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Well, nothing like a great sex scandal involving the world's oldest profession to make one's afternoon. Especially when the client has made a reputation as a crusading AG, including shutting down escort services..

I guess the most intriguing parts of this story are:

A) That he was so dumb about covering his tracks - even reserving the hotel room in his own name.

B) That he paid nearly $5,000 for an hour

C) That he (as Client 9) was known as a difficult punter who made out-of-the-ordinary requests. I smell a fetishist of some sort, any thoughts?

D) And that he actually thought in this era he could get away with this while governor - priceless!

Media links are everywhere but here's the Smoking Gun piece:

Client 9
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I just found out about client 9 & KNEW, KNEW, KNEW that it would be a hot topic here. Had to come out of my turtle shell (Hey AN - Luv u 2)

What a dink!

I heard something this morning on the radio that he wanted to tax all e-commerce, even if the shop has no NYS brick & mortar presence in NYS. Well, I guess he won't be around to push that piece of hateful taxation through.

Funny but these prosecutor types -generally do a lot of good as prosecutors- but when they get into an office like mayor or governor (like Judy-annie and this Spritzer) they tend to go bezerk on the authority thing.

That mug of his on those photos . . . he looks like he might have a Stan Laurel fetish!
I don't know. I was talking to some st8 bloke recently about prozzies and they all said its easier to get a paid for play than to 'get involved' with someone who might come in the middle of you and your significant other. Its st8 non-emotional sex than having to dress it up as smth else. Don't forget in the st8 world there's not that much that st8 women give out that isn't usually leveraged with some big emotion or the pussy as a leverage for some financial security. Most of the straigh birds I've met who enjoy sex for sport are totally bonkers Messy Bonnies (except for me of course I'm totally sane).
Last edited by Anna Nicole
So if the Governor of the State of New York is number 9 on the service's list, I want to know who are numbers 1 through 8 and what government posts do they hold?

I second what Anna says about strai8 males' opinion on paid sex. All the males I've ever heard talk about how it ends up being less expensive than going on a 'real' date plus the sex is guaranteed to happen -no cab/dinner/show/cab and thanks but not tonight.

Spit was out of touch with reality like the majority of the priviledged who think the rules don't apply to them. So insulated by money from the daily consequences of life they never think they could possibly be treated just like everybody else. But it all returns to the backward laws against human nature in this nation. Trying to have laws against human nature and say it is based on morality is intellectual nonsense. That is why prostitution is legal and regulated in the majority of other first world countries.
But it all returns to the backward laws against human nature in this nation. Trying to have laws against human nature and say it is based on morality is intellectual nonsense. That is why prostitution is legal and regulated in the majority of other first world countries.

Bull's eye. Beautifully put, seven.
Have any women been arrested or detained? ....

A 'QAT Consulting Group' has gone down ...
2 men, money-laundering charges.

The court docs on the sting (the Smoking Gun text) are riveting.
The Feds set up and taped an entire session.

There's a mention of Client 10, the list goes on and all those politcos exulting at his downfall are probably half of them clientage.


"The document also contains an ambiguous reference to whether 'Kristen' [the decoy prostitute] felt safe – which two law enforcement officials say related to Spitzer's preference to not wear a condom.

"News of the scandal made the governor a target of Monday's late-night comedy shows. ...On the Tonight Show, Jay Leno joked that Spitzer's pants are the source of Global Warming -- and said that if the governor was involved, one would think he would have at least been important enough to be "Client Number 1."
Last edited by S'tan
---"I wonder what he looks like naked."---

i wondered that too... just as i mentally undressed this corporate president i once developed media for... very similar moods... something so x-ray specs a-peeling regarding "the suit" and THAT control

but yeah... a jigger human nature to a pony of morality pretty much serves-up the cocktail of choice for power of purchase puritans

so... was oliver hardy stan laurel's fetish?
Last edited by west o'west
As for Spitz using his own name on the hotel room ... I don't know the details, but he might've been in DC on legit government business and had to have his name on the hotel bill for expense-tracking purposes. Probably got horny and figured he'd have the hooker come right to his hotel suite without ever knowing what his real name was. Besides, not many hotels these days will let you check in under an assumed name -- the desk clerks all want ID, etc.

It occurred to me that Spitz should've invested in a "trim coordinator", some subordinate charged with rounding up pussy on his behalf, but then Spitz probably thought that'd be risky since the person might get greedy and go for a million-dollar tell-all book deal.

Anyway, why is the FBI investigating all this with our taxpayer money? These were consenting adults alone in a hotel room. It's legal to pay two people to have sex on camera and package it as adult entertainment but it's illegal for one person to rent out their own bod for an hour or two in a mutually agreeable transaction. Even Alan Dershowitz said, "this would be a page 26 story in any European country, but here's a bold-faced, front page headline."
Cute Hatches. Got any pics of Oliver?

I think part of Spit's prob is he grew up wealthy so was disconnected from any real experience of the kind of consequences that breaking a law could bring. There is a kind of lapse in rationality. It is like in his mind if one pays $5K for a prostitute she is not really a whore - just like if he rides in a limo it is not really like being in a car.
Last edited by seven
The question is also - what IS prostitution. His wife am sure is standing by him cos she is prob being promised a large $$ pay off... just like Kobe Bryants missus got a shit load of cash and some bling when he fucked up... and all the other wives before... so what are most of these so public face relationships if not legalized hooking but with a (marriage)contract.
Sorry to see all bitter but I do think there is SO much of that these days. More women want a Gucci bag from a guy than a damm good hair pulling.
Everyone makes these presumptions that the wives are victims. How arrogant for anyone to know what kind of arrangement any couple has regarding their sex life. No one knows these facts but the couple involved.

Now, getting caught and being forced out of being First Lady is another issue altogether. The difference between a partner's on-the-side dalliances and public ridicule are huge. Of course Silda's pissed off, but the reasons are only for her and Eliot to know.
I completely agree Joe. For long-married couples, I'd bet a good number turn a blind eye to on-the-side dalliances, especially wives, so long as it doesn't impact anything. But when it costs you your crown --- fuck that!

The only legal crime I see in this is if Spitz was using taxpayer funds to finance his hooker fetish. But my guess is he wasn't, given how rich he already is.

The only moral crime is not using protection. I'm all for legalized prossies and couples having understandings about sex, but at the end of the day one has to protect the partner. To subject your spouse (and, in this case, the mother of your children) to potential disease is just fucked up and wrong by any standard. Unless of course Spitz and Silda no longer have a sexual relationship and there was no danger of giving her anything.
"Kristen"'s Myspace page:

Her "artist name" is Ashley Dupre, and she seems to be a neighbor of sorts (Flatiron nabe)

And Lex, it is the money laundering aspect of this that is illegal - you see this alot in the pay-for-play biz where you are paying (by wire or Credit card) a seemingly legit business but actually the money is going to a biz that is illegal. If you are aware of this when you make the payment, then you are helping to launder $.

Spitzy more than anyone should have known that these kind of payments would be very scrutinized in this day and age.

Had he stuck to cash, he probably would have gotten away with it, IMHO
Spitzer's resigned...His psychology seems to be full of mirrors, false turns and other dissonance. However he did put through alot of good legislation against American sex-tourists buying children overseas, as well as against import-groups who buy women from Roumania, other Eastern bloc countries, he was trying to halt the 'Natasha' flow.

So he was against the 'non-consensual' forms of the industry, versus the high-end stuff he was into - expensive local talent, paying extra to go bare-back.

That last bit is shocking, but again, no-one forced Miss Kristen to do it. What's gross is that the agency charges extra for it, providing incentive to be fuck-all stupid.
Last edited by S'tan
AN's post reminds me of what Big Bush's wife said of her life,something like, "All I ever did was marry well and have kids." -meaning she was a golddigger who flatbacked.

S'tan brings up a not so subtle point you hear no where about this, the distinction between those forced in to prostitution by organized pros and those who exercise an uncoerced decision to be employed. Maybe somehow Spit felt since he was buying someone who became a pro voluntarily it wasn't morally a corrupt thing for him. That would prove his sense of entitlement and classist orientation.
Here is more about Spitzer's legislation, on the Swedish model -- laws that make it illegal to buy sex, but not to sell it.
In other words, women can be their own workers, but no-one can manage them except government health agencies.
Apparently in Sweden this has cut down on trafficking in underage girls and the import of poor women from other countries.

"...the evidence is overwhelming that, in the United States, prostitution is only very rarely just another career choice. Studies suggest that up to two-thirds of prostitutes have been sexually abused as girls, a majority have drug dependencies or mental illnesses, one-third have been threatened with death by pimps, and almost half have attempted suicide."
Last edited by S'tan

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