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I have to admit, It was a dream come true for me when You guys picked me up in that limo. It was so "Left! Harvey Nicks"! And I asked Jennifer do her famous Joan Collins imitation... "We are those Lucky Bitches". She just snapped into it in one second. She was Joan Collins. Amazing. And to say she was nice is an understatment. We were Lucky Bitches!

"I want Modern yes, but not what Modern was, Post Modern. And not was Modern is, just sort of new. I want what Modern will be."

Just clearing a blockage.
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Is that quote right ?
Postmodern is not like it's preceding art eras, think of it in terms of Renaissance. We may well be Postmodern for the next 325 years, and it will be different every month as new media and technology emerge and redefine art and the economy of art as well as in tandom with redefined/ing social "cast/class" levels.

Take a gander at some of the books I shall continue to be tossing Chi Chi's way and I'll get back to the crayons. Absolutely Fascinating! ... Love to see the AB Fab show redone with ... new media ...
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A little Roll Eyes Cool Roll Eyes I seem to get that feisty-testosterone driven feeling occasionally. (Probably because the original old man was such a nut, the witty-est one-liners, only came out when he would get rearry bitchy!) perhaps I should tool around the ab fab sites, seems something is beckoning my attention somewhere between the Post Modern art and the Virtual Ab Fab worlds. [[I think packing is getting to me ... to throw it out or not is becoming an uncomprehendable labyrinth of boxes filled to the epitome of trendy American consumerism.]]
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Originally posted by kitty:
leicestershire,market harborough,!!!
I grew up in "oakham"-"rutland"-thats not far from you -although now i'm in new york for last 14 years -it was nice to see someone posting from near my hometown!

How cool!m i have actuallu heard of oakham, i think that is where we had to take my horse when he was ill.

Serge "im serge im your son"
eddy "he's a book?"
Originally posted by glamnerd:
Oh , my god . So many questions....

well, Jennifer is saying hello to me in the first pict.

yes , Joanna is very tall. she pretty much makes everyone around her look short.

Lol sorry!

So was it planned that you were in the special?
if you don't minde me asking did you get payed for it? are you an actor then? im a commedienne.

Serge "im serge im your son"
eddy "he's a book?"
No he's not an actor! HE JUST GOT LUCKY!!!!!! (and yes, I'm bitter). OK, he's a very talented graphic designer, art director, video artist, well OK, artist in general. I'll give him that. But basically he's just a big Ham! A few years ago at Jackie 60 we cast him as Kurt Cobain in a Jackie's Playhouse production. He surprised the world with his dancing ability and his basic hambone personality. OK, he brought down the house but that's neither here nor there. Until then nobody thought of Rob as a performer. Well, after that his stage career took off. He hooked up with Jackie Bigalow and they became The Fishsticks. The rest is herstory. By the way... did I mention that I was bitter?
07.01.2003: Abfab to return for 5th series
A fifth series of Absolutely Fabulous is to be made following the success of the special episode shown over Christmas.
The one-off episode 'Gay', in which Eddy is reunited with her estranged son Serge, received an audience of nine million. According to The Mirror this success has persuaded Jennifer Saunders to pen another six-part series.

"It's very exciting. We're due to start filming before the summer."

The Mirror also reports June Whitfield, who plays Eddy's long suffering mum, as saying: "Jennifer's decided to write some more episodes of Ab Fab and we're all delighted. It's very exciting. We're due to start filming before the summer."

Is this Fabulous News or what!!!!!!!! Big Grin Smile
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