Williamsburg bridge New York, NY https://www.facebook.com/event...?eid=299818210033300 Sunday, October 30, 2011 09:00 PM to 04:00 AM The Delancey lounge 168 Delancey street, NY NY map $15 in proper attire,$30 sharp all black Halloween costumes, fetish attire, burner beautiful, leather, latex, uniforms, formal wear Description Special Halloween edition-Let's see those costumes! SUSPENSION-A play soiree Play soiree plâ swÄ-râ n 1. a party or...
The Re-investment Tour
So excited/disgusted to have received my $120 (each) Madoo-doo tickets today! I just couldn't help it. Admittedly, I am a little worried. I wasn't able to snag tix for the first round of 5 sold-out shows at the Garden. I've been relegated to the...
Propaganda! 055: Shlomi Aber and Gel Abril [Be As One Showcase] | Sullivan Room NYC
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… SULLIVAN ROOM PROPAGANDA! 0 55 PRESENTS: Shlomi Aber [ Be As One ] Recognized as one of the main techno pioneers and influential artists of the recent time, Shlomi has the kind of impact usually reserved for inbound meteors, the reason for which is buried in a ground swell of genre-defying appreciation and support. A comment taken from a “Radio 1” interview provides a probable...
PUSSY FAGGOT! Penny Arcade Hosts 4/15 @ The Delancey
It's another installment of the sprawling 3-story party recently censored by Facebook. That's PUSSY FAGGOT! OKAAAY?? Two floors of performance, DJs and legendary performance artist Penny Arcade cracking the whip as your mistress of ceremonies, plus...
Beams to New Orleans
My friends David and Sandra have decided to remain in the Garden District tonight on the Eve of Hurricane Katrina...They just recently relocated there from NYC - Both are in their 70s and 80s (though dont dare tell them I told you so!) and stubborn as...
Depeche Mode
caught their show last night at the Garden. They were pretty incredible. Martin and Dave were totally selling it, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. 2 encores - including 'Everything Counts' and "Somebody". It was gorgeous and really got rocking...
August 29 March and Rally- The Motherboards Marches
UPDATED 8/28 - FINALAUGUST 29 - NEW YORK NIGHTCLUB VETERANS FOR TRUTHMARCH WITH US (PROTEST IS GLAMOROUS)Well, it has begun - as streets close up, protests rev up as tomorrow's massive August 29 UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE march approaches. Here are...
The Last 100 Days -The end of the Little Bush Idiocracy
The last 100 days of an 8 year-long global tragedy are now counting down. Please post here any and all images, accounts, opinions, insights, consequences or future wishes that put in plain cybersight what humanity has endured under the Little Bush...
Claywoman @ Le Petit Versailles June 20th 8PM
After sold out performances at Deitch Projects, The New Museum for Contemporary Art and most recently opening for Antony and the Johnsons at Town Hall on Broadway, Claywoman returns for a one night only performance at Le Petit Versailles. This latest...