Tagged With "Blueprint for Accountability"
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
Legendary British photographer Nick Knight's website http://www.showstudio.com has a downloadable shirt pattern courtesy of art-house designer Yohji Yamamoto. The shirt itself is pictured in the "images" section of the site (handy for those less experienced with clothes making, me included, because it gives you clues as to how to constuct it)...an added incentive, once done making the shirt you can send them a picture of yourself with your own creation! Who says you need to deplete your bank...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
I share some of the same sentiments but the reality is 'horrible criminal acts' is the basis for 70%? of the content of movies and TV for quite some time now. I also try to take into account what was Alig's intent at the time. As I understand it, it was a squabble that escalated to an attack. When you're drunk or using drugs, which both of them admittedly did, it's likely you don't know you're own strength when push comes to shove. It's not like he lay in wait to off his source to avoid a...
Next to Quentin Crisp, one of my favorite New Yorkers was an uptown girl whom I belatedly learned passed on. I was visitng the NYTimes obit section for the first time in many months and discovered Daphne Helman, had passed away this summer very close to if not on Warhol's birthday.) She was listed as a name on the bottom of the page but the link wasn't working. Later that day I was on the Motherboards in the Versailles section and was reminded of the RIP VIP which I've also avoided far too...
Re: Rice Queens - The Anne Rice topic
I have many great things I wish to accomplish today (as every day). But I wanted to share my copy of Pandora with Mother's Rice Queens -- especially in timing with this coming event. This book means a great deal to me. In addition to it's amazing beauty, the purchase of it taught me one of the most valuable lessons in my life with regards to appreciating the quality of my life. Like most actually, I grew up quite poor. The year before I went to college (1989), my mother made $2000 for the...
From: uravampire@mindspring.com Subject: [queerleft] Fwd: Harry Hay obituary - New York Times Is there going to be a NYC (or in other cities) memorial for Harry Hay, and more than mourning, as doing what Harry Hay had often done, which way forward for the queer movement? In May 2003 there will be a gathering of queer lefties in NYC at the Brecht Forum, to put the issue of queer liberation back in the heart of the socialist/anarchist/left movments and reconnect the queer community to the...
Although Michael Bronski did not actually post his obit synopsis here, I'm wondering if it is serving some other purpose or wherever else it was submitted. His seeming objection to the tendency of the media and others to paint rosy post mortem pictures fails to take into account some prerequisites of the moment, including timing, the emotions of the bereaved, and the fact the person in question or under attack is no longer here to defend themselves. Most everyone will agree that it's nearly...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
Finally got to speak to Bobby today for a long while - my first conversation since he has been back at home. His voice sounds ever stronger and Merlin and Jamie were there fattening him up! Bobby said how much these posts meant and continued to mean. He asked that people continue to post here and not email him, as his email box filled up while he was in hospital and hotmail closed or disabled his account. He also enjoys receiving snailmail at the p.o. box - email me if you need it. He...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
I saw it today. I don't know what to think. It definitely wasn't bad, but I can't say it was good either. I thought MacAuley Culkin was irritating, if it was just Seth Green it would've been a much better movie. For those who know the story (or lived it), the only reason to see the movie was for the recreations of the club scene "back in the day", but as Z&S pointed out above those scenes are pretty much quick camera pans across a dark room with an indistinguishable glimpse at a few...
I can't believe he's gone to his grave and I'm still owing him big time. Desperation never fails to iluminate. George Plimpton, Urbane and Witty Writer, Dies at 76 By RICHARD SEVERO Published: September 26, 2003 copy from NYTimes Web obit page Associated Press George Plimpton, the self-deprecating author of "Paper Lion" and a patron to Philip Roth and Jack Kerouac has died. He was 76. George Plimpton, the New York aristocrat and literary journalist whose exploits in editing and writing...
Re: boy george
So I was sitting in an Internet cafe in Prague wen I see Zazoo and Satori's post about a live Internet chat w/Boy and Rosie. Unfortunately the computer had no sound, so I couldn't watch it. I did send in a question. I just found out that my question got in! You can see the chat here: You have to give an email address to watch it. You all need to have that Hotmail or Yahoo account for these things.
Re: My Night of 1000 Stevies 14 review
lia, Your account and pics are major! thanks. I really love the crowd shots. Especially this one. That's "Gypsy 83" director Todd Stephens. Thinking about the sequal maybe?
Re: Swept Away part 2
Say what you will about poor ticket sales and deep discounts, but Madoo-doo is doing alright compared to many this summer. From MTV:
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
S'tan, please, the East Village 'art scene' was not about cashing in on the money? Let's not idealize it tooooooo much. Sorry to cast aspersions on many of your past and current aquaintances, but the EV 'art scene' was just the same catagory of ladder climbers Soho was ALL about. It's just that the EV 'scene' was the only space available on account of that olde arte world staple, exclusivity. Mark Kostabi is really the epitome of the East Village 'art scene' of the eighties. I'm not...
Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)
This from BBC news The widow of US writer Hunter S Thompson has said her husband killed himself while they were speaking to one another on the telephone. Thompson - best-known for his 1972 account of a drug-addled Nevada trip, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - shot himself on Sunday at his Colorado home. His widow, Anita Thompson, 32, told the Aspen Daily News she heard the "clicking of the gun". She said: "I was on the phone with him, he set the receiver down and did it."
Re: Farewell Charming Old New York
Above the Trendy, the Down and Out By ALAN FEUER NY Times April 7, 2005 Knock at Room 18 on the fourth floor of 559 West 22nd Street and an old man in a watch cap stumbles to the door. "What am I doing here?" he asks, answering the question with a question. "I'm dying here," he says. His name is George Ullrich and, according to his own account, he has been dying here for almost 30 years. He lives in a small room, 10 feet deep by 10 feet wide, and in rooms all down the hallway, a piece of the...
Re: SEX in Jackie 60
Ah, yes, the formative years...Daddy, I think I was 19 when I started there. My first year out of high school and I stumble into Jackie's. My memories are still tied to that high school mind and you know what those memories are like: Jackie 60 seems like part of my childhood. Did you know, Kitty saw me auditioning at Clit Club and asked me to come to Jackie's? I couldn't even drink for the first couple of years (this was during the Guiliani club crackdown and Kitty even sniffed my soda...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
i just went back to read some open letters from a friend of mine who has gone to help in the re-creation of new orleans. he's an amazing activist... passionate, energetic, true. just wanted to share his experiences with this community. they're very real. ************************************** hello all- I feel a pressing need to communicate something of the experience I am having here, even as I know I can only capture a glimpse of what it is to be here. I want to say something you have not...
Re: Beams to New Orleans
letter #2, dec. 14 ************************* hello all- I feel a pressing need to communicate something of the experience I am having here, even as I know I can only capture a glimpse of what it is to be here. I want to say something you have not heard, to offer some deep insight into the complexity of the situation here, but I don't even know where to begin. I am in a surreal and deeply inspiring hell- New Orleans is a post apocalyptic wonderland where utter devastation is everywhere and...
Re: Wanted: Memories Of The Pyramid Club, 1981-1985
Well you all were the best looking tech staff on the planet-- what did you expect? But seriously, everyone really loved you guys because you could take a piece of gaffers tape, a bit of mylar, a clip light, and a bent bobby pin from Bunny's wig and run a show that was technically flawless ! BTW I emailed you privately, Dana, I hope you check your Yahoo! account.
Re: JT LeRoy
OUTED! Kind of a low beginning to the end of the deceptions. If you go to the article in the Times there is a nice picture of all three of the protagonists in the scam, all looking massively neurotic and spooked under the cameraflashes. Kind of sociologically perverted that novels done from the persona of a gay hustler end up in a totally hetero personal conflict. I like how, much more than just making a nom-de-flimflam, they created a media virus that once it infected the literary and...
Re: The Motherboards Remembers 9/11/2001
Letter emailed on The Day: Like alot of folk, I imagined I could walk downtown and have a look. I got over to the river, joined the crowd standing still and silent, staring at the thick single plume of black smoke. I started walking downtown with others. We were stopped at Houston Street. People were trying to force their ways through the police barricade: "I live down there!" "My husband's waiting for me!" "My dogs!" Cops were fighting to keep people from crossing Houston... One cop...
Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV
Not two days after Entertainment Weekly reported on a proposal by Madonna's former nanny, Melissa Dumas, making the rounds, Publishers Marketplace reports that a deal's been struck for LIVE TO TELL: My Life as Madonna's Nanny by Lindsey Moore at Crown. The September 2007 release went for "major deal" (aka $500,000 and up) money, and Sharlene Martin is the agent of record for the book, pitched as "an account of working in all four of the pop star's homes and the details of her home life,...
Re: SJ's European Tour 2007
Ok that's going to be annoying to have to rely on her for pics cause, well, she drinks a lot on tour. Is it because this account is new that I don't have the option to attach pics? ANy help is much appreciated... But I digress. KOLN- The night off in Koln we have the now traditional tour dinner where everyone on the tour gets together to wreak havoc on some poor unsuspecting restaurant. Due to the fact that our crew is mostly (all?) from the UK, copious amounts of beer are consumed and at...
Re: SJ's European Tour 2007
After the show a few of us head out to a bar to soak up the last bit of Barcelona we can before we have to head on to.... MADRID: Now, it's difficult for me to give a fair account of Madrid because we awake to a very disgruntled crew who arrived to find that the load-in area has been removed due to extreme road construction and so all the equipment has to come through a hobbit hole down a narrow stair case. Catering can't even load in so they are frantic to try and find food to feed the 50...
Re: JT LeRoy
from Times' Select... another point of view... sort of a 'Farewell Charming Old NY' mixed in with JT... The City's New Motto: ˜See You in Court' By CLYDE HABERMAN Manufacturing is all but gone from New York. The information technology industry, while on a roll, does not quite have the Silicon Alley '90s buzz. This city is in danger of falling behind London as a financial capital. Thank goodness, we still have lawsuits. ... We have people of unparalleled dedication, like a lawyer who said he...
Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4
On Curbed.com they have something called "SchnabelWatch"... the artist Julian Schnabel has built a freaky pink fake Italian palazzo on West 11th and the river... claimed it would be an artists' community, "the rebirth of the salon." Then sold it off to standard boring money-men... http://curbed.com/archives/2007/10/03/schnabelwatch_chu....php#reader_comments Who then just try to flip it for more millions. http://www.curbed.com/archives/2006/12/05/schnabelwatch...his_convenience_.php It's not...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Cara was at the R4F Tribute/Celebration on 10/3 and I get the sense that she has really embraced Dean as a subject. She has submitted 2,000 words- including an account of the full moon Wiccan prayer circle ceremonies on the beach led by Miss Viva. I truly hope that this account gets through the final edit- this aspect of Dean's spirituality has not come out in the reporting to date. Dean was wearing one thing when he was found- his pentagram. Fabulously accessorized to the last- work!
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Thank you so much david for that account of yr psychic reading- i had just today said to a friend that dean has really made me believe in spirits being around and communicating, and then i read that- thank you! and thank you beth, for letting us in. i heard about the dvd's, cmon dean! i hope you are staying well.
Blueprint for Accountability: The Wall St-Washington Connection
Streaming Live fromGaston Hall, Georgetown University Tuesday March 27th at 7:00 pm EST http://fora.tv/live/culture_project/culture_project_blueprint_for_accountability A fusion of theater, film, journalism and...
The Club Creatures - Zazoo & Satori
Just when you thought it was safe to venture out into the night, here come Zazoo and Satori, more gaudy and obnoxious than a 2 for 1 display at your local Kmart store. So where did these two Alien-Muppet hybrids come from and why are they here? The...
NOTS on Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Our email has been jumping with the following rather surreal news. It seems that earlier this week, Night of 1000 Stevies was the answer to a question on the mainstream quiz show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"?The contestant got it right after...
AIDS turns 20
AIDS turns 20 (CNN) -- Twenty years ago, AIDS made its medical debut in the United States as a disease that primarily struck gay men. The politically organized gay community mobilized against it, stressing education and prevention through safe sex,...
Iran executes gay teenagers
This was sent to me (from the UK) to post on The Motherboards.Two gay teenagers were publicly executed in Iran on 19 July 2005 for the 'crime' of homosexuality. The youths were hanged in Edalat (Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad, in north east...
The Return Of TRIPPLE XXX!
How much do we LOVE Dean Johnson?He just keeps getting better and better!!!!!!"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space." -- Jayne Howard"I love trash!" -- Oscar The Grouch Dean Johnson and James Coppola presentTRIPLE XXX...
Dreams and Nightmares
Dreams and NightmaresDreams and NightmaresThere is an utterly new perspective to get an insight into the human soul. These"Dreams and Nightmares"are not typical in a naturalistic sense. There are deep symbols and a rich sea of colours that show a...
Modern Art
Modern Art:The utterly other "Dreams and Nightmares" of the artist Paul Salvator GoldengreenThere is an utterly new perspective to get an insight into the human soul. These"Dreams and Nightmares"are not typical in a naturalistic sense. There are deep...
Let's hear it for...the Church of England??? Fascinating story in yesterday's Daily Mail: in keeping with its somewhat more modern ideologies--and contrary to popular Christian dogma that all life is sacred--the church posits that in certain...
VNC for tech support
I just got back from visiting my wife's father. While we were there, we set up a new Mac Mini for him. He had been reporting trouble with his 5 year old eMac but I think the trouble was all self-made. So the great thing is, I enabled Remote Access in...
BioHazard Promotions Pres. No Inhibitions w/ NiCe7 (NYC Debut) Alexi Delano & DJ Tone
BioHazard Promotions Pres. No Inhibitions w/ NiCe7 (NYC Debut) Alexi Delano & DJ Tone Tickets: http://bit.ly/1opQSyj SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 2014 Biohazard Promotions presents: NO INHIBITIONS: THE INTRODUCTION NYC's Newest and Hottest House & Techno Music Experience! TOP FLOOR OF SLAKE NYC Red Room: NiCe7 / Alexi Delano w/ Support By: Tones Propaganda Room: Kellam / Rissa Garcia / Mario Piacentino Time: 10pm to 4am | Age 21+ | Dress Code: Trendy New York, NY - Saturday, October 11th,...
Re: State of The Music Business, 2011
Some up to date statistics on world recorded music sales. http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi...ded-music-sales-fall Excerpts from the artilce: Global recorded music revenues fell 8.4% last year , about $1.45bn, to $15.9bn according to the annual Recording Industry in Numbers report by international music industry body the IFPI. Overall physical sales, the term used in the industry for sales of products such as CDs, fell by 14.2% year on year to $10.4bn. Digital revenues grew by 5.3% year on year...
Re: Preparing to move The Motherboards in January
Happy New Year everyone! Our big move has been pushed back one week due to Mercury Retrograde and snowpocalypse issues. Every planet is now moving forward and so shall we. The new timetable: Boards will CLOSE Monday night 1/10 and our membership rolls will freeze too at that point. At some time on 1/13, we will be ready to unveil the new sites (The Queenmother.tv Forums are becoming their own community in which your Motherboards identity and login will continue to work). We will email all...
Re: Preparing to move The Motherboards in January
Thanks Judy and everyone, I've been playing with the new features and know you will enjoy them! We just opened a TWITTER account for the Motherboards to take us through the transition and then use for service news and outreach for some of our club history topics. Its @motherboardsnyc and you dont have to follow us to get the news...but you can if you'd like! http://twitter.com/motherboardsnyc
Re: Politically Incorrect VI
http://iowahawk.typepad.com/io...11/01/dear-nazi.html God Bless Iowahawk!!! DD Customer Relations Department United Airlines Elk Grove Village, IL Dear Sir or Madam: In the dark annals of human evil, history has recorded the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocides, and Stalin's mass starvation program. And now, United Airlines flight 671 from Reagan International to Memphis International on January 17th, 2011. I know, because I am a survivor of that dark exemplar of man's cruelty to man. Perhaps I...
Re: Arias With A Twist
"It is by long obedience and hard work that the artist comes to enforced spontaneity and consummate mastery. Knowing that he can never create anything on his own account, out of the top layers, so to speak, of his personal consciousness, he submits obediently to the workings of 'inspiration'; and knowing that the medium in which he works has its own self-nature, which must not be ignored or violently overridden, he makes himself its patient servant and, in this way, achieves perfect freedom...
Re: NOTS 19 - Your Reviews and Pictures Here!
I've posted my pics on our Flickr account: HERE. What a night.
Re: Arena Studios Presents: MANIFESTO
Also check out Gerry Visco's Set She's got some GREAT shots on her Flickr account, of course. XXXOOO Satori
Re: FischerSp00ner
That sucks it would have been fun to hang out. We went low key/maintenance and didn't run into ANYONE we knew... We are on facebook as "Zazoo Satori" and are connected with you now. As a side bar, We saw from Casey's twitter account that ticket sales are a little weak, so spread the word if you've seen it that it's a GREAT time. XXXOOO Satori
Re: Stonewall: 40 Years
Believe it or not, on the Anniversary of Stonewall, police in Ft. Worth, Texas raid several gay bars, resulting in more than a dozen arrests and leaving one patron with a fractured skull. They showed up ready for action with zip ties and a wagon. -------------- Upset Fort Worth residents protest raid on gay nightclub By DOMINGO RAMIREZ JR. ramirez@star-telegram.com FORT WORTH -- A crowd of more than 100 protesters chanted "No more!" from the steps of the Tarrant County Courthouse Sunday...