Tagged With "Dark Glamour"
Caramel Cutie PR
Re: NYC Expatriates Topic
The thought of being a NYC expatriate has crossed my mind many times as of late. I too was at the Winter Music Conference in March in sunny Miami, and I had some of the best club experiences I have EVER had in my life. Powerhouse DJs and clubgoers from the around the world brought back many fond memories for me of the NYC club scene in the late 80s when I first moved here. In particular at Miami's Club Space and Crow Bar, I was surrounded by a glamorous, friendly, diverse, international...
Re: Fashion, Sweetie
Hey Gobs, I wore your "Glamour Goblins" T-shirt to an A-list fashion party, sweetie darling, hoping to have it featured like you requested. I was sitting next to Monica Lawinski, no photos were taken but maybe it will end up in Page Six or something. Alas no Hilton sisters though! But I bet you next year the Dolce & Gabanna show will be featuring rhinestone encrusted "Glamour Goblin" T-shirts
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I did an edit myself. Sorry Gobs , didn't think of that. good point. btw- I wore your Glamour Goblin t-shirt on the Graham Norton Show here in London , I think it might have been on camera...
Re: Can We Build a Less Prejudiced TG Sense of Community?
Well, my mind expanding Sweetie, this drop the bomb topic has been running around my already busy brain for days. I'm very happy to see people expressing themselves and shedding their experiences. (Stacy, welcome home honey, I've often wondered how you were doing.) A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman Is A Transgendered Woman! A transgendered woman is not a man! A transgendered woman is not a woman! (Repeat chorus) Bobby Miller and I are friends. I love him as a human being and as...
see you on the playa sweetie... consider joining the glamour goblins ghetto @ WOOWOO FIELD
so far... goblin73 glamnerd anyone else?? lurkers?? the glamour goblins ghetto has been slightly renamed the glamour goblins GROTTO (or G3) in keeping with this year's theme - the floating world. i expect to see LOTS of mermaids and pirates and other aquatic creatures. also, the G3 is now part of woonami village. which includes the forementioned woowoo field. confusing, yes. but the change in nomenclature is just a growing pain of our recurring temporary community. what started out as 30...
Just hop on the train baby! I've had a very "west coast" summer! I'm sure I'll be ready for some good ol' NYC glamour when I return!
I'm still spinning from the 10,000 miles I must have traveled in the last 24 hours. So I thought I would try to express some of the strange visions in my head. After driving a van for 10 hours straight, through the desert, buzzing on double shots of espresso and listening to bad radio so as not to drive off the road and into the abyss of darkness, I finally arrived in LA at 3 am. Took a plane at 3 pm and now I'm back in NYC. I'm sure Goblin will have many posts soon, but I thought I would...
is this multiple name thing confusing anyone else?? texxx, goblin, rapist, hanson, rock'n'roll... i'm now taking suggestions in the simplification department. glammie sweetie, you described it oh so well. the only epic moment i think you left out was friday night's show at the el circo dome. sweeties... this dome is at least 60 feet across with a six-pointed star shaped stage that has fire going all around it. hel-LO! and if that isn't kabbalistic/alchemical enough for you... their final...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
---Or, Daddy-D. & Hatches, "We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves alive," says Joan Didion, as quoted in an intro to a "quasi-fiction" American queer "best of" anthology featuring the work of David Wojnarowicz ... by Brian Bouldrey ---Goblin, for thee I have done mass research and have compiled a "DW" file of information for this topic some 40 pages in length ... It is too much for any one person to take in one night. So I will be adding links to names and places throughout this...
Re: Displaced Radical Faeries
I'm proud to announce that Jackie Bigalow has just become the newest member of the Woodbury, TN Public Library, and was told in no uncertain terms by the librarian that she was absolutely not allowed to look at porn while using this computer. With her 1987 German Skinhead hair and sleeveless Glamour Goblins shirt, bright green pants and yellow shoes, I just don't know why they would even think they had to tell her that. So things down here are pretty magical-- I get to bathe at least once a...
Re: David Wojnarowicz - Artist
My education really went as far as 8th grade- I never made passed the first year of high school, got my G.E.D. later and went to a few semesters of college- left that as well, and everyone thought I was crazy when I received a full scholarship to the Art Institute of Chicago,and said "fuck it- I don't want to go" and it was not because I think there is nothing more for me learn, they just were not teaching the things that I was/ am interested in- (even if I didn't know what it was I wanted...
Re: Beams To Bobby Part 2
It was a brilliant night last Wednesday at Chez, as I knew it would be. Beforehand I was so exhausted, right up until the last second before the car service pulled up downstairs I almost didn't make it out of my bed. But the instant I walked into Chez *boom!* it all hit me, a heavy dose of glamour and genius in one fell swoop. I'm so glad I dragged my tired skinny ass out of bed. Bobby, you were GREAT and your new work is some of the best I've ever heard from you. I WILL NOT CRY! your fan, LEX
Re: Liquid Sky
Here's the story. I actually had a big(er) part. I think I was suppose to play the club owner. (funny how things work out) I just couldn't get up in time to ever make my scenes. See I had just met this bleach blonde glamour girl named Chi Chi Valenti and SHE WORE ME OUT!!!!!!!! So by the time I got to the club (it was called The Cavern BTW) the crazy Russian director had already shot my scenes. (I would have done the same thing). I then played some other character and had a line or two. The...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
When does this movie open in New York? Or is it already open? My ex-boyfriend out on the West Coast sent me this review of Party Monster earlier tonight: Now I'm really curious.
Am suprised nobody else had posted this one.. thanks Bobby... I met him an Sean many times and both were always cherubs to me.... I loved their work.. ask it was glamour and sexy and not this heroin chic/waif/boy look that many of the other mags take on...
Re: Jackie Curtis
COMING IN JUNE from Penguin-Chamberlain Bros. a 241 page hardback biography "Superstar in a Housedress: the Life and Legend of Jackie Curtis" by Craig B. Highberger which INCLUDES the DVD full theatrical version of the award-winning film! For the book, Highberger interviewed more than forty friends and colleagues of Curtis including celebrity photographer Jack Mitchell, director Paul Morrissey, surviving superstars Holly Woodlawn, Penny Arcade, Joe Dallesandro and Tony Award winners Lily...
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
But isn´t little Kevin a candy with his styling like a glamour-addicted drag queen? Ok, the movie is not the best. But he is better than lots of the Hollywood-Mainstream-Movies. The first hour ist very funny.
Re: Party Monster - Michael Alig
As per the glamourization of murder, there is no doubt stories of murder and serial killing, etc. are very 'entertaining' but there are limits. E.g. Jack the Ripper -- I wanted to go walking around the area in London one afternoon, and went into a local Information kiosk. The woman would not tell me ANYTHING at all, no directions towards streets, etc. and only urged me to go on a guided tour (they are all at night.) She glared at me like I was a ghoul. I guess I was. I found some things...
Re: Jackie Curtis
Here's the most recent update from Craig: -------------------------------------------- This week Penguin Books' Chamberlain Bros. imprint is releasing worldwide (in hardback) "Superstar in a Housedress", my 256 page biography of this fascinating artist and personality who both lived and performed sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman. On Sunday, May 29th or Tuesday, May 31st, The New York Times "Bookshelf" section will publish an excerpt of my book next to a photo of the cover! The book...
Re: boy george
At first I thought he might have been so tweaked that he didn't know what was happening and called the cops. But it's totally possible that someone left it there, especially if it's club people coming and going at all hours (duh!). My former uptown bachelor pad was host to many a nefarious 5 a.m. transgression involving "houseguests" back in the day LOL .... Another likely explanation is that the cops recognized George (tweaked or not) and simply wanted a good story to gossip about back at...
Re: Your favorite Jackie theme?
I've got to weigh in on this one, belatedly (maybe in a ressurectionist posting here), although the Jackie movie is still in progress(?) Yes, the Post-Apocalyptic Xmas was devine - Ambrosia gift-wrapped me in red Serran-Wrap on-stage that night. The "Jackie;s Baby" was also a classic and pure Jackie genius, with the evil stroller, J. Constantine and Basil's puppet child. "I'm Not a Cokewhore" - also a big fave. But I'd have to give the top honors to the Queen of Baltimore, or something along...
Re: Greer Lankton
i don't understand why there are all these personal family letters printed here. should not the LANKTON FAMILY save them for a more personal FAMILY web page? the reason these letters bother me so much, is due to the fact that they are so filled with LIES. i don't understand why the LANKTONS choose here to paint their distorted portrait of GREER. so if i may, please let me correct a few statements that they have made. All of my information is based on what Greer personaly told me, and from...
Re: BoyBar
There was always a certain BoyBar/Pyramid rivalry, even from day one. As well as an incredible cross-pollination. I, of course, adored the glamour and spectacle that was BB, and was honored when Matthew invited me into several BB shows. Glamour? Me? BTW, Tanya Ransom and I went to the newly opened BoyBar once and were told by the staff, "No drag queens allowed!" Then Matthew Kasten came along and changed all that. And... Do you know who the first Miss BoyBar was? None other than Hapi Phace!
Re: BoyBar
I went to both Black Lips and Boy Bar, and while I appreciated Black Lips and thought it was genius, I always preferred Boy Bar. Of course in those days I was merely a spectator, until my stint in Louis Quatorze during the Channel 69/early Jackie era. But a huge fan nonetheless. Black Lips got too weird and kooky for my tastes sometimes. Boy Bar combined the camp of a traditional drag bar, with the unique sophistication and genius you only find in New York. The endless paegentry, the glamour...
Re: BoyBar
Connie was Exitte long enough to perform at "Whispers" once or twice under that name, though we started calling her Exeunt to be very Shakepearean. That was when we injected a dose of glamour into our campy, deconstructed surroundings and were secretly worshiping Matthew and his "Beauties" from afar. And well we were-- they were incomparable. And really, to this day, few come close! Peau De Soir, on the other hand...
Re: grace slick
i know it's sad isnt it? famous personalities are getting pretty bland these days. not everyone no--but the majority is all about physical glamour. here's hoping for a breakthrough in the near future. something unexpected and fabulous...
Re: BoyBar
truly many of us from the boy bar need to thank so many people who's work was not on stage! Bobby Miller entered our lives at boy bar and things were never the same. Bobby with all his talent and skill helped to shape the face of glamour that was boy bar.Bobby was allways there make up brush in hand tail comb and what ever else was needed.Bobby put in so many hours of work he is a true beauty! hats off to Mr Bobby Miller!
Re: BoyBar
I will never forget the first night Matthew turned me out in full glamour. I was wearing a wig that had belonged to Chrysis. Matthew did a huge waterfall comb out. Bobby beat my face within an inch of my life, LuLu took a hideous green taffeta bridesmaids dress and turned into a gorheous show dress. I believe it was Cody who took me in the back into the bathroom with the washer and dryer and taught me how to make tits. The feeling of walking in front of that mirror and seeing myself for the...
Re: Greer Lankton
A wonderful recent Memoir with some fantastic photos that I've never seen XXXOOO Satori ----------------------------- GREER LANKTON, A MEMOIR by Julia Morton At the funeral of East Village artist Greer Lankton, held just over ten years ago in November 1996, her grieving parents displayed a family picture showing an ordinary middle-class mother and father, brother and sister all standing on a beach in khaki shorts, tees and walking shoes. Their hair was blowing and their suntanned faces were...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
Thank you for your stories and words here, they are a comfort and I know our own "velvetmafiacapo" is reading every word. For friends of Dean's who might not have seen him of late, I just wanted you to know that he went out at the very top of his game, creatively challenged, respected, even worshipped by new legions of fans, writing, performing...living! His last performance, September 8 at Low Life in the Howl Festival was a complete departure from any of his usual schticks, and yet he made...
Re: Dean Johnson - Death of a Legendary Legend
It seems , tragically , as though foul play was INVOLVED in Dean´s death , as well as that of another young man several days before. Hopefully < the autopsy > will reveal the true cause of death in both cases. oh dear , how I remember doing his eye make up for night of 1000 Stevies at Jackie. Dean wanted a glamour look , so I gave him big doe eyes , and he actually looked so pretty onstage that everyone complimented him on his lovely eye makeup. Oh Dean , you even let me jump in and...
Re: Jayne County!!!
Holy Hatshepsut! I'm so hapi you made it to the Motherboards! Jayne; you glamour genius; I love you. You are one of my role-super-models! I totally adore & worship you, and I am writing you in for AmeriKa's first trans-goddess socialist President in 2008! Fuck Hillary and Obama; Janyne County for Comanderess-in-chief! Sorry for gushing but I truly do admire you for all the issues that you take a stand for and advocate for, as well as for your place in the history of this fucking planet...
The Ultimate Drag Off!
The new interactive musical comedy, ‘The Ultimate Drag Off’ will officially open Off-Broadway at the Times Square Arts Center January 15th, 2011.Special Guest Co-Hosts Scheduled to Appear: Michael Musto (Vh1, Village Voice columnist), Jim...
RHAPSODY IN PINK Pink Martini Party
Jackie Factory goes HOLLYWOOD!
Hollywood musicals came alive as the Jackie Factory performed at the Young Friends of the NY Public Library annual fundraiser in 2002. With method Go-Go artists costumed by Kitty Boots, the evening was in true Hollywood glamour. From Bobby Miller to...
The Downtown Costume Institute
A look at the influence of Costumery:The Jackie TransformationSo many who passed through the gilded doorways of Mother/Jackie 60 were aspiring legends. Knowing intuitively that they were someday destined for greatness. They may have come in black...
The History of LBV from Victor Magnus
Heya everyone, I had this interesting article submitted to the LBV website for our appreciation for the origins of our beloved vampyre haven.For the links included please check out http://www.longblackveil.com. LONG BLACK VEIL - UNCOVERING THE...
Halloween - J60 FURTHER and Click + Drag host THE WITCHING HOUR
JACKIE 60 FURTHER and CLICK + DRAG present THE WITCHING HOUR A Halloween Ball After ANNE RICEThursday, October 31 CBGB'S GALLERY (BOTH FLOORS) 313 Bowery (1-2nd Street)$15/$10 with invite, web printout or ankh. 18 to enter/21 to drink - I.D. required...
Heels on Wheels Glitter Roadshow!
Hi everyone! I am happy to announce a tour of the South my some of NYC's most promising performers! All info below, please pass along to anyone in the Decadent South!!xoxSequinetteThe Heels on Wheels Roadshow is a flashy femme caravan from Brooklyn...
Katie Jordan Price
I have posted about "Jordan" before. I just adore her. She's no apology ballsy brassy saucy Brit model who has managed to make a shit load of money an continue to rule year after year. She is clever as she is gorgeous and FIERCE. Her life is full of...
GHOSTLIGHT 2 - Halloween Spectacular 10/31
Oh! You Pretty Things : The Phantom of the Rock Opera - Wednesday October 31st Halloween Night
Dear Phantoms, We regret to inform you that "Phantom of the Rock Opera" must be postponed until further notice due to the continued power-outage in Manhattan, we hope it will coincide with the rescheduled Halloween Parade and will keep you...