This extremely important and busy topic goes into chapter two as "Super Tuesday" dawns. Ive bumped in the last ten posts or so from part 1 to get the thing rolling..
Catch up here on part 1
Carry On!
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quote:By constantly saying Obama is not ready to be President while McCain is, she is doing her best to ruin his chances against McCain if Obama ends up being the nominee. She says all this while at the same time saying she would pick Obama to be her Vice President. Obama has never said anything this damaging that could be used by the Republicans against Clinton in the fall. She is willing to destroy the Democratic Party's chances if she doesn't get to be the nominee. It's disgusting. If the Republicans end up winning in November, much of the blame will have to go to Hillary Clinton.
quote:Originally posted by mr.joe:
Thanks, Michael. I, too, have been really undecided and gone back and forth on who gets my vote. Just reading your post, I still think I'm not really going to know until I'm voting tomorrow, and just listen to what my instincts tell me.
Thought I'd share this post from Eric Leven's blog (one of our Rapture readers and one of New York's most inspiring young queer activists):
Monday, February 4, 2008
I'm ecstatic to be alive during a time when the first woman and black man run for president and make American history. Tomorrow I will join my fellow citizens and vote toward the future of this nation. I am a fan of Clinton and I am a fan of Obama and I think either would make a great President. So, who will get my vote?
* I have been alive for 26 years- 19 of those years have been lived with a Bush or Clinton in office.
* This nation is divided. Republicans vs. Democrats. Many who oppose Clinton seem to simply hate her. I don't know why this is, but if she were elected, that hatred would remain, further keeping us, as a nation, divided. You're right. You're wrong. We're tired.
* Clinton has White House experience. Obama does not. I'm okay with the idea of someone fresh taking office. I like the idea of out with the old, in with the new.
* Clinton knows what to do on day one. Obama has a vision.
I don't need Clinton's experience to pave the way for Obama to take office in four years. I'm ready for him and change and a new energy, now.
Eric's blog can be read at:
quote:Originally posted by daddy:
I used to think Condoleezza was a really cool robot.
(Sorry pretty, I know you like her)
She never seemed real to me.
But this one!
The Republicans have perfected it!
She is riviting.
They have taken Stepford wives into the 21st century.
quote:See, here's the deal -- we're going to win the White House, we're going to win big in the Senate, and we're going to rack up big gains in the House. Republicans know this and are preparing for the worst. Now think of 2004 -- we really thought Kerry was going to pull it off. Remember that? And remember how utterly devastated we were when Bush pulled it off? The pain was so much worse because we expected to win.
So with conservatives bracing for the worse, they won't experience the kind of pain we did. Not unless we deliver a defeat even worse than their worst nightmares. And I'll be honest with you -- I want them to hurt as much as we did. I want their spirits crushed, their backs broken.
So the way we do that is we deliver a defeat worse than they ever imagined. We do that by winning states that have no business turning Blue -- like North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, and so on -- states that were easy Bush victories in 2004. We do that by electing a 60-seat supermajority in the Senate. We do that by defeating their leadership, like Mitch McConnell in the Senate. We do that by defeating their heroes, like wingnut go-to hero John Shadegg. We do that by making sure a record number of Americans reject conservative ideology, leaving it utterly discredited.
The day after the election, I want to see an electoral battlefield littered with defeated Republicans, their ranks demoralized, their treasury in heavy debt, and no real leadership to take the helm. I want a vacuum so complete, that a bloody leadership battle between the neocons, theocons, and corporate cons shakes the GOP to its core, and leaves it fractured and ill-equipped to stymie the progressive agenda, much less ramp up for an even bleaker (for them) 2010.