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Tagged With "tommy london"


Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig

S'tan ·
As per the glamourization of murder, there is no doubt stories of murder and serial killing, etc. are very 'entertaining' but there are limits. E.g. Jack the Ripper -- I wanted to go walking around the area in London one afternoon, and went into a local Information kiosk. The woman would not tell me ANYTHING at all, no directions towards streets, etc. and only urged me to go on a guided tour (they are all at night.) She glared at me like I was a ghoul. I guess I was. I found some things...

Re: RIP, VIP - Chapter 2 (3/5/04++)

hatches ·
Ismail Merchant 1936-2005 One half of the film making and life partnership Merchant-Ivory, the Mumbai-native, whose "literate costume dramas"(often in collaboration with screenwriter Ruth Prewar Jhabvala) gave us all a reason to go back to the movies, died recently in London after a brief illness. Maurice, Howard's End, Room With A View, and many more... what a genius! London Times Obit

Re: Antony and the Johnsons

Zazoo and Satori ·
Great Topic, while we were in London, they were all the buzz! And as a sign for some possible mainstream US exposure: We were shocked to hear the new single with Lou Reed on Sirius' "Left of Center" (channel 26) the other day. XXXOOO Satori

Re: boy george

seven ·
Having your place be Grand Central Creativity: When you come from relatively nothing and then get prosperous, and are a creative person, a revolving door on your place is the hospitality habit you learned from your former life -when you have nothing you share it all freely. Cops: It is just as likely the coke was the cops, they planted it. A high profile bust, or busting someone who is giving the cops a hard time, -those are just standard cop practices. Does BG deserve it? Every celeb is...

Re: boy george

Michael Madison ·
Today's Page 6 proclaims: HUSTLER PUT BOY GEORGE IN FIX October 14, 2005 -- BOY George hired a male hustler who tried to rob him the morning the cross-dressing Culture Club singer was busted for cocaine possession, PAGE SIX has learned. George called 911 last Friday morning to report that his Centre Street apartment had been burglarized "” but he was arrested when cops found a mound of what appeared to be Bolivian marching powder piled near his computer. A source said that George called 911...

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Michael Madison ·
Ooo ooo ooo! I wanna be Rosie O'Donell! Meanwhile, Madge cries: Liz Smith -- November 30, 2005 -- 'ME AND ELVIS? Are you kidding?! I'm gonna tell my dad. Maybe that will impress him." That was Madonna's reaction when we told the Queen of Pop that she has now tied the King of Rock 'n' Roll with the most top-10 singles ever "” 36 each. (Her latest being the crazily infectious "Hung Up.") M had not heard the news yet. I guess she really does stay away from media! And at 47, touchingly, she...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Zazoo and Satori ·
GREAT Article! ----- Inside the bizarre world of Pete Burns -- Jan 9 2006 PADDY SHENNAN on the weird and wonderful life of Big Brother's Scouse celebrity Paddy Shennan, Liverpool Echo ONCE seen never forgotten, Pete Burns used to walk around Liverpool wearing outrageous black PVC outfits, black contact lenses - and human bones in his hair. "Nobody was as wild as me. Some people used to laugh, but I knew one day I would show them all." This was the Dead or Alive frontman, now 46, talking to...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Anna Nicole ·
The mad thing about Probe records is that around that same time Budgie from the Banshees was also workng door was the hairsalon Extreems where A flock of Seagulls all worked... and down two more shops was the Vintage Clothes store Aunt Twackys where Paul Rutherford from Frankie Goes to Hollywood worked. Which was of course accross the street from OMD's studio. This was also the time that Courtney Love used to hang out 'stalking' Julian Cope. Pete 'stole' allot of that early...

Re: Antony and the Johnsons

daddy ·
This from The NME

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Glamnerd ·
ok, i know im WAY late on this sweetie, but.. Im finally listening to the new Madonna here at this job im on and I cant get over how bad the New York song is, is she kidding. I LOVE the sound of it. Its my favorite one music-wise , but the words......New York/Dork go to Texas....get off my street,London and Paris , you can keep? what the fuck, did her son make up the lyircs? its a shame cuz i really love the groove. Theo's "New York" song blows hers out of the water, and im not just saying...

Re: Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York

daddy ·
Oh Ulysses, We should have known where you would be. In an air conditioned bar. It reminds me of a headline I saw in London once describing a "terrible heatwave"... 80 DEGREES AND SUNNY NO END IN SIGHT

Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al

Luxury Lex ·
The culture seems much more of a cafe-coffee house one as opposed to a drinking-pub culture like in London. Lot of people reclining in wicker chairs outside. Everyone smokes, though it does not bother us. We bought some kitsh white plaster busts of Greek gods to put in our bathroom at home.

Re: Greece & Turkey: Athens, Istanbul, Mykonos, et al

Luxury Lex ·
I can see now why I've never heard people rave about Athens the way they do about Rome, Paris, Berlin, London or New York. When you take away the ancient ruins and a few old neighborhoods near the Acropolis, you are left with largely an ugly city composed of plain and ugly box-like buildings. Lots and lots of them. I couldn't even date them with a specific era, there were just so many dingy white, beige and off-white buildings with no character whatsoever that I couldn't keep track. I've...

Re: Pete Burns -- Part 2

Zazoo and Satori ·
Pete's just gotten out of 6 weeks in lockup after an incident at Ghetto in London... He started beating up his ex, chaos hit the club. We're betting it inspires a new song: "ElectroRiot in the Ghetto." XXXOOO S

Re: GWB and Catch 22

S'tan ·
Damage Study Urged on Surveillance Reports ... "In London a human rights group said Tuesday that it had filed complaints in 32 countries alleging that the banking consortium, known as Swift, violated European and Asian privacy laws by giving the United States access to its data. "Simon Davies, director of the group, Privacy International, said the scale of the American monitoring, involving millions of records,...

Re: Hattie Hathaway in Threepenny Opera

andreabicsotti ·
Hatches, about Sweeney, yes, I loved Patti as Lovett, you're totally right she was very different from Angela Lansbury, but I loved Lansbury's portrayal as well. I guess an interpretation of a role depends on the performer and the director. By the way Sondheim saw Christopher Bond's straight production (no music) in London and got involved with the show that way. Broadway will never be the same again. I also hear that Patti's doing Rose in Gypsy at the Ravinia Festival, I think that is in...

Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"

Anna Nicole ·
East Village D.J. dies at Burning Man festival By Lincoln Anderson Adam Goldstone, a well-known East Village D.J., was getting ready to do what he loved best, spin records, when he fainted in his RV at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert last Tuesday and died shortly afterwards. He was 37. According to his father, Jerry Goldstone, the cause of death was heart arrhythmia stemming from a delayed effect of a congenital condition that had been fixed when he was a child. His father said...

Re: New and News, Part 6

Anna Nicole ·
I luv this article in the UK Daily Mail.. it's SO AbFab! It's so funny - if it weren't all true! Anyone else wanna join Class War with me? Some tidbits - Diary of a billion-heiress Life of luxury: Yuki Oshima-Wilpon Yuki's whole lifestyle is funded by her billionaire father, a Japanese financier. MONDAY: 11.50am One of my two protection officers, Richie, knocks on the bedroom door to wake me. Although I didn't...

Re: GWB and Catch 22

S'tan ·
GWB sez -- WAR WILL CREATE SAFETY AND SECURITY Catch 22 : Peaceful people are traitors, to be blown up the same as the fighting men & women... Happy Sunday Headlines! Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat USA is Graded a D+ in Its Role "....On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee released an ominous report about the terrorist threat. That assessment, based...

Re: Adam Goldstone - RIP, VIP our beloved "mista bitch"

daddy ·
From Maurice Bernstein, CEO, Giant Step: A couple of months ago we were all shocked to hear about the untimely death of DJ, producer, night life icon and all around good friend, Adam Goldstone. He meant a lot to many of us in NY and around the world, from his editing of TONY club pages, his parties and most of all his unique personality. Adam's humor was dryer and stranger than anyone else I knew (a certain birthday gift he once gave me proved that). Well the time has come to truly pay...

Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!

goblin73 ·
it's very hot right now, daddy. 'specially in san francisco and london. two fierce parties there: tubesteak connection at aunt charlie's in san fran, the brainchild of dj bus station john. my favorite night there right now. and horsemeat disco in london. (vauxhall, i think) and i think nita and sammy have played that one. anyway... both cater to a hairy, 30+ crowd of guys who don't worry about a missed trip to the gym but do get into classic house, electro, and rare disco. how was the music...

Re: Lions and tigers and... BEARS!!!!

Miss Ginger ·
Daddy...XXL in London! Great big bear party. Two huge bars sandwich a huge dancefloor that plays vocal tracks for the gods with disco beats for your nerves. This leads into yet another room that is half trance and half backroom. Outdoor patio. London calling!! These guys host a party here at Element once a month on a Sunday. Music is fun and there is usually a live performance. The first XXL NYC was held at Webster Hall with Ultra Nate and Mother Barbra Tucker. Mama Tucker brought it! She...

Re: Madonna: Swept Away, part IV

Michael Madison ·
Madonna reduced to tears. From yesterday's Daily Mail. So so brilliant. Love her music, but fuck Madonna. Three cheers for Stella and Chrissie. Daily Mail (London) December 14, 2006 Madonna's tears as Stella launches anti-fur sermon BYLINE: RICHARD SIMPSON MADONNA was reduced to tears in a furious bust-up with her clothes- designer friend Stella McCartney over her decision to wear a chinchilla fur coat. Paul McCartney's daughter rang the 48-year-old pop singer from her hospital bed to tell...

Re: Clatterford

Hapi Phace ·
Hey JT C - where have you been? I keep waiting for you to post somting in your "tunnel in my backyard" thread - I watched your vid - but it is too dark to see anything, yet I know how you love those sloshing sounds. Being one of those various fruity men, I know that you'd cast me as the Dawn French (the chubby one in the curly wig). Which one whould you cast Hattie as? I realized that I have tickets to see Grey Gardens (again) on the same night that Clatterford debuts - but it also airs the...

Re: SJ's European Tour 2007

Pickles2 ·
Ok, so with my head full of Cure and severely lacking H2O I arrive in.... MILAN: where I am greeted by Mauro the promoter of Billy (the club night I am playing at) who's a dead ringer for Bobby Miller I kid you not, and my new agent (backstory: my previous agent got knocked up by her husband and had the baby after which she decided to say screw being an agent I wanna be a mom only, hey why not), Riccardo who lives in London but is from Milan so he came for the weekend. Both are lovely and...

Re: JT LeRoy

S'tan ·
from Times' Select... another point of view... sort of a 'Farewell Charming Old NY' mixed in with JT... The City's New Motto: ˜See You in Court' By CLYDE HABERMAN Manufacturing is all but gone from New York. The information technology industry, while on a roll, does not quite have the Silicon Alley '90s buzz. This city is in danger of falling behind London as a financial capital. Thank goodness, we still have lawsuits. ... We have people of unparalleled dedication, like a lawyer who said he...

Re: Farewell Charming Olde New York, part 4

S'tan ·
"Living in a fishbowl" ... when I was recently in Manhattan I had a number of conversations about the prevalence of the new glass houses, transparent skyscrapers, people live without curtains and put their entire selves on display... It doesn't matter if you stare into my living room, it's all designer showcase anyhow ... Maybe TV reality shows have inured people to being on display... as no-one remembers the next day what they were looking at, they are on to the next ant-farm. Michael...

NERD LOVE: A VALENTINE'S DAY party for the rest of us!

Kelli z. Dunham ·
Love nerd stuff? Love nerds? In the midst of nerd love? Just want a break from all the Hallmark Crap? NERD LOVE is the perfect Valentine's Day event NERD LOVE Monday February 14 th @ 6 PM. Stonewall Inn, 53 Christopher Street NYC ++We're starting at 6, so you still have time to go out to dinner or whatever other fancy VD stuff you want to do. ++And there will be special guests. ++And Cheryl B and Kelli Dunham will be recreating their first date as told by the bears in the xtranormal video.

STIMULATE sunday 3/20: CYB.ORG Body Mod/SonicWarriors/Xris SMack! BDay

MissJordanJones ·
Sunday, March 20 at 9:00pm - March 21 at 4:00am Club Rebel251 w. 30th St.New York, NY Xris SMack! Mindswerve Studios present:S T I M U L A T E[ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] - Get your Monthly Fix! / / / / / - SPECIAL CYBorg EDITION! - / / / / /featuring Body Modification Performances, SONIC WARRIORS UNITEDand Xris SMack!'s Bionic Birthday celebration! ** NOTE THE DATE CHANGE - Sunday March 20th ** 9pm-4amAdvance Tickets and more info here: 2 rooms of...

SMack! XV Anniversary - June 3rd w/MASUIMI MAX +more!

MissJordanJones ·
Friday, June 3 at 9:00pm - June 4 at 4:00am Club Rebel 251 w. 30th St. New York, NY NYC's Premiere Multimedia Fetish Play Party presents: our Annual SMack! ANNIVERSARY - June 3rd, 2011 15 Years of Pushing the Envelope - New York City's most Longest Running Fetish Event! thanx to all of you for helping us get this far GET YOUR ADVANCED REDUCED ADMISSION TIX NOW!! : part of the NY Fetish Marathon IX : June 2nd-5th -+-+-+ Multi-Zones of...

LOW LIFE 5: FLAMING QUEENS is 6/5 at HOWL! Festival

Chi Chi ·

STIMULATE 8/20: the "Superheroes vs Supervillains" Costume Ball !!

MissJordanJones ·
STIMULATE August 20th Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios present: "Superheroes Vs SuperVillans" Costume Ball !! in coordination with this summers Superhero Blockbusters! Thor / X-Men: First Class / Green Lantern / Captain America +more! Advanced Tickets: (also save Sept. 17th for our 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!) Stimulate Your Senses! ==== SOUND ==== our Death-Defying DJ's * Uncanny XRIS SMACK! as Shazam! * The Diabolical DR. OCTOPUSsy (KultureShock, Vesago) * The...

WORK! Presents WE PARTY Spain w/ Peter Rauhofer @ Pacha 10/09

cgmusicnyc ·
WORK! Presents WE PARTY Spain w/ Peter Rauhofer @ Pacha 10/09 Sunday, October 9th COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND SPECIAL EVENT! WORK! Presents WE PARTY Spain     After Barcelona, Tel Aviv, Miami, London, Moscow, Ibiza, Rio De Janeiro, Lima, Athens, Istanbul, Paris....WE PARTY is finally coming to New York!   We were working months on bringing Spain's hottest new party finally to New York. Anyone who experienced it last year in Miami knows this will be huge!!!     This New York...

Dixon Place Presents MargOH! Channing is Tipsy

MargOH! ·
Hey Kids, MargOH! has filled up her flasks and is heading over to Dixon Place March 30 9:30PM to present her hit show Tipsy as part of the Works in Progress series... “MargOH! Channing is Tipsy” is written and performed by drag lush MargOH! Channing (BT Shea). The show deconstructs drag through storytelling, song, and drunkglama dysfunction. MargOH! reminisces about her family, gay lovers and the ups and downs of her career while tackling such subjects as rape, incest, race, political...

Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York

Chi Chi ·
Mardi Gras in New Orleans 06: Krewe York"Three Big Chiefs they're dead and gone, so three Big Chiefs gotta carry on.."- Wild Magnolias, "Brother John Is Gone"As discussed earlier in the Beams to New Orleans topic, we are movingforward with plans for...


Anna Nicole ·
Sweetie and Randella inspired me... I love fragrance... I dragged Lex to Sephora to help me pick a new one and he was no use nor ornament.. (Bless!) .. so am lookin for a new fragrance for Summer... and Sweetie you always suggest such new great...

Russ Meyer R.I.P.

no face ·
King of the funny skin flicksSeptember 22, 2004BY ROGER EBERTRuss Meyer is dead. The legendary independent director, who made exploitation films but was honored as an auteur, died Saturday at his home in the Hollywood Hills. He was 82, and had been...
Topic Featured

New York 1980's Stars

Nicky London ·
Greeting LegendsMy name is Nicky London and I curently have been assisting a site called the Blitz Kidsfor the U.S section. In September we are doing a special on New York in the 80's featuring Terri Toye, Greer Lankton, Paul Monroe and the late...

July 3rd & 4th @ LOVE NYC | Lee Burridge | Butane |

missmlw ·
[size=18]Lee Burridge[/size] As Americans are gearing up to celebrate their Day of Independence, we're training hard for a Music Marathon which not only will celebrate the music, but the independence of us all. For this musical journey, finally we've caught up with a perfect artist. His stamina translates into long long sets guaranteed to keep you grooving all night and well past the dawn. Welcome Lee Burridge! To pace him through this 20+ hour event we will add some of his close buddies to...

Lady Miss Kier DJs PUSSY FAGGOT! 1/14 w/Penny Arcade & Sophia Lamar

Earl Dax ·
Earl Dax PresentsPUSSY FAGGOT!Thursday, January 14, 2010 The Delancey Lounge168 Delancey (btwn Clinton and Attorney)New York, NYAdmission is $10 / $6 with RSVP to rsvp@pussyfaggot.netFull details available With Your Co-hosts...

Propaganda! 033: DJ SILKY [UK] / MEANDISCO / A-Kintero / Eskuche | Sullivan Room NYC

saxe83 ·
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… SULLIVAN ROOM PROPAGANDA! 033: DJ SILKY [Lowbit Rec / Uberbeat / Lucidflow - LONDON] With a glittering career spanning over a decade he's established himself as an ever growing presence on the global circuit. Spending years perfecting his craft under some of the biggest talents in the industry, Silky...

MargOH! Channing is Tipsy returns 9/28 10PM

MargOH! ·
Drunken drag diva & acclaimed vocalist brings lounge act to 42nd Street Friday, September 28 at The Laurie Beechman Buy tickets HERE . “MargOH! is one part voice, three parts panache and fours parts boozy, which made for an hysterical evening” – Next Magazine “Gawd, this girl can sing!” – "Bitch can sell a song"- The Edge "Gay-mazing"- World Famous *BOB* MargOH! Channing brings her acclaimed show MARGOH! CHANNING IS TIPSY to The Laurie Beechman Theatre (407 West 42nd...

Oh! You Pretty Things : The Phantom of the Rock Opera - Wednesday October 31st Halloween Night

twig the wonderkid ·
 Dear Phantoms, We regret to inform you that "Phantom of the Rock Opera" must be postponed until further notice due to the continued power-outage in Manhattan, we hope it will coincide with the rescheduled Halloween Parade and will keep you...

Sullivan Room Presents: Factomania Showcase

saxe83 ·
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… SULLIVAN ROOM PRESENTS: Factomania Showcase with: Ismael Rivas Ismael began his career in 1992 in Bolshoi, his first club. Since then, he played in the best clubs of the city such as Archy, Bocaccio, OH!, Empire; thus, starting his four year path as resident of OH! Marbella. There he met several renowned international deejays such as Funk D´void, David Morales, Pete Heller, Danny...

Propaganda! 059: Lele Sacchi [Get Physical | Moodmusic] / Rills [8 Bit | Waxjam] - Sullivan Room NYC

saxe83 ·
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… NYC's LONGEST RUNNING PREMIER UNDERGROUND HOUSE & TECHNO DANCE CLUB (EST 2001) SULLIVAN ROOM PRESENTS: Le le Sacchi [ Get Physical | Moodmusic | Boogie Drama - Milan ] Behind the decks since 1995 and a whole life dedicated to the world of music Lele Sacchi is now internationally recognised as one of the leaders of Italy's electronic and house music scene. He nearly completed an...

Propaganda! 063: SILKY [Faceless | Off] / Samsara [SRR | Nurvous] | Sullivan Room NYC

saxe83 ·
Come see for yourself what makes the Electronic Dance Music world go round... The people, the vibe, the talent… NYC's LONGEST RUNNING PREMIER UNDERGROUND HOUSE & TECHNO DANCE CLUB (EST 2001) SULLIVAN ROOM PRESENTS: Propaganda 063 with: SILKY [ Faceless Recordings | My Favorite Robot | Nurvous ] With a career spanning well over a decade he's established himself as an ever growing presence on the global circuit. Spending years perfecting his craft under some of the biggest talents in the...

Quay Brothers

Zazoo and Satori ·
Our good friend Jeanne found this for us. We're definitely going to check it out sometime. The Quay Brothers were a huge inspiration for some of Satori's art.---------------------Dormitorium: An Exhibition of Film Decors by the Quay BrothersWednesday,...

Reefer Madness in the Park! LOW LIFE 3:VIPER MAD @ HOWL! 9/6

Chi Chi ·
Hi kids-We're back and in full-on production for this year's LOW LIFE @ HOWL! So, roll a fattie, slip on your best flapper/viper drag, and come join us in the park Labor Day Sunday at 5 PM..HOWL! FESTIVAL AND THE JACKIE FACTORY PRESENTLOW LIFE 3:...


MissJordanJones ·
August 21st (and every 3rd saturday) Xris SMack! & Mindswerve Studios present: S T I M U L A T E [ The Mind, The Body, The Dancefloor ] Get your Monthly Fix! "HYBRIDS": the Android Lust "Animalia tour": - dress as an Android, Human/Cyborg, Animal or any Hybrid/mix thereof Get your ADVANCE TICKETS HERE: STIMULATE YOUR SENSES: === SIGHT === PERFORMANCES: * Fetish Performance from JULIE SIMONE & RUBBER NECRO- Stylish Brutality, Latex, Rubber and Domination...

New York Loses her edge? Or Finds It Again?

daddy ·
I saw this today in my weekly Jonty skrufff newsletter:Very interesting. quote:New York ‘Loses Its Edge’London Times columnist Stefanie Marsh suggested Manhattan has finally embraced middle American values this week, and concluded that...