Well just because Labor Day came and went does not mean that the of Summer 2010 has ended. Summer will end when we say so!!! ;-)
On Sunday, September 19, 2010 Beats & BBQ will bid a farewell to Summer 2010 by offering you the same sweet combo of Soulful Dance Music, BBQ and YOU!!!! In the neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
...The Lineup will be:
Jose G (Pre Party Radio)
Ali Coleman (Voice of Voices NYC)
Siren (Save the Robots)
Kyle McNeil (Art for Progress)
Jedi 9 (Artland NYC)
Chris Miller (Artland NYC)
Dawn Anesta (Soul Fire)
Featuring the grilling expertise by Daddy's Little Grill
There's no cover, free BBQ (with purchase of beverage) and beverage
specials until party's end.
3 pm to 10 pm
Its happening at Williamsburg newest locale of cool
L P & Harmony
683 Grand St
Wiiiamsburg, Brooklyn, NY
(L train to Lorimer St.)
For more info