I cannot believe that I am the only queen on this forum that worships this book. I have read it about once a year for the last 7 or 8 years, and never tire of Ms Vreeland"s amazing take on the world. Her imagery and descriptions are so lush and paint such a perfect picture of how she percieved the million things that passed before her eyes in her very fascinating life. If you have not ever gotten your hands on a copy of this now out of print auto biography of the late great doyenne of both Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, I urge you to devour this "easy read" in an afternoon. It is not so much a journal, but verbal flash pictures from Diana Vreelands early years as an affluent child in Paris, and then New York. Her life a a bohemian debutante living life on the fringe, and then her life as a wife, mother and finally powerful working woman in the color splashed fashion scene of the 60's and 70's. Her writing is brilliant. I recently day tripped to Fire Island and treated myself to cracking open my copy of DV for the train ride. I was as taken by her stories and views of the world as I was the first time I opened the book so many years ago.

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