The very first post in the first topic of the new Jackie Legends Forum. Like the very beginning of the night at Jackie, a bit scary and awkward but absolutely tinged with anticipation.
This forum is for Jackie Legends -those couple of hundred performers, spectators,
voyeurs, supernovas, art-school kids and sex industry professionals that comprised the very core of Jackie 60's ten year reign.
We are now spread out all over the world, a lot of us involved in the same crazy but worthwhile aesthetic pursuits that first brought us together, some living totally different lives.
It's been long enough now since Jackie's Last Tuesday of the Century for us to get a bit of perspective into what we created, and though I think I can speak for all of the Jackie producers when I say that we don't miss the work, but we do miss our Tuesday Night Faithful. I hope we can catch up here!
This forum can not be read by unregistered surfers, but for now we are allowing registration by anyone who claims to be a Jackie Legend, not just those who are invited in. We urge you to invite other JLs and jackie appreciators to join us, or to use this forum to contact long-lost Jackie Friends.
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